Killer 'Grading' Changed?

No idea what's going on. In a nutshell though, it seems that the difficult of 'grading up' on killers has been increased dramatically behind the scenes.
For instance, I'm currently working up through Gold. I killed 2 survivors on Nemesis, not horrible chases, a few dropped survivors (so. many. flashlights) but was pretty smooth for the most part.
Before the patch this would have earned me a Ruthless.
This time, only a Brutal.
And yet, I still pipped.
Not sure what's going on here.
Wether you get a brutal ruthless or merciless no longer depends on pips. Now you only get merciless if you 4k ruthless if you 3k and brutal if you 2k or 1k. However this won't affect how/if you pip at least i think so.
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Ah - right, yes. Now I get it.
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Yea but there could be an issue because I got "merciless killer" severely times with 3k+hatch escape
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I noticed it. 7 hooks and 0 kills in one match this evening and I got an Entity Displeased and it used to be Brutal Killer at least.
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I reckon that might be intentional. 3K + hatch already has special treatment MMR-wise.
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Yeah I'm very curious.
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It's just kill-based now. 0 is "The Entity Hungers..." 1K I'm not sure, 2k is Brutal, 3K is Ruthless and 4K (or 3K + hatch) is Merciless.
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I have no idea. I know that it definitely feels harder to pip.
Or easier - I just double pipped of a 1k game at Gold.
Oh, and then I single pipped off a Merciless.
What's going on in this game again?
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Yeah I'm utterly lost.
Game on Eyrie, with me on Spirit. 2k'd, got Brutal, double pipped.
Next game - Trapper, on Midwich. 4k'd, got Merciless, single pipped.
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Without more info that makes perfect sense, rating is tied to kills and is matching up right, its impossible to judge the pips without more match details.
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Pips are based on emblems, not the killer rating you get, they used to be both tied to emblems but now rating is tied solely to kills
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As others have said, pipping and rating are now seperate things. Pipping still works the same for the emblem score and represents your overall performance in the match. Rating is now only based off how many kills you get. They did that to simply things like adept challenges and certain tome challenges. Now if you want adept trophies you know the only thing you have to do is 4k (or 3 + hatch). It takes a lot of guesswork out of it, especially on instadown killers. Myers, for example, could have a phenomenal match that ends in a 4k, but wouldn't get the trophy if most of the downs came from quick tier 3 hits. You'd only get half of the possible emblem points for chases and hits.
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I just got a 4k and only got Ruthless, I have no idea what's going on.
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Does that unlock adepts too I wonder