Don’t you hate when…

There’s a locker next to a window and instead of vaulting… you hop into the locker. Anybody else?😂
What else do we hate?
There was this spot on RPD where there were lockers near the door of one room, then another set on the other side of the door. I had the camera focused on the front of my survivor, not behind, so couldn't really see my environment. I think I went to heal and jumped into a locker instead. Thought oh crap, slowly got out, went through the doorway, tried again and jumped into another locker. At that point I put my controller down and just sat there shaking my head.
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Yup, it's got me a few times. Once I got the incredibly rare "Ima loot this chest next to the window on a stupid corn map mid chase" achievement. It was funny enough that I almost didn't mind getting camped to death by Bubba.
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This is the only thing in this game to literally make me scream.
We call it "locker vacuum" and it is total garbage. I want all locker entry disabled unless you are FACING the locker. I have this problem a lot when lockers spawn in the little room in the cowshed that sometimes spawns the basement. They put lockers right next to the window. You can run into that area, run for the window, hit space bar, and then get sucked BACKWARD into a locker.
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There's a totem right next to a pallet in RPD. If I press too early I'll begin cleansing instead of vaulting. Also in the main building of Groaning Storehouse, if I try vaulting too early right into the locker I go.
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I don’t understand why they brought back lockers like that
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That is so unfortunate. :,)
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I got hit by the one on swamp’s main. Right next to the single window on the upstairs main loop.
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As a Trickster main, I hate it when I get vacuumed to a locker that I wasn't even facing, especially when I just saw a survivor go inside one, so yeah, auto aim/grab locks me into the one next to it. Super annoying.
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*cries in Trickster after locker vacuuming to the wrong locker after seeing a survivor jump inside one*
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Bruh I had the exact same thing happen to me just yesterday minus the camping Bubba.
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People who exploit bugs in this game and get away with it, I hate them and they shouldn't be able to play the game anymore.
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Happened yesterday to me because i turned the camera towards the killer. I have the clip, but my friends are making enough fun of me already, not gonna share on a public forum 😬
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What else do we hate ?
That Crotus Prenn (I think, I'm not 100% sure) totem spot that's AGAINST a locker, and gives you a 50% chance to open the locker whenever you go to snuff the boon carelessly.
Will update with a screenshot of the offender if I see it today.
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I'm not even going to say how many times I've done this, jumped out, tried to vault and instead jumped back into the locker - while the killer watches me in complete confusion. I used to wonder why survivors did this sometimes. 'Maybe it's some fancy tech I don't know about?'.
Things that annoy me on survivor:
- Being on a gen and knowing that, if I leave it, there's an RNG chance that it explodes.
- My teammates DCing, suiciding or AFKing for no apparent reason.
- Doing 2 gens, unhooking someone and healing them and leading the killer on a long chase - before getting hooked, everyone leaving, and I depip.
- Hook grabs.
On killer:
- No matter how chill I play, unless I'm just letting the other team win, there's a good chance someone is going to suicide or DC the second they start losing.
- Bugs and exploits that still exist and have never been fixed, such as a still extant double locker spot where you can't pick a survivor up.
- Badham, Garden of Joy and Eyrie.
- Survivors on the forums complaining bitterly and engaging in really obnoxious hyperbolic crap about literally whatever the killer meta is at any given time.
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Those locker mishaps bring on something like a rapid grieving process... laugh, roll eyes, realize predicament, anticipate clemency, accept reality. All in a matter of seconds.
Often times I annoy myself by either continuing to run after the killer has lost sight of me, and they track me by my scratch marks; or going easy on survivors in the first half after having a strong start, only to get wrecked by them in the second half.
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Funniest one I saw was yesterday on Midwitch. I died 3rd and spectated the final survivor to see if they could get hatch. It spawned in that tiny little corridor bit that is only accessible by a window and a breakable door next to it from the main corridor side, and goes back into a small room behind with a door into a bigger room along side it.
The survivor had found the hatch first and was standing in the tiny area by the hatch. The killer broke the door and the survivor pressed the button to go into the hatch last minute but got sucked into the locker that's also crammed in the little space behind. I think the killer felt sorry for them and let them out the locker and get into the hatch without killing them. I think something would have been broken if the killer had got them!
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Vaulting when trying to pick a survivor up is also annoying... xD
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Every time I do this…. “Welp I’m going on tiktok” 😂😂 I go OUT of my way to be deliberate about picking up next to windows or lockers.
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Yeah or when there's a chest next to a vault and it pulls you over to search the chest instead of vaulting. Also survivors getting downed by a locker or vault and the game making you search the locker or vault the window.
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One really terrible tech, that can make even the best plays on 2 killers absolutely invalid by the press of a single button.... That's not even "E"!
I won't share the name because sadly enough there are videos about it and I really don't want to see any more people doing that.
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I had a Nemesis do this twice after he downed me before I could hit the vault. I felt bad so moved for him so he could pick me up easier, and he thanked me by repeatedly hitting me on hook 😭
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I genuinely have no idea what tech this is. 😂
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And that's a good thing.
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What is it? The crouch tech or something? 😂
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Oh my god.. you just reminded me of another thing that irritates me. 😂
When I’m injured and run to a totem to bless it and I end up dead Harding into the totem instead of blessing.
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What? Definitely not that one. I was totally talking about an entirely different tech. 😶
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As a blight main… few survivors know how to pull that tech off… but I have fallen victim to it a couple times. 🥲
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It hurts on Billy as well. Any time it happens I lose a part of my soul.
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I remember the first time it happened. I just stared at my screen in disbelief, “what the hell was that?” xD
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Is it the CJ tech.
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Nah, CJ tech is super easy to predict and it’s a free grab. It’s the crouch tech.
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Dc button?
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Close. Actually, they might as well call it that because every time that happens I want to dc. 😂
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Tbf, everyone seems to be abusing that button these days. 😮💨
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Happened to me a few days ago. I have no idea how my fast-vault in the shack rolled me back in that locker. (But I believe a machine was downloading an update so it may explain it ... that or I'm really clumsy 😆)
It felt so awkward. 😅