After 3 months of playing her barebone I will play Nurse with perks again

I've decided in October to play my current main (Nurse) exclusively barebone to improve my game sense and overall skill on Nurse and I've gootten some interesting results. However I will play her with perks again in the near future. There are multiple reasons for that:
- I've been "losing" a lot of games recently. And in most matches it's not because I performed poorly. On some of these matches I performed amazing. Sometimes up to 5 hooks before the first gen popped. Yet I still got at least 3-outet. If survivors are simply gen jockeys they will get the gens done at an insane speed unless you run atleast 1 slowdown perk as well.
- Playing the Nurse without a loadout in almost every game can feel very frustrating and punishing. Doing it occasionally maybe as a warmup game is probably better.
- I think I've reached what I've wanted to acieve by playing her barebone. My game sense improved dramatically and my muscle memory has gotten pretty consistent.
But even though I will play her with perks again I will probably not just go full ham and play the strongest stuff possible. But atleast one slowdown feels kinda necessary. I also want an information perk like BBQ so I don't have to waste time to find the next survivor. My build will probably be: BBQ, Pain Res/Pop, Agitation (to counter body blocking) and a 4th perk. What else is there to say? Well, if you think you need to improve with a killer like Nurse try playing her barebone for a little while. Not as long as I did but maybe a week?
It's a great way to improve. Build carries are a common issue for killers. But eventually the build carry stops working and their mechanics and game sense are still bad.
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Yes getting fundamentals is important especially on a killer like Nurse who is mechanically very demanding. Getting good with her is the result of tons of practice. If people rely on slowdown too much they can win many games with that. But they will never be able to beat a competent team.
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Interesting. So I'm not the only masochist applying the "Kamesennin" way of training. (I've seen a couple survivors doing it too btw.)
In my experience, the MMR gets a bit in the way but otherwise it's an enjoyable way to play.
Moreover, the "failure theory" principle applies. (Loosely translated from the French. In a nutshell : trying to succeed while not going 100% and losing doesn't feel as bad as going 100% and still losing.)
To make it fun, I used to have a variant with only Franklin. (Because exploiting greed is fun and at least survivors don't ask "why no perk", assuming you've cheated somehow.)
In my experience, something funny happens when you start using a more powerful build afterwards : it goes in the way and it takes a match or so to get used to it.
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If i hear the shriek of a Nurse i just be a Gen jockey, either we die fast or get fast out. Nurse doesnt plays DBD she plays her own game.
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I've been having fun with Lethal, Nowhere to Hide, Spies (my anti Lery's) and Stridor (although the last one seem to be bugged most of the time and not work at all, I'll probably swap it for Nurse's or BBQ.)
I play without addons, but I would change perks accordingly given she has some tracking ones.
If you want to try it, this should feel less overwhelming of a jump from going from nothing to something more meta.
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I also have periods sometimes, with the nurse.
Sometimes it will be full gens' perks: aggressive build with Eruption // Call of brine // Overcharge // Deadlock
Sometimes it will be full aura reading : Nowhere to hide // BBQ // I'm all ears // Lethal Pursuer
Sometimes, it will be a mix : flood of rage // pain resonnance // I'm all ears // BBQ
Agitation // pain resonance // floods of rage // BBQ
Sometimes, it will be "naked" : 0 perk, 0 addon.
By the way, I used to alternate between double recharge and recharge/ranges, but now, since the 6.5.0 PTB, I only use the Anxious Gasp + "Bad Man's" last beath.
I also went through the "Shadowborn #########?!" phase.
First time equipping Shadowborn :
"God, what the hell, I'm never going to be able to do this" 😱
After a few games :
"My god, it's so good, I'm addicted" 😍
When I wanted to do without it:
"God, what the hell, I'm never going to be able to do this." 😱
After a few games :
"Oh ... in fact ,I can ..." 😐️
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Friends don't let their Nurse friends play with Shadowborn.
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Why ? 😂
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It's addictive ;)
(I presume there are still adverts formulated a bit like this, but for illegal substances : I've not watched TV since the last century ^_^;;; )
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Ha ha, okay, I got it! Good job! 😋
Hi, my name is Saly, and today it's been 1 month since I last used Shadowborn.
All : Helloooooooooooo Sallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
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We will join your main soon. All of us.
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Right on point :D
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Honestly no one accused me of cheating in the 3 months tbh but i can see your point. And yes sometimes whenever I lose I though: "Well, I had nothing to stop the gen speed. I did great but there was basically nothing I could have done there" and it just doesn't feel that bad when you lose barebone. But on certain maps like Lery's and Badham I sometimes felt stressed out because I had to search for survivors a long time. Those maps just don't feel as good without perks and can give you a bitter taste.
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That's very true and I didnt want to make it look in my post like I'm complaining about gen speed. It is in the best interest of survivors to do gens quick especially if you go up against an S-tier killer. It just felt in some matches like I'm not getting rewarded for my performance even if I had an insane start survivors just magically managed to come back.
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Oh I can definitely try this build out somedays. It sounds very interesting.
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I dunno about shadowborn on Nurse. It feels like the blinks make me feel dizzy. It just looks very weird while blinking and it feels like my precision is gone. On the other hand I tantrum a lot if I play Leatherface without shadowborn. It just allows me to take te loops tight while still not going into tantrum. And Blight is just unplayable without Shadowborn.
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Because of the addon changes?
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Yes... and the new boring Kick-Meta. I dont like kicking gens all the time. Thats why I play PR+DMS, I dont like CoB+Eruption.
I really miss Ruin, even if the Totem-Spawns are horrible.
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How you play most good nurses I see usually hard tunnel and camp because they want quick wins did you use these tactics at all. Weaker killers has to rely them but still most often killers I see camping/tunneling are nurses and blight even if they're very good prestige 40+.
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Yeah I can never get warm with this current meta. It's so boring. I know it's the easy strat to win with any killer but kicking gens anc camp 3 gens are not fun
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No. Most of the time I played a 12 hook game and almost never tunneled. And camping as Nurse doesn't make much sense if the survivor is not close to gens being worked on and so boring that I almost never did it (endgame is an exception ofc)
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I'm also a P90 Nurse if it interests you.
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yeah i Highly recommend doing barebones challenges (no or few perks/addons) for practicing fundamentals, its very challenging but feels rewarding if you only do a few games in a row (3 months sounds pretty rough)
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It was a good experience. I just wanted to improve my game sense and muscle memory and it worked. Nowadays I'm guessing their spawn right 95% of the time and people rarely get angry when they realized that they got beaten by a barebone Nurse. I actually wanted to keep going but man the gen speed is just too much. If I don't run atleast one gen regression perk the gens fly like nothing even if I perform really well. It's also less stressful playing with BBQ on a map like Lery's and Badham where it can take forever to find a survivor. Even though I enjoyed playing her barebone most of the time there were also times where I felt helpless and frustrated. So I decided to stop playing barebone for now. I honestly am very happy with my current skillset and even my friend who is a Nurse veteran was impressed by how much I improved in 3 months.
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Well usually solid/good nurses I face don't facecamp but blink on gens or search close area and blink back to hook to get trade or prevent save completely. They have good intuition when save is about to happen so it's pretty miserable to play agains't. It would be totally fine for me if they would blink back to hook once save has happened but they even do that playstyle if it's only 3vs1 at 5-3 gens. They want fast wins I understand that but they could easily win with other way too.
I've been once tunneled also prestige 70 god nurse she searched whole map to find me and I went to hide in basement that was weird and eventually she found me after that she slugged other 3 survivors in seconds. Maybe if I would hide better and other 3 survivors could done gens. I was not even obsession she probably got mad that I had dead hard only think I can imagine.
Good that you're one good nurse at least who goes for chases. I face them rarely it's weird that usually the worser the nurse I face more likely they go for just chases. They don't even tunnel often. I don't know if it's wrong word to say those nurses good I face like well actually very good nurses like you go for chases or slug whole team in seconds. That is at least much more skillful.
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I like chases. The main thing I hated as barebone Nurse was finding survivors after hooking. It's literally the main reason why I run BBQ again. I usually don't want aura reading on Nurse especially those that procc mid chase because there is no skill for me to get the down but BBQ is the big exception because I just want to have my next chase ASAP. I also hate gen kicking perks because it's so boring to kick gens over and over again instead of going for a chase so I decided to bring Pain Res as it does it's job for me (plus it will still work on her after the mid chapter unlike Surge/Jolt) and since I want to keep up the pressure mid game I also bring grim embrace as it stalls survivors for 40 seconds as a reward for playing fair (there needs to be more perks like this) and a 4th perk like agi to counter saboplays and body blocks which were really annoying when I played her barebone.
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Oh yes, Lery is the worst. If survivors are are good at stealth it can be hard to find them and track them. There are so many line of sight blockers and so many obstacles and the map feels pretty big. Detection perks would help a lot.
I find Badham slightly less bad. If the map allows, I focus on a smaller area and give up on far away gens. I usually get some advantage in multi-floor areas. (Midwich and Gideon are so good)
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Games go by faster because most just want out of the nurse game but don't want a penalty.
So sit on a gen till you can give up on hook!
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Most don't give up on hook though. They just play the game normally but I have a feeling that against the nurse most survivors are organized all of a sudden as if all survivors I face are on comms (which I don't believe smart soloQ players can be gen efficient as well). It just surprises me how fast they get the gens done without many gen perks.
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The problem with Badham is that if offers so many places to hide especially in and around the buildings. Combine this with the fact that Nurse moves very slow and if the survivors play the long game you can feel very helpless barebone. With BBQ I have a much bigger chance of winning because searching for them does not take nearly as much time.
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Sure, the map is annoying. Just slightly less than Lery.
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The thing with Lery's is that it's not that bad of a map for a lot of killers unlike Badham. The reason why it's so brutally bad for Nurse is because of the way you play the Nurse. You are slower than survivors so you constantly need to use your power to catch up. And because there are always multiple ways to go to another room and break LoS it eventually makes the map really bad for her. Badham is just bad for every killer
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Mmh, yes. Badham isn't bad for everyone. A stealth killer can do a lot of damage there (among others).
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Indeed, I don't know if I prefer Lery or Badham ... I would say that on Lery, even a survivor who is not necessarily very gifted only has to run around for it to drive me crazy 🤣
But Badham ... these stairs with these basements ... MY GOD, THOSE BASEMENTS...
No worries, go ahead, fix your damn generator downstairs, please 😱😝
Otherwise, I'm currently in [No addons, No perk, except Lightborn] mod and I must admit it's relaxing 😊
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Enjoying the game is indeed nice. I feel more relaxed now after equipping BBQ again. Grim Embrace is also pretty fun and actually effective because the mid game is often the deciding factor of the games outcome. Just make sure that your obsession is not your 4th stack and you see their aura regardless of the distance which enables for a quick chase.
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I agree with the stealth part. You can do sone stealth approaches but my god. The structures on this map are just way too good and while Lery has many strong pallets as well most pallets are not really safe. The houses are also a big time wasters you check the gens, oh wait there is no progress and you wasted like 30 seconds. Lery's is not that incredibly bad. (Though I want to DC whenever I play Bubba or Billy)
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It's true that Grim Embrace is a perk that you wouldn't necessarily think of, to slow down the progress of the generators, but I wonder if Deadlock wouldn't compete with it, somewhere.
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I meant Lery actually (I guess I was still half asleep) Not that the comment wouldn't be valid for Badham. I just didn't think about it.
I wonder if there are statistics about win-lose based on maps/killers.
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Deadlock is a perk that does everything for you while Grim Embrace feels rewarding because you have to hook every survivors once before its activation. Deadlock just feels like the lazy version of it that is more efficient especially because it can work as an info perk as well.
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Then your comment makes a lot more sense now. I apologize
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Why apologize? I made the mistake (and even if, I don't see anything in your command warranting an apology)
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Because I feel like I didn't even tried to understand your comment. When I read it first I thought you would use the fact that you can stealth on Badham as well as some sort of counterargument to my comment on why Lery's is actually decent for certain killers (especially stealth killers) unlike Badham. Because while you ccan stealth on Badham as well the map is just fundamentally worse for killers because of how the map is built.
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i dont understand... are KiLLaHz always running into the BEST looper for the first chase?
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What has this to do with my post? I said even if my chases are short survivors push through gens very fast. The main problem with playing Nurse barebone was that you have to find the next survivor by yourself. Especially depending on the map this can be costly and if they play in a map where they can hide well finding a survivor can be pretty hard allowing them to stay on gens longer. Sometimes you blink to the wrong gen on a huge map and you wasted like 30 seconds. What has this to do with finding the best looper first?
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It might not be for everyone, but I thought it would have been helpful had I been forced to play barebone when I started playing killer, at least for the first few levels. I really screwed myself early on by maining doc. Granted, that wasn't entirely due to perks, but his tracking ability left me having no idea how to track without whispers/spies/BBQ when I played almost any other killer. Reducing the information one has access to is the quickest way to acquire information, because there's no compensation, anywhere. Nurse is the hardest to do this with, though, as there are so many cooldowns and such harsh consequences for making mistakes. Nurse can make DBD feel like an entirely different game at first.
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Well that's because she is being played entirely different than other killers. Nurse is not a killer that you loop with since she is slower than survivors. This is why she relies on her power so much. And because she has to be played by that she is going to be the hardest to catch on. I actually started playing her barebone when I had about 1100h. Now I have almost 1800h so I already had learned the core fundamentals with her. But playing her barebone helped me to improve a lot with her.