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Wow Thanks for the Nurse Nerf Bhvr. She went from S++ to S+

Really thanks for this insane nerf guys. You did a pretty good job. You nerfed the most broken killer that she can't use exposed perks anymore. Now she is reeeeeeaaaaallllyyyy balanced :) Let's just forget the part that she still ignores the game mechanics and that someone who plays her for longer then 30 minutes can still win most games undeserved and that she got New broken addons now :D
she didn't need a nerf, she needed a complete rework...
25 -
So it is still a nerf and what did you expect? Did you expect her to get a new ability, so she doesnt "ignore" the game mechanics? Without her range Add ons and her exposed hits she is much easier to play against. Shift W takes a lot of time and you can use the surroundings to block line of sight to bait her. And if you use DH you have 3 health states she has to deal with.
You cant expect the devs nerfing nurse so hard, so you dont have to use your brain.
7 -
Mandy already said they would never to a complete rework of her because the time it would take to come up with a new power, test it out, put it on the PTB, and then work it out more would be better used elsewhere
8 -
"Its not enough". She was just nerfed. Contrary to poular belief survivors are indeed unable to stop complaining about the top killers even if they got nerfed.
Can we apply the devs "watch and see" to killers too, before jumping the gun and gutting yet another top killer?
Just be happy survivor buff logic isnt aoplied to killers too.
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i know, that was just my though about her.
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There is no rework when her basekit breaks the core game rules, unless you change her power. Remove speed and M1 blink are already the best and only possible change.
2 -
Whine, whine, whine.
14 -
as the community think tank i'm sure someone could do most of that work for them right here on the forum - unpaid as a hobby.
i do it all the time because i find it fun to experiment.
a character requires: asset coding power animation gameplay balance model design text changes lore updates audio updates icon updates testing and some other stuff im definitely forgetting and too lazy to type out
meaning someone somewhere has likely already came up with a new nurse power, but behavior doesn't want to actually change nurse because she fulfills a design archetype that they feel is critical to the killer identity.
they probably learned from freddy krueger that it's not worth redesigning killer powers for minor issues (and yes i'm saying the nurse hate is a minor issue) unless there's funding or a potential for future revenue.
i don't mind nurse. she gets rid of the instant blind, god pallet, safe vault, dedicated healer, chase baiter gameplay that so many survivors are building metas around. she instead forces a very different type of play style that in my opinion is healthy to diversify gameplay. 3.8 movement and blink attacks are unique mechanics no other killer has. teleports and fast running or dashes is the closest we've got and zero other killers are slower than survivors.
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i mean it's not like they ever had any intent of making nurse obsolete. a nerf to her is still a nerf, hopefully that means less nurse players i guess
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Maybe take some time to learn to loop a nurse instead of just complaining?
It’s been less than 24 hours since her changes were released but I’m guessing that you’ve already played 50 games against her and lost every single one of them for you to come to this conclusion.
3 -
"win most games undeserved"
who do you think you are to say if someone deserve or not to win ? Seriously, learn the game and stop crying
"she still ignores the game mechanics"
no she is not, she follow the same mechanics as everyone else, she have to hook you three times, she can be stunned/blinded, she can not insta mori ( that's Mayers ), she can't blow up the shack or swap hooks or anything else. She teleport like many others killers do ( Dregde, Sadako, Freddy ). She is a strong, if not the strongest killer, in the game ? Yes she is. Is the most played killer ? Not by a mile. There are counters to her ? Yes plenty. She win 100% of the game in each mmr level ? Not at all. Her power is strong ? Of course it and she has been hit with several revork and nerfs during the years and the last one was pretty big
Truth is, no matter what nerf she may receive, what killer you're going to face, no matter what perks, as long you will think that someone who outplay you ( luck, skill, strong killer, any reason ) don't deserve to win, you'll never be happy. If a trapper with no perks and no trap beat you, you will come here to cry that he don't deserve to win becase..he can run faster than you.
13 -
You don't "loop" a Nurse. Also she's the same as she was on PTB so it hasn't been "less than 24 hours".
3 -
Obviously. Nurse cannot be nerfed because the result would either be that she is still too strong (like it happened two times now) or too weak (which should also not be the goal). Making her M1s be special attacks and nerfing her best Add Ons is surely a step in the right direction, but a stacking Slowdown-Nurse is equally as bad, because she is still breaking the game with her power. And strong Perk Combinations which are good on any Killer (except if they require a lot of M1s) will always be stronger on Nurse. So unless BHVR plans to nerf every Slowdown-Perk AND make every Perk, which is not triggered by an M1-Attack really weak, making her M1s cound as special attacks will be a right step, but too little too late. And I cannot really see them to balance every strong Perk in a way that Nurse cannot use it.
And this is sad. Instead BHVR spends time to release 4 chapters each year instead of slowing down on that side, which gives us forgettable Killers like The Knight or Sadako. They really should go to 3 Chapters each year and take their time to work on other things like Perk Nerfs and Buffs, general gameplay improvements and balance changes (which would include balancing the Nurse to a fun and strong Killer, but not in its current broken state).
Sure, she will be played less. Some players really relied too much on her broken Add Ons (e.g. a Streamer I know (know, not watch) was a Nurse Main, 13k hours and said that they wont play the Nurse ever again and only for donations... That person was using her with all the strongest Perks and Add Ons all the time). And others will just not play with her, because they think she got "ruined". So we will have a few weeks with less Nurse-players, but once people realize that she is fine and still very strong, we will be back to square one.
2 -
Wow.... Still finding a way to get mad about removing her ability to proc "exposed" hits.
The people that do play her to a point of being lethal with her shouldn't have her nerf'd into f tier! Have you ever tried to use her? She's incredibly ineffective without DOZENS of hrs of practice.
I play both killer and survivor 75/25 respectively, but I'm excited to see the status updates for solo survivors. Even though it means I will get fewer kills, now the game isn't so unbearable for solos. Don't cry nurse into an unnecessary nerf aka deathslinger! He averaged 1.3 kills per game and got nerfed to oblivion based on the fact "he wasn't fun to verse" so he would EVENTUALLY wini 1v1 chases but it took so long it was a trade-off
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If OP had tried going against the nerfed Nurse in the PTB, OP could have complained about it earlier but chose to wait till the PTB changes were live to do so.
Going against a Nurse may be difficult because of how different she is from other Killers but it’s not impossible. The skill ceiling to do so is much higher because it requires for the Survivor to actively predict the movement of the Nurse and react accordingly rather than the usual camping at a tile and react to the red stain.
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If her kill rates confirm that, then she will receive a nerf. Until then... it was just a rework.
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It is completely unprecedented that, after implementing a suggestion from the community (namely, making blink attacks non-basic), the community is unsatisfied and complains about what they didn't change. Truly, this is a one-of-a-kind occurrence within this community that nobody could have ever predicted.
13 -
To be fair, stacked slowdowns are a problem on any killer. Imho that is a stacked slowdowns problems, not a nurse problem
I'm not sure how this new Jenner's and Campbell's last breath will be, especially with buffed torn bookmark, but if it wasn't for them I'd say nurse is finally in a good spot
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Yes, stacked Slowdowns are a problem on any Killer. But Nurse multiplies the issue. There is a huge difference between Perks on a weaker Killer like Trapper or Myers and Perks on strong Killers like Nurse or Blight.
And I feel that it will be impossible to somewhat properly balance the game as long as there is such a big difference between the Killers. Sure, you will never reach a point where a Trapper is on the same Powerlevel as Nurse, but it makes it harder to balance Perks that Killers exist, which are stronger than most other Killers.
(Otzdarva said in a recent video that if every Killer is at max at the Level of Wesker when it comes to strength (or around the level of Wesker) that it would be really good. And I would agree on that)
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Some people will not stop crying until the best killer in the game is Huntress with only 3 hatches base kit.
9 -
Which is exactly why they need to have perk categories that limit how many types of perks you can bring from one category. It should be two max. You can add second chance perks to this rule too if it stops killers from crying. No more DS, Off The Record, Dead Hard, Unbreakable stacking either. I think the game would be more fun for everyone if it had more of a skill element and less of a reliance on who brings the most broken build.
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idk maybe i'm just not as much of a doomsayer cause i'll gladly take weeks away from nurses idc if she comes back after a break, a break will be heavenly lol
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I dont really know about Perk Categories, because I think it will be hard to categorize Perks. Like, I would not cound DH a second chance-Perk, while others would do that. And even IF we have categories, some Perks would just be way stronger than others, so you would still see the same Perks all the time and probably even less variety (lets say, Killers are limited to 2 Aura-Perks. I play 3 on my Nurse (BBQ, Lethal Pursuer, Floods or Rage). Neither of them is problematic, but one of them would be removed completely, which means I might use a Slowdown-Perk, which lowers the variety overall).
I think there should be point systems. That a character can only take a certain number of Perk Points and each Perk has a specific number of Points. So lets say, 16 points for Survivors, the most Points on a Perk are 5 points. So you can either run 3 5 Point-Perks and have to run a weak 1 Point-Perk in your 4th slot, or you can go for 4 4 Point-Perks (or something in between).
For Killers, the points can differ, e.g. strong Killers like Nurse or Blight get less than 16 points, weak Killers like Trapper or Clown get more than 16 points. So that Nurse players cannot play 4 of the strongest Perks, but Trapper players are easily able to do so.
(Obviously, all numbers are just examples)
However, the problem here would be that BHVR would need to define point limits (which might be the easier job), but also would need to give Perks points (which is very hard I would guess).
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ya she seems fine to me too now at least cross map insta downs were pretty yuck especially on small maps
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The nurse needs more nerfs. For example she shouldn’t be able to see auras when blinking.
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Yes, because pushing a killer only to be able to rely on slowdowns obviously will result in more perk diversity and not just using all the strongest perks together. Nurses barely use Aura reading because if a Nurse really wants to win, they use slowdown. Even if they made this change, you would likely be on the forum asking why Nurses only stack slowdowns. Removing value from aura reading makes them obsolete, meaning fewer people will use those perks.
If you honestly hate aura reading so much and face it that often that it's deemed a problem to you, use perks that counter aura reading, like shadowstep or distortion; it's that simple. They also added in free kindred + more information, so I'm sure you have at least 1 slot open to replace a perk or two because, in this game, you can counter perks using other perks.
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We won't see anymore Starstruck builds ending a match in 30 seconds because the killer could land just 4 consecutive blinks. That's a big improvement.
5 -
You're welcome.
1 -
Isn't this a bit harsh? They nerfed her. They finally nerfed Nurse, which means they are no longer ignoring the issue. If she's still too powerful they will probably nerf her again but the patch hasn't even been out for a day and already people complain.
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the "nerf" was not enough, she still is unfair to go against
2 -
Survivors are so demanding. You are constantly whining "we need a nerf!", but in this case, start playing against bots already. Spirit, Nurse, Deathslinger -- they all get nerf. Soon there will simply be no players for the killers, there will only be a face camp Bubba. So then play with him.
5 -
dramatic much?
nurse is busted, other killers are fine, you say others are whining as you whine yourself 🤣
9 -
If you can't have a decent chase against a Nurse without range add ons, recharge add ons, and the exposed status, it's a skill issue. You are telling me you can't hear a TR, run in the opposite direction before the killer is on top of you, and identify a high walled tile. That alone buys you 30 seconds against a Nurse at base recharge if you get 2 tapped.
Post edited by edgarpoop on8 -
The longer Nurse has her current power, the more she runs the game into the ground. Delaying a rework on her is just kicking the can down the road.
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No we won’t. Killers like Spirit and Deathslinger permanently disappeared. Nurse will be no different.
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100%. I'm also waiting for the OP to stream their 80% or 90% winrate with Nurse after practicing for 30 minutes. Surely they wouldn't deny us this opportunity. It would be disappointing and completely unexpected if the OP didn't provide.
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Depending on their killer MMR (which I would guess is baseline) it will be a few matches against new players that could be 4k 5gen without blinking.
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if BHVR did do that first part (nerf all slowdown perks) nurse would STILL be the best killer in the game because of her ability to negate chase mechanics. No chase=fast downs=fast deaths=less chance for survivors to do gens
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'Perfect' will always be the enemy of 'better'.
Nurse isn't as insane as some folks make her out to be. I see Nurses get roflstomped all the time.
4 -
New patch, same maldy-boys. Same quality of tears.
Kind of looking for BHVR to nerf my girl again, just so I can point this out one more time.
4 -
Dead Hard
nuff said
1 -
Newsflash: she dont need more nerfs.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
Nurse is FAR TOO STRONG compared to other killers.
Bring them closer together.
Playing Nurse = cheating
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I mean, I would be happy if every Killer-player overreacts once again and never plays Nurse. But I know that this wont happen. So dont give me hope.
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If we balanced killers like survivors currently, we'd be buffing nurse because bad nurses cant keep up with good nurses who are also using third party wallhacks 😉
Might I ask why nurse has to be nerfed when every other killer is an equally good target for buffs? Its quite sad to see this community be so ... Unawarely survivor biased.
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Always fun to see bhvr try and nerf strong killers, but never put any effort into making other killers stronger.
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yeah, but i've been saying the same thing about spirit and hillbilly for years. blight, space bubba, onryu, 🤷🏻♂️ it's not going away any time soon.
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How is she running the game into the ground? Also as I said Mandy already said they won't rework her power and they shouldn't because look at how they trashed Freddy, he's a joke unless he runs fake pallets and even then once Survivors figure that out he's a joke again.
It seems to me players want Nurse to be like every other Killer and be looped or hold W meta. Also note it has been shown by multiple people that her Blink can't get her across the map any faster than a M1 Killer walking across.
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Because she dont give a sht about every rule in the game. Blight or Spirit, the other two S-Tiers, have to play around the mechanics. I would say without their best addons, they would not be S-Tier. Spirit without MDR and Cherry Blossom for.example is far weaker than with tharm, same for Blight with Comp 33 and Alch Ring. Nurse however dont need addons, she ignores every mechanic anyway.
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This was a thoughtful nerf.