Haven't Streamed DBD for Near 2 and a Half Years

Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

After sorting out personal life stuff, getting on track etc I finally found that motivation to get into streaming again. I still play a lot of Killer especially because in my region it appears next to no one plays to Killer and the 100% BP incentive confirms this further as realistically Killer should never ever have it.

I played about 9-10 games, all sorts of Killers all sorts of Perks, Addons etc No Blight, No Nurse, Not a Single Meta Build and by golly gosh every viewer that came into my stream did not have a single nice thing to say. It's genuinely insane the level of entitlement where players expect you to play stupid, inefficient, braindead as possible just so they can have their fun.

Every person who came into my chat had along the lines of to say:

  • Wow shite killer no wonder you only have 1 view
  • They took it very very personal if by chance I happened to tunnel of them out efficiently to even out the playing field which then lead to insults
  • Resorted to personal insults attacking my image and appearance
  • Complained that I did X when I should be doing X
  • People like me ruin this game for Survivors
  • 1v4 us again we will humiliate you (after just losing to me)
  • There are 4 other people playing therefore I need to ensure everyone is having fun (why is this my responsibility? what even is your fun?)

Bare in mind they say all these things meanwhile are trying to control and bully me into playing how they want me to play. I don't cheat, I dont run meta, I don't play Nurse or Blight (unless daily or tome) I dont pick maps unless for a specific build I just play the video game. But why should I play by their rules if this is how they treat people who don't? Why should anyone make their gaming experience fun when they clearly don't care for anyone else? A lot of people simply play this game to bully.

It's actually kinda crazy the difference between Survivor streamers and Killer streamers chats which I think is why a lot of ex Killer main streamers just choose not to now because they simply can't be bothered and just resort to Survivor because it's more relaxed.

I'll still be streaming Killer but I just found it insane how bad it is trying to be a Killer streamer.


  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    The game is not Survivor-sided. Survivors have a few maps and Discord. That's all . Go play Solo to learn.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    Your post is about Killer not getting results; it's not the case. I do not play this game in a sweaty manner. When I play Survivor, it's Solo and I'm often going against streamers that 4k and care about their win streak. You're not having a hard time at it.

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228

    But that just seems a fake and honestly quite a sad way to gain a viewership. Literally doing what others want you to do instead of just being yourself which is what Twitch is all about, being yourself or at least it should be.

    I also don't have TTV in my name, at best my Twitch is in my full Steam profile description but at the same time so is everything else like paragraphs of text with hobbies, interests, personal stuff like tattoos etc then theres my socials so they would have dig into my profile just to even find it.

    if you don't try put on a friendly appearance in game they are going to assume you are a toxic player. What does this even mean though? Again this just shows the controlling and self entitled side. Imagine playing any other PvP game and having this mindset you would be heavily mocked but for some reason in DBD its validated.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013

    But that seems a fake and honestly quite a sad way to gain a viewership.

    I agree i am just explaining that this is how i see it.

    If you don't try put on a friendly appearance in game they are going to assume you are a toxic player.

    I mean that in my experience if you play in a way that doesn't appear considerate of the survivor experience then people will assume you are selfish, or even that you are intentionally playing in a way to ruin people's fun even if you aren't playing the most powerful things or hitting people on hook or nodding or anything like that. Most players i hear from in this game don't seem to grasp the idea of playing the game as a completely independent experience and not paying mind to anyone else's.

    In my opinion all of this means that advertising your twitch in game whilst also playing killer to win, is just going to attract toxic interaction. That's why i suggested removing twitch from your profile, but i am not a streamer, i don't have any streamer experience, this is all just my hypothesis as a player.

    I find the situation pretty sad tbh, but it's always been like this with dbd and it's not gonna change anytime soon, so the only thing that you can do is decide an approach to it.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    A lack of reading comprehension, most likely caused by the failures of their education system, plague a lot of users on these forums.

    Don't take it personally - It's best to just ignore people like that who are intent on having conversations with themselves.

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2023

    So to them it's selfish to play the way I intend in a PvP game what doesnt involve cheating, griefing etc, playing the game literally as intended by design. But it's not selfish them having massive entitlement attempting to control how I should be playing. Again huge question to them is why is it to me to ensure they have fun? what even is their fun? I don't know them, I play match with them for 5-10 mins then probably never see them for another month.

    Again try to use this stance in any other game ever. Overwatch, imagine playing Genji and the enemy Supports complain that you are ruining their fun when it is literally Genji's job as a flanker to take out Supports. See how stupid it sounds?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013

    I agree that it is very stupid, but unfortunately, it appears to be the most dominant mindset in the community.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    Don't take it personally survivors are in the worst spot they've ever been. Anger stems from helplessness.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 396

    Doesn’t matter what you wrote, it’s just the typical DBD forum behaviour. People see a new thread, check which side op is playing and go full berserk „WHAAAA the other side this and that“ 😆

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    If a post mentions "entitlement" or "efficient" and I pick up on it, it means I have reading comprehension. So elitist of you.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779
    edited January 2023

    *reads further replies in thread*

    Attack away.

    No matter what you say, I'll never be responsible for your reading comprehension or replies.

    Gotta edit this to add that I sure do feel like an elitist, what with reading posts/threads before replying, though.


  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    There's no attack, I know I have reading comprehension. I know I have education.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.

  • Alcuin
    Alcuin Member Posts: 460

    I'm a baker. My livelihood depends on numbers. 60% kill rate (at least)=Killer-sided. Solo survival rate is much less than SWF. Play Solo in DBD; that's the real game.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262
    • Game rules are in survivor's favor, example: Pulling down a pallet is faster than stabbing...
    • Maps are all in survivor's favor, the degree to which varies but they are all in survivor favor
    • Survivors get map choice as they can stack the choice
    • Survivor's have by far the strongest perks, it's not even close
    • Survivors can stack add-ons
    • Survivors can stack perks
    • Killers apparantly need a small vacay after swinging at a survivor
    • Flashlight is better than any killer ability
    • BHVR caters survivor's every whim
    • Killers haven't gotten a good perk in god knows how long

    Just 10 things of the top of my head...

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    im not sure what this post is meant to convey, but i'll do my best to respond honestly.

    Streaming on twitch is going to open you up to personal attacks. you're exposing yourself. even more so if you choose to use a camera to show yourself to your viewers.

    you have to accept that as part of the experience since no amount of defense is going to aid you if it's reactive. and it has to be reactive. meaning you're going to get threats, insults, and hateful comments.

    It might help to do a virtual avatar when streaming that way you can have "facial response reactions" for engagement purposes while still staying anonymous enough to avoid insults that call out physical attributes you might have.

    viewers only matter if you're trying to monetize your channel.

    as far as how you play and who you play - killers are going to get flame. that's just how it goes. you're the bad guy. you're the epitome of "only i get to have fun". so just embrace it and roll on through the hate. you're an important part of the dbd formula. it's up to the devs to balance the game so it's rewarding and balanced. thats not your job.

    one way to avoid getting flack for how you play is to protect yourself with anonymous usernames and using a different twitch account name that doesn't share your in-game username. it won't help if you're the only person streaming a game, but that's the risk you take when playing an unpopular game. typically there are a dozen or so of streamers for dbd though.

    Can't do anything about your region not having a fan base, large population, access to internet, or whatever else you might experience. that's why it's important to share what you love with those around you and convince others to try it.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I’m a small DBD streamer as well (10ish average viewers) and I do get a lot of people coming in to share hate. I just don’t humor them, and time them out. It’s good vibes only in my stream and chat. :) Just don’t take it to heart. While I get a bunch of salty survivors, I do get a lot of wholesome people and new followers for playing well.

    Ban them and move on. Best of luck to you!

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 462

    Question for you, how long did it take for you to amass that many viewers at once? I've been streaming for a month now and I only have 15 followers and one viewer average while streaming.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I began streaming DBD about 2-3 ish months ago. Maybe 4. I just broke 400 followers about 2 days ago. I had a couple preexisting followers but gain on average 3-5 followers per stream. I’d have more if I was more consistent on other platforms. I need to get going on TikTok. Lots of discoverability on there.

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228

    Sad thing is I don't even use a webcam. The only reason they noticed what I look like is because they went further into finding my Instagram. I commonly dye my hair different colours, recent hobby i've gotten into doing so I upload results on my Insta. As well I go out a lot wherther it be parties, nightclubs, events etc so again theres a lot of photos for those too.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    yeah - not trying to dismiss your frustration and victim blame, but this will definitely sound like that. so apologies in advance with this lecture/advice that's unsolicited reply.

    you really gotta keep it anonymous and separate when you go into streaming. because otherwise you will get in worst cases doxed and in best cases harassed.

    There's nothing wrong with representing yourself honestly to the public, but that comes with a huge sacrifice to your own privacy.

    all it takes is googling a username and you can find every account related to that username.

    So... just something to think about. obviously you can make your facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter, etc. private, but then why even have them?

    best way to keep it separate is to use an alternative username account for streaming, turn anonymous usernames on - a lot of games have that feature now, and never share your private account information.

    most amateur streamers don't realize that it's necessary to do this stuff. but really most streamers are personas created. meaning they do not share their true private selves with their communities. it's unprofessional and a majorly unnecessary risk. once you become a "face" and start exposing yourself willingly like markiplier, tyler1 or the big name streamers then you take on that "celebrity" status. and a lot of that life is stressful and not for everybody, but at least like billy eilish talking about her boobs - she can shrug off the haters as a drop in the bucket.

    without support it's hard to do that without a massive ego and insane levels of confidence.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This is a take. Im gonna assume you're being a troll.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    In order:

    • lmao
    • lmao
    • eh agreeable actually
    • lmao
    • killers have their set of addons too... ?
    • same
    • lmao
    • lmao
    • lmao
    • lmao

    These were indeed takes my man

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2023

    Killers have addons. Unique addons. The killer can't bring multiples of the same perk, the killer cannot bring multiples of the same addon. But if you are just going to play victim here and cannot even see how many advantages survivors have then I have to assume you spend more time on this forum than actually playing the game...