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Killers, Do you dodge lobby if you see 2+ Toolboxes?

Do you change lobby? I do.
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Why would I?
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Toolboxes? No.
The only time I'll dodge a lobby is:
- Suspicious cosmetics, especially legacy stuff. If your profile is anonymous or hidden and you've got those, there's enough of a chance that you're a hacker that I don't fancy the risk.
- Full 'barcode' names - nothing against you, but you're not going to enjoy my ping and I'm not going to enjoy yours.
- Comp or extremely evil looking SWF and I'm not running a strong killer or build. I'm looking to play chill, I'm guessing you aren't.
- See above, but 3-4 TTVs. Nope. Too many bad experiences.
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I never dodge lobbies.
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Barcode name means other character set. Not physical location.
The rest I get.
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I'll dodge :
- TTVs (gives me performance anxiety)
- Agressive names ('fix hitboxes', 'nurse = no skill', those interesting fellows)
- Full flashlights (I do have Lightborn and Mad Grit and I do know how to counter them, but they're generally gonna be exhausting and I can't be bothered)
- Several high prestige levels (with high for me being 30+). I know it's not equal to skill, but I've got less than 200h on killer and I'm not looking for people with that many hours into the game on one single role. I'll play the game out if there's only one really high prestige, because worst case scenario there are 3 other players.
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I heard that the Hackers are back, so I could probably dodge Flashlight-Lobbies. I think I already had one Hacker yesterday.
Toolboxes? Not really
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I only dodge a lobby with several TTVs.
I am not going to be free content for your bully squad to mock and belittle for your chat.
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Never dodge, but last second switcher get the silent/ignore treatment.
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Honestly, unless it's like P100 (which screams hacker) I don't care about prestige.
For instance, my Cheryl and Feng have a pretty high prestige and I've got fewer hours on survivor than you do on killer - because I put a lot of 'overflow' BP into them when I'm playing killer.
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At the current point, its no surprise to face a P100.
I myself have my main killer on P89 (and I started with this "challenge" not from the start of this new P-system).
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I mean, you probably have good map awareness and game knowledge from all your hours on various killers. The best survivors are those who know how things look from the killer side. So you'd still put a lot more pressure on me than I'm used to.
I try to keep in mind that they aren't necessarily better at the game, but I can't help being a little skittish.
I'm actually less nervous about isolated P90+, as I've faced a few who were really bad. Somehow, 4 P40 feel more threatening to me. Feels more legit as good players.
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I'm tabbed out between pressing "ready" to Q up and the sound it makes when you're loaded into the match 99% of the time. I usually have no clue what I go up against.
Though, on the occasion matchmaking is really fast and I don't get around to tabbing out I still don't really adjust builds. If games have felt extremely high pace for a while I may pack a second slowdown (my go to is usually jolt, cause it's just super lazy) but that's about it. if they want to rush they can do so. If two gens pop within 30-40 seconds and I haven't even found a surv I switch gears and just try to work on sth I'm struggling with or do sth that doesn't win me matches but is fun. If they want to raise their MMR the quickest way possible - they can be my guests. I want to actually play the game.
(As for other items; I always have sloppy and tend to move around the map a lot so I don't usually have problems with people bringen good medkits. - And if I see a bunch of high prestiges with FL I sometimes pack Franklin's - just to get rid of that hassle if they want to do the bullying thing. I'm usually on some sort of M2 killer so if they genuinely just have it to maybe get that lucky FL safe or the occasional cheeky blind, I don't even bother slapping it out of their hands.)
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I do sometimes. It depends on my mood, but I figure the more toolboxes, they faster they’re going to try to bust out gens and I don’t find that a fun match.
But other times idc, I just make a mental note to find the toolbox survivors first and not give them time to use it.
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No i don't.
Let them rush the gens against my scratch mirror Myers end game build.
They love getting hit by noed and then when they want to leave being stopped by bloodwarden 😈😈😈
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Why would I? It's gonna be over soon anyway.
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The most I'll do in response to items is bring Franklin's.
Usually the only reason I'll dodge a lobby is multiple players with high prestige levels.
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One thing I find, playing both roles, is that it's a lot harder to be mean on either of them.
Like...I know how miserable it can be to get 2 hooks in a game as killer because the map played itself or how miserable it can be to get hard camped or tunneled out and depip because you never got a chance to play.
Toolboxes on their own...meh. That often results in them tunnel visioning gens and 3genning themselves.
Toolboxes plus HSFP in an SWF? Those games are evil.
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I don’t lobby dodge for anything.
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No, even the most stacked toolbox barely makes a dent on gen progression.
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Never, I wouldn't dodge even if it were a lobby with all 100s with toolboxes. I don't get the anxiety that so many others apparently do seeing these things. It's just like...ok...I'll bring Franklin's. I mean, its a perk that's specifically made for survivors that bring in items... Like, there's almost a whole ass minute in the game lobby to swap perks and add-ons if you need to make changes or aren't feeling confident in the build you brought in.
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No. The only lobbies I've dodge in forever are those with multiple flashlights if I'm doing a Hag daily.
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The only people I've ever dodged are actual cheaters and some absolutely unhinged individual that got so mad at me one time that he added my friends on Steam and sent them gore pictures.
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Conversely, I will eagerly await flashlight using survivors, 85% of the time, these people don't know how to save someone at all and are just wasting mass amounts of time.
I might leave the flashlight survivors if im playing Nemesis tho, zombies are already dumb enough.
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I don't lobby dodge unless it's a blatantly obvious hacker. You don't improve by avoiding challenges and losses.
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Why? Killer gets to counter the items having the advantage of seeing survivors.
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4x BNPs makes a pretty big dent.
But what's much scarier is 4x commo toolboxes to scaffold onto Hyperfocus chains, combined with Stakeout on a Game offering. Then you add on Fogwise (almost 100% uptime, full vision of the killer in an SWF) and PTS.
I don't think I've ever seen gens go that fast at any point since I started playing.
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No. 2 are okay. Same for medkits or flashlights.
However, If I see 4 of the same item, I might equip franklin´s. ;)
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Toolboxes aren't that bad. Genrush isn't a problem for my enjoyment of the game.
2+ flashlights, however, is a red flag for a bully squad.
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Lately I actually like seeing toolboxes in my lobbies. I put on the backpack build and hope it's a sabo/meme squad, those are the best. If they want all five gens repaired in 3 minutes then so be it, I'm going next quicker.
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I dont find flashlights that bad, since people going for saves arent doing gens and a lot of times you can pick facing a wall, honestly except medkits the other 4 items the Survivors can bring arent even noticeable worthy.
Toolboxes get a lot of flak for how meh they are, a purple toolbox with 2 charge addons makes a 90 second gen be roughly ~72 seconds or so, even bringing four doesnt make the game that uphill, I suppose its a leftover from before the rework, when the purple and both green toolboxes shaved around 16 seconds before addons and penalty efficiency was 10% instead of 15%.
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Not against toolboxes, but I'm going to back out if suddenly several people decide to swap from low-prestige survivors to high prestige with cosmetic and items after 30s or something. Maybe they were just doing bloodweb stuff, I dunno; OTOH if it's several of you doing it? Riiiiiight.
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Only time i really consider dodging a lobby is if I've had a string of losses and I keep getting high-prestige players thanks to RNG matchmaking, I'm not going to continually go through lobby after lobby just because people are running items
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Hyperfocus synergy and BNP.
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Naah. Two toolboxes aren't big of a deal. If I see four flashlights, that's a whole another story. If I see two flashlights, there are some red flags.
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Thats 2 stacks of Hyperfocus which amounts to an extra 0,3% and 0,6% of completion, which is roughly... 0,8 seconds you shave or so, I dont think its an issue at all.
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One-show stoppers with at most one year on Steam have a significant risk of being cheaters.
So are full numbers names.
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This is my experience as well. And its the only constant I've noticed.
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No, I never dodge lobbies. Even if they switch to flashlights last second, even if they look like a swf, and even if I have a bad build on. If I wait 5 minutes to get into the game, I'm not going to disconnect just because someone brings an item I don't like.
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No but gloves are off and i won't play nice ,,you wanna rush gens ima rush a person off the game
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Using a toolbox massively increases the chance of skillchecks (it's something like a 40% chance a second), which means hyperfocus can really get going and take away huge amounts of progress super quickly. So, first BNP knocks off 25% completion, then you have hyperfocus in progress.
It's possible to get a gen done, solo, by the time the toolbox runs out of charges, or maybe five-ten seconds later. That's a super extreme example, but it is massively swingy.
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No? Why would I?
Absolute worst case scenario. It's two Hyperfocus, Stakeout, BTL and Streetwise gamers with Commodious + Scraps and Wire Spools. Meh, tunnel them out.
I'm far more scared of four med-kits.
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I have footage of me doing a gen solo in 40s with hyperfocus stakeout and a stacked toolbox without a BNP. A BNP would have reduced that time to about 27s give or take.
Tell me again how toolboxes have no effect on gen speeds.
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And I saw a video of Leatherface downing 4 Survivors with a single sweep on old Haddonfield, I still dont think fringe cases are issues as they rarely happen.
And all examples about toolboxes being an issue people bring have Hyperfocus, Stake Out and (sometimes) This is Not Happening, the issue maybe isnt the toolboxes themselves but the perks.
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Nah I never dodge, only got about 600 hours in mainly killer. I like the swf and bully squads for the most part. Starting out I hated it but now it's fun to take on the 100p legacy crew that wants to bully. If i see 2+ tool boxes I'll throw on franklin's just for laughs, see flashlights mad grit/aga/iron cause theyre about to be altruistic as hell, health packs I tend to not be bothered by since i know someone probably has COH and that'll be where they'll all heal up at. The games I get cooked in are mostly to due to being out played or too many dumb mistakes on my part and i respect that.
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the only non-cringe reason to dodge a lobby is because you think someone is a hacker. If you're gonna cherry pick your matches just play against bots lmao
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Nah, it's definitely the toolboxes. Even without Hyperfocus/Stakeout, a good toolbox can shave off a lot of gen time by hitting great skill checks. A single BNP shaves off 17.5 seconds of gen time if both skill checks are hit. However, toolboxes make Hyperfocus+Stakeout significantly scarier because they synergize so well with it (increased chance of skill checks, which compounds with Hyperfocus' increased chance of skill checks, and creates an exponential increase in gen speeds).
So yes, toolboxes are a problem. And a 40s solo gen isn't a "fringe case" by any means, unlike a once in a lifetime occurrence where 4 people line up to get downed by a single PH power use or whatever else. It's a reproducible result that's far too powerful in the current meta.