"kindred shouldnt be baskit because the swf gets more info"

DudelPuma Member Posts: 329
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

I've heard this "argument" more often and as I got it, it's even the cheap argument of the devs, which I thought about and asked, what "advantages" for the swf are they talking about? so kindred does: you see the other survivor where they are and who is near the hook can go for the hook and when the killer is 16m near the hook you see it, or not?

bhvr small note, in a swf it goes like this: "A: who is nearby at the hook? B: I'm nearby, C on the hook: the killer camps makes gens! D: has all the info and is sitting at the gen because he doesn't have to go to the hook

Maybe I'm playing the wrong kindred and you have the right one, but all the information that kindred gives you can get for free in a swf as soon as you're in the call, maybe I've overlooked something please bhvr can you tell me all the advantages that kindred gives swf ? the only thing i see is a cheap excuse that doesn't make sense to me, or bhvr and those who claim that have never played swf

btw, if a killer like wraith is camping you can't know it, but a swf knows that too, so swf has an improved Kindred so what are we talking about here? a perk that is never used in a swf only in soloq, why? bc they have all infos! at least an icon should appear when the killer who is being hooked is 16m nearby, so that the other mates know, bhvr please don't do things by halves "we want to bring solo q and swf closer to each other" then please really!


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited January 2023

    I hate to agree with BHVR in their argument against base kit Kindred, but what they're saying is true.

    It is very precious knowing exactly where someone is VS knowing more or less what they're doing in a general sense.

    You see who the killer starts a chase with and where they are looping. You see who was working on which gen, so you know where the gen is and that it has at least some amount of progress on it. If you're injured, you know where exactly the nearest person is that could heal you.

    I didn't really see how good Kindred was before I started playing Aftercare and really seeing how useful it is seeing the exact position of your teammates at any given time.

    I think seeing everyone's auras through basekit Kindred would be too strong, and would probably call for significant killer buffs.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285
    edited January 2023

    both kindred and when talking killers corrupt intervention are too good to be base kit can we move on from this discussion