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Why i tunnel as killer

I often get written after a game from survivor that they are mad because i tunneled them. I realy dont understand why they are mad.

1.) If you are on hook stage 2, and still think its a smart idea to unhook your friends even when im closeby dont blame me.

2.) If noone of the other survivors bait me, why should i go for them, when you are close by?

3.) Survivors are doing everything to win, endurace perks, exhaustion perks, pallets, flashlights.... Why should the killer not do everything to win?

Somehow, some survivors think that there is a etiquette that killer should follow. Strangly there is no etiquette for Survivors....

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  • Member Posts: 1,842

    You will get salt no matter what you do. I literally got salt the other day playing killer for not slugging for the 4k and letting the last survivor get hatch because I don't like dragging games out. So it's not really you people will complain about anything, best to ignore it and go next.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    Why do you even care, you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why this is how you play this game, you bought it, have fun with it in whatever way you long as it's not cheating

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It' Tricky.

    Especially as I started survivor last year, I know how bloody miserable it can be to depip because someone stuck to you all game from word one. I feel a little gross doing that, especially when I see in postgame that they brought streamers and pretty chill perks.

    On the other hand, with gen speeds honestly faster than they were before 6.1.0 at times (frigging stake out and hyperfocus man), if you play nice you could easily get destroyed.

    I'll generally play hard from the start and if I'm stomping, I'll ease up, let them get some gens and heals then finish them.

  • Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2023

    There is tunneling and tunneling.

    Case 1: there is 1 generator left to repair, I didn't make any kills, because I got caught in a hurry (and I played fairly during the game) I have to put pressure on the players; I meet a player who just got dehooked; yes, I will prioritize getting him out of the game.

    Is this tunneling ?

    Technically yes. But completely understandable.

    Case 2: The killer starts his game. He puts a survivor down. He hooks him. As soon as the survivor is unhooked, the killer comes back on him, hits him once (BT), a second time (DH), a third time, hooks him again. He comes back on him again, hits him once (BT), a second time (DH), grabs the DS, puts him back down, hooks him again.

    Is this tunneling ?

    Technically yes.

    And here, on the other hand, I don't mind saying that the killer played like a *******

  • Member Posts: 1,586
    edited January 2023

    People like this get mad because they have zero ability of seeing things from the perspective of another person. A lot of people in this world think that everything revolves around them and their enjoyment of life and fail to consider anything or anyone else. They get upset if they don’t have fun, but they could not care less if you have fun.

    You should play however you want and not feel bad about it as long as you are not intentionally going out of your way to ruin another player’s experience. As you said, survivors are going to do everything in their power to win - using the best items and add-ons, abusing broken loops, using comms to talk to other survivors and play way more efficiently - so you should never feel bad about playing the way that puts you in the best position to win. Often that means tunneling one or more players out of the match.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    do what u want but why you're posting "mr obvious" threads like u should proud of your amazing tunneling skills or something, nothing to be proud of here, tunneling requires no skill.

  • Member Posts: 152

    hey, honestly you do you! i don't really blame you, you know?

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    There's something to be said for other survivors taking the heat and committing to getting hooked. Tunneling is often a survival of the fittest thing. If the killer knows they can't catch one or two particular survs in chase within a reasonable timeframe, then why chase them when there is an easier target? Like are you going to voluntarily throw the game in the interests of being "fair"?

    I remember one game as killer where I had a yun jin who was an utter nightmare to catch. I was chasing someone for death hook and the yun jin got in the door way for the protection hit. But instead of running away she stayed still and beckoned the second hit so I would get the down. Brought plenty of time for deathook to get away and clear.

    I had maaaad respect for that play. Ended up deliberately letting her and deathook go at the end of the match.

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2023

    Lets go to case 2. For example i dont play a seaching perk like Barbecue & Chilli. I hook one, and i have no clue where the suv. are. Than after like 10-15sec i hear the unhook behind me.

    I can do 2 things now

    1.) Random roaming the map

    2.) Go into the direction where i know that people are. Maybe now, as the freeing survivor without any hook stages you should bait the killer to follow you. "Baiting" means NOT standing at the other side of the map and ducking, it means you have to give me the feeling that its worth following you. If i know i have at least a 60seconds chase, i wont follow you.

    If i can choose between somebody who i allrdy hooked, and somebody who i never hooked and they are both at the same difficult why should i follow the one without hook stats?

    To case 1:

    Do you know what puts a fuckton of pressure on survivor? Killing one. Because than as sook as you hook 1.:

    1 is on hook

    1 is freeing him

    1 on gen (if hes lucky)

    But mostly its:

    1 on hook / 1 freeing him / 1 in a chase with me.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Can we stop and take a second to talk about the lore of DBD. Also how the game measures the killer in terms of brutal, ruthless, or merciless?

    Look up the definition of merciless please

  • Member Posts: 21,202

    The lore dictates I must ruin their experience, I'm legally obligated to.

  • Member Posts: 339

    If you get tunneled out early because you can't loop or hide, it is lore accurate

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    There's only 1 solution to Tunnelling, Camping and Gen Rush/Slowdown. Redesign the game so that things are either Balanced and/or Impossible.

    Tunneling is absolutly boring gameplay. No Killer tunnels because they want to, they do it because they feel it's their only chance at having Time to play.

    The solution is simple, redesign the game so tunneling doesn't need to exist.

    Camping someone to death is the exact same issue as tunneling, it's boring gameplay. Solution is to make it so Camping doesn't need to exist.

    Gen Rush and Gen Slowdown are the Biggest Problem DbD has ever had, it was there even way before we ever started considering it.

    The way Survivors interact with Gens is very overwhelming for Killers and the way killers can OVERSTACK Slowdown is way too overwhelming for Survivors.

    The Solution is very obvious Redesign how players on both sides interact with Gens.

    IT doesn't matter how manny excuses we make as a Community to justify how people play. IT simply up to the Devs to just make the game healthier.

    And making the game healthier starts with admitting where you've failed to develop the game properly. As hard as it might be, that's the first and single most important step.

    The game is underdeveloped in every area that affects gameplay and trying to use Perks to fix something is a really bad solution. Maps are not Balanced, in any sense, spawns of players, spawns of objectives, spawns of loops and the strength of the loops.

    The power creep between Killers themselves is such a gigantic issue. Nurse is and always has and always will be the very best killer in the game and that would be fine if the difference between her and everybody else wasn't a gigantic whole that no other killer will ever be able to leap through... How can you justify Trappers strength level when compared to Nurse? The chances of you getting a match with Trapper where you feel like a powerful useful killer are pratically 0% where if you were playing Nurse the chances of you feeling like the killer can do something are very high because the power disparity between the two is that high.

    The Divide between SoloQ and SWF needs to be handled but it's not in the way of Free Information. SoloQ players will still be SoloQ players and completly left to their interpretation of events when compared to a SWF. HUD icons don't change this. SWFing means you are playing with people that you trust. This fact alone is such a gigantic relief when compared to SoloQ where you basicly expect everyone to screw you over at any moment in every match.

    HUD ICONS won't make me trust any of the other 3 players more than i do now. I still gotta play like i'm the best survivor in the match or else...And the other 3 still have to play the exact same way.

    The solution is simple, redesign your game so a single survivor is pretty much useless but when together then they start to aproach the killer power level. Redesign it so survivors need each other, so they have to trust each other cause right now i don't need to trust any of them. I can get hatch escape or killer mercy.

    I can hide all match and not help and still benefit. I can do all the work and die and someone who didnt do much can get an escape.

    Make Survivor a matter of team effort then you'll see a change in how survivors play and behave, not only towards each other but towards killers aswell.

    DbD was fun the first month i've played it back in 2019 but since then it's just going downhill and for nearly 4 years i haven't seen the devs worried about anything. They just release whatever Hype Licensed Content and people flock in everytime. Then the interest dies cause nothing changes really, everything is the same old problems and the player count tanks like there's a blackhole sucking players out of DbD. Nearly 4 years of the same cycle, 2020 and 2021 were really goddamn miserable with terrible chapter after terrible chapter and the game just not even working on the biggest chapter of it's history, the RE Chapter 1. Console players couldn't play the game at all, Nemesis is an unispired design, og RPD was an absolute abomination (not that the now 2 existing RPDS are any better, they're 3 gen paradise). There's tons of evidence of things never changing.

    Look at how the META didn't even change, Killers are still all in on Gen regression and survivors are still all in on gen progress and second chances.

    BT was made base kit and Tunneling rates are even higher. That's a gigantic .50 cal sniper shot on your own foot. DS nerfed to the ground and tunneling rates went up.

    What more evidence do you people need!?

    I can go on... Ruin and Pop were nerfed to the ground but it's the same meta for killers. Manny will argue it's even worse now because killers don't even need to protect a Totem or get Hooks to get good regression they can just kick gens over and over and stall matches instead of playing.

    What more evidence do you need!?

    Badly developed Game that's all and that would be ok if it wasn't 6 years later but it is 6 years later...And all we see is players attacking eachother and BHVR not doing anything about it.

    MMR was a bad call but they'll never admit it or move away from it. THe HUD changes were insignificant, the LOCOMOTION changes were insignificant, the new HUD icons will be insignificant.


    The problem is the the base game is as Gordon Ramsay would angrily say F*CKING RAW! IT's underdeveloped, not properly thought about. It's basicly a science experiment at high school level that has been going for 6+ years...

    Final Fantasy 14 was so bad but they realized it, took it back and made it one of the best games you could be playing right now...

  • Member Posts: 21,202

    The lore dictates I must ruin other people's experiences because they are bad, I have no choice.


  • Member Posts: 399

    I think it would be interesting if BHVR tested out the following:

    1. Basekit Endurance after unhook changed to invincibility + collision removed (to prevent bodyblocking for allies) for 15s as long as Exit Gates are not powered. If Exit Gates are powered, is Endurance + collision removed.
    2. Hooking a survivor that isn’t the most recently unhooked one gives an additional reward
      1. Maybe like IDK, automatically damages most progressed gen by X%/damages all gens by some lower Y%/etc.
    3. Leaving 24m or so area of the hook gives additional reward as long as you stay out of those 24m UNLESS you’re in chase
      1. Maybe like IDK, basekit temporary Ruin-like effect to reward pressuring survivors off other gens, or BBQ aura style effect to give next place to chase, etc.
    4. Nerf/readjust slowdown perks and whatever else necessary to match
  • Member Posts: 1,227

    I like Yun-Jin too, but you don’t see me using her lore as an excuse to uses tactics that are heavily disliked.

  • Member Posts: 301

    Technically case 2 isn't that long. You cannot dead hard if you took a hit during BT. Can only have one deep wound.

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited January 2023

    So nerf killer? Why not just give them 30sec endurance and a free DS for everybody?

    Do you know what that will change? Nothing. Because as stronger Survivors are getting as stronger it is to take one out. The Problem is that especally the first gens are falling way to fast and there is not mutch that a killer can do to prevent that.

    So when it comes into the 3-4gen Situation you are eather playing against 3 suv or 4 suv. Its easy. 1 dead is more worth as 6 hooks. I cannot stress this enoth how important a kill is. And as long its that important, as long killer will do everything to try to secure one kill. With CoH in game Injuries doesnt matter anymore and dont help you on a down.

    When i have 1 suv down at 4 gens, i nearly allways win. It doesnt matter that they have 7 hooks left. I hook 1, chase another. Than he frees him, i down the next one and so on and so on.

    3) Why the bonus only as long as hes not in chase? I mean i think the idea is good. I think "Monstrous Shrine" should be basekit on every hook. Because now a hook doesnt put enoth pressure on the suv.

    4.) Killers only need slowdown because of the exhaust and endurance perks. Because it takes so long to get a survivor. Lets say I chase a good survivor and need 60sec to hit+down him. In that time the other can do gens. If 2 are doing the same gen, that means that Gen is done.

    Post edited by Jensen on
  • Member Posts: 339

    Distilled entitlement. Tell me another PvP game where my objective is to make sure the opponent has fun?

    Let me see.....oh yeah none of them. CoD, League, Apex, etc the primary goal of the game is to make sure the opponent plays as little as possible and you limit their game experience to sitting at the respawn screen. I have not, and will not, get why this game is any different.

    Have you tried Minecraft? Maybe a cooperative game? I really think a game where the subject matter is a supernatural killer sacrificing people to the dark gods isn't for you

  • Member Posts: 21,202

    I really don't care.

    Using the lore to justify yourself is copium.

    Either own up to playing sweaty because you want to win or don't, there's nothing wrong with wanting to win. Using the lore to justify it is absolutely hysterical though.

  • Member Posts: 21,202

    See, this I can respect.

    I wish it weren't this way, but the honesty definitely carries sigma energy.

  • Member Posts: 485
    • If 2-3 gens pop in my first chase: I tunnel. I need to make up for lost time, and the best way is to keep someone from doing gens. And the literal only way I can both patrol AND keep someone off gens? Killing them.
    • If Survivors leave gens when I hook: I camp. It's not my job to let them have a free unhook. Plus, they are giving me free time extensions by creeping around the hook instead of doing gens.
    • If the unhooked uses basekit BT to bodyblock: I am going to knock them down and rehook them. It's not tunneling if you throw yourself at me. Ever.
  • Member Posts: 436

    Ironic the guy crying about entitlement makes a post about killer entitlement.

    *Golf clap*

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