why not show killer's perks?

When you die why do they not show you the killer's perks without having to spectate to the end? It can't be because of swf because the default is solo que. So for solo players why do they hid the info?
Since broken keys are fuctionless in the game, why not have them reveal killers perks? Maybe one a minute until all four are shown?
Cause of SWF. Would be nice to be able to see it as a solo though, but what if you joined the same lobby as your friend as a solo?
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It would give a huge advantage to SWF's... The dead player could tell other survivors what perks the killer is running.
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SWF is an option and not the default play mode. Most players are solo ques so why punish the majority of players to benefit the few?
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It would be nice if there was a way to look at your past several matches to see the perks after each trial has ended. But that change to the broken key doesn't really make any sense.
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Because it's still an option.
Why should that option be given even further advantages?
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"so why PUNISH the majority of players"
I must admit that having to wait a little while is a terrible punishment, which nobody in the world would know how to face... 🤣
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Is your argument here seriously "If some people are screwing killers, all of them should be able to!" ?
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- It's because of SWF. Plain and simple. If players could see what the Killer brought; they would better know how to counter it. Your logic as to why 'it can't be SWF' is completely flawed.
- What do you mean 'punish'? How is a solo-Q, who is dead, being punished by not knowing what the Killer brought?
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Because the few SWF ruined it for the majority of solo queue.
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The only thing keys need now is one of the survivor aura addons basekit
The broken key is the actual weakest item in the game
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Actually, about half of the playerbase only plays in a duo or more.
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*joins lobby*
*links discord*
Boom randoms on comms who'd be able to share the perks if they died.
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How does being able to see the killers perks as a solo player benefit you after you're out of the match?
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I think they meant they didn't wish to wait until all other survs are dead as well just to see the killer's build.
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As others have already pointed out, swfs could easily abuse this to call out the killer's entire load out to their teammates
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It used to be the default that you could see the killer's perks as soon as you died, it was abused by SWF, and it was eventually changed. They aren't going to bring it back
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I think there's an opening in terms of design for a survivor perk that, after certain conditions are met, will inform you of certain killer perks.
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Yes this was a decision made some time ago. So that other players in a party couldn't call out specific perks for example after their deaths - for example if the killer had an endgame perk.
It's relatively irrelevant if it's solo or SWF - it's fairly easy for a solo player to also send a message to another player in the match to let them know, they don't have to be friends at all.
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Because SWF.
Someone would just call out 'oh, he doesn't have NOED but he does have Blood Warden, so careful' and boom, they know.
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Because players that die can tell the remaining players what the killer is running. You don't have to go into a lobby as SWF, you can be solo and message the other players. Before I made my account private I would go into a lobby solo and get party invites from other survivors before the match started.
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It used to be that you could see the perks right away. SWF abused this so they changed it
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your comment makes no sense, knowing the killer's perks is not in anyway screwing them.
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"Hey the killer has bloodwarden", bloodwarden will never proc,"be carefull he has discordance", people only work on one gen, you can nullify the perks by just giving that info, this happened before and was exactly the reason it was changed.
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I only play solo ques. My cats are the only ones I talk to while playing. Killers get to see items at beginning of game and prepare, why not let the majority of players who are not talking to anyone (few games are 4 swf teams) know the killer's perks.
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yes it is.
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You are ignoring that people have already said people don't have to be in SWFs to message the other players.
You're basically ignoring the exact reason why, then saying 'There's no reason why!'. But ignoring facts does not make them go away.
I'll reiterate:
Because someone could die, then private message the other 3 Survivors, and say 'He has NoED' or 'He has Blood Warden' or 'He has No Way Out'.
So the answer is "Because people would cheat." and they do not have to be an SWF to do it.
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"Majority", roughly 50% of the whole playerbase plays in any form of swf. There isn't only the 5% of pure 4 people groups that could abuse this.
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There is no way for the game to detect if you're solo. Because this was abused in the past, now everybody lost the option.
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Because everyone knows what the killers are running anyway out of a pool of about 10 perks. So who cares.
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So you know to look for specific Hexes? You think you should know there is Haunted Ground?
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How does it punish anyone, you’re dead so it doesn’t matter
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It's just that sometimes you get curious what perks were used by the killer.
Like choosing between a speed boat or a box which could also contain a speed boat.
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I get that but at the same time in some situations it would provide a huge advantage
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Yeah, that would be a HUGE advantage to the survivors and throw the already-bad game balance so far out of whack it would be insane.
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I remember it was implemented when I started to play in 2018 but then BHVR disabled it in 2019 if I remember correctly.
SWF doesn't need even more advantages.
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Killers have to wait out DH and yet OP can't wait out the match to see killer perks.
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Correct, but that is not a reason to punish non-swf solo players. That is just stating it is a possibility.
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They could do lots of things, but that is not a reason to punish those who don't. If a killer is going to win or lose based off of his perks being a mystery that really ain't that strong of a killer right? Killers already are in an op positioned, they can't die.
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Would be because swf but like most killers run the same 4/5 perks easily recognizable during the game because your gen went down from 90% to 35 within seconds so does it really matter?
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It's not a 'punishment' to be forced to wait. And the Killer is not 'OP' because he can't die. Rofl. What a lukewarm take.
People have explained it. I explained it. It's not changing just so SWFs can abuse it.
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Wait what's a possibility.....it could be abused....no that WAS happening. Players were able to see the Killers Perks and then communicated them to the rest of their team. As Mandy said it wasn't just SWFs doing it it was Solos who would steam message the other survivors in their team. So it HAD to be changed....no one is getting punished and if you want to believe that then blame your fellow Survivors who abused it and made it get changed.