What's the fuss about the HUD changes?

Okay title. I'm a killer main (Queen Sadako and Dredge) but like I don't get what's so scary about the HUD changes and I'm not hearing the REASONING behind why its so feared. I know its a big change but afaik it won't do much to help super co-ordinated and good solos much anyways. I don't know what the problem really is and I see everyone major being like "THIS WILL KILL KILLER!!!"


  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    It just means that games will be much more closer for solo queue instead of a 3/4k with only 2-3 gens done

    So Killer will have lesser room for errors in a solo queue game as compared to now.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    i definitely don't think a minor change like this is going to affect escape rates that drastically, in fact it will probably barely affect them at all

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    i've actually seen mostly the opposite, survivors raging that the devs aren't doing enough and saying the HUD update is totally useless, i even saw one guy say that it is never useful in any situation for any person (obviously he was wrong, but you know)

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    It’s not minor, information is still information. Now the average player will know to push gens if they know someone is being chased by the killer rather than hiding. When player A knows Devour Hope is in play and sees that player B is cleansing a totem, they can deduce that B has probably found the Totem and can start moving back to a gen. All these little improvements may seem minor on their own but it can add up quite a bit over the course of a match.

    The inexperienced players will still crouch in a corner or get into a locker regardless of the change because they are new, but the HUD update isn’t for them, it’s for those players who know what they are/should be doing depending on the situation. It won’t be enough to drastically lower Kill rates, but the average Killer may end up with more sweaty matches due to improved gen efficiency.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    SWF survival rate is 15% higher than solo survival rate. The HUD upgrade is bound to increase the solo survival rate.

    While it also will increase survivor vs survivor toxicity: "why where you doing a chest instead of a gen, when Jeff was chased?!"

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707

    I can live with that as long as the general info shared in solo is better. I don't get much toxicity in my games anyway so for me this will not be a problem. I see no downside in the HUD-change tbh and welcome it greatly!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited January 2023

    This information is already available to most solo players in the form of Kindred. It's basically a meta perk among solo surivivors, and you can't go more than 2 games without seeing it.

    Even with this information, solo survivors still refuse to use it effectively. It's not a rare occurrence to be hanging on the hook with Kindred, knowing all your team mates can see you and each other, and the killer within 16m, and they still do the most inefficient things possible.

    Information alone isn't worth anything without the will to use it. Just as "killers that want to tunnel will tunnel", well... survivors that want to potato will potato.

    For those few who do have good game sense and a willingness to work as a team, it will help them coordinate and be a little more efficient, bringing them closer to SWF standards. but that's the thing, it's not making them better than SWF, or making SWF any better. You already face SWF every few games anyway, so this shouldn't be a big issue.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,389

    I haven't seen actual reasoning either. - But the narrative on the forums is "information" = "easy win". - Which is in theory correct but it conveniently ommits the "potentially" from the right side of the equation. People still need to know how to interpret the information they got and act accordingly. This is why the gap between SoloQ and SWF is not bigger than it is and why most swfs aren't nearly as scary as they're made out to be: yes, if on comms they can have all the info there is --- but that does absolutely not mean they know how to read it or what they should be doing at a given moment based on that information.

    The HUD will come in handy for solos in situations that were super frustrating in the past like "I'm on the other side of the map, I'm sure someone else is closer and goes for unhook" - teamie goes second, guess you were wrong. Depending on the map now you can't even make it in time. - Or if you don't know if it's safe to unhook, well, if someone else is in chase and you don't have terror radius on hook it is.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    We'll see how SoloQ does, once the HUD is out and everybody has gotten used to it. I expect slightly lower kill rates (mainly because suvivors will know when it's safe to do gens, who goes for an unhook etc.) but nothing too extreme and as long as BHVR are not letting anything get out of hand I'm more than happy about these changes.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    welcome to DBD forums where people overreact non-stop even when the change is a step in the good direction.

    + bringing solo Q at the same level of a SWF can result in killers loosing more which means = KILLER BUFFs or MAP BALANCE CHANGES for a future...

    is so stupid how COWSHED is still a nightmare for killer while SHELTER WOODS is just easy mode especially with the new useless tiles that they added to the realm.