Windows and Zanshin - Add Duration and Trigger Conditions


Map tiles are not static. Seeing upcoming vaults/pallets through walls can tell you the layout of an upcoming Tile (potentially problematic) and if a Pallet has spawned (potentially problematic) without having been in that Tile at all, or if a Pallet has been dropped/broken (fine for SoloQ).

If these Perks get reworked, I’d suggest that they both Trigger on Chase Start (and for Survivor on Injure as well) for 8/9/10s

I’d also suggest that Windows gives Survivors a Loud Noise Notification when the Killer Destroys a Pallet.

I’d also suggest that Zanshin also applied Undetectable for the duration.


Windows of Opportunity- See the Aura of Vaults and Pallets for 8/9/10s within 32m after the start of a Chase or being Injured and receive a Loud Noise Notification whenever a Pallet or Breakable Wall Breaks.

Zanshin Tactics - See the Aura of Vaults and Pallets for 8/9/10s within 32m after the start of a Chase and become Undetectable for the same duration.


  • HeehoRacketeer
    HeehoRacketeer Member Posts: 90

    I cannot understand why this is a problem. Both perks are useful since they are info perks, but not only that, tile info perks. Survivors and Killers are both given the chance to plan around tiles with the info granted. As such there is no need to turn a passive perk into an activatable perk for arguably less of an effect. As for the parts you added to each perk:

    The secondary effect you gave to Windows is made redundant (and kinda less useful) because Feng's perk Alert grants the killers aura for a couple seconds every time the killer performs a "breaking" action (meaning destroying pallets/walls and kicking gens). I don't know about most players, but I'd rather have the direct info of the killer's location, rather than a generic bubble.

    Granting the killer 10 seconds of undetectable kinda rubs me the wrong way in terms of being too powerful for the condition of "just starting a chase". Not to mention that it feels a bit random with it's inclusion. It's a good condition to have, but to only have it at the start of a chase because you started a chase and only for 10 seconds doesn't sound too useful.

    I do not see any sort of issue with either perk and do not understand why you wish to change them in this manner.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Not really enjoying the "windows needs nerf/change" meme going around.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 962

    Even if it’s a meme it doesn’t change that it reduces Tiles down to a much more formulaic, instead of an emergent, approach with its front loaded and persistent information.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,674
    edited January 2023

    Neither of these perks are a problem.

    People who think these perks are a problem are like kids pushing trash under their bed instead of cleaning it up.

    It doesn't make the trash go away you just can't see it.

    If you're getting looped strong tile to strong tile very effectively by someone with this perk, just imagine how much more painful it would be if they did the same exact thing while running a perk that actually does something. They could run OTR, deli, DH, or adrenaline in that slot, loop you just as well by memorizing where the loops are at or having their team call out a busted setup on discord.

    Windows/zanshin just lets you see the problems that map balance creates easily, it doesn't put them there.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 962

    My problem with these Perks is that they are always on allowing you to plan routes up tp 32m away while doing something such as repairing a generator (Or to a lesser extent escape paths to and from a Hooked Survivor on both sides)

    Making them less about helping you in chase, and more about helping you plan an optimal route while not in chase and doing an objective.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 962

    Secondary effect for Windows is more to emulate the "Killer broke pallet at X location" SWF callout. Not supposed to try and be more beneficial than Alert.

    For Zanshin, it's more about the Stain Suppression in high-wall Loops that can be hit or miss on how quickly you try to use it than being Undetectable for other Survivors. But I certainly see how a high mobility Killer could take advantage of it or simply attempting to manipulate the chase state with camera direction. The durations are also somewhat arbitrary.

    And you don't see any issue with a useful Tile info Perk being active all the time even while out of chase allowing Survivors to easily plan how to chain nearby Loops given the 32m range while sitting on a Generator?

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Don't see why this needs a change. Don't see killers use zanshin very often, only use it myself if I play trapper to identify good trap locations quicker. Undetectable in chase is a bit too strong though, it makes it way too hard for survivors to loop effectively.

    And having windows on all the time just lets survivors plan escapebroutes if they get ambushed. Pallet noise notification doesn't really do anything for someone in a chase.