Which Killer(s) do you find the most annoying to play against?


Honestly just delete Hag and Doctor please nobody would care.



  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I guess everyone in the Disgusting tier is Disgusting. Physically so, that is, that's kind of the point. Should really get Dredge up there too.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Pinhead... I hate playing against Pinhead

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,559

    Legion and Pinhead for sure. Never had an enjoyable experience against them. They suck to play against lol

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,669

    Pinhead is the most annoying to go against for me. The Doctor and Freddy are also annoying. I like Dredge, but I've been playing a lot against him recently and nightfall has gotten pretty annoying.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    I'd care. I like playing Hag and Doctor.

    I love playing anti-camp Hag and STILL getting accusations of camping. 😁

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    .... I would care ! =(

    I like going against Hag, because she's my main at heart, I almost never see her so it's always joy when I have that first jumpscare. I can think of where I would put my traps if I were her, time when to set off her traps, how to get her out of her web...

    And I love going against Doctors, his addons are just so cool and Madness is a great mechanic ! I like his addons that affect chase music or red stain. They're just neat ! Like a spicy undetectable, except you're actively under pressure instead of complete silence.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 877

    Legion deserves the top spot.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    For me it all depends on how the Killers are played... So all Killers would be in the Skill dependent Tier

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,828

    knight, artist, hag

    wesker if the killers laggy

  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 612

    Huntress because she never shuts up and Ghostface because in my experience they're the most toxic killers by far.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    Trickster and Nurse for me. My experience against Knight hasn’t been great either but that sample size isn’t big enough at the moment considering I haven’t played as much lately.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Bubba, because 99/100 they just facecamp and the one time he doesn't he just has a dull chase interaction. Which I wouldn't if at least percentages were reversed.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096

    Pinhead, Legion, Twins, Knight. The players *generally* have a whole lot of slowdown and Iri add ons with very little skill to go with it. They're typically picks for players who need to be carried by slowdown.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,084

    I rather play against insta saw with old tinkerer than a knight.

  • SilverShamrock
    SilverShamrock Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 10

    Ghostface, and basically any stealth killer would get my vote.

    As for non-stealth killers, Legion easily gets my vote with Plague being a close second. I don’t remember ever having an enjoyable match against either one. I don’t have to make it out to consider a match enjoyable either. Their mechanics are just not fun in my opinion.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Uh, I'd care.

    I love playing against Hag and I love playing as Hag. She's my first main.

    I enjoy Doctor too.

    Oh, and I get cussed out for playing Dredge, Artist, Myers, Ghostface, Nurse and Pig constantly.

    I swear, I could make an entire bowl of potato salad with the salt from this post.

    Stealth killers are probably one of the most fun thing in this game, with a hard camping T3 Myers or Ghostface, or a TSP build excepted.

    It's one of the few times it actually feels scary.

    Legion...yeah, but they are what they are.

    I love playing against Plague. Just overcleanse if she bothers you, that is honestly too effective against her.

  • healsoflove718
    healsoflove718 Member Posts: 81

    I wanna d/c anytime I get a killer that can 1 shot you, it's super annoying & not fun.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Nemesis. He’s literally just a loud obnoxious huntress that lacks huntress’s range. And I like huntress a lot. Can’t stand nemesis.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,610

    Twins, Hag, and Trickster.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. And I want to DC every time someone sends me to Badham or Garden.

    Exposed killers are pretty mediocre - the only one that I loathe is TSP Myers.

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239
  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,806

    trickster, legion, and tombstone Myers

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I hate Blight with a fiery passion. He almost makes me break my rule about not DCing.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 125

    Legion, Legion, Legion. If I could delete one killer forever, this would be the one that goes. Always the most mind numbing games possible. So boring to play against. Can't remember one single game ever where it's been fun, escape or not.

    The Knight was getting up there because you knew most of the time it means the game will last for 45 or more, but don't know if it's just me getting lucky, but his usage seems to have dropped off a cliff. Not seen him for a couple of weeks now.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    #1: Legion. Just the worst designed killer in the game. I'd take a Nurse over Legion.

    #2. Wesker. Too chatty, too overused, obnoxious.

    #3. Bubba. One-shot face camper that even the devs can't stop.

    #4 Perma-EWI3 Myers. An otherwise limited basekit killer with an "I win" button.

  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 657
    edited January 2023

    Hag and Legion are always a chore to play against no matter how the killer plays. Hag's kit gives free reign to proxy from half the map away and Legion takes the "hold M1" role and makes you hold M1 more. I have never had a fun match vs either of them, and the game would be better off if they were removed entirely.

    Pinhead can be annoying if your team doesn't understand when to pick up and solve the box.

    Bubba is usually annoying because nearly every Bubba I face seems to camp or proxy. There's no way to do anything but trade against a camping Bubba, which makes endgame altruism plays entirely pointless.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Did you used to beGannman?

    @topic Dredge. The disgusting blob is so incredibly obnoxious to face.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611
    edited January 2023

    I don't think none of them or annoying,they all have unique abilities they bring into the game

    I could tell what you what survivors I find the most annoying

    BTW I'm just roleplaying killer main so I'm pro us vs them

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Legion and it's not even close

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,115

    Bubba and Hag are the ones that come to mind for me. Both are camper-magnets. You get hooked by either one, there's a really high chance that that's game for you.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Good Nurses and Blights are literally just go next tier. Average ones are actually pretty fun to verse.

    Spirit/Plague: Unsalvagable garbage, delete please tier.

    And I have a burning passion for Onis as a SoloQ player. I have a worse escape rate against him than Nurse.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 84

    When legion shows up u dont feel like playing, when doctor shows up ur like "ugh this is gonna suck..." when plague shows up its like "well there goes my medkit and healing perks..." and oddly enough i find the wraith to be annoying because of how often he shows up to your generator, or facecamps while invisible. I can still enjoy a round with any of them still so long as thry dont camp/tunnel

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,779

    Nurse, Pinhead, Legion.

    Nurse for obvious reasons. Pinhead because his power with the chains, the box etc is just obnoxious. Legion because mending simulator games are about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    nurse or nemesis

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,986

    Trickster by a mile.

    When I play Trickster, I can't hit a damn thing, recoil sends my knives everywhere except at the survivor.

    When I play against Trickster, every single knife is a bullseye and I go down in seconds.

    Second would be Legion, but only because I spend half the match trying to run away from my team mates so we don't all end up in a pile together.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant

    I never really cared for Wraith. I don't even like playing as him. I wish there was more to his power.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The man counters BASIC MOVEMENT. That is absolutely insane. Killers already have a speed increase over Survivors, as they should, but Blight turns it up to 11 with tokens that self-regenerate. Other mobility killers are penalized in some way for this. Wraith has to cloak and decloak and lose time doing so. Teleporters are limited to the targets of their teleports.

    Blight is just an overpowered lawnmower. The only thing that tops him is a pallet, and McClean decided to let him break pallets while rushing, too!

    And then there is a hug tech, so you can't even try to dodge around an object. He's just the most broken killer in the game.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I wondered. You'll be thrilled to know I enjoy playing Spirit now lol.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Artist, Pinhead and Hag are the only ones I just don't have too much fun against. Not counting camping Killers, obviously, that can be any and all of em.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,886

    Deathslinger and Trickster. Just boring

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    The most annoying killer to go against is the average joe who only listens to streamers and plays the same way every match. That issue aside, Nurse obviously as she's the one true lord of power.