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Audiophile Member Posts: 319
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I decided to try using it for a while after my post on killer aura perks. While it has potential I found it to be too weak vs killers with multiple aura perks (like huntress). In short, the 3 tokens are used up way too quickly so I have to move into her terror radius to build them up again, only to have them depleted quickly yet again. The perk needs more tokens or a different system for building them up.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    I think Distortion is in a good spot. When I can't get tokens back fast enough I atleast have an idea what perks the killers are running.

  • Mama_Mayhem
    Mama_Mayhem Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2023

    I run distortion and one thing I've learned is that you can't rely too heavily on it when a killer is running a full aura build. Once you have determined what perks they have, you need to play in a way that preserves them. If you know they have BBQ, then jump in a locker when someone's being carried to a hook. Nowhere to Hide, get away from the gen being kicked. Etc.

    Killers who run aura reading perks often rely on them so much that they don't search around an area well before moving on and with this the reverse is true as well. If you use distortion to always be hidden, you can't fall into the trap of relying on it to counter every read. You usually get enough information to know what you are up against and react accordingly.

    Edited to fix grammar

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    Good feedback.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Distortion definitely doesn't need buffs. It is extremely rare to ever run out of tokens and have your aura shown. I can't even remember the last time that ever happened to be while running the perk.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited January 2023

    If a killer is dedicating 50%+ of their loadout to auras you don't get to hard counter it with 25% of your loadout

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2023

    If you aren’t recharging them fast enough, you need to get closer. Also it makes it obvious what perks the killer has, so play around them so you don’t need to spend a token. BBQ? Be within 40m. Etc.

  • Audiophile
    Audiophile Member Posts: 319

    From the 20 or so games I’ve used it in the past couple days, Huntress is the main issue. A common build has Lethal, BBQ, and then 1 or 2 others like Bitter Murmur, NTH, AA… and shes tricky to recharge with.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    BBQ: Be in 40m

    NtH: Don’t be near gens she’s trying to obviously kick

    AA: Don’t be near a slug

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Wait until you play v a Wraith with aura add on. Can't even recharge your tokens because no terror radius while cloaked. 😂

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    Yeah sneaky brothers stealth killers hurt can't recharge for anything. But man nothing is as good as a killer kicking a gen doing a quick 360 and walking away why you are literally behind the gen

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I very rarely run out of tokens. And it gives you amazing info, if you know your perks.

    When you lose a token then you can often identify why, e.g. start of the match lose token? Lethal Pursuer. Lose a token when someone is hooked? Bbq. This info lets you avoid aura read trigger and preserves tokens. Try to blind a killer and lose a token? Lightborn.

    In a swf it's extra useful because you can let your teammates know how to avoid aura reads too. Plus with the killers using nowhere to hide they assume you've cleared out if they bash a gen and don't see your aura. I run distortion most of the time rn.

    It even works as a budgetbspine chill, if token is recharging? You're in terror radius.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    You need to make 5 tokens since the new knight perk spends these tokens just like that + I agree that the killer has several perks and for some reason each perk takes a token even though there is a time when you cannot be seen.

    It is necessary to make it so that the survivor would write what kind of perk took the token from him or make 5 pieces, this would be fair

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Nah 5 tokens is too much. There aren't many builds that aura read enough to counter distortion. Demo's iri add on, aura read huntress, wraith aura read addon.

    Every perk needs a counter, and distortion has few enough as it is. Most games it'll work well and you never run out of tokens. Specifically nowhere to hide, you're regenning token as soon as it's spent, and killer will charge it more when they circle back to that gen. If you lose all 3 tokens to NTH then you're not going anywhere near killer at all and that isn't good play. Gotta take chase at some point.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,435

    Unless it's scratched mirror Myers, I haven't had an issue with refilling my tokens.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,453

    Huntress Terror Radius is only 20m. The perk works fine against most killers, use it some more and you'll see.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    This is not entirely fair argument. By the same argument we should remove shattered hope's secondary effect as 1 killer perk can potentially fully block 16 survivor perks without even need to recharge it or something. The thing is, that aura perks are still not meta so it's actually a gamble to take it - and it being a gamble that does not even work (even for yourself - not even for whole team for everyone) feels really bad. To clarify - I am not arguing for buffing distortion, but I am arguing against your argument.

    I think distortion provides good value as is. Adding multiple more tokens would make it hard to counter. I would be OK with maybe adding single more token to the perk to make it more viable - or rather, adjust 1 of those 2 perks so that lethal does not consume 2 tokens. But adding too many tokens means survivor can hide indefinitely if he's not doing gens. That's very much not fun and borderline hostage taking the game. Also if devs want to buff the perk, adding token or length of invisibility should be the only way to go. Making it quicker to recharge would create scenario where survivor can hide indefinitely. It's already very hard to drain all the tokens in endgame when survivors are just hiding.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Lethal doesn't take two tokens. I run distortion nearly every game and get value out of it 7/10 times. in lobby I say I'll point if distortion.

    You're equating a passive perk that doesn't require any input from survivors to function with a bad active one. Distortion just works. Shattered hope still requires you to find and snuff the boon and have time to do so. And do that up to five times. I'm a bad perk aficionado and I'll tell you a lot of games I simply do not have the time to trek across the map and kill a totem. The comparison between the perks and the effort>output for what they do simply does not work. One counters boons if you put in work and even then only marginally and they other counters aura perks entirely just by existing. So of course the active one have more potential impact even if it is very rarely realized.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,283

    I think it's fair that one perk isn't able to negate a whole build for the entire match. Plus, Distortion doesn't mean you are entitled to not having your aura revealed. --- In the vast majority of matches the tokens will either last you the entire match or will refill quickly enough so that you don't run out of them. - There are some exceptions to that (e.g. Mirror Myers, Ghostie, Wraith and Piggy that have a hard counter to the continued aura blocking as basekit if they play for it) but even if you run out of token you will have done so after having learned a good chunk about the killer's build and being in an advantageous position for as long as you did have tokens (most noticeable is probably Lethal - you just won't be the first chase if you don't directly run into the killer).

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    If you add 5 tokens, then this perk will really make sense.

    I don't often see this perk playing as an assassin, realizing that it is weak and useless at the moment.

    With the new knight perk, that perk is dead.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    What if you make it so that after saving the survivor, the tokens will be returned in full?

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    I’m sorry. I disagree. Distortion is an extremely powerful perk. I think they need to increase the charge time for the tokens. Not buff it. Aura reading perks are not as powerful as regression perks, but they can be really fun, and I think they promote a better gameplay for everyone.