Developers of this game please listen to what I have to say.

I think the game should improve on the part that gives the survivors an edge over the killers. should make both sides equally talented What is the selling point of this game, killer or survivor?? This game is very messy unlike the first time it was opened to play. Please ask the developers to review this comment.
- What even is that formatting of your post?
- Not sure what you are saying, except that you are bad at the game when you play survivor (hey, no judgement, so am I) and you think the game needs to be made easier.
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What wizardry is this post, tell me your secrets warlock how did you do that?
5 -
the on the that the over the is the of or is the first TIME it to the to
Well, that was all the colored words. The cipher must be something else...
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I THINK they're saying that they should give survivors an edge over killers because survivors make up the majority of the playerbase
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Looking it over again, I think I get what is trying to be said...
"I think the game would be improved by making Survivors stronger against Killers. The game was better back when it was launched. At that point, it was equal, and that equality was the selling point. Do people play the game to be Killers or Survivors? (I am not sure if that is an actual question or is intended to be rhetorical) Make sure the devs see this message."
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Okay that gave me one hell of a laugh 🤣 thanks.
This too 😂
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I THINK, and I don't want to make this racist in any way, that this has something to do with some Asian formatting?
If i remember correctly, the first time I saw this format it was someone specifically saying they were from Asia/china.
Also the broken English could be an indicator.
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It's a code block, so it looks like the forum is trying to do syntax highlighting of code. But I can't work out what languages have articles like "the" etc. as keywords, and "time" is colored differently as well (possibly the name of a function instead of a keyword).
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Like really
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#include <stdio.h> int main(void){ printf("No\n"); return 0; }
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I'll send this on over to the British. They'll know what it means...