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What are the least used perks for both sides?

I can't find this info online
Interestingly, Azhymovs released a video just two days ago where he and his discord mods compiled data from a number of self-reported trials. This data is therefor obviously not entirely reliable, but in terms of least used perks, I think it's pretty fair.
According to this video, in over a hundred games tallied, the following survivor perks made NO appearance whatsoever:
Blood Pact, Buckle Up, Inner Focus, Mettle of Man, Overzealous, Poised, Red Herring, Self-Preservation, Soul Guard, Up the Ante.
The following killer perks made NO appearance:
Dissolution, Hangman's Trick, Hoarder, Overwhelming presence, Septic Touch.
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Still not 100% accurante, but you could go on Nightlight to see their stats over a couple thousand reported games. =)
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While some of those are unsurprising, it's a little odd that Up the Ante is there, considering Slippery Meat must have been used by someone, and you usually would run them together.
Also Hoarder is at least usable on Cenobite and Dissolution isn't like bottom tier terrible.
Also poor Haddie, Cheryl and Ash each having two of their perks never used. And each of their third perks aren't very good either.
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Honestly, survivor perks are, on average, flat out terrible.
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There's quite a lot of garbage on both sides but it does seem that a few survivors have all three of their perks just being bad or at best mediocre. Oddly enough most of them are DLC survivors too.
Like why buy Haddie, Ash, Elodie, Jane, Yoichi or Jill if you mainly care about perks? You get a couple of 'fun' ones like Head On, Deception or Blast Mine but if you're looking for strong, reliable perks there's nothing there. Heck you could argueably add Ace, Leon, Ada, Yui and Quentin to the list, though they tend to have at least one serviceable perk.
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Went to check and, according to Nightlight (which is biased, but still gives an idea) :
Survivors : Buckle Up, Red Herring, Corrective Action, Inner Focus, Blood Pact, Poised, Self-Preservation, Pharmacy and Up the Ante have less than 0,20% of use.
Killers : Hangman's Trick, Territorial Imperative, Hoarder and Septic Touch have less than 0,20% of use.
I would have listed all beneath 1% of use, but that was 40% of survivor perks (and 30% of killers'), same with under 0,50% of use, which was 20% of survivor perks (10% of killers').
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Don't use them if you find out. Only YouTubers can make those perks look good.
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Interesting video. 1 twins in 200 games seems kinda high 🤣 I'll go kibths without seeing one.
Stat that interests me the most is the number of escapes per match. The amount of 0-3/4ks compare to 1-2ks really shows you how one sided most matches ate.
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And here i am with Red Herring probably being one of my most ran perks (I use it in my main build)
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Let me guess, you're that one person who plays Red Hering / Blast Mine that keeps getting me blinded ? Hahaha
I actually think the perk is cool, not strong or anything, but cool. You get swagger points ! =)
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Maybe... I also pair it with head on and flashbang for a full wombo combo
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I see you go for style points <3
Actually sounds pretty fun haha !
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Not a coincidence that all these perks need a buff ot rework in some way.
I surprised premonition is not up there. I feel I'm one of the only 4 survivors in the world that use those perks.
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With absolutely no statistical data to back me up I'm surprised not to see Zanshin Tactics, Grim Embrace, and Predator as I almost never see these perks used.
Survivor seems about right but I haven't seen Better Together in ions either.