Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and the Bloodweb

As the title suggests this is a quick post about how we could make the bloodweb better and healthier for all parties.
Weve all been there, plugging away at spending bloodpoints before the next round, because spending them all at once is extremely tedious, loud, and RSI inducing. At first I thought it was just me, I have carpel tunnel and a few other problems with my wrist and clicking and holding each node for the 1 second sometimes 10-15 times per level can be both daunting and dreadful. Leveling up should never be a chore but weve set it up as such beautifully. When I asked my friends who play on console with similar faulty wrists, even just holding the A button can flare up pain aswell.
Is it too much to ask for an auto fill of some caliber? Especially now that everything costs less, people are striving for prestige 100, its seems now more then ever it should become important to bring the bloodweb to the modern era.
It might not seem like much, but for us users who can allready only game an hour at max at a time, this would bring tears to my eyes to see fixed. And while were at it, please please a volume slider in the settings for bloodweb. Nobody wants to hear the wet slurping noises of the blood web that would rival any kinky anime for the next 10 minutes of level dumping.
So please, throw all your ideas here for a better blood web system that the devs might be able to implement easily and thank you all in advance.
this seems to me like the most requested thing from the community alongside an eruption nerf and solo q buffs (which are happening)
so if both aren't coming with the midchapter I'll be surprised. but then again bhvr are very slow at giving the community the changes they want even if they don't affect the game's balance and are just qol changes.
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My idea of an easy fix would be to make a confirmation click and hold at the middle of the bloodweb ( or at the last left off node ) that once activated, you can just move the mouse through the bloodweb at the same speed before , with the nodes just filling when hovered over ( or selected on console )
Virtually no RSI, still faster and less tedious, and the bloodweb remains virtually identical.
I also believe all players would love a speed increase to the delay inbetween node selecting and the entity selecting. Currently too slow
Now if you wanted to take it one step farther, and fully automate the blood web, why not just leave the web as is with the above improvements but add 2 settings, Maximize leveling, and Custom leveling. maximise choses the cheapest route without calulating entity removing stuff ( so manual still has reward as the entity can consume lots of cost ) but makes it extremely quick. Custom Leveling allows you to select your prefered nodes and in what order. it then prioritizes user selected nodes when available as it auto levels the bloodweb
maybe auto leveling is too complicated so help me out here
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Their has to be a better way to spend bloodpoints, it’s too time consuming and redundant. Give us a better option please behaviour
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It took me 15 minutes to spend 2 million BP the other day and then I closed the game because my finger hurt from repetitive clicking. Ascended
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I wish that at the very least it was click-to-claim like in the archive challenges, instead of click-and-hold.
Getting a little bit more creative, an option to make it simply hover to claim, where you just move the cursor over a node to claim it with no clicking would be fantastic. Option because I'm sure some would prefer not accidentally claiming the wrong node.
And if I could make a change with no questions asked, let me just buy a whole bloodweb with one click, or even a "spend all bloodpoints on this character's bloodweb" button where it calculates how far you'll get and does it similar to how you can scroll to a certain page in the rift and unlock your way up to there with Auric Cells. Just make it do the same dicerolls in the background as when generating actual bloodwebs, and give some average amount of different qualities. I'll even happily pay a 1000-3000 BP Entity Tax per level for the convenience if needed, or a lower high-rarity node count than if I did it manually 😄
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I can whole heartidly support those ideas. An instant single level or level dump would be fantastic. Thanks for your support.
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Well Im kinda disappointed that there was no talk or plans to address the blood web in this most recent developer update.
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It sounds more like they have poor coders which is why it takes too long to dish out updates.
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This is my biggest gripe. Also for Levels 1-10 just make them 1 button since no nodes can be blocked. So if I have a lot of bloodpoints I would like to go from level 1 to 10 in the bloodweb with 1 click. If a person does not have enought BP then it will need to say unlock to level 2 and load the lvl 2 BW. If they dont have enough for a full level just let them click the nodes individually.
Also the need to hold on each node takes to long. Just 1 click and the node is used. Much faster.
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yeah, spending 2 million bps is insanely painful for me physically, especially considering that i'm disabled. this issue NEEDS to be addressed.
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Some games you can get away with a simple mod to fix rsi issues, so this should be quick. Or one would think...
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Yes, "autofill shortest route" in bloodweb, could be great. You choose node you want to buy, and game fills everything on the shortest path to node you selected.
"users who can allready only game an hour at max at a time"
There was a troll in one topic, that said the avarage user, casually spend 10-15h a day in game.
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I've said this so many times before, I don't understand why BHVR is so obsessed with having to hold M1 for almost everything. Why can't it just be done with a click?
If it's implemented so people don't "miss-click" the item they wanted to buy, then they'll either learn to pay more attention next time when clicking on the bloodweb OR BHVR could just make it a double click.
Another viable option would be to implement a system that auto-selects the entire web, with previously selected preferred items/offerings and whatnot. Additionally, skipping the whole animation from a level to the next would be a lot less time-consuming.
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If you can try doing the bloodweb with a controller, I find it much more comfortable at least. It's a joke that they haven't made it much better in all these years.
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Sometimes If i dont level up in a session, i can squeeze 2 hours in a day, but 10-15 just isnt viable anymore for me , thats crazy
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We keep asking, asking, asking for it and bhvr doesn't give any feedback on it...
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Please BHVR! We need a change for the blood web! The price adjustments were fantastic, but we need this change!
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Its finally happening! BHVR has listened and Im very excited to see there take on this issue in action when it releases!