Solo Q to Agony

There is no pain like that of Solo Q survivor. Is there no difference between Solo Q and fire? One burns the spirit, the other the flesh. Is Solo Q worth the price of certain death?
How are your games going tonight?
the days after rank reset are less enjoyable. killer play sweaty from the start and survivors play more selfish.
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Well, there was a Midwich Offering...
And a Nurse.
And then three of my teammates immediately DC'd.
But I will get Hatch surely!
(i was slugged til I bled out)
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I was matched with you today while you were playing Nurse. Cute outfit btw.
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I have zero recollection of playing Nurse
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solo q is where all your hopes and dreams go to die. Endlessly fueling Jimmy third 50 game blight streak
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Oh jeez. What a way to find out. Well, if you aren't the Pulsar in-game that was playing Nurse on Garden, it might have been your doppelganger or maybe a secret admirer.
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Unfortunately, Pulsar isn't my name in-game. It's similar but not quite the same. Unless you saw PulsarGaming360, it wasn't me.
My apologies.
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That's actually a relief cause I did some things I was not too proud of. I was not dealing with my team's BS that game 🤣.
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games have been awful today
is it just me or have hits been insanely bad? i got hit from 10 miles away like every chase today (and i have a stable 30 ping)
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Yes and so many killing themselves on a hook, even if they go down after 2 gens pop. I don't understand this mentality, even if there was something to understand.
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Not just you. I've been getting some insane hits on both ends of the game. Noticed it when I was doing killer challenges during Winter Event. Hard to tell if it's lag or not if the red bar comes up on another player, but something to me feels off as well, more than usual. I had a Knight that literally turned 180 to face away from me when before swinging so he could see what was going on behind him and still get a hit. Like #########?
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my bet is on the ping indicator broken or changed to a higher value. you barely see any red killer indicator anymore even when the killer plays on EU west server in germany from russia or africa.
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I keep getting sent to Europe.
Everybody's ping in my game is above 150
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I don't understand the developers at this point. why are extremely time critical perks like DH brought into play when they know that some of the players have to play with a high ping. as an example, they could incorporate a player's average ping into time-sensitive elements as buffer.
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I have no idea. It's been happening more and more lately.
I play Eastern NA, there's no way I should be connecting to people in Europe at all. That's not fair to them or to me.
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wanna see something more atrocious than soloq? Play killer aganist competent SWF with a mid tier/low tier killer in maps like the game and garden of joy, then you'll know the meaning of true pain...
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It seems more like willful ignorance then. It's a very, very simple reason. They do not desire to keep playing this match and working with a bunch of random strangers isn't incentive enough to ignore that impulse. It's more beneficial to them to just die and move on than to keep playing that game. Couldn't be more simple.
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Definitely painful! although i win most of my matches on the game regardless of what killer im playing. Garden is nightmare fuel when up against a good swf but honestly my amount bad killer games are nothing compare to my solo q games. I stick to using doctor, wraith and trapper with little to no regression perks. (beside jolts)
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Well, It could be more simple. If you don't desire to play the match through, then don't queue up.
If the first thought in your head is to D/C or suicide after losing the first chase when your team is actively working to put themselves in a winning position, then you never had the desire to play in the first place. So do yourself and the community a favor and go play something else like Overwatch 2 so at least when you rage quit the game for the 100th time your team still gets a fill-in.
Oh yeah, that sucks too. Been there, done it, and got the T-shirt. Though, I still can't say that my worst killer game isn't nearly as painful as my worst solo Q game. Don't get me wrong, there have been some downright bad ones, but what it comes down to for me is at least the control you have of Killer and how much your decision-making directly impacts your side's game. Solo Q just has multiple things going for it that can upset a player between both your teammates and the killer.
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One of these days SoloQ hell is going to make me overcome my social anxiety and join a discord to SWF. So, I guess thanks BHVR?
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Good to see BHVR getting into the personal development business. Ik people use Discord for things like that, but I can't help but wonder if anyone has tried the same and had success on the forum's LFG section.
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I play mainly solo queue, but do have a mate who will play with me a few hours a week. I would love to SWF more, but honestly some of the profanities that come out when I’m on coms with my friend… not sure people would like it. haha
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This is my experience daily. I've stunned the killer yet somehow died still, countless times. I've vaulted and died six feet from it. I've vaulted safely then been pulled back into Weskers arm attack thing.
It's ridiculous. My ping is also a stable 30. What in the world is going on, I've found myself playing less because of this :( no word from the devs on this or any kind of fix, let alone acknowledging the issue.
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I decided to do some killer adepts last night since the survivor wait was long. That was a mistake. I got some done at the cost of some high blood pressure. I imagine it'll be equally enjoyable when I play survivor.
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Same, I mostly play solo q. Everytime I play with SWF, even people I've known for years, I get hit on, eventually told that they've fallen in love with me it censored the word, so "wat da fek" lol) etc. Not worth it, I rather deal with the hell that is solo q and just play by myself.
Also why is w t f being censored in a game where I can see myself being stabbed multiple times, tentacles coming out of my face, hooks pulling my face apart while I go into an alternative dimension, etc? That's some strange logic.
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It was alright for a while because I faced killers who weren't that good.
But two days ago it went to hell just like it was half a year ago. I had to stop and take another break.
It takes one teammate or me not being glued to gens from the start to don't stand any kind of chance ever. Also wasting energy on matches you won't win is the most pointless thing. I was always against suicides but now I'm not mad when people do it because why bother?
This game turned into a comp dbd over the years and I miss more chill games where we didn't sweat like our lives depend on it.
It is exhausting and straight up frustrating ending up in games you lose by default whatever you do and however you perform as individual. Also sacrificial ward is never gonna leave my loadut anymore because im sick of one trick ponies playing the same maps/loadouts and in most annoying ways possible to rack up streaks.
It is just exhausting man. It's not worth it at all. I am just gonna play other games for a while again.
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Agree with a lot of this. I just came off a 4-month break for the Christmas event. Definitely, a lot of good games out there to cleanse the ol' palette with. Personally, I've been in the business of Rockin' and Stonein' (Deep Rock Galactic). I feel the opposite way about suicides, where I've typically been pretty indifferent, but recently just seeing the frequency and timing of their occurrences in my matches get under my skin. Some games a facepalm is necessary.
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Valid. I've also adopted Anon Mode. Like, I don't think I can go back to not having it on haha.
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Solo q is great, I don't have a single issue with survivor balance as an individual other than things being a bit easy in certain situations.
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Same. No lag indicator pops up in the lobby, but as soon as I'm in-game it's solid red. I check my network monitor and I'm connected through a Western European Amazon Web Services server. I'm based in North America.
Before the ping meter changes I used to be able to see the high ping right in the lobby away and was able to leave. Since BHVR completely changed the ping meters to keep players from seeing how far outside of their geographic region they're allowing the game clients to connect to, you don't know until you're in-game and it's been awful.
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I've gotten dropped out of a couple games today and I'm seeing people drop as well.
There's definitely something up.
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I played SoloQ for 3 years in a row, I'm a killer main now :)
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paid actor? joking....slightly
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Yesterday was actually not a bad solo queue day, until I hit 2 AFK killers and a bot back to back.
Weirdly, I see less sweat early on. It's more when the average killer is starting to hit Iri that it gets sweaty.
Only had one hard tunneler today, but had some absolutely amazing know, the sort who will follow the killer and try to bodyblock the hook twice. And there's nothing like having to haul butt all game to stop people suiciding...especially when they then end up getting out >_<.
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Tough as always, i managed to escape only 1 in like 8 games, there was 3 games with dcs, the usual.. The main problem besides that is eruption carrying to much and the awful matchmaking obviously. Oh i almost forgot, and 1 cheater, a trickster that was throwing knives like if he was in main event all the time.
With 2.5k hours myself i got a survivor with 5 hours today.. no kidding, i asked him and he was in the team because he was in a a group with another survivor of 2k hours.. Things like this shoudn't be allowed, it ruins the match for the rest of the team.
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I only escaped in 3 out of 10 games today so this thread makes me feel better! My most fun game was actually a loss, a TTV wraith actively kept count of hook states and gave everyone multiple chases while using no gen regression at all. My worst was watching a baby Dwight get tunneled from the start then DC before his last hook. :(
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They did desire to play a match. Then they got into one and for whatever reason, they decided it wouldn't be enjoyable. So they took the first opportunity to leave. As long as it's possible to make a quick exit, people will do it when facing things they dislike. I would say killers shouldn't be able to lobby dodge then either, because they get to pick and choose their opponents.
You'd have a lot less suicides and DC's if they showed you what killer it was before loading in. Can wait until perks are locked, so you can't edit your loadout to face them, but should be given the option not to play against killers you hate. Or perhaps a blacklist for up to 3 killers or something.