After 3 months of playing her barebone I will play Nurse with perks again

FMG15 Member Posts: 530

I've decided in October to play my current main (Nurse) exclusively barebone to improve my game sense and overall skill on Nurse and I've gootten some interesting results. However I will play her with perks again in the near future. There are multiple reasons for that:

  1. I've been "losing" a lot of games recently. And in most matches it's not because I performed poorly. On some of these matches I performed amazing. Sometimes up to 5 hooks before the first gen popped. Yet I still got at least 3-outet. If survivors are simply gen jockeys they will get the gens done at an insane speed unless you run atleast 1 slowdown perk as well.
  2. Playing the Nurse without a loadout in almost every game can feel very frustrating and punishing. Doing it occasionally maybe as a warmup game is probably better.
  3. I think I've reached what I've wanted to acieve by playing her barebone. My game sense improved dramatically and my muscle memory has gotten pretty consistent.

But even though I will play her with perks again I will probably not just go full ham and play the strongest stuff possible. But atleast one slowdown feels kinda necessary. I also want an information perk like BBQ so I don't have to waste time to find the next survivor. My build will probably be: BBQ, Pain Res/Pop, Agitation (to counter body blocking) and a 4th perk. What else is there to say? Well, if you think you need to improve with a killer like Nurse try playing her barebone for a little while. Not as long as I did but maybe a week?
