Cheaters, cheaters and again cheaters

BHVR do something because right now it's almost unplayable
FOUR cheaters in 3 games in a row, seriously ? Two where flying across the map in the same game, one was running around touching gen and insta repair them and another one was able to unhook at 2nd stage, teleport in front of me and heal ( other survivors seen that too and start to hunt him but guess, he teleported to the gate and left )
Insta gen repair and speed hack are the common one but i have seen suvivors flying across the map, one had a MORI as offering, auto dead hard and mmy favourite, forcing you to DC plus having the dc penality, amazing
Cut the "it's an arm race" this game is in a terrible state right now, almost any game has at least a suspicious player when they are not obvious cheaters
And what i have to do ? Record all my games to provide evidence no one ever watch ? Use the amazing in game report ? Take a screenshot of the insta gen cheat ? Oh come on, where are all the anti cheat improvement you promised few months ago ?
This should be your top priority, not cosmetics and other useless things ! No one want a 100% cheater free game because it's impossible but this is not acceptable
Yeah I've been running into more cheaters lately as killer. Had two in a row once before.
One was a Meg who was lag switching, using insta flashlight and blinding behind walls, and booted me out of the game once they realized that despite all the cheats they were losing. Then the second one was a Feng Min who has insta head on, stacking Endurance, and insta vaulting (like vaulting speed times 100).
This hacking nonsense needs to get under control.
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I've seen more cheaters playing killer than anything lately. Constantly at max BL, Lag switching, Kicking gens to 0 progress, Oh and my favourite even though you have distortion they claim it was their aura stack build.
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yep, they are back in big numbers
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Just found one able to use DH even if with a Deep Wound and twice in a
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Just had a 3 person squad of cheaters today. They had invincibility hacks and were teleporting me to different locations on the map. Also went against two other cheaters this week as well (The ones I mentioned before). This is getting out of control.
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This game is broken since 19. Jul 2022 and you can do same thing, that i did in that time. Just quit playing. :) Trust me - it hurt me more than you, because i had over 3k hours in that. But what else can i do? I rly dont see point to play "unplayable game", that focus only on WOKE and does not care about anything else...especialy complains / comments of experienced players.
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They seem to come in waves. I'm assuming once they break through whatever BHVR put in place to hold them back the last time they were around. I don't think we will ever see the last of cheaters
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Yeah it's really bad right now.
However, in the next few months, BHVR should come with a decent virus protection that is also useful. In a PvP game where there is also a hidden MMR, this should have existed for a long time and be a priority. Well better late than never.
When you see that there are even people on Youtube/Twitch who openly stream their Dead by Daylight cheats for months without consequences and even make money with it, it's good if something happens. But well-known DBD streamers like SpookyLoops and Otzdarva have often addressed this.
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3rd survivor sacrificed.
Ace is running towards the exit gate.
Not even one light, easy-peasy!
Opens the door in 3 seconds and moonwalks out clicking his flashlight.
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I'm thinking it's a skill issue on your part.
Survivors can never be in the wrong, facts.
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I got accused by a TTV 2 nights ago of being a hacker because I was moving really fast…after just using Lithe. 🙃
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Really BHVR this is insane right now, i can't have a single game anymore without a suspcious player or an explicit cheater
Just had a game where one survivor was able to teleport faster than me and i was the Dredge, so his cheats are better than the power i have, this thing really made me laugh
I don't even report anything anymore, what's the point in that ? I've to spend a lot of time to provide screenshot or even a video for..nothing ? Just to see people prestinge 100 teleporting around the map ? If you don't care about cheaters in your game why should i ? I'll just drop the game if i see something strange, wait 5 minutes and press next until i'll not even care anymore and i'll uninstall the game
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We need a replay system. It's really that simple. Have compressed replays that let us watch the match from all players perspective.
Poof! All the cheaters would instantly be exposed.
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Problem is, even if they are exposed nothing will happen to them as long this game as so many security flaw and, since those same exact cheat are in the game for YEARS, BHVR simply don't care at all
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I know how you feel. I had many teleport problems too in the past. But yeah they are super annoying. But anyway about the gen problem, I recently came back to play live games and well I noticed how quickly gens have been flying. I tried everything I could stop my issues but no luck.
I even say that they fly more when I’m trying to get more Adept trophies. I tried to go for Oni’s Adept but no luck. I basically been trying all night basically to get it but I keep running into these Gen rush and maybe speed hack squads.But anyway hopefully BHVR will try to fix these issues more. So for now all we can do is wait and see.
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Meanwhile nothing is been doing to remove cheaters...just saying
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The last most annoying one for me was any-range, any-angle an insta-blind.
The stain ended up slugged and instantly teleported out of the match.
I'm so glad I record most of my games.
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Got an extremely laggy survivor blinking around in my Killer fov, after I catch the 4th survivor with the rest either dead or hooked, the game suddenely disconnects everyone.
All these “random” disconnects always happen when I’m about to end with a 4k.
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Dont worry, bhvr repeatly told that cheats are allowed.
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Since they're not doing anything about it, I'm starting to really think that's the case
What makes me angry is that cheaters not only ruin the game, but if I decide not to play against them, I also get a penalty for disconnecting and that's ridiculous
I would really like to receive an official answer, what should I do since the reports are useless, if I disconnect I have a penalty, if I don't do anything in the game well...I waste time so..BHVR tell me what to do in case of cheaters in game? Nothing ? Listen some music ? Watch a movie ? Uninstall the game ?
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Dont feel so but developers care customer happiness, if majority likes play with cheat and few not, community will support the crowd one, you know sometimes, who pays more are right.
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Seriously, what are you talking about? When has bhvr said cheats are ok? Who likes playing with cheats or cheaters? The majority sure don't.
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Guess, discord is cheat for this game and isnt it allowed?
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No, discord is not cheating nor is it against the rules.
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Do you really think they are going to even try and stop it? They just added a whole bunch of cheats to the game themselves but they call it a HUD...
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You're joking, right?
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Nope, why would I joke about that?
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How is the hud cheating?
In-game mechanics aren't cheating. What is your definition of cheating?
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In-game mechanics that are added because a significant proportion of the player is cheating is still cheating, in-game or not doesn't matter in that particular case. You are not supposed to know what the killer is doing at all times. SWFs tell eachother anyway through voice comms and thereby cheat and BHVR in their infinite stupidity went "well, well, instead of dealing with it properly removing SWFs as this clearly doesn't work for this game, lets just make it so that everyone is cheating because if everyone is cheating then no-one is cheating". You have no business knowing what is going on on the other side of the map.
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Discord and comms aren't cheats. This has been said many many many many many times. I don't think there is really not much to comment on this further.
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Game mechanics even if you don't like are not cheating so stop it.
Anyway another teleporter found in a match. I'm enjoy my 15 min penality because i don't play with cheaters
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
According the wikipedia "Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software."
Who say its not cheat? The company who earn cash from it or who uses it ...
i can say many many many many times wall-hack isnt cheat, aimbot isnt cheat; however this doesnt make it right!!!
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You even said it yourself right there - cheating is the "subversion of the rules or mechanics".
Rules for the game are here:
We do not ban for the use of communication apps.
When looking for this quote I even found this old thread you, yourself, made that got closed with several people telling you this, including a different mod :
So, no, swf or comms are not cheating - it's not against the TOS. If comms were cheating, they would clearly be labeled in there as such.
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According the wikipedia "Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software."
Who say its not cheat? The company who earn cash from it or who uses it ...
i can say many many many many times wall-hack isnt cheat, aimbot isnt cheat; however this doesnt make it right!
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There no comms in game mechanics? if 3nd party programs allowed for play, why not i use wallhack? i prefer see killer/survivor than hear it from others thats same?
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If it's in the rules, it's fair game. They explicitly say comms is not cheating, and have multiple times INCLUDING on the rule page. Whereas, wallhacks and aimbots fall under the "kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game.".