Upcoming DS changes - Q&A



  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    What is the amount in seconds for each enduring rank when affected by new ds?

    As in tier 1, 2, 3 enduring V new DS?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Thank you for the answers! Very Helpful.
    I really like the new DS. It's still strong, but at least now It's got somewhat of a counter with enduring. I don't think you should consider increasing the stun time, I think it's fine where it is. There needs to be some form of counter otherwise It's going to be a sure perk for everyone with no risk of a counter like it was before.

    The old DS was a free reset button for the survivors at the expense of the killer for doing their objective, The new one helps to prevent tunneling from the hook giving you a full minute which in this game is a very long time to use DS if you get downed after being hooked. Finally it feels somewhat balanced with having to be unhooked or unhooking yourself first but don't get me wrong, It's still a pain for killers.
    If the Killer gets you of the hook he wont know if you have DS and if you do you still get that Reset button and a second chance, Not to mention all survivors in the trial now have the same level of DS so if the killer goes for an injured survivor over a healthy one one minute from them being unhooked it's a huge time waste and loss of momentum.

    If all survivors run the new DS, without slugging most of the 14 killers are going to have a very hard time against a SWF team with that perk, At least with enduring they can minimize this even tho that wastes another killers perk slot along with others like Hex: Ruin that are a Necessity. Giving a higher stun time to make enduring less of a counter would be a bad idea in my opinion. With how much a single DS never mind 4, can crush a killers momentum there needs to be a perk like enduring to help make it bearable.

  • Nyzechu
    Nyzechu Member Posts: 14

    I have a suggestion for Mori changes, can we change Moris to be only possible on 3rd hook? So this way Killer still gets the mori animation and instead of going for that last hook he gets the kill AND survivors get a chance to use their DS to get away in case of a tunnel.

    With NOED maybe address it where it has a timer instead of constant insta down.
    OR just keep the speed but take the instadown maybe?

    I dislike NOED too because it rewards Killers for not optimizing their map pressure and chases. However I get why it exists for slower killers! ♥

    Thank you for this change, it was long overdue.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Nyzechu said:

    I have a suggestion for Mori changes, can we change Moris to be only possible on 3rd hook? So this way Killer still gets the mori animation and instead of going for that last hook he gets the kill AND survivors get a chance to use their DS to get away in case of a tunnel.

    With NOED maybe address it where it has a timer instead of constant insta down.
    OR just keep the speed but take the instadown maybe?

    I dislike NOED too because it rewards Killers for not optimizing their map pressure and chases. However I get why it exists for slower killers! ♥

    Thank you for this change, it was long overdue.

    Wow it's the real Nyzechu!

    I do agree that moris are OP vs standard survviors, but when you get a 4 man swf on comms with instaheals, the best toolboxes etc you kind of need the moris to balance it out imo.

    Likewise survivors toys are OP vs standard killers but become much more balanced when its a killer with an ebony mori and Iri heads or 5 blinks.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Sucks that dying light will be a killer perk that helps the survivors......

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Kenshin said:
    as long as the 3 second stun stays and enduring works against it its fine. finally a counter to it now. just hope they dont increase the time to 4 seconds again.

    If they increase the stun time back to the value we currently have, then Im done playing killer tbh :wink:

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I realized that a good thing about this is it gives more choice to the killer.

    Before the survivor dictated where they went down, unless the killer purposefully waited. They could go down next to a huge loop for example, D-strike, then use the loop to extend the chase. This is why Enduring wasn't always the answer.

    With the new DS you can carry them further because there's no fear of the 35%, and choose to hook then far away from a nasty loop like say the abbatoir window. Then if you do happen to take a DS it makes it harder for the survvior to exploit that. Especially if you have Enduring.
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809
    edited February 2019
    DS has no longer difficult skill check, so survs pretty much gonna successfully hit the fuk  outta the killers
  • emilys101
    emilys101 Member Posts: 24

    This cannot happen. You keep nerfing and nerfing survivors into the ground when DS is the ONLY counter to the countless moris I come across. With this change, it is basically useless as Pop Goes the Weasel with the 60 second timer. Absolutely stupid. With my 1500 hours of killer and survivor, you are making killer easier and easier. I almost quit after Legion was instated, but this is abysmal. I will be quitting after these changes are made, to my disappointment since this was, by far, the most unique game I have come across.

  • youcantdefeatme
    youcantdefeatme Member Posts: 2

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    Omg pls stop nerfin survivors for the baby killers is so ez to play with killer and make counter to ds omg

  • youcantdefeatme
    youcantdefeatme Member Posts: 2

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    Looks like your precious perk can't save you now XD

    Baby killer detectec :v

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    The forum posts have a option to choose "Vote Up" or "Awesome". I'm curious how many "dislikes" the D Strike change announcement post would get if it had a button option to "dislike". Anyone else curious? It currently has 82 "Awesome" AKA: "Likes". I'm not a D Strike user FYI. I imagine there is a lot of hate about this?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    emilys101 said:

    This cannot happen. You keep nerfing and nerfing survivors into the ground when DS is the ONLY counter to the countless moris I come across. With this change, it is basically useless as Pop Goes the Weasel with the 60 second timer. Absolutely stupid. With my 1500 hours of killer and survivor, you are making killer easier and easier. I almost quit after Legion was instated, but this is abysmal. I will be quitting after these changes are made, to my disappointment since this was, by far, the most unique game I have come across.

    I personally think this is a huge buff to survivors, especially at low rank.

    The killer can't tunnel people out of the game as easily now as the survivor is guarenteed a D-strike.
  • Terminator525
    Terminator525 Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2019
    The only thing I don't like is the timeris too long. l feel like 60 seconds is too long. I think 30 seconds would be perfect.
    Post edited by Terminator525 on
  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    What happens:
    If the obsession is opening a door with Remember Me, but then they switch, and are no longer the obsession once a DS strike goes off? Does the penalty suddenly kick in?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Cymer said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Hello, @not_Queen I have a concern as well as some solutions to these issues!

    Slugging to wait out the DS timer:
    This can be a problem since the core of the perk is to prevent the consequence of someone's actions. However, slugging removes this concept since you can easily wait out the timer in specific scenarios.

    Scenario: Let's assume I went after the unhooked survivor and he took me 30ish seconds to down. Now, all I have to do is wait another 30 seconds or more time to be safe to avoid DS.

    Solution: Have the timer pause or slow down while in dying state to prevent slugging and to force the killer to pick the survivor up. Yes, I understand that you do not know what survivor will have DS (since they won't be the obsession until after use) but assuming how survivors will farm someone directly in front of you (especially SWF) should lead to a conclusion that the unhooked survivor has DS.

    Merci! :)
    If you are concerned about slugging take unbreakable, no Mither ect.

    There are existing ingame ways around it, use the tools given by the devs.

    I'm wasting two perk slots just for the killer to slap me back down to the floor when I recover and as a bonus, he counters DS without a perk when I'm using an additional perk to make it work. See the flaw? The perk's purpose is completely thrown out of the window if you just wait a few seconds. There needs to be something to counteract this because DS will be too easy to counter. It doesn't have to be much, just something.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Question for the team.

    What happens if a killer pulls a survivor out of a locker or grabs them at a window while their perk is active?

    Will the killer have time to drop them since it's a shorter animation than pick up?

    I can see people using lockers to try and counter slugging and to force the DS like they try to do now. I'm just curious what's possible in terms of gameplay.

    @not_Queen @Peanits
    Post edited by The_Crusader on
  • Nyzechu
    Nyzechu Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2019

    @The_Crusader said:
    Wow it's the real Nyzechu!

    I do agree that moris are OP vs standard survviors, but when you get a 4 man swf on comms with instaheals, the best toolboxes etc you kind of need the moris to balance it out imo.

    Likewise survivors toys are OP vs standard killers but become much more balanced when its a killer with an ebony mori and Iri heads or 5 blinks.

    You never need moris to balance it out! ♥ I mean it, you can be better at the chases and if the survivors are really good they deserve to escape or excell too. it is not all about the 4ks but for the fun of the game. ♥

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @youcantdefeatme said:

    @JoyfulLeader said:

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    Looks like your precious perk can't save you now XD

    Baby killer detectec :v

    Headache inducing person detected

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Nyzechu said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    Wow it's the real Nyzechu!

    I do agree that moris are OP vs standard survviors, but when you get a 4 man swf on comms with instaheals, the best toolboxes etc you kind of need the moris to balance it out imo.

    Likewise survivors toys are OP vs standard killers but become much more balanced when its a killer with an ebony mori and Iri heads or 5 blinks.

    You never need moris to balance it out! ♥ I mean it, you can be better at the chases and if the survivors are really good they deserve to escape or excell too. it is not all about the 4ks but for the fun of the game. ♥

    Yeah but a full team with the best toolboxes and instaheals is strong, add to that voice comms and working the map effectively with that information, it's hard for low tier killers to compete because they don't have the map pressure available to them.

    Swf can split the map well, stop gens from regressing, organize rushing specific gens etc

    At the moment with 4 people on comms, good toolboxes and multiple DS it's not about "gitting gud" as killer, ones like Pig and LF just struggle to compete with that. Pig especially as swf completely cripple her stealth.

    Its not about winning but the other player needs to feel like they have a chance at winning ya know? Im not gonna bang on about swf because obviously the game is fun with friends, I'm just saying when an organized group comes in with the intention of winning they can have a much greater advantage over the killer. Look at that video of tru3s game from the other week where the gens went lightning fast and he was using Nurse. If he was using Trapper over Nurse he would have been buggered.
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2019

    So we're seriously going to nerf Dying Light? A perk that was already complete garbage unless a mori was brought....

    In lew of these changes Dying Light really needs a rework as to how it functions.

    Unless Rancor is being used which is rare, there is no downside to being the obsession...there needs to be.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited February 2019

    I'm all for more fun gaming experience for both sides so this is great! But the Obsession switcheroo and all seems like a freaking hassle and I somehow feel this has been keeping us from getting the DS rework for 1 year. Maybe unnecessary hassles like this keeps us getting maps getting reworked?

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    I think the changes are great, as a survivor main. I'll have to try it out as killer and as survivor to know for sure but I appreciate that you guys got creative with DS and didn't nerf it to death. I love the new mechanic of shifting obsessions. I think that will make for some great plays.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Barron said:

    "we think NOED has multiple counters but DS doesn't" lololololololololololol

    Dribbling from hook. Enduring. Actually missing the skills check. Not being greedy and taking the ds user to the closest hook.

    It's time just to put bots in for killer mains to play against.

    Dribbling wasn't always possible, and swf would bodyblock to ensure DS got used.

    Enduring all depended on where the survivor went down. If they were close to a pallet or window then enduring didn't do #########.

    Missing the skill check? Nothing the killer can do about that, and it was very rare for someone to miss it.

    Killers didnt get greedy. Sometimes the nearest hook was too far.

    I do think NOED needs a nerf but the old DS was the most busted and unfair thing in the entire game.
  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Why do the Devs promote slugging with this change? Killers are just free to behave as toxic as possible with this change. Nothing will change at all.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    lmao. it was the most unbroken perk with no downside to using. or counter. its about time it was changed.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    edited February 2019

    Nerf survivors more...nerf them more. Pallets, sprint and more. It makes me sad. All good perks got nerf. It's normal that playing as survivor you use the best perks to survive. If not ds, old sprint then what? a [BAD WORD] deja vu? come on guys..You should focus on nerfing perks like rancor. In my opinion you should be able to use it when you will hook survivor at least one time. Just like with mori you have to hook survivor and that should be also with rancor because it's a mori. That would be fair because there is no counter to it. If killer have that perk you can't just do nothing. Second thing what about nurse? If you think that she shouldn't be nerfed then I guess you have never been on first rank and never played against a good nurse. In my opinion she should get longer stun after blink or idk. If you nerf rancor and nurse I would be happy. Two things that bother me the most.

    Yeah rancor is going to need some conditions now, Bc that sounds incredibly broken with 0 counter. Also it’s going to become meta. Isn’t that why decisive was nerfed? It was too game changing. Rancor is killer decisive now. I mean survivors can bring the new decisive but it’s going to have consequences like getting slugged or moried. Tunnelers now have that option even further handed to them on a platter with this re-work. I could be wrong , but gathering all the information it seems like it’s more of a punishment perk for survivors just trying to do survivor objectives like altruism against a killer already not keeping gen pressure and hook sitting a survivor,  than a re-work. That’s my thoughts on it at least.

    however ,thank you for answering our questions and concerns! It helps clarify a lot. 
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @MegsAreEvil said:
    Why do the Devs promote slugging with this change? Killers are just free to behave as toxic as possible with this change. Nothing will change at all.

    It really doesn't. That's why the obsession only shows after you use DS. Killer wont know who does and doesn't have DS so If the Killer is slugging everyone fresh of a hook for a full minute before picking up they're just throwing the game.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Comparing Rancor to DS :lol:

    DS was an OP perk that could cost killer the game. There was often at least 1 in almost every game.

    Rancor grants you 1 kill out of 4 survivors. You see it once it maybe every 500 games, and even then its mostly on people with Spirit that dont have many other perk choices unlocked.

    Know why many people never used it? Because it really wasn't that good.

    - If you win the game you get nothing from Rancor until the last gen is complete.

    - The location reveal of survviors was pretty useless mostly since you had no idea which direction they were heading in. Only on a small number of occasions was it useful if a survivor happened to be hiding nearby.

    - If multiple survivors were alive at the end you probably weren't going to find the obsession.

    I've had Rancor used on me only a couple of times since it came out. I've never gone down to it. It's too easy to play stealthy when there is 1 gen left.

    I'll tell you why Rancor is important right now - because devs keep talking about a downside to becoming the obsession. There is no downside and there never has been a downside unless the killer was running 1 of 3 perks, Rancor, Dying Light, Remember Me. Those perks were rare to see too, outside of Freddys with Remember Me anyway. So for the most part there was no downside.

    Now Rancor IS the downside. Dying Light has been nerfed to beyond useless. STBFL and PWYF don't punish the obsession, they benefit the obsession. Being the obsession against Remember Me is bad early on as it means tunneling, but good late game if the obsession dies as it means you can then open the exit gates at normal speed.

    That leaves Rancor as a killers only choice when it comes to providing a downside for the obsession.  It's a pretty hefty penalty too. Might actually make someone think twice about using DS unless it's their last hook, and that's what we want. People being afraid to become the obsession.
  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    Comparing Rancor to DS :lol:

    DS was an OP perk that could cost killer the game. There was often at least 1 in almost every game.

    Rancor grants you 1 kill out of 4 survivors. You see it once it maybe every 500 games, and even then its mostly on people with Spirit that dont have many other perk choices unlocked.

    Know why many people never used it? Because it really wasn't that good.

    - If you win the game you get nothing from Rancor until the last gen is complete.

    - The location reveal of survviors was pretty useless mostly since you had no idea which direction they were heading in. Only on a small number of occasions was it useful if a survivor happened to be hiding nearby.

    - If multiple survivors were alive at the end you probably weren't going to find the obsession.

    I've had Rancor used on me only a couple of times since it came out. I've never gone down to it. It's too easy to play stealthy when there is 1 gen left.

    I'll tell you why Rancor is important right now - because devs keep talking about a downside to becoming the obsession. There is no downside and there never has been a downside unless the killer was running 1 of 3 perks, Rancor, Dying Light, Remember Me. Those perks were rare to see too, outside of Freddys with Remember Me anyway. So for the most part there was no downside.

    Now Rancor IS the downside. Dying Light has been nerfed to beyond useless. STBFL and PWYF don't punish the obsession, they benefit the obsession. Being the obsession against Remember Me is bad early on as it means tunneling, but good late game if the obsession dies as it means you can then open the exit gates at normal speed.

    That leaves Rancor as a killers only choice when it comes to providing a downside for the obsession.  It's a pretty hefty penalty too. Might actually make someone think twice about using DS unless it's their last hook, and that's what we want. People being afraid to become the obsession.
    And my whole point circles back to “we made this to prevent tunneling” and if you use it to prevent being tunneled you can now take a mori or get slugged. See the issue?
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    HeroLives said:
    Comparing Rancor to DS :lol:

    DS was an OP perk that could cost killer the game. There was often at least 1 in almost every game.

    Rancor grants you 1 kill out of 4 survivors. You see it once it maybe every 500 games, and even then its mostly on people with Spirit that dont have many other perk choices unlocked.

    Know why many people never used it? Because it really wasn't that good.

    - If you win the game you get nothing from Rancor until the last gen is complete.

    - The location reveal of survviors was pretty useless mostly since you had no idea which direction they were heading in. Only on a small number of occasions was it useful if a survivor happened to be hiding nearby.

    - If multiple survivors were alive at the end you probably weren't going to find the obsession.

    I've had Rancor used on me only a couple of times since it came out. I've never gone down to it. It's too easy to play stealthy when there is 1 gen left.

    I'll tell you why Rancor is important right now - because devs keep talking about a downside to becoming the obsession. There is no downside and there never has been a downside unless the killer was running 1 of 3 perks, Rancor, Dying Light, Remember Me. Those perks were rare to see too, outside of Freddys with Remember Me anyway. So for the most part there was no downside.

    Now Rancor IS the downside. Dying Light has been nerfed to beyond useless. STBFL and PWYF don't punish the obsession, they benefit the obsession. Being the obsession against Remember Me is bad early on as it means tunneling, but good late game if the obsession dies as it means you can then open the exit gates at normal speed.

    That leaves Rancor as a killers only choice when it comes to providing a downside for the obsession.  It's a pretty hefty penalty too. Might actually make someone think twice about using DS unless it's their last hook, and that's what we want. People being afraid to become the obsession.
    And my whole point circles back to “we made this to prevent tunneling” and if you use it to prevent being tunneled you can now take a mori or get slugged. See the issue?
    1) Moris have barely changed. Even if all 4 survivors brought DS, chances are 3 of them weren't going to use it, and it was possible to dribble the obsession to the hook anyway.

    DS became a problem over 12 hooks/3 hook stages per survivor because more hooks = more chance of a survivor hitting 35%, or being too far to dribble from the hook. When you only needed 4 hooks DS barely happened.

    2) I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up than to be downed and immediately hooked again and brought one stage closer to death.

    - Killers slugs survivor to slow the team down
    - Survivor gets slugged but gets to keep his 'extra life' if you get what I mean

    It's a win/win for both sides.

    3) Killers aren't going to slug and wait 60 seconds. It's a waste of time. If they stay near your body then gens get done and they get hurt by it. Compare that to now when they can just hook you straight up and this is a huge improvement for survivors.

    Honestly I don't think too much will change...

    - High rank killers normally hook then move onto a new target anyway, so they won't be affected by this

    - Low rank killers love their tunneling, they'll probably just take the DS, which is what they do now when they chase the obsession for 3 gens anyway.

    But again I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up by another survivor than put on the hook again and brought one step closer to death.
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Why not just drop the Obsession part? It is pointless and absolutely wrecks several perks. I will never run OoO as survivor because I never run DS and don't want to lose my perk bonus to someone else. I will never again run Dying Light because it is absolutely pointless. Not to mention the headache you are causing with other perks.

    I congratulated the devs on a well-thought out plan for DS, but I have to criticize the fact that you guys never seem to understand the consequences/pitfalls of some of your ideas. Very short-sighted with this Obsession issue. If someone uses DS, they used it, why does the killer care if they are the Obsession?! I know I don't. I'd rather be able to count on who Rancor/Dying Light/PwYF/StBfL is going to work/not work on. Now I have to alter constantly as killer, or just give away my perk bonus as survivor?! Absolutely foolish.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
    HeroLives said:
    Comparing Rancor to DS :lol:

    DS was an OP perk that could cost killer the game. There was often at least 1 in almost every game.

    Rancor grants you 1 kill out of 4 survivors. You see it once it maybe every 500 games, and even then its mostly on people with Spirit that dont have many other perk choices unlocked.

    Know why many people never used it? Because it really wasn't that good.

    - If you win the game you get nothing from Rancor until the last gen is complete.

    - The location reveal of survviors was pretty useless mostly since you had no idea which direction they were heading in. Only on a small number of occasions was it useful if a survivor happened to be hiding nearby.

    - If multiple survivors were alive at the end you probably weren't going to find the obsession.

    I've had Rancor used on me only a couple of times since it came out. I've never gone down to it. It's too easy to play stealthy when there is 1 gen left.

    I'll tell you why Rancor is important right now - because devs keep talking about a downside to becoming the obsession. There is no downside and there never has been a downside unless the killer was running 1 of 3 perks, Rancor, Dying Light, Remember Me. Those perks were rare to see too, outside of Freddys with Remember Me anyway. So for the most part there was no downside.

    Now Rancor IS the downside. Dying Light has been nerfed to beyond useless. STBFL and PWYF don't punish the obsession, they benefit the obsession. Being the obsession against Remember Me is bad early on as it means tunneling, but good late game if the obsession dies as it means you can then open the exit gates at normal speed.

    That leaves Rancor as a killers only choice when it comes to providing a downside for the obsession.  It's a pretty hefty penalty too. Might actually make someone think twice about using DS unless it's their last hook, and that's what we want. People being afraid to become the obsession.
    And my whole point circles back to “we made this to prevent tunneling” and if you use it to prevent being tunneled you can now take a mori or get slugged. See the issue?
    1) Moris have barely changed. Even if all 4 survivors brought DS, chances are 3 of them weren't going to use it, and it was possible to dribble the obsession to the hook anyway.

    DS became a problem over 12 hooks/3 hook stages per survivor because more hooks = more chance of a survivor hitting 35%, or being too far to dribble from the hook. When you only needed 4 hooks DS barely happened.

    2) I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up than to be downed and immediately hooked again and brought one stage closer to death.

    - Killers slugs survivor to slow the team down
    - Survivor gets slugged but gets to keep his 'extra life' if you get what I mean

    It's a win/win for both sides.

    3) Killers aren't going to slug and wait 60 seconds. It's a waste of time. If they stay near your body then gens get done and they get hurt by it. Compare that to now when they can just hook you straight up and this is a huge improvement for survivors.

    Honestly I don't think too much will change...

    - High rank killers normally hook then move onto a new target anyway, so they won't be affected by this

    - Low rank killers love their tunneling, they'll probably just take the DS, which is what they do now when they chase the obsession for 3 gens anyway.

    But again I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up by another survivor than put on the hook again and brought one step closer to death.
    I see your point I really do, and I get that. That didn’t even cross my mind when talking about rancor. 

    Im talking about when a killer does very poorly and can get a 4 man 3 man 2 man mori Bc of luck at the end even though they really did nothing to earn it. I’m not saying it’s going to happen all the time, I’m saying It’s going to be game breaking when it does. The lower ranks are really going to suffer from it for that reason exactly that you just listed and those tunneling killers down there are going to get rewarded for it, Bc a survivor wouldn’t have to use it unless they are being tunneled seeing as it triggers the option once you’re unhooked. See what I’m saying? It’s cheap af. It’s a reward for killers who will purposely put on rancor and tunnel for that reason. 

    So no I don’t think it’s cool Bc now if a survivor(s) is tunneled throughout the match and they are now up for a mori with rancor for a perk the devs dress up as “its to help prevent tunneling”. Here is exactly why I say this. A lot of survivors are going to carry this, as a killer I’d anticipate it(which you are) so now you have endgame(assuming the survivors even make it that far) to be rewarded for a play style(tunneling) that the devs created this perk to “prevent” when really it backhandedly encourages it. Bc if the survivor gets the perk triggered(and uses it) it was in fact Bc the killer was tunneling. 

    Rancor is going to be a problem for this reason. It rewards toxic gameplay now. 
    As if the red mori wasn’t already something survivors bite their tongue about. 
    Now it’s double the mori both of which are cheap Bc you don’t really have to work for either just hook each person once, or if you’re going to use rancor tunnel each survivor once. It’s borederline skill less Bc any decent killer will hook everyone atleast once, on a really good killer this is so over powered it’s incrdibly stupid that they’d even allow this to walk out of their office and into the game.

    especially considering that killers got so incredibly tilted about eating a single ds.would not even eat a single ds to extend a chase(because let’s be honest I’ve been in enough 4 mans to know on average only one person is going to be able to use it considering how hook spacing is now) anyone else who carries it wasted a perk slot. The amount of people on here that over exaggerate is baffling, I know this Bc I run bond and I see it all even when I play solo. 

    So please if you’re going to say that a single ds MAYBE two in a match can alter it that much(which they completely can if you chase that single survivor around long enough) you have to accept the fact that a rancor that robs people of 2 hooks and a mori that robs people of two hooks doesn’t do the exact same thing completely altering a match. You’d be a liar if you said they weren’t huge game changers Bc they are.

    so imho I think my points are extremely valid, well thought out, not biased ,and incredibly fair points. 

    most lower rank killers are the Effin worst about those kind of things.
    higher ranks ehhh it’s a mix of all types of killer styles tbh.

    I mean im not going to run it, Bc it’s obviously killer bait and I can think  of other perks id rather use over the new ds .Bc honestly I want the toxic killers to eat it knowing they can’t mori my sweet ass because they play like #########, and I don’t think they should be rewarded for a mindless game play of tunneling and camping, just to have them mori me at the end Bc they’re a bastard. 

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Don't bring DS and you (probably) won't get Rancored. Ez pz.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    This is actually a fantastic rework to DS. It has counterplay and still provides a good benefit to survivors running it. I'm fine with this change.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited February 2019

    @Barron said:
    Dribbling from hook. Enduring. Actually missing the skills check. Not being greedy and taking the ds user to the closest hook.

    Relying on your opponent to screw up is NOT a valid counter tactic because at a certain skill level you get people that never screw up. It's like saying you can dodge bullets because the shooter aims away from you.

    Also your first and last points are literally the same thing. Fact is killers have 2 perks (Enduring/Unnerving) that soft counter DS, and 2 tactics that are situational and risky (dribble/slug). That sure sounds fair SMH. The new DS has some actual counter play to it. It stops a killer from being able to tunnel you off a hook (except if they have a mori) which is something that is good for survivors in general.

    All these survivors complaining are the type of survivors that think they are good at the game for running DS. No you suck at the game, a real survivor can escape easily without DS. This coming from a survivor main with over 1400 escapes so... where's that Doc 'git gud' pic?

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    First down and struggle DS cannot be gone soon enough. Thank you Devs!

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    HeroLives said:
    HeroLives said:
    Comparing Rancor to DS :lol:

    DS was an OP perk that could cost killer the game. There was often at least 1 in almost every game.

    Rancor grants you 1 kill out of 4 survivors. You see it once it maybe every 500 games, and even then its mostly on people with Spirit that dont have many other perk choices unlocked.

    Know why many people never used it? Because it really wasn't that good.

    - If you win the game you get nothing from Rancor until the last gen is complete.

    - The location reveal of survviors was pretty useless mostly since you had no idea which direction they were heading in. Only on a small number of occasions was it useful if a survivor happened to be hiding nearby.

    - If multiple survivors were alive at the end you probably weren't going to find the obsession.

    I've had Rancor used on me only a couple of times since it came out. I've never gone down to it. It's too easy to play stealthy when there is 1 gen left.

    I'll tell you why Rancor is important right now - because devs keep talking about a downside to becoming the obsession. There is no downside and there never has been a downside unless the killer was running 1 of 3 perks, Rancor, Dying Light, Remember Me. Those perks were rare to see too, outside of Freddys with Remember Me anyway. So for the most part there was no downside.

    Now Rancor IS the downside. Dying Light has been nerfed to beyond useless. STBFL and PWYF don't punish the obsession, they benefit the obsession. Being the obsession against Remember Me is bad early on as it means tunneling, but good late game if the obsession dies as it means you can then open the exit gates at normal speed.

    That leaves Rancor as a killers only choice when it comes to providing a downside for the obsession.  It's a pretty hefty penalty too. Might actually make someone think twice about using DS unless it's their last hook, and that's what we want. People being afraid to become the obsession.
    And my whole point circles back to “we made this to prevent tunneling” and if you use it to prevent being tunneled you can now take a mori or get slugged. See the issue?
    1) Moris have barely changed. Even if all 4 survivors brought DS, chances are 3 of them weren't going to use it, and it was possible to dribble the obsession to the hook anyway.

    DS became a problem over 12 hooks/3 hook stages per survivor because more hooks = more chance of a survivor hitting 35%, or being too far to dribble from the hook. When you only needed 4 hooks DS barely happened.

    2) I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up than to be downed and immediately hooked again and brought one stage closer to death.

    - Killers slugs survivor to slow the team down
    - Survivor gets slugged but gets to keep his 'extra life' if you get what I mean

    It's a win/win for both sides.

    3) Killers aren't going to slug and wait 60 seconds. It's a waste of time. If they stay near your body then gens get done and they get hurt by it. Compare that to now when they can just hook you straight up and this is a huge improvement for survivors.

    Honestly I don't think too much will change...

    - High rank killers normally hook then move onto a new target anyway, so they won't be affected by this

    - Low rank killers love their tunneling, they'll probably just take the DS, which is what they do now when they chase the obsession for 3 gens anyway.

    But again I'd rather be slugged and left to be picked up by another survivor than put on the hook again and brought one step closer to death.
    I see your point I really do, and I get that. That didn’t even cross my mind when talking about rancor. 

    Im talking about when a killer does very poorly and can get a 4 man 3 man 2 man mori Bc of luck at the end even though they really did nothing to earn it. I’m not saying it’s going to happen all the time, I’m saying It’s going to be game breaking when it does. The lower ranks are really going to suffer from it for that reason exactly that you just listed and those tunneling killers down there are going to get rewarded for it, Bc a survivor wouldn’t have to use it unless they are being tunneled seeing as it triggers the option once you’re unhooked. See what I’m saying? It’s cheap af. It’s a reward for killers who will purposely put on rancor and tunnel for that reason. 

    So no I don’t think it’s cool Bc now if a survivor(s) is tunneled throughout the match and they are now up for a mori with rancor for a perk the devs dress up as “its to help prevent tunneling”. Here is exactly why I say this. A lot of survivors are going to carry this, as a killer I’d anticipate it(which you are) so now you have endgame(assuming the survivors even make it that far) to be rewarded for a play style(tunneling) that the devs created this perk to “prevent” when really it backhandedly encourages it. Bc if the survivor gets the perk triggered(and uses it) it was in fact Bc the killer was tunneling. 

    Rancor is going to be a problem for this reason. It rewards toxic gameplay now. 
    As if the red mori wasn’t already something survivors bite their tongue about. 
    Now it’s double the mori both of which are cheap Bc you don’t really have to work for either just hook each person once, or if you’re going to use rancor tunnel each survivor once. It’s borederline skill less Bc any decent killer will hook everyone atleast once, on a really good killer this is so over powered it’s incrdibly stupid that they’d even allow this to walk out of their office and into the game.

    especially considering that killers got so incredibly tilted about eating a single ds.would not even eat a single ds to extend a chase(because let’s be honest I’ve been in enough 4 mans to know on average only one person is going to be able to use it considering how hook spacing is now) anyone else who carries it wasted a perk slot. The amount of people on here that over exaggerate is baffling, I know this Bc I run bond and I see it all even when I play solo. 

    So please if you’re going to say that a single ds MAYBE two in a match can alter it that much(which they completely can if you chase that single survivor around long enough) you have to accept the fact that a rancor that robs people of 2 hooks and a mori that robs people of two hooks doesn’t do the exact same thing completely altering a match. You’d be a liar if you said they weren’t huge game changers Bc they are.

    so imho I think my points are extremely valid, well thought out, not biased ,and incredibly fair points. 

    most lower rank killers are the Effin worst about those kind of things.
    higher ranks ehhh it’s a mix of all types of killer styles tbh.

    I mean im not going to run it, Bc it’s obviously killer bait and I can think  of other perks id rather use over the new ds .Bc honestly I want the toxic killers to eat it knowing they can’t mori my sweet ass because they play like #########, and I don’t think they should be rewarded for a mindless game play of tunneling and camping, just to have them mori me at the end Bc they’re a bastard. 

    If player 1 uses DS and becomes the obsession early game, then player 2 uses DS and becomes the obsession and gets hit with Rancor, player 1 can never be hit with Rancor because at that point he has no DS left and so he can never become the obsession again.

    Remember there is only 1 obsession at a time. If someone uses DS then they become the obsession but the previous obsession loses that obsession status, so they can not be killed with Rancor anymore. If that obsession dies due to Rancor then someone else needs to use DS on the killer to be turned into the obsession. Rancor only becomes useable after the final generator is complete.

    For multiple people to be killed with Rancor you would have to have a situation where...

    - Last gen pops
    - Killer kills the obsession
    - Survivor is unhooked
    - Killers downs the survivor, picks them up, takes a DS
    - Killers catches up to them before they make it out of the exit gates
    - Instadown, kill

    Chances are the exit gate is already being opened as the killer is chasing and killing the obsession. It's highly likely the unhooked survivor will manage to escape in that time.

    Another scenario is...

    - Last gen pops
    - Survivor is unhooked
    - Killer downs the obsession, kills them
    - Killer finds the unhooked survivor, downs them, takes a DS, survivor runs, killer catches up to them, downs them, kills them

    So you see while it is possible to get a second kill with Rancor the chances are the killer just won't have the time to kill one survivor, catch another after they have been unhooked, take a DS and catch them again.

    It is theoretically possible but highly unlikely to happen.

    As for 3 it would be so unlikely to happen that it's statistically irrelevant.

    Honestly Rancor will be pretty much the same as it is now. The difference being that if survivors think the killer has Rancor they will have that risk/reward feeling of using DS and becoming the obsession, which is what we want.
  • KateMainNoBrain
    KateMainNoBrain Member Posts: 2

    To me, this change seems good in theory, but the more I've thought about it... the more like a nerf it seems? First off, sure, it's anti tunnelling, but if you can only use it once then what good will it do really... It'll be the exact same as it is now: you'll use it, a killer will get offended (if they're the kind of killer who can't handle dstrikes) and they'll just tunnel you after you use it. Also, it kind of sucks because say you're the last person alive and maybe the killer played really scummy--tunnelling, camping, the whole nine yards--and you don't want them to get a 4k? There's no longer a light at the end of the tunnel, you're just dead if you get caught. I don't know, maybe I'm just another entitled survivor main, but this change seems killer sided... yet again. :( Especially with how NOED isn't being looked at... it gets buffed to exposed effect at all levels while decisive continuously gets nerfed. NOED is the exact same as decisive, a "crutch" perk. A killer can play awfully and then when end game hits, they're able to find you off of the last generator and kill you in one hit. Both perks reward bad play styles, but maybe this DS change will turn out differently than it seems.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    To me, this change seems good in theory, but the more I've thought about it... the more like a nerf it seems? First off, sure, it's anti tunnelling, but if you can only use it once then what good will it do really... It'll be the exact same as it is now: you'll use it, a killer will get offended (if they're the kind of killer who can't handle dstrikes) and they'll just tunnel you after you use it. Also, it kind of sucks because say you're the last person alive and maybe the killer played really scummy--tunnelling, camping, the whole nine yards--and you don't want them to get a 4k? There's no longer a light at the end of the tunnel, you're just dead if you get caught. I don't know, maybe I'm just another entitled survivor main, but this change seems killer sided... yet again. :( Especially with how NOED isn't being looked at... it gets buffed to exposed effect at all levels while decisive continuously gets nerfed. NOED is the exact same as decisive, a "crutch" perk. A killer can play awfully and then when end game hits, they're able to find you off of the last generator and kill you in one hit. Both perks reward bad play styles, but maybe this DS change will turn out differently than it seems.

    That's the point, to nerf it because as you said it is indeed a crutch perk.

    Tunneling will be punished harder now because if all 4 bring DS then the tunneling killer will be hit with an instant, easy skillcheck DS. Whereas now only 1 gets to do it immediately and that's if theh aren't dribbled.

    Before I get accused of bias I do think NOED needs its own nerf too. Something to adjust the balance between solo & swf.
  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited February 2019

    @not_Queen said:
    @Lux1 We explained in the post why we went with these changes and what issues we were aiming to tackle with them. Live games goes through cycles and the meta is always shifting. DS was part of the main meta for a long time. These changes will hopefully initiate a shift in the meta. It isn't made to ''nerf survivors'' but to make the game healthier for all players.

    Serious question(keep in mind I don't want this post to sound aggressive or anything but it's too much frustration already):
    So why instead of creating more viable survivor perks to shift the meta you decide to nerf the few remaining perks that were good?
    People are not using the same 4 perks since 3 years ago because "they are so op", but because, all the new perks are either too situational, underwhelming or straight out bad. This are not only my words, your game designer said this on streams and forums: "yea this perk is very situational, it may work sometimes" regarding Boil Over and even Deliverance and I can bring links with proof for that.
    Isn't more logical to buff the useless perks and make them good to shift the meta? What you are doing right now is just removing depth and forcing survivors to use objectively bad perks.

    But it's okay, keep ignoring the issues of the other side of your game and focus only on one side. Keep giving that side bad perks on purpose(IN YOUR OWN WORDS) because you don't want to upset the other side.
    Ask yourself, did survivor gameplay evolve in any way since day 1 or it just shrinked and shrinked and shrinked over the course of multiple patches? Perks are being nerfed without adding any other good perks, mechanics are being nerfed/removed without adding anything back. What was added to the game to keep me playing as a survivor? What is new?

    Honestly, it's getting stale and boring. Let's see if you are going to answer.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    According to the discord chat, you buffed flashlights with this change as well, by increasing the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds. Flashlights are already OP, why buff them?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Kaelum said:

    According to the discord chat, you buffed flashlights with this change as well, by increasing the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds. Flashlights are already OP, why buff them?

    You can still turn away, you just can't drop the survivor to cancel the stun.
  • Lithex343
    Lithex343 Member Posts: 1

    @Lux1 said:
    Horrible change. You are losing your survivor fanbase. Once again you are making something complicated that doesn't need to be. Leave DS alone. It didn't need to be nerfed and your "solution" doesn't address any problems except pan to whining killers. It creates more problems than it solves. STOP. RUINING. YOUR. DAMN. GAME. 

    Looks like your precious perk can't save you now XD

    Hehehe that's what survivor mains get :) Maybe consider playing killer for once.
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    They increased the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds?!?!? If that's true, that's ######### insane lol

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @PiiFree said:
    They increased the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds?!?!? If that's true, that's [BAD WORD] insane lol

    As far as I know, they didn't.

    Some killers were dropping survivors to avoid flashlight save and they made it so that they won't be able to drop them to escape from flashlight save.

    As long as you didn't spam R to drop the survivors, there is no change for you. Everything is the same as far as I know.

    I might be wrong though.

  • godren
    godren Member Posts: 120

    haha so if you have deceive strikes then dying light will work for survivors. rip dl.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    emilys101 said:

    This cannot happen. You keep nerfing and nerfing survivors into the ground when DS is the ONLY counter to the countless moris I come across. With this change, it is basically useless as Pop Goes the Weasel with the 60 second timer. Absolutely stupid. With my 1500 hours of killer and survivor, you are making killer easier and easier. I almost quit after Legion was instated, but this is abysmal. I will be quitting after these changes are made, to my disappointment since this was, by far, the most unique game I have come across.

    You will be missed :(
  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited February 2019
    The changes are amazing bcoz only killers who tunnel will be punished. No ds at first chase is the most important aspect in my opinion. However timer still running when downed and user getting  higher chances of beeing obsession will make smart killer just slug the obsession for a while and then hook, with perk having no use. Don't you think ds will be literally useless? Im a killer main btw. Please, at least consider ds not making surv an obsession (leave this for object) or activating by beeing downed within the time, not picked up.
  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    @Delfador said:

    @PiiFree said:
    They increased the flashlight save window by 0.5 seconds?!?!? If that's true, that's [BAD WORD] insane lol

    As far as I know, they didn't.

    Read the Discord Q&A, which is the 3rd post on the announcement. The window has been increased by 0.5 seconds.