Survivor pausing after falling/jumping from a ledge

I reckon Dbd needs to patch this. The killer doesn't need any advantage in a chase, falling/jumping off a ledge shouldn't slow down a survivor. Just let the chase continue as it was.
Ah, you very clearly weren’t around during the time Balanced Landing did this even when on cooldown.
Infinites were an actual thing because of it.
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Maye survivors should get i frames when vaulting as well because entity blocks windows and they are locked in animation while doin so? 😂
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Damn, where is this flood of new accounts complaining about everything coming from?
Seems to me like their was an increase of them in the last week.
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So basically half of old bl as basekit? You do realize old bl was nerfed for a reason
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Great can we increase survivor collision radius too so theres no advantage in taking corners anymore? No? Thought so.
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It has been and they have been complaining about the strangest really goves me a headache also seeing them chime into other discussions with nonses or saying things that are very biased to just start arguments between Killers and Survivors
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It is intended.
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Give killers a speed boost when falling
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Not like we don't know how that would turn out.
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Yeah, sometimes this "crossaffirming" makes me suspicious that it's only a few people making multiple accounts to support their ridiculous claims or push the threads.
Funny thing, in two of those threads i predicted their ban and not 24 hours later they were gone. Admittingly not that hard with some of them and their behaviour 😜
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Old Haddonfield would like a word with you.
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Okay let's go with this idea. Let's test this possible change out. Totally nothing bad will happen at all. Everything will be fine... considering how many infinites you can create on a lot of maps. Let's break he game further cause why tf not?
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That's what Balanced Landing is for, you can fall and keep going without the pause.
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It's... Probably the most coherent thing in this game?
Like, when you fall from a high ledge, you got everything on your knee, so yeah, normal to have that in the game, especially that killer take more times to take windows, if you don't do that, infinite loop, here you go
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Or give her the possibility to vault pallet, I want to see nemy or Bubba vaulting
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This made my day. The image of a Bubba vaulting a pallet like Legion while charging the chainsaw is just too damn funny. 🤣
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My beloved Piggy vaults, but the headtrap she's carrying snags on the pallet. Trap breaks, Piggy is stunned, and survs is now four miles away giggling ..
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They could give Balanced landing a passive buff again so people will actually switch from DH
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What do you think forums are for.... Discussion... Learning things.... Apparently not according to you. I might be a "new account" but I'm just tryna see what others think of certain things and maybe have some things explained to me to help my understanding of why the game is the way it is. Even though I'm new I think it's good to have some perspective from people who are, what you would call fairly new to the game. A shame that you aren't appreciative of new players and lowering the standard of the Dbd community.
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I think they can buff it and reduce stagger time a tiiiiny bit but removing it all together made so many problems in the game so it should definitely stay but maybe be less punishing
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First off I was not referring to you but speaking in general terms.
Second there are many "new" accounts that are alt accounts of people who have been banned or don't want to get banned and cause troubles in posts, again not referring to you. I have seen many "new" accounts trying to start Us vs Them arguments in threads for the past few days which leads me to my thoughts that I respond to burt0r about.
Getting overly aggressive over something that was NOT directed to you is one of the many reasons that many don't have the patience with new accounts. If I would direct anything to anyone I quote them to let them know I'm talking to them directly or I would put their name in my post for the exact same reason.
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Yeah, well, maybe but when i see stuff like this:
With dramatingly increasing frequency in less than a week and always from account that have less than 50 or even 20 posts here, which indicates they haven't played the game for long and most certainly not researched if their complains or suggestions haven't been done or not or are delusional ludicrous, it gets tiresome to remind of and hint all of them to the ridiculousness of their takes.
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People want to talk about physics and being realistic, what about the killer carrying somebody who struggling with all their might and dropping at great heights and nothing happening? The killer just lands and glides forward lol
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The pause after falling down off something is one of the more annoying things in the game.
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just fix the mid air hits.
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To be perfectly fair, I'd say that the vast majority of DBD's playerbase started playing after the Balanced Landing nerf.
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Honestly I would just play Bubba and spam vault at downed pallets.
@topic that would be really terrible. I do think the stun is a bit harsh but definitely shouldn't be removed.