Iron_Blurr Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Stop the madness! why does one of the weakest most basic M1 killers in the game have the most annoying weakness? flashlight any part of his body to get a stun longer than decisive strike. The perk lightborn does NOTHING to prevent this. Why does this take no skill and no aiming at the face to do? why is wraith the only killer that must HIDE from or run away from survivors if they have flashlights and he's using his power??? why do i have to hide behind obstacles and zig zag all over while trying not to get stunned when the survivors are supposed to be the ones hiding and running away?? Does that seem right to you? Does that seem like the power dynamic that is supposed to play out when its 4v1 asymmetric pvp? shouldn't the KILLER be the scary one that survivors hide and flee from? Shouldn't using your power HELP you as a killer not HINDER you??? Shouldn't the perk lightborn actually do something to prevent lightburn?? this mechanic is annoying enough as is. But the stun duration and the fact that the perk LIGHTBORN(specifically designed to counter bright lights) does nothing is VERY ANNOYING!!!

Oh and bring his lunge range back! This is ridiculous! wraith was never op. other killers have 1 shot down potential or ranged attacks or traps and good map control. wraith has nothing but speed and you take this from him???? what exactly does that leave him with? a power that does basically nothing and if you use it against flashlights YOU'RE the one at a disadvantage as they can stun you with minimal effort.


  • RakNieborakYT
    RakNieborakYT Member Posts: 308

    The thing is that lightborn this way would protect not just wraith but every killer whose weakness to power is flashlight, like nurse, hag or artist and those killers would be even more invincible. The way to effectively escape lightburn is also go left and right next to the survivor. That way survivor needs to switch directions and you would confuse them. If this really annoys you, and probably some other players, suggest the change of one add-on.

    What I really hate about wraith and I must agree here is the stun duration. It's not just flashlight but also pallet or head on and this needs max 3 second stun.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,279

    Regarding the question of if Wraith should be hiding from flashlights, I would say the answer is a pretty resounding "yes". He's a stealth killer, he's meant to be finding line of sight blockers and odd angles to come at survivors from so they don't know exactly where he is and can't react as early. The mechanic of lightburn achieves this, since it prompts Wraith players not to just run headlong at survivors and try to brute force it with the movement speed increase they get while cloaked. It's also good for newer players, since it gives one of the killers they'll be seeing most obvious counterplay-- which in turn prompts new Wraith players to play smarter.

    Also, they didn't change his lunge range, you just have to start the lunge sooner.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    Lol no, flashlights are already weak enough, and Wraith is already boring enough to go up against, with most Wraiths stacking uncloak speed addons and uncloaking on top of you to guarantee a hit (yawn), or using Shadow Dance with Bamboozle (double yawn), or any combination or boring addons that boring killer has.

  • Iza13
    Iza13 Member Posts: 57

    Lightburn is generally a really old, out of date mechanic if you ask me. It affects killers that use "the spirit world" like Wraith when he's cloaked and nurse when she teleports, but not the most obvious killer, the spirit herself. Plus, I find it really hard to lightburn a nurse, right? I think I've only ever seen two people do this, one was Otzdarva with a flashbang, not even a flashlight. I don't really get why it's way easier to lightburn Wraith than Nurse. She's obviously the stronger one. And I also don't get why you can't lightburn Spirit at all. She's also way stronger than Wraith. It just seems to me that they forgot that this mechanic even existed when making the Spirit because it's so outdated today.

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19

    Yeah, I totally agree. Also, the Wraith needs the ability to strike without uncloaking, walk through walls and ceilings. He should be able to kick gens into space, vault over dropped pallets, and, for dessert, complete invincibility to pallet stun. The only thing I do not understand about wraith is how his perk "shadowborn" doesn't give at least slight vulnerability to the light, tbh.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,317

    If for some reason they were to add torching up Spirits they'd prolly have to add the Ring Girl as well. But I don't see them doing either imo.

  • Iron_Blurr
    Iron_Blurr Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I like how half of the replies don't even address the main arguments I've made for why lightburn on wraith or lightborn needs a change. We just focus on nurse and spirit and ignore the pain point of this thread. The point is this is NOT how things should be. Lightburn on any part of his body should not stun for longer than decisive or a pallet. Enduring does nothing to this stun. Lightborn does nothing for this. There's nothing to stop this mechanic or mitigate it. You just have to accept it and play around a kryptonite like weakness that renders your power more of a liability in chase than something that would actually help you.

    Sure you can argue that stealth killers are supposed to sneak up on you. But the thing you forget about is that other stealth killers actually get a benefit from sneaking up on survivors in the form of the exposed status effect or lunge from stealth. Wraith gets nothing but the potential for a grab. Which is very rare.

    Why should wraith have a crippling weakness while the top killers like nurse spirit and blight have none? And other stealth killers have 1 shot potential while wraith does not?

    Think about how things SHOULD be rather than try to justify how things are.

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67
    edited January 2023

    as a wraith main i heavily agree with no bias whatsoever

    no but actually though, i'm surprised wraith has such a weakness. even though i get lightburned maybe one out of 30 games (not many people bring flashlights or don't attempt to lightburn) i'm surprised that such a mediocre killer even has that downside balance wise.

    the uncloak speed addon has saved me from getting burned a couple times when they just aim their fl at me like a wacky inflatable tube man so i can get out of cloak and a free hit but i find it amazing it's even a thing in the first place. i get it's like lore accurate or something that wraith hates getting burned or whatever but holy #########, lmao. he gets a long stun if you're stunned while cloaked too so he has TWO longer stun animations from game mechanics like let my man Philip exist peacefully

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2023

    Who could've had even less bias here, than a wraith main? Pure and immaculate objectivity without a doubt. I personally don't play killers much. But when I do and want to win, I pick Wraith. I experience with him zero complications described here. As a survivor, I hate going against him, because of all stealth killers he's the fastest and controls the map with ease. I dunno what all this lightburn whining is about. It's all created out of thin air.

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67

    "Who could've had even less bias here, than a wraith main? Pure and immaculate objectivity without a doubt."

    idk if you picked it up but i was joking it's hard to tell through your snarkiness if you did or not 🤷

    "I dunno what all this lightburn whining is about. It's all created out of thin air."

    i didn't whine about lightburn, i even said i very rarely get it. all i think is it shouldn't be there, which isn't really an unreasonable request as when it does happen all it does is make a mediocre killer worse. it's not like wraith would be god tier with no lightburn lol. the OP might just be newer to wraith and it makes them more frustrated but their annoyance with it existing is still valid imo.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    I do have to admit its kinda wild that flashbang can entirely stop the Wraith in his tracks.