Nemesis players I need your advice

Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

I'm having a lot of fun with Nemesis but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to play him correctly.

I tend to use his Tentacle more than his basic attack, because it makes it easier to catch players who are looping me well. But it takes a very precious time to do so, it requires 3 hits. I don't know how to build his Mutation in a smart way from the beginning of the match.

I would like to read your strategies, advice and tips. Also favorite builds for him would be great!

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    I see where Phasmamain is coming from - but I would recommend to not rely on add-ons to avoid becoming too reliant on them. Esp the mutation rate add-ons are a bit of a bandaid fix that temporarily make a problem you have go away.

    I would recommend to leave add-ons out completely for a good while until you can reliably get from T1 to T2 rather quickly. You will lose more in the beginning - but a lot of getting there is just practising M2 and learning which hits you can get and which you can't get --- and that's infinitely easier when you don't have super highly skilled survivors that are super hard to get in range to begin with. ---- Or, put differently, avoid inflating your MMR because it will massively slow down your learning progress.

    For a long time I used Lethal and always tried to look for people spawning together close to a gen --- and then beeline to that gen to get an immediate M2 hit on one of the two - then turn right back and chase the other to hopefully get the second M2 asap as well. By now I don't use Lethal anymore, mostly because I think I developed enough game sense to make a good guess where surv spawn relative to my spawn location.

    However, don't M2 for the sake of M2-ing. If someone runs into you while you're still T1; punch them. - On the flipside: If you chase someone who's not yet injured but who is infected and another uninfected survivor runs into your field of view don't be afraid to switch to them to get an M2 on them. And avoid over-commiting (In my head I usually count to 10, if I don't get the feeling I'll be able to get a hit within the next few seconds I usually drop chase; pressure gens and go find someone else). - Definitely avoid strong loops while in T1. If a surv looks like they know what they're doing and goes to shack or a strong main I go find another one. Especially in T1 you're as good as a Trapper without traps looping those tiles. It's rather pointless.

    If you don't have to break a pallet to follow a survivor, don't break the pallet while in T1. Once in T2 you can get rid of them in passing.

    As far as M2 is concerned on a mechanical level... I think learning how to drag it and learning what you can hit over are the two things that have the greatest impact. A lot of the medium tiles can be hit over; as a rule of thumb if you can see a bit of a Feng's head you can usually hit survs over it.

    As far as perks go, Lethal and BBQ were two of my go to perks for a long time. - Nowadays I'm more of a Spies kinda person. But I rarely run sweaty - or even serious builds anymore. I imagine Discordance is also nice; it's always good to have two survs close togther to M2-tap one and commit to chase the other.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    For building mutation always bring marvin’s blood add-on and make sure to get infect survivors in early game (Mutation T2 is vital)

    Nemmy has a pretty weak early game so I’d recommend either lethal pursuer or corrupt intervention to make it more bearable

    Otzdarva did a 50 win streak with nemmy which has great advice on builds and how his tentacle hitbox works (It’s really strange)

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Marvin's Blood sadly got kicked in the groin.

    It used to be S-Tier, but it got hurt too bad. Before you could hit a Survivor with a tentacle, hit them a second time, and that would get you into Tier 2. Now that will not get you the tier 2, requiring you to hit a completely different survivor. Now the only thing it is good for is the "Get to Tier 3 once" daily ritual.

    I get more mileage out of things like Armbands and Jill's Sandwich.

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    @Halloulle is pretty much covering all of the main points.

    One thing to add - any perk that causes a loud noise notification will attract zombies. This includes Discordance, Eruption, No Way Out, Spies from the Shadows, Tinkerer, etc - always have one of these in your build, because it helps immensely with keeping zombies near survivors. Survivors getting caught in a loop with you and a zombie will have a massively harder time with looping. If you're lucky you can time double hits with them if the survivor gets too out of position.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2023

    I tend to use a lot more M2 than M1 on Nemesis, and something I noticed is that if you do you don't want to "spread the infection". Sure you might build up mutation, but you won't pressure survivors. It's generally better to focus on one survivor at a time, that way tiering up mutation will come naturally, and don't forget you can whip zombies for a little boost in mutation.

    As for addons, mutation ones are good but not necessary if you're good at landing M2s. Some IMO overslept addons are those that increase zombies' detection range and FOV and those that increase speed. Zombies are unreliable, but if they are more present around the map they can become a major annoyance for the survivors.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,284

    wooot, I knew that about Discordance. - But I didn't know it was true for Spies as well o: And I always wondered if my zombies are just smarter than other Nemo's zombies cause they usually do pretty good work as long as they're not stuck somewhere and having a seizure.

    While I also generally agree with @White_Owl I do believe it's kinda necessary to "spread" at least the first two hits to get from T1 to T2 (except you're confident you can down your first surv very quickly/know the other survs are on the other side of map, then the hook is definitely more pressure). Otherwise pallet tiles, shack and main buildings are too strong and you waste too much time trying to get anywhere with M1 or the T1 M2. T3 will come naturally soon enough, that's true. - Fully agree that the Zombie add-ons are actually pretty good.

    Also, one side note. If you find yourself having very good accuracy in a match, then you go to the next match and suddenly it seems like you don't hit anything anymore: it still takes me a good while to re-adjust from the previous match T3 M2 to the new match T1 M2 - it's slower, it makes you slower and it has less range, so it does make a huge difference. (And I think it's a rather common thing; most Nemo's I face as surv tend to suck in T1 just as much as I do 😂)