Blight and Spirit need their addons heavily nerfed

Now that the devs are (finally) getting around to balancing Nurse, the other top tiers need to be looked at. Specifically, Spirit and Blight's addons.
Spirit has mother daughter ring which, after this patch, will arguably be the most broken addon in the game. It basically makes the game an insta-win for the killer when paired with another strong addon, like the amulet, dried cherry blossom, or another speed addon. They just need to rework this addon entirely; the yellow and brown speed addons are more than enough for Spirit.
Blight has many broken addons. Alchemist ring, compound 33, iridescent blight tag, all of which can be paired with a speed addon like blighted crow for an incredibly unfair experience.
It's time to start bringing top tiers in line with the rest of the roster.
Ah yes, "balance" only by going around making sure every Killer loses any remotely good option they have.
How about something far more pressing and ridiculous first, like BNP? That's a single addon and not an entire pass.
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Ah, classic whataboutism.
Not that BNP is anywhere near as broken as the addons I mentioned, anyways.
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Spirit did get an add-on nerf already, they won't be touching her anytime soon and they shouldn't,, you already know where she comes from now
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Her addon "nerf" left mother daughter ring completely untouched and introduced the cherry blossom, which actually makes her STRONGER than before.
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is her being stronger now the reason you see her way less now than before?
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Hard disagree about the mother/daughter ring. Blight add ons are far, FAR worse.
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Spirit has hardly moved at all in terms of strength. But the community has indulged the delusion that she was gutted, so you see her less.
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Uh, yes it is. Especially with co-ordination to bring multiple of them. And perk synergies
MDR just needs something to specifically stop it from synergising with DCB; the entire concept of BNP is flawed because they can still knock off an entire objective pretty much immediately--it'd be like one random survivor starting the game on death hook.
But this logic is ridiculous. "Okay, you nerfed one Killer, now go do the others; ignore nerfing equally problematic Survivor items and add-ons, or buffing the weak Killers, just go around making sure all the good things one side has are gone first".
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Considering that killer is currently in the strongest state it has ever been, and survivor (especially solo) is at its weakest, it should in fact to a priority to nerf the broken things from the killer side first.
You're derailing the conversation to focus on unrelated issues. This conversation is about spirit and blight addons and whether or not they are fair. It is not about survivor addons.
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I agree.
Top-tier Killers really don't need crazy add-ons like MDR, Alc Ring or C33. If these were on a Killer like Myers, or Freddy or Legion, I wouldn't care. But they make some extremely strong Killers even stronger.
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Flip side is BHVR seems completely incapable of giving some Killers even vaguely desirable addons otherwise, and then you get bloodwebs full of complete junk. Spirit's actually the perfect example of this--take away MDR, and you have a few decent purple ones (and DCB can't really go due to what it does), green being nearly a complete waste of time, and yellow having some that give a few nice numbers but are completely forgettable.
And Nurse doesn't inspire confidence that they'd just try to fix problematic ones.
It's a roll of the dice whether you'd get Pyramid Head's dearth of anything at all noteworthy aside from range or a pass that leaves you with some completely bizarre effects that aren't even desirable.
"Balance but everyone's iris are now as sucky as Pyramid Head's" is a horrible monkey's paw.
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did you have any proof of your statement? (and no, i WON'T CONSIDER STATS AS KILLRATE RELIABLE since they won't tell you the truth about the course of the match) because since when i started playing this game (2019) the game became WORSE than before (back in those days i could chill, even as killer, now it's always a tryhard fest)
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i would gladly put also medkits generally speaking (too much useful and strong, especially when paired with certain perks and addons). Toolboxes should only sabotage hooks instead of being used on generators (genspeed is already fast enough, especially when certain perks will improve the reparations by a good amount)
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Other than like two of her Green's and a single Purple, I really have no issues with Spirit's add-ons being too weak.
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I mean, I fundamentally do? Because it's the Myers problem in reverse. "Your power is good? Gotta have bad addons, which really doesn't make for fun to play with" (and Spirit's purples are the ones that ARE fun, but I expect they'd get wrecked in the process of doing anything with MDR rather than a conservative fix). And if weak powers can have good addons, you get the lot that are dependent on running them for it to be all that viable.
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No I was saying that I think Spirit's add-ons are fine.
There's a couple that are a little too situational for my tastes, but percentage boosts are always welcome.
Recharge Rate, Movement Speed, Passive Phasing, Lunge, Activation Speed etc etc are all pretty cool
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“Do you have any proof? Oh by the way I won’t accept actual proof.”
Seriously? What other “proof” am I supposed to give besides official stats? Do you think someone’s subjective experience is more factual than objective data?
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I... I can't even read the fourms without laughing anymore.
Whats next? Does plague need nerfs too?
Spirit has 2 good addons. The others are small stat boosters or just utter trash!
Blight's addons are slightly overpowered if the player is skilled, but they don't need heavy nerfs!
I don't understand how some people feel this entitled...
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You seem to have a few extra add-ons on there for some reason.
Other than Mother-Daughter Ring, Dried Cherry Blossom, Yakuyoke Amulet, Alchemist Ring, and Compound 33, the rest are all fine.
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Yeah, even if this is more an issue on Blight than Spirit.
For Spirit, IMO nerfing Mother Daughter Ring (should have been done long ago) and Dried Cherry Blossom is enough. I dont really understand how they thought that Dried Cherry Blossom was a good idea, if you are using this Add On, the game basically plays for you. And it is even more of a Joke if you think that MDR and Dried Cherry Blossom have the same Downside, which gets negated by the very strong effect of Cherry Blossom.
Regarding Blight, I think his Add Ons are just a big Joke. I just cannot understand how they do ANY Add On Nerf, but keep Alchemists Ring like it is. And I remember when they announced that some Killers will get Add On-Changes and everyone was running Alchemist Ring, because everyone knows that this Add On is just broken. Turns out, they buffed Adrenaline Vial from his worst Add On to one of the best, also broken.
IMO, those should be nerfed: Alchemist Ring, Adrenaline Vial, Compund 33, Blighted Crow, Blighted Rat.
IMO Blight is one Killer who really does not need Add Ons. Especially not some that are so strong.
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Blighted crow and rat should both get a tune down in numbers, and adrenaline vial does too much for literally no downside as the turn rate thing is virtually non existent
Also not a fan of an S tier killer having an instadown addon
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Hope they are going to be addressed asap, no way the strongest killers in the game have such a broken add-ons as well
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Some of y’all don’t realize that many of blight’s addons besides compound 33 require significant skill to use successfully. Especially the blight tag, AV, and speed.
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Dried Cherry blossom is for people that dont want to destroy their ears with headset having to be at 100% volume or people with hard of hearing. How about we just leave that addon how it is.
I have decent headset but yet i still have to keep my volume really high to hear anything. Uninjured survivors are pretty quiet. Chase music and ambiance noises make it hard as well to hear sometimes. After playing few matches i have a headache or ear ring. But i still love my spirit.
MDR...its an iri addon.. it has a downside, it's not unbeatable force.
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The dumb excuses that people come up with to justify the existence of those two addons surprises me more every day
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Crow and Rat are perfectly fine. Adrenaline alters Blight's playstyle pretty severely. And the "instadown" add-on is the one with the biggest built-in self-balancing of them all. If Blight uses up multiple rushes early (like just slamming a rock 3 times point blank), then you have way less of them to avoid. If he doesn't, then he risks not getting up his final Rush ready. And if he decides to bounce around to get down to his last few, that's extra time he's using up on a risk of chancing it all on the last 1-2.
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Will do, buddy! But we gotta work on two new chapters, so we simply don't have the capacity to change the numbers on a few variables.
Maybe in 10 months or so.
- BHVR, probably
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Agreed on this. There’s no reason for these killers to have super strong add-ons when their base kits are already great.
Especially blight. Compound 33 is downright absurd
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Don't forget Iri tag, undetectable addon, pallet block addon since it got buffed, green and yellow turning and his wallhacks addon. Nobody talks about these but they're just as busted as his others.
Blight just needs a full addon rework honestly, make them good and more balanced like artists addons
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Spirit's addon's are fine, imo. Blight does need a few adjustments to his addon's though (Specifically Alchemist's Ring and Iridescent Tag)
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I have to say it's rather ironic to call Whataboutism when this is only a "Nurse is getting nerfed so what about Blight and Spirit" lmao
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I can agree with you on Blight, but on spirit there are barely any addons I want to run anways. Honestly some of them might need buffs.
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People will always find something to whine about. Alch ring and c33 need a touch up but that's about it. If they got downed once by a iri tag blight after gifting him the hit expecting speed boost, it is now the most broken addon in the game.
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Uninjured survivors are quiet? That's almost as if Spirit is supposed to have counterplay.
MDR is arguably one of the strongest addon in the game.
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So killers can't have anything strong now? While survivors are rocking infinite heals with medkits + boons and BNP + toolboxes?
She has 1 strong addon and people are losing their minds over it.
Blight literally has 2 strong iri addons with no downsides and good greens as well, but you are losing your mind over 1 iri addon with a downside?
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After serious consideration i have come up with the best solution,,,Nurse / spirit / blight will receive a penalty of starting the game with one gen completed for survivors for each addons they use that is above green rarity ,,survivors these days maaaaaaaaaaan
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This ain't tit for tat. We can discuss the balance of one side without resorting to whataboutism. COH is problematic, medkits are problematic, BNPs are problematic.
Spirit has FAR more than one strong addon. Even her yellows are some of the strongest in the game. The biggest problem with MDR is how absurdly powerful it makes an already very strong power, on top of how universal it is, and how well it synergizes with her other addons: with Yakuyoke, you basically have super speed phase for half an hour and it recharges at the same rate as it would without. With DCB, you basically turn off your brain and press M1 at the killer instinct notification. MDR NEEDS to have a bigger downside.
Also, we're still playing whataboutism when it comes to bringing up Blight, but I'll address it because it's a fair point. Iri Tag is extremely situational, and will cost a Blight a down more often than not: trying to force a hit with Iri Tag means you have to go out of your way to waste rushes, or avoid taking an easy hit, which gives the survivor even more chances to avoid your final rush, which means you're an M1 killer until all your rushes come back and the survivor walks away uninjured. C33 is very powerful and needs to have a bigger downside (-1 rush, less speed when rushing, just something). I'd say outside of C33 and Alch Ring, all of Blight's addons are in a very good place. The only change I'd make is turn AV into a purple (I'm saying this as someone who uses Vial a lot). The difference between a Blight using greens/yellows and a Blight not using anything is minimal. The difference between a Spirit using yellows and a Spirit not using anything is drastic.
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Yes, also Placebo tablet is broken because it makes Blight slower (therefore his rushes are easier to hit) so it needs a nerf. Also, Crow+Rat need a nerf because they make Blight faster (therefore his rushes are easier to hit) so they also need a nerf. Also, Slam duration addons need a nerf because he can jump bump into a wall and stare at me for half an hour until I inevitably lose my cool and move to a disadvantaged position then get hit. Also, Blight should be a 75% movement speed and his rushes should be slightly faster than a survivor at the fastest possible setting.
Are you insane? In what world do you think any addons outside C33/Alch Ring are busted on Blight?
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I'm not arguing the addon isnt strong. I'm just saying its not the biggest issue in this game right now. There are far more bigger things than the random spirit using MDR.
Question how many spirits do you see per week? Dont lie. I see maybe 2. I play quite often daily even 4-5 hours, and i usually see 2 spirits per week. Rarely MDR on them. I see much more nurses and blights and weskers than i see spirits. Why...who knows maybe shes not the easiest killer to play or perhaps people actually dont find her as strong. I main her so i guess i do see her more than i say since im the one playing her. I use MDR once in a while i still lose matches against good survivors in good maps. I'm not unbeatable force. Maybe i should tunnel...
Lets fix the game where the issues are and not because someone had a bad gameplay against a good spirit with MDR equipped and came to the forums to rant about it.
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Again, now we're resorting to whataboutism. There ARE bigger issues than Spirit right now (Eruption and DH), but that's not what this thread is about.
Also, MDR DCB Spirit is the best strength-to-skill killer in the game. It is basically DBD in brainless mode. Press M2, go to where you last saw survivor at the speed of light, follow killer instinct, press M1 on killer instinct. Nurse and Blight at least require some modicum of skill to play properly. We're not dipping into the anecdotal with the whole "I've only encountered 3 Spirits in the last 6 years so it's not broken". That will never be an argument here.
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Almost ALL of spirit’s addons are good. And, despite that, I’m only asking for the very best one to be nerfed. Is that really so unreasonable?
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Yellow speed should be basekit on Spirit outright. Maybe yellow duration too. And adjust the rest of her addons to compensate. Mother-Daughter Ring/Yakuyoke Amulet should get some heavy numbers nerfs. Dried Cherry Blossom should be reworked.
For Blight, Alchemist Ring should be reworked. Compound 33 just needs the Hinder removed. Other than that, everything else is balanced.
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Tell me how Adrenaline Vial is balanced, It's literally one of his most busted addons, he recharges every token in 1 second.
I see no difference above.
Adrenaline Vial is literally just old Carburettor Tuning Guide on Blight.
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The Hinder is near worthless on C33. It's like a 3% speed reduction. It needs a bigger downside if it's gonna turn Blight into the single best pallet shredder in the game. I say this as a Blight main.
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Vial turns his rushes into near straight lines with very little deviation.
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The issue is it reduces the distance survivors make which is already really small. On top of that, it’s a pseudo info use because of the score event that reveals that someone is in range.
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No, the issue with C33 is definitely not the hinder, but the fact it does the same thing for Blight that DCB does for Spirit; it turns their only weakness (pallets/stealth) into a non-issue. Blight becomes the single best pallet destroyer in the game, and Spirit has to only follow the blinking indicator to get free hits. C33 needs a much bigger downside (think reduced movement speed, slower token recovery, or something equally debilitating), and DCB needs a whole rework or a massive reduction to phase duration.
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Before we decide to nerf Spirit and Blight it is important to realize that most of the maps in DBD are not fair. The game is "fine" if everyone is "bad". The second we have efficient players that know how to rush gens and loop the game is broken on something like 60% of the maps we have available. There are two exceptions being Blight and Nurse because they have fast movement, strong anti loop and can quickly end chases. No other killer has these assets. As a result of being able to get such quick downs they also get a bit of 4v1 pressure because they can injure so quickly.
Either every killer without a movement power needs to be bumped up to 120% speed or every map needs to be trimmed so that it is no bigger than 9500m². Almost every map that is big is unfair in part because it is big AND has ultra safe tiles.
SWF also needs to get nerfed before we nerf Nurse/Blight. The nerf needs to be minor so that it has little effect on 2 man teams but massively restircts 3 & 4 man teams. How do we do that? Add the rule : No Character, Item, Perk or Offering repeats. Lock loadouts when the SWF goes in queue except for cosmetics. Add a GUI element to show players in the SWF lobby what perks everyone is using so they can adjust their builds accordingly.
Spirit should lose the directional phasing noise. That was not a fair change to her. You can listen closely to footsteps like the killer is forced to do since you want to take away the addon that makes her a threat.
If we're being perfectly Honest the BNP addon probably needs to get retired. Toolboxes should be : sabotage only. Alternatively Toolboxes can stay as they are (able to work on generators) if all killers get a generic addon - the first time a survivor is hooked they lose 15 seconds of time before they go to the next stage.
The survivor offering to affect hooks needs to be retired.
The shroud offerings need to be retired and all survivors always start together - but not within 10m of a generator.
The mist offerings need to be retired.
Map offerings need to be something that one side picks and the other side gets a counter pick. Example : The survivors use a Crotus Penn Asylum offering. Therefore the map will take place on that realm. The killer can choose either of these maps:
The killer will almost always choose Father Cambell's Chapel.
You could do this for all the really broken addons people use to get a map advantage. Pair Badham with Midwich. If the killer uses a Midwich offering then the survivors get to pick Badham. If the survivors use Badham then the killer will always pick Midwich.
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Pyramid head should definetely get some new add ons. Well im not sure what he excactly should get but something at least which are worth to use and his iri ones are just joke. Oni should get add on pass as well. He should have iri add on to start with his power.