Can we add The Knight to "The List of Killers That Can't Use Their Power Near Hooks" please?

I keep track of the games I play for various reasons, things such as Killer played as or against, Perks used, map played on, offerings burned, add-ons used and so on.
As of his release I have played against The Knight a total of thirty-eight times, mostly because I rarely ever play more than one Survivor game a day, though it doesn't help that a lot of people don't enjoy playing him. I thought about waiting to hit at least fifty matches against but, as I said, he is somewhat unpopular so I don't expect many more games against him, again because I play so few Survivor games. I don't expect him having two Challenges in the current Time will change his play rate over much.
Anyways. Out of the thirty-eight Knights I have played against twenty-seven of them have face camped with their Power, the fact that the past five Knights in a row have done this is what made me finally make this post. Some do it personally, sending out a patrol to harry anyone coming to rescue, but most go off and proxy camp the area, sending their Guard back to circle around the hook.
Various other Killer can't use their Power near the hook and I'd love to see Knight added to that list. Just make the Guard trail fizzles out if it gets near a hooked Survivor like The Executioner's Trail of Torment does and make it so The Knight can't drop an orb while near a hooked Survivor like The Artist can't spawn a crow if too close. There, one less Killer that seems literally designed to face-camp people.
The devs have gone on record in their various steams and other things about wanting to find a solution to face-camping that doesn't also remove proxy camping as an option and I think removing various Killer powers near a hooked Survivor is a good start.
I feel like the fact that a Hunt is immediately cancelled if the survivor in question starts an unhook action covers the Knight's anti-camp requirement better than yet another awkward, annoying, finnicky restriction on where you can use your power, surely?
Sending out a patrol towards a hook isn't useless, it gives you some information and so it makes sense a Knight would want to do it, but it's not actually/meaningfully camping because it can't prevent unhooks or even get a health state/BT proc off unless the guard arrives after the survivor's already unhooked-- in which case, the unhooked survivor has Haste and Endurance so they're not in any danger, and the Knight's far enough away that the unhooker isn't in any danger either considering how easy it is to juke a guard.
I dunno, I don't think this is necessary. Knight already has anti-camp built in that does the job pretty well.
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Yeah, as Jesterkind has said, Knight already has a built-in anti-camping mechanic. It's just that some Survivors dont actually seem to know it exists. I've seen so many Survivors just leave me hanging on a hook waiting for the guard patrol to disappear while Knight is halfway across the map, not knowing that guards dissipate if you unhook somebody. Some people really need to actually read power descriptions.
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It should have been done long ago so that any killer could not use abilities while standing at the hook !!!
Today, a knight was caught who was camping and sent his squad to interfere with the repair of generators. As a result, it is impossible to save a person on a hook and repair a generator too.
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It should have been done long ago so that any killer could not use abilities while standing at the hook !!!
Today, a knight was caught who was camping and sent his squad to interfere with the repair of generators. As a result, it is impossible to save a person on a hook and repair a generator too.
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The problem comes in with being hooked in an area with only one way to get into and the Guard blocking that way in on a very tight patrol where you can't swing past them to avoid being hit if you go for the save.
Then there are other cases where you can come from either side but The Knight drops the Guard right at the hook in a swinging pattern so the Guard covers all sides and will typically get a hit in right before disappearing.
And of course people not knowing the Guard will go away when you unhook someone else.
It's just a major pain with edge cases and not enough people with knowledge. I also just really wish the majority of Killers couldn't use their Power right near a hooked Survivor because I loathe face-campers
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you understand that you can run the guard through during the animation and even then he will not be able to catch up with you, the knight is absolutely useless in the camp
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tell it to his guard and the knight near the cellars
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No it is not impossible
Work on another generator so he must move away or run two survivors to unhook. There it is, problem solved, wasn't that hard or impossible
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At the moment, the knight should be disabled altogether, as he can grab a survivor from a distance