Why am I penalized for a random quitting/dcing/afking in my matches?

Seriously? I know it would be unfair to the killers if the match ended as a draw for remaining survivors if someone dc'd or quit or whatever but how is it fair for the remaining survivors? Especially if they're solo? It's equally unfair and kind of ridiculous at this point.
I dunno.
I just got slugged for the bleed-out duration because someone DC'd. They said, "Don't let them DC next time."
It's been a weird night tonight.
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I know I am probably in the minority here, but if someone DC's and I have my reason for coming in done (Hits out of Stealth, Hatchets, etc) then I just everyone who wasn't a jerk go.
I am a huge proponent of "Your fun is not my responsibility", but that doesn't mean I actively create misery. I probably get one match a night where I go "Alright, Feng ditched you guys, have a W on me."
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Yeah, it sucks for both.
I'm probably going to struggle to pip now, and the 3 remaining survivors are probably depipping.
I guess the concern is folks deliberately cable pulling in an SWF to force a draw out of a losing game?
It...really has. My last game of the evening was a bloodbath - got 1 hook on everyone, somehow turned it around in the postgame thanks to an overly cocky Nea (it's always a Nea, except when it's a Dwight) who got herself hooked trying to show off, and that turned into a 3k somehow.
I got cussed out royally in postgame.
I'll 2 hook them, kill as many as I need to pip and let the rest go generally, as long as they are being good sports about the situation.
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I had this guy tonight
Eventually she joined my party and said all sorts of slurs and we laughed at her.
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Same here.
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I'm a big supporter of punishing survivors that screw over their teammates, while giving the guys that got screwed over a bit of a boost. That said, I'm gonna get my hooks. If someone bails on the match in one form or another, I'm getting two hook states on everyone else then letting them go. If some of them also bail, that's on them, but they'll get an escape if they stick around.