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Deathslinger Versus Huntress

Member Posts: 8,077

Not terribly concerned about power - just got a few killers left that I want to learn, and these are the two I've narrowed it down to (PH doesn't appeal because awful boring addons, Billy is just a tough sell, Oni I find one dimensional). Yes, I've played a fair few games on all the above.


Positives - some fun addons, high skillcap, great cosmetics.

Negatives - crazily overplayed.


Positives - love his aesthetic and who he's based on, a bit less common.

Negatives - clunky, meh addons.

Mostly I'm after a fun killer with a lot of variety enabled by addons and perks. I will be going with the majority opinion here.

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  • Member Posts: 613

    I love huntress, I'd consider her my main now - but I think slinger is actually actively more fun. I don't think he's as clunky as everyone says, even after the ads nerf (which I am actually in support of anyways). I think he has less of a high skill cap than huntress but you still need to read people just as you do with hatchets BUT you can spear them through the tiniest holes in loops and buildings to build on top of the aspect of reading people.

    I also think he is easier to learn and easier to aim with too - hitting a hatchet over a loop to hit the tip top of someones head is a lot harder than with the spear. I have been playing him a LOT lot more lately and been having a blast.

    I still have to mute the lobby screen though because I physically can't listen to the spitting noise he makes because of reasons I don't want to dive into on a forum post.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm not too concerned about 'ease', I'm comfortable enough on killer that I'll figure things out fast.

    I'm more concerned with:

    • Variety. Does this killer always play the same way?
    • Fun. Is this killer clunky?
  • Member Posts: 8,589
    edited January 2023

    Deathslinger's add ons get a bad rap. Both killers have limited options if your goal is to win a game. Huntress is going to want wind up, cooldown, or aura reading. Slinger is reload, prison chain, and cigar.

    To be honest, Huntress feels clunkier than Deathslinger to me. You reload more frequently on Deathslinger, but you don't need to walk over to a locker to do it after 5 shots. And you'll hate the locker placement on some maps with Huntress.

    Perk diversity is more or less the same. Aura reading and slowdown. You don't really need chase perks, although Brutal Strength can be nice.

    I think Deathslinger is really fun. You can get really creative with his shots, and there a shocking number of skill shots to hit with him. Cracks in shack, cracks in tiles, basically anywhere there's a hole.

    A lot of people will say Huntress. But I vote Deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    It's not that they are bad, it's that they look really dull.

    Same problem as Artist.

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    Our vote goes to the huntress.

    As your wants are on variety and fun and while both have effectively similar on variety (both can play stealth [slinger gets no tr and can spook unaware survivors from a distance, huntress has a lullaby but without a heartbeat it generally causes confusion for survivors which is enough], both can play "snipe" [huntress naturally and using all aura reading can be scary in the right conditions while slinger has his coin]) but slinger feels more clunky (atleast to us as we played alot of him with old quick scope) and huntress' ceiling means you can probably find creative ways to hurt survivors that slinger cant do.

  • Member Posts: 533

    I would say you get more variety out of Slinger - because he can make use of m1 perks like Sloppy, STBFL, etc. and stealth builds are way more effective (against competent survivors) since he doesn't have a lullaby. I'm a Huntress main, but I feel like she doesn't have much diversity in terms of builds. It's either aura reading and/or gen slowdown.

    I personally don't think either killer is as clunky as people make them seem, it just takes some getting used to (and as long as you're okay spending a lot of time in-game reloading). Slinger can hit some CRAZY shots over certain loops and in-between little gaps that no one ever seems to expect, but at the same time certain latency issues can make some shots hit directly on the survivor but it doesn't register and they keep running away.

    In terms of add-ons, Huntress definitely has more "fun" ones. Or at least, add-ons that can "replace" certain perks (like the reload speed is interchangeable with Iron Maiden). My personal favourite is the aura reading purple add-on mixed with Lethal Pursuer. Deathslinger add-ons are just... reload speed, mangled, etc. Not very interesting. And the Iri add-on that inflicts exposed over 14m or something is so rare to get off I just can't seem to justify using it.

    My vote would be, if you want variety like you said before, 100% Slinger. If you want more wins but more 'repetitive' gameplay, then Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Weirdly, Huntress seems more varied to me. Slingers addons seem really dull.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    After Deathslinger was nerfed into dirt due to his "free" zoning (I will never not hate that word in this community) and made to feel like he is constantly in some sort of laggy slow motion, I feel like Huntress is better than him in every possible way.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    As a slinger main, I have always considered slinger to be budget huntress, but with the addition of so many awfull maps, I realize comp players were right all along, huntress is very map dependant, slinger while being less map dependant is not a good killer, no good survivors should be hit by a snipe/gap shot, however since most people are really bad at the game, you will get snipes/gap shots.

    Imo he is more fun because I prefer the harpoon over hatchets, since its quicker and chases feel fast paced, so I play him.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    On Deathslinger I always feel cheated on shots as it visually appears to have hit their body but doesn’t register as a hit. The max range of his harpoon is also very annoying. Lastly he’s got a lot of bad addons. The only thing DS has going for him is that he’s rarely played so you get the hipster feel. Both have a very high skill cap for some crazy trick shots that survivors don’t expect. Huntress will overall feel more rewarding and has decent addons though. You can really get screwed by map selection however.

  • Member Posts: 828

    You forgot to mention huntress "mini fridge " hitbox for her hatchets

    On a more serious note if i had to choose one i'd pick Slinger for my self but huntress can feel way more rewarding

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2023

    I’m glad our experience is different then, he’s probably my least favorite killer to face in the game lol. Playing nearly all day long I haven’t seen one in like a week.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. Probably just a different MMR band.

    I see a lot of Blight, Nurse, Huntress, Ghostface and Wesker. I see some Slingers, Billies, Spirits, Nemmies and Pyramid Heads. I see a handful of Plagues, Myers, Pigs, Doctors and Wraiths. I never see Hags, Twins, Demos, Knights or Artists.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah I see a lot of blights, wesker, huntress and nemmies I’d say

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Tried some Slinger this afternoon and woof yeah. This killer is exactly what I was worried he was like - very clunky and one dimensional. Did not really how awful aiming felt.

    Okay, Huntress is up next because damn.

  • Member Posts: 2,013
    edited January 2023

    I vote deathslinger. I've played both and he is for sure my favourite. Huntress is cool too but i struggle to land hits with her hatchets, requires good timing and prediction.

    Deathslinger is the weakest mechanically for sure, his add ons are pretty naff and his range is very limited. But for fun value? There is nothing I enjoy more in dbd than reeling in a survivor like a screaming terrified fish and bayonetting them 🤣 especially if you nail them through a vault window and hit them through it. Plus I love his sadistic little chuckle when he smacks a surv. IMO his mori is one of the coolest in the game.

    Few tips if you do choose him: Best addons to start with are reload and chain break stun speeds to mitigate misses and bad hits. When you can hit reliably go for reeling speed and chain strength. Or mangle haemorrhage on spear hits for budget sloppy butcher if slowdown is your thing. His iri add ons suck so bad.

    to make hitting easier think like a torch wielding surv, it's easiest to hit whe a surv is forved into a choke point like a door way or an animation, I.E. vaulting. You can hit a speared surv through vault windows but not dropped pallets. An uninjured surv will take an injury and deep wound if chain snaps so spear them over pallets and angle the chain into the pallet to break it quicker but this will do nothing to an already injured surv. If you swing and don't hit it releases chain and no injury occurs. Do this to mitigate the bad hits over pallets on injured survs.

    Mind games: a good surv will zig zag when you aim at them, extremely hard to hit them when they do this but it slows them down. I tap trigger to aim and make them take evasive maneuvers but I'm back to full speed quick and gain good distance. So even with the slow move speed slinger can actually M1 and if they don't zig? Spear them it's a catch 22 😈

    Slinger is shockingly bad at tight pallet loops, but can really punish survs looping killer shack or double vault windows, it's all about LOS. Sometimes though (with the chain strength add ons) on unsafe pallets you actually have enough leeway to pull the survivor around the short end of the pallet loop and smack them.

    As for perks, i run a stupid meme hex build on him because it's fun. Retribution, ruin, haunted ground and devour hope. To play serious aura read perks are always a good shout so you can preaim round walls. Nowhere to hide is good for this. Usual slow down perks are always a good shout. I've been meaning to try an anti pallet build with him, spirit fury and hubris sounds like an interesting idea because spearing reeling and dropping an exposed full health survivor has been extremely satisfying. Tinkerer is a good one for him too, nothing like getting speared out of nowhere off of a gen because you didn't hear the terror radius lol.

    If you feel like trying him I can promise rootin' tootin' survivor shootin' fun.

    Edit: he does feel a bit clunky sometimes, slow move speed and his ads is a little longer than I'd like, no quickscoping with him. But once you get the hang of him it's so. Damn. Satisfying. Landing those spear hits.

  • Member Posts: 21,146

    Huntress is a stronger Killer, has more skill expression and feels better to play.

    So my vote is Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    After trying them both for a bit, I'm...actually having a lot more fun on Slinger, despite his terrible boring addons.

  • Member Posts: 613
    edited January 2023

    Out of curiosity, do you still think he is clunky and one dimensional? I'm glad you are enjoying slinger more though!

    Tbh I think huntresses add-ons are 'boring' too - at least the ones worth using. Ie shiny pin, oak haft, babushka, capacity increases are all QOL stuff and most of her add-ons aren't really that good - ie the exhaustion, undetectable, etc add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2023

    Yes. He's all of these things. He's also clunky, has terrible addons and stuff about his kit makes no sense - reminding me of another killer I enjoy.

    There's one thing that makes me play him.

    The audio - the snap of the rifle and the little dopamine hit I get when I nail someone running perpendicular to me, through a window from miles away.

    ...I think I'm on a watchlist of some kind after that last sentence. But he's making me flash back to ye olde Deathmatch shooters, and the timing on his shots feels almost identical to the lightning rifle in UT2004.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Hey, ex Deathslinger main here who played the killer almost exclusively for about two years!

    I have one piece of advice for you: avoid him. Just play Huntress.

    Prior to his "rebalancing" I would have told you to go play the man and give him a shot (pun intended), but ever since BHVR took him into their sights (I swear I'll stop with the puns now) I no longer see any reason to pick this Killer when Huntress exists.

    She is significantly more consistent, has less exploitable weaknesses and overall plays almost the exact same. They both try to fill the same nieche, but Huntress just does it way better than Slinger can. This didn't use to be the case, Slinger used to have his own nieche that made him a unique pick compared to Huntress, but BHVR was having none of that.

    When you break down their current powers, Deathslinger only has two things going in his favor Huntress doesn't have:

    1. a faster projectile speed (Huntress can achieve the same speed, but only after fully charging her hatchets)
    2. a smaller projectile hitbox (a double edged sword, as this makes Survivors harder to hit as well and The Realm Beyond has been patching up a lot of the holes he could previously fire through. Makes long range shots near impossible to hit due to how easily they can be dodged plus you generally spend more time aiming than Huntress - writing this I am starting to debate myself on whether to count this as an upside at all, but TECHNICALLY speaking there are SOME spots he can squeeze his shot through Huntress can't - even if they are extremely unrealistic to be used in actual chases - so I'm gonna count it as a positive)

    That said, he also has a significant number of downsides when compared to Huntress:

    1. a maximum range of 18m (so no map pressure outside of that range)
    2. the need to reel Survivors in before being able to down them (takes much longer to get a hit and the hit is not even guaranteed - can't shoot over pallets either)
    3. only one bullet in the chamber compared to Huntress's five (one missed shot sends you straight into a lengthy reload animation that further slows you down, Huntress just keeps firing and then retreats to a locker once to fill up everything)
    4. a 32m Terror Radius compared to the Huntress's 24m (Huntress has a 48m lullaby, but that is so large and doesn't change intensity based on proximity that it effectively does nothing - most only start running against her once they hear her TR, at which point she is closer than Slinger)

    Prior to the changes Deathslinger was one of the most fun and rewarding Killers to play as, but nowadays he is just depressing, a shadow of his former self.

    He has a really cool aesthetic, his audio and visual design are amazing - but god damn his gameplay is terrible now. All he does nowadays is zone people away from stuff and either shoot them if they do try to get to it or normally hit them when they run out of options (literally the thing BHVR tried to remove from his gameplay and now it's the only thing he has left - I don't even know what I'm supposed to say to that). Sure he may not be terribly weak, but he is about as fun as stepping on a LEGO at night and then falling face first into a cactus you didn't even know you owned.

    BHVR did him extremely dirty and I will not shut up about it until they revert the forced ADS time and TR increase. These changes effectively killed this Killer, one of the, in my honest opinion, most well designed characters they have ever introduced.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Of the two I strongly prefer deathslinger, as I think he's more versatile. He can reload at any time so he doesnt have to break chase to reload. His deep wound provides small amounts of slowdown if you do hit and run stuff with him. The fact that he reels survivors in makes him a very unique ranged killer in the fact that he can actually benefit from exposure perks and other perks that benefit from basic hits. Also the fact that you drag survivors in means they make less distance on you when you land a hit on them.

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