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Dear Devs, let's talk about Billy

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Hi everyone. I know this is gonna be a whole discussion, and a whole long-behind thread, so TLDR ; Please, bring back Space & Sky Billy.

Now, on for the long text. I'm sorry for anyone who reads this in its entirety, and sorry for any mistake made in the text, english isn't my first language. I've been playing the game for a very long time. Bought it in 2016/2017 when it was in a Humble Bundle, didn't understand it, and came back to it right before the Stranger Things Chapter was about to release. Since then, I've put 3.6k hours in the game, Prestiged all my characters, had everything unlocked on everyone, did all the Archives, reached Iri 1 every month for years, you get the jist of it. I've lived through the "Tap gens because I don't know how to get great skillchecks for Ruin" era, I've lived through the "Trickster released so everyone's playing Enduring Spirit Fury to exploit pallets bug" era, the "Everyone plays Freddy because DS is bugged on him" era, and now the "I'm so bored please stop kicking gens and chase me" era. All of those have been pretty annoying and sometimes really infuriating. But do you know what has never been annoying, what has never made anyone angry, and what has made people's day and allowed me to have fun in this game ? Sky and Space Billys.

I've started seeing Sky/Space Billys in 2020. You run somewhere, don't hear anything, look around and see a Billy sitting on top of a gen, nodding at you because he's so glad he got up there. I've seen Billys down me, get me on the stairs of the Thompson House, and get up on the roof only to use their Chainsaw to look like Kings of the world. I've even been that Billy, Spending 3 gens worth of time trying to get on the roof of the house in Mother's Dwelling, only to succeed and have all 4 survivors below me, nodding and emoting to look like they were clapping. These are some of my fondest memories of the game, this is stuff that always make me smile and makes my day better. If I had to choose, I'd rather stay in the trial to give a Space Billy a kill and send them love in endgame chat rather than escape against a sweaty Starstruck Nurse or Cp33 Blight.

I don't think I'm talking for everybody when I say this, and you can disagree with me in the comments, but imo, most people love Space Billy and find it pretty funny. Rapidmain even made it his whole channel personnality, and it worked really well. I've never seen anybody complain or cry about a Space Billy. Because it's not like you see them every game, I've seen maybe 10 to 15 in my whole 3.6k hours of the game. What broke me what you said when you removed him : "Because it gives an unfair advantage". We could talk about unfair advantages all day long, each side has at least one. Space/Sky Billy wasn't an unfair advantage. It doesn't give youany "unfair" advantage, not even an advantage at all, because you spend so much time setting it up that people already know what killer you are, they have a rough idea of where you are, and they have multiple gens already worked on or done. You could argue that a Billy sitting on top of a gen with Insidious is an "unfair advantage", but I present to you : Insidious Camping Bubba. If a Billy sitting on top of a gen is too much of an unfair advantage, then Basement Bubba needs to go to. That's your whole logic.

Now, on to the actual point of this post. Can we please, PLEASE get Space Billy back ? I know you guys know how to actually do this, since you removed what made him work (that collision in some parts of maps), that would be logical thinking you can put those back. Hell, you can even do this as an easter egg in the game. Put some of those collisions on specific parts of the maps, stuff where there's basically nothing really good, where it doesn't mean a lot but would look fun, like the cars piles in Wreckers Yard, the middle part of Midwitch, the boat in Swamp... You can put one in at least a few maps for every player to find and use, and where they don't give you too much of an "unfair advantage".

What would it take ? If the community was to make a petition, how many signings would you need to consider it ? Would you even consider making it a thing for players who have done everything in the game and are looking for a new random dumb useless thing to do, to get some fun and make other people's days.

Sorry if you had to read all of this, hope you had fun reading it, tell me if you agree or not, and tell me your best Space/Sky Billy stories in the comments if you have some. Love you guys, let's make it a thing !

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