What do you think stops BHVR from showing us who WAS playing with friends or solo?



  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    You've obviously well thought out your post here, and also have some detective-work-backed-paranoia from too many super sweaty matches, so I do not want to simply discount what you're saying here.

    From what I've observed of the devs moves over the years, they focus their changes primarily on the casual middling groups of players. Those not veteran experts nor absolute newbies. Meaning they aren't focusing on the top level of play, where you prolly are as well as most of your opponents. This should always be kept in mind when we suggest changes ourselves.

    Putting aside the possibly dubious "screen sniping" part of your post, which for all I know is indeed fair game with streamers, I do have one direct problem with one aspect you brought up:

    The lobby dodging, or shopping around, or whatever is such a problem where matchmaking is concerned. The current system has just one shot at a fair-ish match, and the dodging and resultant backfilling leads to the lopsided matches others come here to properly complain about. I get that you are attempting to avoid SWF at all costs, but it is borking up the matchmaking as well.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I didn't say it did. I was answering something proposed by another player. But if you have to ask you can still play with crossplay off if you have the patience. Personally, I think names should be hidden from killers period until the game begins. All the info you need is what the survivors are carrying.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Survivors already do this, by blaming losses on the fact that they are solo q, even though BHVR has repeatedly said that most SWFs don't have a much bigger win rate than solo q.

    This means that when killers complain about SWFs, they get told that they usually aren't losing specifically because of SWFs..... But when survivors complain about losing because they are in solo q, BHVR changes the game to make the solo q experience better, instead of repeatedly reminding survivors they aren't losing specifically because they are in solo q.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    My answer to the question is nothing. BHVR just doesn't like putting in the work.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    It doesn't really seem to matter for me to a degree- every match is sweaty. The last game I played I played (yesterday) was against a 4 man SWF and they picked RPD which is a super easy map for me. I controlled a 3 gen in the main room and they were powerless.

    You can call me paranoid if you want but I would like not not need to tunnel every game. If I know I am against solos I usually try to play nice. If it's SWF's I just tunnel the most opportunistic person out.

    Fundamentally speaking DBD has been one step away from killer being miserable for most of the game's existence.

  • Crikety
    Crikety Member Posts: 10

    Add the grouped indicator prematch, add massive post game bonuses relative to group size to killers who still opt to go against it.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573

    And that would accomplish what exactly? The match is already over so what does it matter? Only thing that it can bring is toxicity at end chat and killer mains would always blame their loss on SWF instead of themselves

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124

    Even if swf doesn’t have that high an escape rate compared to solo queue, it sure doesn’t feel good to play against one, especially when playing a Stealth Killer/Build.

    Killers should be given a swf indicator pre game and BP bonuses for going up against swf

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    I do not see how adding an indicator pre-game results in any SWF ever getting a match at all. No amount of bribery will make killers take them on when they have the option to get guaranteed just solos every time. And with half of all survs in at least a two-man team, queue times for everyone in both roles are now screwed.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,124

    If the majority of the Killer population end up dodging 3/4 man swf lobbies even with incentives, then at the very least, it’s a wakeup call to the devs on how much swf is disliked and they need to rethink their priorities in balancing the game.

    If swf not being nerfed is the rule to play around, then the alternative is to let the Killer playerbase decide if they wish to go against swf with incentives for doing so.

    The current idea that has been floating around after the Survivor HUD update is that with Solo queue being closer to Swf, Killers can be buffed accordingly. While it sounds great on paper, it’s going to be very hard to pull off. Swf, Solo queue and Killer groups all make up one triangle. Since solo queue buffs will always apply for swf, balancing solo queue and killer will always mean that swf will be one step above the other two.

    Balancing all parties means that every group has to be subjected to buffs and nerfs. However if one group (swf) cannot be nerfed and gets indirect buffs when another (solo queue) is buffed, it’s pretty obvious that the game will never be balanced for all groups. I wouldn’t be surprised if after 1 year, solo queue players would still be complaining about killers being overpowered and said killers would be complaining about swf being overpowered.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    being able to see items, character levels, and check profiles.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    • If seeing items is such a problem for you, just do the last second switch.
    • What benefit is there to seeing character levels?
    • If you don't want someone checking your profile, private it or play anon mode.

    Really not seeing your point here.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited January 2023

    Didn't expect that amount of feedback when i started the thread, really appriciate it.

    How i see it you can never be 100% sure if you're playing with or against SWFs, even when it felt like it. That's the main reason for the idea and it should have been implemented BEFORE any buffs, nerfs or giving basekit things for whatever side. Without making a difference between solos and SWFs ingame, it will never be balanced - just a bit closer. Don't forget that the most survs buffs, esp. the basekit things will always benefit SWFs more than solos. Only the HUD changes were a buff for solos alone so far.

    If i'm correct BHVR already collected stats about SWFs, not sure if that was only PC. But i guess the game can track it, even with crossplay on consoles, as survs need to invite other players. So all BHVR would need to do is to create an icon. An icon to rule them all so to speak. It's all about giving informations and balance arround it. Or pretend there isn't a difference and keep it as it is.

    Post edited by Katzengott on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    From what I've seen of their changes over the years they will not show SWF in the lobby pre-game, nor will they impose tourney limitations on SWF. They won't do either, and attempt changes around that. Whether that's the way to go or not is another thread entirely, just the current reality as I see it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Say I have a P100 Claudette but I choose to play a P1 Meg. Did my skill level drop 99 points?

    Was my skill level actually high because I have a P100 Claud?


  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    wow that was a really smart take if only i forgot to mention checking profiles for hours lol.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Only works if you're on the same platform. As a Steam player, I rarely see other Steam players to be able to click on those profiles.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    So you're opening up someone's stream in lobby to not only see if they're a swf but you're also looking at their perks and loadout as well? Interesting

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    It's not against the rules. And since it's not against the rules I'll do anything inside those boundaries to equalize the massive bonuses people get from playing in a SWF.

    My favorite is finding a 4 man SWF stream on coms who calls out exactly what they are going to do. Looking at how poorly the game goes for people in that scenario shows me that I do the right thing by listening to their coms.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    The more you talk and justify yourself, the worse you look compared to 4 man swfs. I can garauntee if someone did this to you, you'd want this to be changed

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I want SWF to be changed. I have said this for ~6 years. It completely breaks the game and is unfair. I have played with a friend who was streaming at the time and it is what it is.

    SWF being the most powerful force in DBD with zero cost is not good. Change SWF so that it is a choice with some ups and some downs and then it will be balanced.