Please stop disconnecting

dear survivors killers, please stop disconnecting. six disconnects today and every time i get no pip because of that. Half of the time I can't even give a reason why they disconnected.

did you have similar experiences? is there something wrong with the servers? is this the work of hackers?


  • proxy_taxfraud
    proxy_taxfraud Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 153


  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    The problem with that, is depips are the only punishment for people who disconnect or suicide on hook.

    With no depips everyone could just suicide on first hook every match with no penalty, and at a certain point killers would just say screw this match and afk till its done because they werent gonna pip anyways.

    It may not work and apply to everyone, but staying in a game to try for the safety pip at minimum is a real thing, and while it would help you not depip, it would lead to even more issues with DC, hook suicide, and afk killers halfway through a game.

  • Sanna
    Sanna Member Posts: 26

    I can totally understand where you're coming from, but I think it could go both ways in a vicious cycle sort of way? I feel like the majority who get so upset over camping/tunneling killers and spread toxicity at the end are those who end up depipping because of it (at least from what I've seen on streams and when I spoke to people in streamer chats, etc.)

    There are definitely those who are just entitled and will get upset over "being denied the chance to play properly" but if depips weren't a thing anymore, maybe most people would be more inclined to just move onto the next game without getting so defensive/mad and blaming the other side? It may be more enjoyable as a whole in the end.

    Of course if depips could still exist for those DC only, that would be great. And with how many hook suicides happen anyway, removing depips altogether would be a lot less punishing for everyone else for something that's entirely out of their control and not their fault. But those are just my thoughts! I just think that by removing depips, it might make the community more lax and less toxic, but maybe I'm just overly optimistic. 😆

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I seldom see killers DC when I play survivor. It does happen at times, but generally only in situations where they are completely outclassed and is getting deliberately clowned on, a survivor has DCd or the survivors have basically taken the game hostage.

    Outside of these...I'd say maybe one in 12, if not less.

    Survivors on the other hand, especially on the first down, far far too often. Maybe 1 in 3 games, all told, if I include suicides and AFKs in that number.

    That said - all of this needs to stop, as it makes the game 100% less fun.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92
    edited December 2022

    Please tell survivors to not all run to the hooked survivor at once, you guys have more than 2 brain cells, you know that only one guy is needed to unhook a survivor, you can SEE the aura of other survivors running towards the hooked survivor, WHY do you keep running the hooked survivor when you know you're not gonna get there first.

    Just dumb things like this are probably why people disconnect. People just running around do nothing, or survivors getting off a gen when we were team repairing it to immediately unhook a survivor instead of finishing the gen. Guys guys guys, you DON'T have to immediately unhook people.

    Healing unhooked survivors right by the hook you just got him/her off of, running in the same direction as me while we are being chased by a killer, Running towards a gen that is being repaired while being chased and seeing our auras, knowing a killer tunnels and still running in the same direction as the recently unhooked survivor, cmon guys. I don't encourage d/c'ing, but I don't encourage garbage game play behavior either.

    Something about hooked survivors really turns on randoms I tell you what, solo Q is a damn nightmare. We should include this information in the required training of this game tbh.

  • peachypanda
    peachypanda Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I would just like to say that I myself have been being Disconnected mid chase, or in the middle of running to an unhook. Always saying "disconnected from host" every time. It happens multiple times a day and I am surrently at a 6 hour ban because of it happening! DBD is not doing anything about it. I have uninstalled the game, uninstalled Steam and still having the issue. I dont know what else to do but just know, not everyone is DCing just because, and that it is infact a Behavior issue.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I used to be against rage quitters when I mained Survivor, but I recently switched to killer due to burnout and while I am mostly against it, I admit, I’ve dcd a couple of times .

    As a survivor I’ve never really had a killer anger me to the point of making me want to quit. Even being slugged for 4 minutes or face camped until death didn’t aggravate me much. The worst thing that happened when I played survivor is being on hook with the killer nowhere near by and getting to second stage because two of my teammates are hiding and the third is being chased. Then, I’d stop hitting skill checks and move on.

    With killer, I didn’t have much problems until recently, when matchmaking decided that everyone I’m put up against for the last four days are exceptional at looping and know how to rush gens and have three done before I get my first hook. Now, I normally have no issue with losing, died a lot as survivor, but when I constantly get t-bagged because I’m unable to catch someone, it starts to feel demeaning. Sometimes, it becomes one too many t-bags and I’d rather DC and go play another game or annoy/cuddle my cats.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I really don’t think this is a problem that can be fixed. The mindset for players on both sides causes them to expect wins and when they don’t get an easy game they get mad

    I’ve had killers DC after failing to face camp and I’ve had survivors DC after failing to blind at a pallet. People just need to learn how to accept a misplay and take the loss

  • Agt_Scully
    Agt_Scully Member Posts: 164

    Unfortunately, only the Survivor on the hook can see the auras of other survivors. I can't tell you how many times I have died on the first hook (even after hitting every skill check to maximize health) because the other Survivors ASSUMED that someone else would unhook me! I would much rather have all 3 Survivors come to my rescue than ignoring the save and assume another Survivor will unhook me. Although I realize this is a problem with SoloQ.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382

    Survivors DC because they know they're immediately going to get tunneled which is the case more often than not. Killers have no chill with regards to strong perks and cheesy tactics these days. People would rather just DC and hope the next game is goes better for them.. You can't really counter it without being extremely good at looping which 95% of survivors are not. It's made worse by not having a good anti tunnel perk anymore.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Mmmm. False. When I play blight, I get DC’s alllll the time if they get downed too quickly off rip. Or I landed a really nice flick / hug tech. Or….

    I waited out their DH. DC.

    I mind gamed them. DC.

    They tea bag me then instantly go down 10 seconds later. DC out of shame.

    I never tunnel and I still get DC’s constantly.

  • WhirlBladeWing
    WhirlBladeWing Member Posts: 4

    You mentioned something about both the survivor and killer getting disconnected at the same time? The issue happened to me a couple of times and I'm trying to figure out if it's a problem with the survivor(which I was) or the killer? Also, is this an issue that happens often and is well known?

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    A couple of weeks ago I started to see a huge uptick in disconnects, even when it makes absolutely no sense. Killer has two hooks, only 2 gens are left and both are at a pretty respectable progress, a person who wasn't been downed just DCs. A person, supposedly working on a gen, while I'm chasing a Nea for five gens on Borgo without taking a single health state DCs. Survivor goes through the dying animation on hook and then a few seconds later DC.

    Also, the DC where both the killer and one survivor DCs at the same exact moment.

    I've been playing this game since 2020 and while I did occasionally experience random crashed to desktop, they would usually only occur about once every 2 to 3 months. Now every single week I'm crashing at least once.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    the game crashes 50% of the time people leave so maybe is a game problem. in my case due net resetting my IP every 12hs is what it is the rest of the time id rather kill on hook instead of Dcing.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2023

    may be due Blight being extremelly unfun to play against especially with his dumb set of addons making him boosted to levels of non sense, and for whatever reason those are still in the game wich ofc are used by every blight 6 out of 10 matches i see alchemist ring the 4 remaining double speed wich is close in levels of boosted especially because he hits TROUGH stuff, is like a truck the hitbox he has, is omega dumb, he oftenly doesnt touch u BUT EY i still hit u at loops because whatever, so fun. Blight is dumb and i can understand why they leave, i usually dont mind much when blight is not using double speed or vial with speed or alchemist ring with compoud 33, is just dumb. on top of that the classic mac millan offering map because on top of the S tier easy mode they play with they also need the easy like most blights had the small pp energy on them (or maybe they do have small pp who knows), is quite funny actually.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Yeah but...Blight. It's not so much how you played, but that this particular killer and their addon set exists. Playing most other killers on the roster won't net you nearly so many DCs. Same with Nurse.

    Beyond that, I have been having a significant increase in game crashes lately. Either the game will spontaneously crash to desktop or stutter then tell me I've been disconnected. Have had at least one system hard lock. Started in the last week. It's irritating on its own, but especially so when it's been a difficult trial and it's building up to a win. All other games are running normally, and system diagnostics come back clean. Driver updates/reinstalls don't change anything. Occasionally running a verify integrity of game files in Steam will find a file that needs to be re-downloaded, though it doesn't specify which, only that it's about 1mb.

    Current theory is that the upcoming DLC is sucking so hard that it's created a vacuum that's causing game-wide disturbances.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I mean his hitboxs are fine. He has a extremely short and wide hit box for the first tiny bit of his lethal rush attack phase and then it's nearly a normal m1 hitbox after that. If he didn't have that wide hitbox at the beginning it would be devastatingly easy to dodge lethal rushes, especially when factoring in ping since blights power is tied directly to the server validation.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Me: Finaly finds match againts Sadako!

    Sadako: *leaves after 5 min game*

    Me: 😭

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I have not disconnected from a match in like 5 years, except from like two hackers.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    I DC when I am inconvenienced as killer. The game isn't bumpin enough for me to not DC.