New HUD Icons is too much info

lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Those icons are extremely powerful in the hands of decent players. Knowing when someone else is being chased is way too good information.

I get it you want to give SoloQ something to make up for SWF existing but ABSOLUTLY FREE POWERFUL INFO IS A HUGE MISTAKE!

Less people will play killer now, so you can expect expect even more tunneling and camping.

Info that players don't have to work for or have any sort of awareness!? YIKES!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I defend actually removing Nurse from the game simply because i want every other killer to be better. While Nurse exists she'll always be BHVR's answer to "Survivors are too Strong" and DbD "is not Pay 2 Win, the best killer, Nurse, is FREE".

    IF you told me every other killer gets a review and updated kits so they can become more useful in Competitive scenarios then i will say GOOD RIDDANCE NURSE, BURN IN HELL!

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    You're absolutly right but you're only thinking of the lower skill level. Now imagine you get decent teammates. Think about how much more powerful you are and they are.

    Just like i said in the post "...powerful in the hands of decent players." Giving Free info is BHVR throwing things for the skillless survivors to shut up and it's a massive boost to every survivor player that already understands what they should be doing.

    Any good Solo survivor is now equiped with SWF level info. Again now think what 4 good Solo survivors can do. They're basicly a SWF already.

    The strength of SWF is the reliability it offers because it relieves tension tension created from not knowing. Now you have the Knowledge, the tension is gone as a Solo Survivor.

    Killers have been on higher end since 6.1 because Tunneling and Camping increased ALOT! Kicking gens to stall match is super easy. It shouldn't be possible.

    BHVR's answer? Give Survivors Free EASY info...WE're correcting a Huge Mistake with an even bigger mistake.

    When DbD launched the game had no SWF option. It was added later because Survivors wanted it, now survivors wanted SWF level info for everyone, next like i said it's going to be 24/7 auras, just wait a few months and you'll see.

    And there will be less killer players and those that still play killer will tunnell and Camp even more, as if somehow it's even possible at this point.

  • JoeChill261
    JoeChill261 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 66

    Its both too much info and just the right amount.

    Its too much info, with how the game was designed and currently plays. They need to rework the game around this much info being readily available to players . The Devs have never balanced this game for SWF, and buffing solo to levels of SWF in regards to communication, throws the balance of the game off.

    The devs did not handle this very well.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The information is extremely powerful and it already affects my solo queue times.

    Long term it will affect kill rates. How much is hard to say.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    She is the best killer, she has always been the Top Tier since she released.

    That's entirely the problem. Survivors are the Dangling Carrot for the fool killers to chase endlessly. It would be fine if the game was a pure hide & seek tho since survivors wouldn't have a way out before killer can do something.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    As a Killer main that just chills in low MMR with zero meta. The difficulty spike of my matches is pretty massive. Low skill in chase survivors appear to have TTV bully squad level gen speeds now.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    "extremely powerful in the hands of decent players"

    Hot take - if you are a "decent player" you would not need those Icons in the first place, you would know when to do what and be efficient.

    However, those Icons will not help the bad players to be more efficient. IMO the only things that should pop up are:

    • Gen Symbol
    • Chase Indicator
    • Healing Icon (if needed)

    If anything else pops up or even worse nothing is shown, this means that the Survivor is not efficient. And there are far too many of those that it would actually matter to see what they are doing.

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Nurse is very clearly the best Killer in the game and that hasn't changed in the past 5 years. Anybody else that ever got too close (with the exception of Blight) has been nerfed down 1-4 tiers

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 252

    Well i'd disagree with the point that SWF gives no advantage tbh. SWFs can pinpoint gens and tell the rest of the team what progress those gens are at in relation to where the killer is / what the killer is doing. Even knowing where the killer is from a SWF is massive info lol the new icons obviously don't provide that. I've only played SWF a few times and it was miles better but these icons are a huge help for solo queue which I play 99% of the time.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Some people are high. SWF isn't going anywhere so there are actually people crying about this new thing?

    How many solo games that the survivors should've won end up going the killers way purely out of the lack of possible sharing of info. Then the match ends at the stats say hmmmm killer was really strong here survivors need more help. Leads to inflated kill rates that don't show that the survivors actually held the advantages.

    This change will help the stats be much more meaningful and ACTUALLY balance the game.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Yeah that's issue here. Decent players get even more to work with, they're now vasic SWF level. All the bad players still get a boost tho because now they know everything that is happenning without having to have experience and knowledge just look at the screen.

    I'll still argue that BHVR should push for a higher skill requirement instead of a free info handout to appease SoloQ cries. The problem of SoloQ is a low skill level from players because survivor is a lower skill role.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    How do you Balance the game if BAD SURVIVORS GET FREE INFO and can avoid all the bad scenarios? The Fun of playing Survivor is the Tension and Unpredictability. THAT'S WHY THE GAME LAUNCHED WITHOUT SWF.

    Late game comebacks are absolutly fine, for both sides. Just because you did the gens doesn't mean you've already won. The faster you get them done the better but you then get cocky and screw up that's entirely on you.

    SWF was added because Survivor players asked for it... The game wouldn't have a SoloQ Problem if we didn't had SWF. You'd have Balanced the game probably 5 years ago...

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    All irrelevant points.

    Again, SWF is NEVER going away. Live with it.

    Bad survivors will lose either way. If this info makes it so they win. The kill stats will actually start to reflect that. WE WANT THIS. No killer WOULDNT want that. If you don't then I doubt your comprehending what is being said. I already explained this perfectly. It makes zero sense why anyone who thinks the game is imbalanced would be against this. It does NOTHING to bolster SWF while helping solos come more in line with them.

    I've had COUNTLESS matches as killer where I 3k or 4k in a match where I actually got destroyed and only won because of not being able to transmit info like an SWF could. See a SWF would've all gotten out. These solos all die. The problem is BHVR is looking at the stats saying hmmm this killer is overperforming when we are actually UNDERperforming it was just the survivros totally blew it. Meanwhile, they make tweaks to make the survivors stronger....when they're ALREADY stronger!

    Literally, all these high kill rates are MASSIVELY influenced by idiotic survivor play. Lets make the game "idiot proof" and actually see it balanced.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    The devs have confirmed many times that SWF was always intended at launch, just not ready yet. They were working on both KYF and SWF modes up to the deadline, and quickly finished SWF soon after when it was noticed survs mass lobby dodging until they found their buds.

    So saying SWF was never intended is simply not true.

    Imo they may have underestimated the impact of comms, but that is another thread entirely.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531
    edited January 2023

    Repair progress being shown is when it’ll really be too much. Aura reading perks will become so much stronger with that in play, and imagine if it extends to progress on all other actions. Even with that though, we’ll have to see how this plays out. Good killers will still be good, and with the right build and killer, can likely still win often, especially when the HUDs don’t magically make bad teammates good.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    I absolutely hate it as a killer main and "all" my matches got 3x harder....

    Why would BHVR do this? They are holding survivors hands once again smh.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591

    I'm curious about the kill rates with the new HUD. Might just be me but my games since the patch, especially on killers I play less, have been way harder than they used to. I lost pretty much 80% of my games and it wasn't close.

    One thing is for sure. The new HUD impacts the game largely in QoL and SoloQ strength. Just knowing someone else is in chase or someone isn't doing anything while one is on the hook, suggesting they go for the rescue is a big deal. But the SoloQ adjustments were just as due as the killer adjustments in 6.1.0.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Freddy, Trapper, Twins.

    Over and over and over again. Will they do it? I dont think so, Killrates are ok, we cannot make money out of them anymore, so who are they? Cant remember....

  • daggersnight
    daggersnight Member Posts: 119

    I know BHVR will not change the survivor icons but I'll still put in my two cents. I don't like them. I have a ton of information now and the uncertainty of knowing if the killer is coming is just gone. It's made my matches boring.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    There is no such thing is "too much info" as long as SWF exists. SWF still get may more info and these action icons are supposed to bridge the gap between SWF and solo. I actually think there's still NOT enough info, I miss the "heartbeat" icon for example.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284

    I really don't see the issue. We've already seen BHVR actively pushes for certain killrates. - So, if post-icons the killrates go down then I fully expect killers to get buffs in some form.

    I think we've kinda reached the end of the line when it comes to in-chase stuff. Even less hit-cooldown or less distance/speed after being hit and you can just remove the two health states cause everyone who doesn't happen to get hit while vaulting a window/dropping a pallet will be a double tap anyway. But I suppose kilelrs could kick gens even faster basekit, maybe another free percent of regression for that. Or a basekit BBQ that is either shorter or shows you the furthest away survivor who's aura you could see (so if the furthest away surv is someone with e.g. distortion you'll still see an aura). Or basekit killer-instinct upon loading into the match. - Basekit noise notification upon the first surv touching an exit gate. - There are many options.

    That being said, I don't think the icons will have a huge impact in killrates. Simply because a minority of players plays for efficiency. As such the icons give someinsight into the age old question everyone has when a match goes badly: Why did that happen? Well. If you're the only one on a gen while someone is in chase you know why no gens pop. If you see someone open the third chest - you also know why no gens get done. if you always see two survs in chase at the same time that also gives you a hint as to what is happening.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    People seem to forget that there are actually good/experienced solo players out there. Not all good players play with mates on comms. Decent solo players are laughing at this update.

    Training wheels mode now

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I find they have the potential to be very powerful, but in actuality, it doesn't help if your teammates are bad.

    Information doesn't equal actions.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    “Absolutely free powerful info is a huge mistake” - this is why killers have been complaining about SWF ever since it became an option in the game.

    As long as SWF is in the game (which will be for as long as the game is around - it ain’t going away), it’s extremely unfair to have solo queue be at such a disadvantage. All this update did was give solo queue players some (not all!) of the same info that SWF players get for free. Let’s see what happens to escape rates and adjust the killer side accordingly.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    crybaby killer mains. this info patch was desperately needed for solo q survivors.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I don't think it is problematic, like at all.

    Yeah it's strong, but this is what killers HAS to be balanced against.

    arbitrarily handicapping solo survivors were weird decision.

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    I'm pretty sure that was the idea OP. How else were they supposed to bridge the gap between solo q and swf? I don't know what people were expecting with the HUD icons. Knowing when someone is getting chased is basic stuff in a swf.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Umm those icons are not even close to swf level info. Sure I know who is on a gen but I don't know where or how far the gens are. They've chosen to touch a totem are they making a boon or did they find a hex? One person is on the hook and the other two survivors aren't doing anything. Does that mean they're going for the rescue or are they hiding in a corner?

    I could go on but I think it's clear this is not swf level information. Useful absolutely. However you're way overstating the level of usefulness it grants.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I feel like it's fine, not everyone is a god at the game and after all the people running eruption and ultra slowdown builds on solos what did you expect to happen? Now that this change is made they can do more killer buffs to the ones who truly need it because solo isn't gonna hold anything back anymore which is a big reason alot of the problems both sides have had with the game were there, some people refuse to accept that they're bad at the game is another problem for both sides and they want their hand held, in my opinion this game has gotten bland though no matter which role I'm playing and I get bored pretty quick when nobody is on to chat with because it's the same thing essentially over and over , I see a ton of veterans leaving the game this year with alot of good games dropping.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    At first, I was really worried about it..but I don't think it has made a big difference in my killer games.

    I am a killer main, but when playing some survivor matches, I found it to be quite helpful...I don't feel like it really changes the game, tbh it just showed me that most of my team does nothing.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,856

    While I agree with you, I don't think the game would have survived as long as it has if it was forced solo queue. Teamplay\cooperative play is the lifeblood of online games. Being able to play with your friends is a strong incentive to play.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    I kid you not ,,i forgot twins exist ,,i barely see twins

  • SilverShamrock
    SilverShamrock Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 10

    Based on the limited amount that I’ve been able to play since the patch went live, I don’t really see the difference in information from my perspective before the changes. Most of the information was already stuff I was able to gather mainly by paying attention to what’s going on around me in a match. I can see where it would be beneficial to new players, though.

    I will say the one thing I was slightly hoping for was some sort of indicator as to when someone is hiding in a locker, and which one. I seem to find myself in the situation where there’s two of us left with one gen needed, and the other person hides in a locker until you’re hooked and subsequently sacrificed. So, having a way to flush them out would be nice lol.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    wrong, the game wanted to launch with SWF but they werent able to do it at the time.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858
    edited January 2023

    These icons can replace some perks by having a rough idea of where people are, when you last saw them, and what they're now doing.

    Two people on a gen, you get chased away, person stays on gen. If chase stops on me, within 10-20 seconds of chase starting, the person on the gen knows they should get ready for chase because the killer is coming back. Otherwise they can sit on gen without consequence, and someone somewhere else should probably be on the lookout for the killer. It's like you gave every survivor a form of whispers for every time kind of action.

    Things like info on chases and exit gate progress are way too much.

    Hindsight is 20/20, but knowing more about it now, I think some changes should have been made to help killers adapt to more games feeling like SWF.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I don't deny SoloQ needs help i just disagree with the method. The difference is how a newer player uses that info vs how someone who knows the game uses that info. Basicly how impactful the change can be, how it impacts newer players and how it impacts high skill, high experience players.

    It will be somewhat helpful for newer players but it won't make them better, they still gotta learn the game by trial and error or else they'll still be in the same skill level. So the icon advantage for them is minimal which means manny survivors and manny killers will feel like nothing has changed because we're talking about players who have a smaller insight into the game.

    For more experienced players it does 2 things, either the icons are irrelevant cause you already have a good understanding of the game and you can for the most part dismiss the free information provided or you're elevating your gameplay and skill and you're making even better choices. Which in turn means harder matches for killers. And how do you expect killers to react until there's some changes? They'll tunnel, more, they'll kick more gens, they'll camp more.

    So in summary there's a big chance the new HUD info won't feel like it makes that big of an impact because we're talking mostly about a Casual playerbase, on both sides, but there will be cases where players will be very powerful because they have alot of free information that they've never had.

    I feel and think these changes are made to help survivors individually and not collectively, does it help collectively yeah it does but i genuinly don't think that was the purpose. I always have to assume survivors are doing Gens because that's what they have to do, so wether or not there's an icon that tells me that is irrelevant since the whole objective. If DbD was a slower paced game then sure knowing that at this time someone is doing a gen would be fine but DbD is a very simple and fast game where the only Objective survivors have is doing Gens to open Gates and Escape.

    So i genuinly believe this was made so that each player individually could know more because the most common problem among SoloQ is people accusing each other of being useless while most people have a smaller understanding of the game. Plus by design the game does allow some players to not participate and still feel like they won...

    If you're a stealthy player that's ok, but one thing is being a stealthy players who understand how to move around and another is being a Claudette in a bush who does nothing for anyone.

    Something this changes does is give the players that don't do anything at all a way to justify that they're not doing anything. If i see 3 gen icons then theres 3 people working on gens right? So i can assume i don't need to be working on a gen and i can go do something else, like i said DbD is a fast paced game, 3 people working on gens will make the game go by really fast. In 90 seconds you can be doing 3 different gens and finish them all at the same time so it shows that i'm not very needed to be on gens so i'm free to go do whatever, including doing absolutly nothing, and i'm still able to win. Wether i do something or not becomes irrelevant because the game is already going by at a very fast pace.

    Even if the killer is getting multiple hooks in a small time frame that means you're all going down fast and nobody is working on gens so if im not working on a gen either and im not being hooked then im still at a good stage, i can decide to let you all die and gamble for a hatch escape, it will certainly be better odds than me attempting to do the gens alone.

    This is the real issue that should be adressed, survivors are also playing against each other fighting for their own survival instead of working together to guarantee escapes.

    This is soemthing i've already talked about extensively. The game should not be 1v1v1v1v1 it should be 4v1, the hud icons don't make the game 4v1 since any single survivor is still able to ignore the majority of gameplay and still escape, abandoning their supposed teammates and minimizing or completly remove interaction with the killer from the match.

    I honestly believe DbD would benefit immensily from a pure Hide & Seek mode, no gens, just a 10 or 15 minute time limiter in which killers must kill everyone and Survivors simply must stay alive, the more Survivors are alive the more points everyone gets and the more Hooks a killer gets the more points he gets, this would make survivors care for each other more cause they'll be wanting to bodyblock more, they'll be wanting to do more sabos and more flashy/pallet saves, they'll want to do rescues instead of letting someone die. And killers won't be rewarded as much from tunneling since theres 3 guys who can come take hits for someone, they get no benefits from Camping cause Hook Stages won't count as Hooks interactions themselves. Thus we're giving killers who get manny Hooks a feeling that they're worthy players and that they can in fact win matches vs the killers who just get 1 hook, camp someone to death and move on to the next hook and camp or tunnel whoever managed to get unhooked.

    AND above all we get rid of this Gen Regression/Gen Rush META on this mode.

    Why we have no other game mode is beyond me BUT THEN RESOURCES WERE SPENT SO SOME WEIRDOS CAN SIMP OVER HUNTRESS AND SPIRIT on a romance game...