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I'm still salty about the hillbilly nerf

Wexton Member Posts: 496
edited January 2023 in General Discussions

I'm still angry about it, hillbilly is by far my favorite killer in the game and I don't understand why they nerfed him. He was perfect, he was strong but.not overpowered, he had a low skill floor and a high skill ceiling, his add-ons were perfect, everything was just great about him. Then they nerfed him, for the sake of change. He's still a decent killer don't get me wrong, but he's a lot worse than he used to be.

The overheat mechanic is stupid, why punish a killer for using their own ability? It doesn't make sense to me. And his add-ons were gutted, some of them are just useless, and the other ones were changed to deal with the overheat mechanic, nobody every complained about him from what I can tell. He was the most beloved killer in dbd at that time and behavior ruined him for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I will never not be salty about it. Despite the nerf though, I still hillbilly. He'll always be my favorite killer no matter what, I love his design, his lore his great, his outfits are cool, and he's still somewhat fun to play. Honestly I just wish they'd revert him to the wya he use to be, sure he wouldn't be as good as before, since there's more maps in the game now and some are horrible for Billy, and the game is a lot different than it was before. But he'd be a lot better than he is now, maybe one day he'll be reverted. Probably not though lol.


  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 456

    I guess they looked at him and thought: "Man, Billy existed for a long time now. Let's give him some changes just to give him some changes." And then they proceeded to give changes no one really understood (rightfully so). I started playing Billy last year (because that was the year I actively started playing this game) and I really enjoy him. Curving is fun (Doom Engravings my beloved) and feels hella rewarding when pulling it off successfully and his power feels nice overall but man I wish I could experience old Billy first hand ngl.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    I wouldn't say I'm angry or even mad anymore, I'm just extremely disappointed in BHVR at this point.

    Billy used to be an amazingly well designed character, then they completely ruined him and have been doubling down on these changes ever since, simply ignoring any user feedback on it in hopes that we eventually forget.

    To this day I have not seen a single person make a good point about why Overheat deserves to be in the game the way it currently is, the best argument for it I've seen was "it doesn't actually do anything" - which is not just untrue, but also if your best defence of a change is that nothing has changed, then what's stopping us from just reverting it to make all the people that dislike it happy again? Since it didn't change anything in the first place it's not like we'd lose anything in the process.

    Oh but if you wanna get real depressed, Billy is by far not the only character with a history like this. Granted not all their stories are the same as Billys, but there are a bunch of characters that once used to be very fun / unique who have faded into nothingness over the years.

    The Deathslinger actually has an extremely similar story to the Hillbilly, him being an extremely well designed character and then getting obliterated by BHVR in just a single update (for quite literally no reason), forgotten ever since.

    Or the Trapper, who has been consistently shadownerfed with each map update they did (the new grass SUCKS for Trapper, but apparently thickening it up is not an option for BHVR) and when they did finally decide to buff him had all of his main problems actively ignored by BHVR, calling it "part of the Trapper experience" (that is literally their reason to why he has to run around to collect his traps - and who could forget that it would feel "awful" [according to BHVR] if his traps were not complete RNG on whether they actually do anything or not after he spends 3 freaking generators setting them up).

    There's more, but you get the point.

    And then people wonder why we see the same 5 Killers on repeat...

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Poor Billy. He was such a good boy.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    Considering how easy it still is to just backrev people he should be nerfed even more IMO.

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496
    edited January 2023

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're basically saying that because Billy can backrev and instantly down a survivor he should be nerfed again despite all of his other problems? You're acting like backrevving is so good that it's nerf worthy, when it's not. I mean you know the entire point of the chainsaw is to instantly down a survivor quickly right?

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590
    edited January 2023

    losing both range, recharge, and synergy to 13 perks is not really a slap on the wrist nerfwise in fact, it's one of the biggest addons nerfs as of late. Completely reworking four super strong addons into much weaker add-ons and changing others was much bigger than her first addon pass, that's for sure.

    Sure there is a great addon (which was also nerfed, but it's still fun), but you are understating just how much was nerfed. All the buffs to 3 of her add-ons that weren't used much still aren't really on the same power level as recharge and range, but I am pretty much over those add-ons at this point. I have been having a lot of fun with the Jenner addon with the catatonic addon. Though it is a shame they nerfed catatonic, I never really used it before the nerf, so I still don't get why they nerfed it as well as fatigue, lol.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    Some of his add-ons were very much OP, I don't miss crack Billy.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    She always benefited from preferential treatment for some reason. Blight as well, to a lesser extent. Blight mains themselves are puzzled by C33 and AR still not being nerfed in 2023.

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    If you greeded so hard that you can't make it to a pallet or window or any moderately large circular object in under 2.5 seconds against a chainsaw killer then you kinda deserve to get downed

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    His add-ons were not perfect. Double recharge add-ons or Carb Tuning Guide + Engravings made him arguably tied with old Spirit for 2nd best Killer. The overheat nerf was a bit much though. And I hate the stupid roar they gave him :(

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. No one started jumping out of their seat when ever they saw a Hillbilly, if anything he was seen very similarly if not identical to current day Blight. Very fun base-kit when using off meta perks and add ons, but the majority simply used Insta-Saw with very generic builds.

    Also you only really overheat when misusing your Chainsaw. Only problem I have with that is all it does is punish newer Billy's while barely having an effect on experienced ones. What I'd do personally to fix this is make the chainsaw still useable, but make it so it doesn't insta down. This way new players can still learn to use the chainsaw with more wiggle room, and he wont ever be denied of his mobility.

    If you're interested on the specifics on what I'd do to Billy, heres the post:

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    The nerf was justified. Old Billy was like Nurse nowadays. Overpowered killer that serves 4 slugs at 4 gens left. All those muh Billy threads nothing but nostalgia with attempt to push Bhvr to revert absolutely reasonable changes

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    There are a lot of things wrong with current Billy. He has a pointless overheat mechanic, his collisions are mind-boggling, his addons go from "neat" to "What in the world?!?" (I'm looking at you Big Buckle and Pighouse Gloves!), his FOV is awful without Shadowborn, many maps basically work against him and he has counterplay in situations where it should be too late. Even when you pull of a perfect curve the survivor can still side-step the chainsaw leaving you looking like an absolute buffoon. And that is AFTER you successfully prepared the curve and executed it right!

    There are so many things BHVR could do to make life a bit easier for Billy like reverting his FOV (Why is my head only 2 inch from the chainsaw?), work on his collisions, bring back Skybilly (I miss him every day.), remove the roar, remove the overheat, rework his addons or reduce his cooldowns just teensy tiny bit.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited January 2023

    This is the only killer nerf you can't blame survivors for. I was on the forum and playing the game before Billy's nerf and absolutely no one called for him to be nerfed. Except maybe his addons but that was it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Devs: Evey killer must have a recharge mechanic.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,167
    edited January 2023

    I seriously dont get how they can butcher Hillbilly and barely scratch the surface with Nurse.

    The worst part is that Billy there were only 2-3 problematic addons that just needed to be nerfed or reworked, but instead they just kind of ruined him.

    I still love to play him but damn does it feel bad sometimes.

  • SerraTheBoneDaddy
    SerraTheBoneDaddy Member Posts: 15

    For the record, plenty of killers' powers have negative side effects. Nurse fatigue. Nemesis tentacle slowdown. Legion can't see scratchmarks. Spirit can't see survivors. Trapper can trigger his own traps(but not hag)? Deathslinger practically stops to reload regardless if he hits or not. Oni runs out of blood and is reliant on survivors being injured to fuel his power effectively. Billy didn't have a downside. Fast. Power breaks obstacles. All he had to do was wait not very long for his power to come back online. Overheat keeps him in check. Kind of. Was it fun getting the zoomies and circling a map? Yes. But that kinda speed and mobility needs a drawback.

    Obviously this a dissenting opinion, but a change was warranted. Not saying the change they made was effective, but something needed to be done.