Do survivors not loop anymore?
I noticed as killer now survivors don't loop, they just camp pallets and hold W, is this a better strat than looping?
its just boring for both sides, looping and being looped was really only the fun part of the game IMO
Lmao hellll no. Not even close. I still see tons of fantastic loopers.
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yeah sometimes you get survivors that play like that, I guess it works for them since they waste killer time by holding W
after games like this I just choose killers with high mobility Nurse or Blight or killers that have extra help in their kit Nemesis zombies, Cenobite box
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There are some that still know how to loop. Most however seem to prefer holding w than anything...
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Yeah some maps can just afford survivors to camp pallets then hold W.
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They're crutching hard on Windows of Opportunity. It's playing the game for them. Perk badly needs to be nerfed
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MMR is a wonderful thing (not really).
From my experience, it doesnt matter how good you are, you get a mixed bag of players. One match you get people that actually loop and know what they are doing, the other match you get people who camp pallets and hold W (only to get stomped when they run out of resources).
You will face people with a lot more variety nowadays because BHVR tweaks MMR when they see too many people complaining about sweaty matches. It leaves more room for Survivors to have more weak links that play in the way you mentioned because it's the only way they can keep up in the current meta.
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I mean some killers you can't really loop so I guess survivors learnt to just hold W against them and realised it works against all killers, on certain maps at least.
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Nope, see lots of loopers and mindgamers.
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Part of being a good Survivor is knowing when to loop. With a lot of the recent Killers, it's often the smart play to just leave the loop.
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Looping is the single worst part of the game for me. I have no idea how people can not only claim it is fun, but somehow "the best part".
Do you love NASCAR as well with all those left turns?
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there are some popular youtube videos about this kind of playstyle. but sadly the videos are made by very good player that know how to chain pallets. less experienced survivors then try to imitate it and never learn to loop properly.
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sometimes its best to play like this, especially if youre going against an anti loop killer
also on certain maps you are just able to do it (looking at you, gideons)
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Depends on the killer. Depends on the situation. Why loop a killer whose power I can completely deny by dropping a pallet? Why loop in an area where I'd be throwing the game if I went down in that spot?
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i don't blame them lmao why bother learning to loop when bhvr keep releasing killers that completely negate that skill like the knight
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Depends on the situation. Certain killers (many actually) cannot be looped and are best dealt with via holding w and/or pre-dropping, and in general trying to minimize or avoid interaction altogether.
Also, respecting the ######### out of pallets is meta, because with slower gens, hit validation being a joke and bloodlust 2 kicking in faster, you can just try to mindgame and, if that fails, you'll get a bloodlust hit anyway. So, going for stuns is often not worthy (again, dependent on killer power and pallet, but still very common).
And imagine when they eventually memorize spawns and just apply the same strategy, but now they can run an extra actual meta perk. Crutching hard on memory smh. Memory will badly need to be nerfed as well.
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what do you find fun then?
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Holding W is what you’re supposed to do. Why would you start looping before you need to? Run as far as you can and waste as much of the killer’s time as possible. Predropping pallets can either be a great strategy or a terrible one. If you have an efficient team then you shouldn’t hesitate to predrop pallets. A killer who doesn’t get downs has no pressure. Otherwise you need to make them last.
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Every killer is anti-loop nowadays so....
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No, I see some pretty amazing loopers.
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Never fall for a mind game if you don't participate.
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Hit validation is absolute BS at the moment: killers are making hits at large distances, over palates and windows, through items in the environment etc. Lots of people have been commenting on it so it's probably a response to that.
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Depending on the killer and the map Shift + W is the most resource efficient play style for survivors, sadly. Pallet camping is a symptom of many players not really knowing how to delay the killer in a chase and a sometimes way too generous amount of pallets. Take The Game for example. Survivors can choose between camping, looping or predropping most of these pallets because it really doesn't matter. There are just that many.
There are still quite a few good loopers out there, however. And they can make pallets hurt way more than the ones described earlier but it's also more fun to go against them.
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Well, the goal is generally to hold W until you have to stop, then find as safe a loop as possible and play that.
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I mean, what do you expect Survivors to do when they get found? Just sit there and do nothing, Idk, sit in the timeout chair?
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I wish I had a smart reason to do my hold W playstyle, I want to loop but I finally took off Windows of Opportunity, and now I can't find any pallets as I'm pretty new still, so I run in a straight line looking for them on some maps.
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The rush of the terror radius while I try and hide and hope he doesn't find me.
The developers made this a game of hide and seek. They STILL call it that, to this very day. But the community decided "Nah, we playing NASCAR now."
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Looping should be the CONSEQUENCE of getting found. The "Oh, crap?!" moment.
Today players bright flashlights, click at the killer, teabag them in their neon green cosmetics, and WANT to get chased.
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People want to get chased because maybe they want to improve in that aspect of the game.
And if people just enjoy being chased, that is their personal preference, everyone is going to have a different opinion on literally anything so you have to be open-minded.
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Yeah. I want to be chased as much as possible, because I'm really trying to get better at it.
The problem is - and as a killer main, I 100% understand why - someone that looks like they want to be chased is not someone you generally want to be chasing XD.
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No, people want to get chased because they are bored. They don't want to do gens or hide. Looping is the whole game to them. The vast majority of players that do this to admit to such.
What does open mindedness have to do with anything?
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"And if people just enjoy being chased, that is their personal preference", I said it for a reason. Everyone has their own definition of fun. Some people enjoy being chased, some people enjoy interacting the different players (including the Killer), some people dont. Im saying to be open minded since everyone is different, they have different playstyles and approaches to things.
You might enjoy doing generators and hiding (not saying you specifically, but "you" as being a broad term for the sake of example), but others might not enjoy that, but DBD leaves a lot of room for people to play in different ways so I feel like you have to be respectful of other's opinions, etc.
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Depends on what killer your playing. If your playing an anti loop killer then of course survivors are gonna hold W.
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Probs just inexperienced players tbh. As the game grows in popularity, the average skill level will lower.
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When did I say they couldn't?
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I'm a Killer main and mostly only play Survivor with my Girlfriend and Looping is def my weakest aspect xD. I can SOMETIMES do it decently, but if the Killer if decent enough, I get stuffed pretty quickly, espnif I'm not practiced on certain maps and where to go :P. I've always been the "DO Gens, get Unhooks and Heal" support type of playstyles :P. Not ashamed by it, I just play to have fun and not really dedicate time to perfecting such things xD
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That's what happens when the game for survivors doesn't require them to do more. It's simply using 4 buttons and the camera. M1, Shift + W and Space. This is survivor gameplay.
They won't do more than this until the game tells them they have to.
With the state the game is in, bleeding players, it's easy to notice changes in how survivors play. Most of the good players are gone because they're unhappy meaning only the less skilled players remain so you'll see less and less skill in matches.
Why you think tunnel rates went higher? Because manny survivor players who don't know how to play killer jumped ship and since they're used to very simple things from playing survivor they do the simplest things as killer, hence why tunneling went up so much. That and streamers who just tunnel and tunnel and tunnel started to become more popular too.
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Cause you're only thinking of looping at it's most basic form of running around a low obstacle in circles untill you drop the pallet and move on
When people talk about how looping is fun they are talking about high wall structures that you can mindgame and there is a gameplay element to them.
Say what you want but making a survivor run into you by tricky positioning never gets old
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I never said "you said they couldnt enjoy it", Im saying to be more open minded since people enjoy different things regardless if you enjoy it or not. You clearly mock the idea of looping and how people enjoy it, so Im just saying that people enjoy it regardless if you enjoy it or not, and that you could be respectful of the opinions of others.
That's it.
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Once you start facing survivors that perfectly know how to run these static tiles, the excitement of that is pretty much gone.
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Open mindednness means "open to new ideas". Not "I've seen this idea and I think it sucks".
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This helps ofcourse if you play survivor too but even then it's not completely gone
If you know the ideal way of running a tile you can still catch even good survivors ofguard, things like going through the pallet side of shack after they vault the window. Usually a bad move to lose distance but in this case they usually don't expect it and will try to run the tile optimally running into you.
Not to mention that a lot of mindgames just are 50/50 no matter how good you are.
It's certainly not impossible to score some hits against even good survivors, you are playing against humans. By definition they can't be perfect
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No, not perfect. But it's still lost its excitement and fun factor for me. There's far more variables in the hide and seek aspect of the game for me than running shack over and over until the window locks, then running to the next tile for the umpteenth billion time.
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New OR Different From Your Own...
I.E. I use to hate certain Killers and Perks in DBD, but I kept an open mind and nowadays I actually really like them since I took the time to consider things and give them a chance.
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Being that teammate who hides every time they hear terror radius means the killer ends up chasing your teammates more. This means they accumulate hook states faster while you're quivering in the corner.
Hiding can have its uses depending on the situation and distribution of hook states, but if you're on first hook you should be aiming to be chased around mid game at least. Before everyone else is on death hook.
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It's honestly far more exhilarating duping a killer either before or during chase, and they're left baffled at where you vanished to, than it is running around the same stack of boxes 50 times until you're forced to drop the pallet.
As killer, if a survivor is looking to loop me somewhere with a pallet still up. I'll just give them a knowing look and walk away. You're not wasting my time.
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I considered the idea.
After consideration.... still boring.
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Circling a tile to dodge the killer and getting back on my gen isn't "quivering in the corner".
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I agree with all of this. And that is my general strat when I get chased. I mean, you WILL get found eventually. And losing the killer is very satisfying.
And yeah, I agree about Mr. Pallet. Waste of time.
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Not really vs. anti-loop killers. Tho you can still call hold W and predropping pallets "looping"... as long as you don't go down. :D