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Anyone else having issues with dbd?

ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

Seriously. In the last 24 hours in dbd I've had several bloodweb loading errors and matchmaking errors. Hell, in the last 20 minutes I've had 2 bloodweb errors and a matchmaking error. What's the deal with this? I just want to play dbd on my playstation and it's NOT WORKING.

Edit: Well this is a new one. Never thought the game would tell me I have a bloodweb error BEFORE entering the game.

Post edited by ChurchofPig on


  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,324
    edited January 2023

    Lemme load up on my PlayStation and see if I can recreate some of these errors.

    Edit: So far I have no luck getting any errors in either Bloodweb or MM

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • PeteDawgg
    PeteDawgg Member Posts: 13

    I'm having the same issue on PS5. I'm trying to spend my BPs today after grade reset and after each bloodweb it doesn't load and then after a couple minutes pops up with this error message. I've restarted the game several times and restarted the console and it keeps popping up.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    Ok so I'm not going crazy, someone else on PS5 is experiencing at least one of the same issues. I've done everything I could think of too, even going as far as reinstalling the game and it did nothing.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I'm on PC and yesterday I had multiple You have been disconnected from the host errors while trying to find a match.

  • PeteDawgg
    PeteDawgg Member Posts: 13

    i think the issue is something with DBD not being able to be able to tell you have a connection. it's not the PS5 cuz when i play on other online games there's no DCs at all. Not sure if DBD is doing a constant connection refresh with the ps network and that keeps dropping the connect? but its getting really frustrating not being able to play after i've done everything i could think of by clearing console cashe, rebuild data base, uninstall and reinstall game and DBD is the only game that has this issue of connecting to the internet.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    edited January 2023

    I know it's not the PS5 itself, but it could be something PS5 exclusive since those types of bugs happen. I've done every type of troubleshooting I can imagine, but still no luck. Even if it just relieved it a little, it wouldn't help. At this point I'm just going to make a bug report with all the issues I'm having and hope for the best because this is beyond ridiculous.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    literally every 2 to 3 days on ps4. I just leave and come back a few hours later and it back to normal

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    The thing is, I've tried this and it's not acting like this. It's been doing this for days now too.

  • minutelate
    minutelate Member Posts: 3

    I am having the exact same issue. When I spend bloodpoints it errors out it won’t let me into matches I keep getting unknown error and one when I login about cloud something. I play strictly ps5 and this issue began 01/13/2023 for me at 9:30pm pst. It has continued doing it ever since. I have done everything you can think of. I have tried connecting hardwire and wireless I have tried a completely different ISP. I have done port forwarding on my router I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I have cleared the cache in the ps5 and rebuilt the database after uninstalling the game and when it completes I reinstall it. This is super frustrating!! I have a 3 day weekend and all wanted to do was grind it out because of the reset and I can hardly play at all.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    For me, this started when the event ended last... I believe it was Wednesday. Since then, I've been able to somehow play in 3 matches, the rest of the time it's been error after error after error.

  • minutelate
    minutelate Member Posts: 3

    Tonight I have been able to get into 4 matches in almost 3 hours the rest of the time I am fighting errors who do we need to tag to get this looked at lol….

    Examples of different errors. All of the errors below happened within a 5 min time period and are what have have been dealing with non stop

    when spending bloodshards

    after my 4th match…

    when trying to go back in after last error

    Along with several other errors I am getting constantly…

  • PeteDawgg
    PeteDawgg Member Posts: 13

    I believe you are right. so it is a PS5 game version exclusive bug. i downloaded the PS4 game version on my PS5 and had no bugs or errors whatsoever. when i switched back to the PS5 game version, the bugs and errors kept popping up again. this is so frustrating. i know its not a big deal but i'd rather play the PS5 version of the game on the PS5 itself instead of downgrading.

  • PeteDawgg
    PeteDawgg Member Posts: 13

    these PS5 errors popped up on the same day for me as well right after grade reset. cuz i could not use my BPs at all when doing the bloodwebs or join friends lobbies when the night before we were all playing on PS5 no problem.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,166

    I was trying to set up a KYF (Custom Match) a few days ago with some friends and we were having issues. People kept trying to join but would instantly get kicked from Errors. People would join the Lobby but not actually be in the Lobby. We spent like 3 hours trying to get things to work.

  • minutelate
    minutelate Member Posts: 3

    I submit a ticket to BHVR with all of the details and screenshots. I hadn't bothered with PS4 version yet because like it was mentioned don't wanna downgrade. Hopefully they will fix if not guess i will install PS4 version till it's resolved.....

  • PeteDawgg
    PeteDawgg Member Posts: 13

    I think the issue has been fixed. at least on my end. I'm able to play again without having a lot of pop up errors.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. Yesterday I kept getting "Host Connection" errors and booted to the main menu for a few "Unknown Errors". Had to restart my system for the game to work properly again.