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BHVR NEEDS to make VPN bannable

jyoopiter Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

This is literally unplayable come now until the rest of the night in my area. I live on the west coast and from around 9PM till whenever I stop playing (usually isn't much long because of this) I am just plagued game after game with killers from China and places surrounding that side of the world. How can you expect me to loop a killer when I am more than over a vault or pallet and they swing on their side and now I'm downed. Vaults I can understand be questioned, but not when I am completely on the other side of a pallet and I get swung on. This ruins my experience, as well as my friends, and I'm sure many other players feel the same way. Killers alike can also agree that VPN survivors are also annoying, swinging at them when they're actually further ahead so the hit doesn't register and whatnot. This is just appalling and every single time I play at this point I just want to demand a refund because why am I going to continue to play a game that's genuinely unplayable when I like to play? I have had it with the constant killers getting an advantage when they should just get better in their own country and stop harassing the servers I already spend getting camped and tunneled on.


  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155

    It's a "Catch 22" isnt it?

    DBD has server issues that can be used to DOX and DDOS players, and BHVR said to protect yourself with a VPN but refuses to do anything about it. So people use VPNs and get hate for trying to protect themselves. Tsk Tsk.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    VPNs are legitimate security tools so an outright ban is out of the question, however people do abuse them for the wrong reasons

    I am not really sure how it can be regulated without potentially comprising users, now of course it’s possible for someone who say, lives on the East Coast USA to set their VPN to a server in the East Coast of the USA

    So how users can be located without as mentioned by Iron_Cutlass the risk of being doxxed, I’m unsure, but the solution has to be out there

  • redjasper
    redjasper Member Posts: 143

    First world problems. As much as I understand your frustration and I've felt the same way, security and liberty are a bigger deal to me. Spend a few months playing DBD in China and come back with what you learned. I've also had someone from DBD watching my own computer screen and I don't stream. That is just creepy.

  • Emankcin
    Emankcin Member Posts: 19

    What? Does anybody think this is not VPN but something like a hit detection priority problem? I'm getting hit after stunning killer with a pallet like ALL THE TIME! The devs aren't giving a big flying F about it. It leads to only one simple conclusion: killers gotta hit. No matter what.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    This wouldn't be problem if validation actually worked at all, or if they added a ping cap so you can vpn in your region, but not outside.

    But what do you expect when they said verbatim that 150 is a pretty good ping?