Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why do you hate BHVR?

ironblade Member Posts: 270
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

They planned an entire roadmap, they shared news, they promised and delivered. They made SoloQ much better now with the new HUD that they worked so hard on and they surprised us with Maurice skin and william birkin for blight. Why are you hating on them even though they deliver good patches?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,907

    Hating on developers is cool, i guess.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    A lot of the hate stems from the old days

    In the past there were a lot of "content" creators whose singular content was bashing on the devs. Not all undeserved ofcourse but they used the couple of things BHVR did wrong and just added more and more stuff too it. One in perticular was almost like how a cult leader would work

    People were pretty much brainwashed into hating the devs to the point of it being rediculous

    Some of it also stems from their business decisions, working in any way whatsoever with nft's isn't going to win you popularity contest for example

    Sadly like how the best of lies are those with a seed of truth. Some of the hate BHVR gets is kinda deserved. People just tend to overblow it then and start hating them for everything they do or don't do

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    I think the devs do a pretty good job. There are issues but nobody's perfect and the game is pretty enjoyable and made a bunch of really good changes in the last year.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I think they're doing a decent job - But they absolutely should be held accountable for a litany of issues that they've dropped the ball on. Documented issues that have spanned years.

    It's as imprudent to hate on devs arbitrarily as it is to praise them solely for when they check off a few boxes on our 'This would make us happy' clipboard.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2023

    I don’t think I’d say it that aggressively but the reason people get upset with them is because the top issues with the game today are the exact same top issues the game had 5 years ago. Also the same mistakes they were making 5 years ago are still being made today with new updates so nothing has been learned or changed in those aspects. I think people also get frustrated with the speed of fixes and balance changes as they seem below game standards of equally sized companies. Like I said, I wouldn’t say hate or anything strong like that as we can have kind discourse about the game but those are the reasons people can get upset with them. Speaking for others here, not myself.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Because everybody in the forums is apparently a professional dev and know how this all works.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    No it's not us hating on BHVR... it's just we want to give them constructive feedback...

    Well some of us can't articulate what we want to say... others just don't want to articulate and just say "Nerf this or Buff that"

    Cause we play the game and they make the game... so it's more like mutual understanding then anything

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    They are doing the best they have ever done. But when the meta update released they said they would monitor and change it up often. It's been 7 months now and there is no reason no real balance changes have been made to the game.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2023

    Why? Because they have a potentially fun game on their hands here and they take every single bad decision you could possibly make. Take for example the new HUD. If anything, the HUD should've been removed, not expanded. They shouldn't allow for SWFs but no, let the survivors get on comms with eachother and cheat by telling eachother information they in no way should be privy to. Always siding with survivors no matter how wrong they are, point in case Eruption. Going to get nerfed solely because survivors are whining. There is nothing about it that is actually too strong about it.

    Serious issues like the repair speed are not being addressed because 3 gens being repaired within 2 minutes: nope, that works as intended. Nerfed Dead Hard? Haha, no they just changed the way it functions and remains a completely free health state every 40 seconds that causes the killer to stand still and lose Bloodlust. What? Solo queue not as good as cheating by using voicecomms? Let's give everyone cheats!! Yay, what a great decision...

    Even with the for fun stuff BHVR sucks. New skins on the killer side are an extreme rarity and most of the skins that come with the characters are just lazily recolored trash based on uninspired outfits.

    Look at this garbage. The same uninspired, tired outfit 8 times (there's one more if I scroll down). Now I have every killer but I dont play every single one of them. The killers that I like are not viable at the MMR that I have reached because there is simply no perks on the killer side that help in any meaningful way. Eruption is getting nerfed asap and I am sure Call of Brine will follow shortly. The rest of the perks have no influence on the game in any meaningful way. But BHVR just keeps nerfing away for absolutely no reason at all. Apparently Nurse and Blight are viable at the highest MMR's so I will be switch to them but surely BHVR will fix that shortly. It is just the type of thing those talentless hacks would do... Killers get absolutely no love from BHVR. Can't blame me for going "Like-wise".

    I hope that answers your question.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    I don't hate the Devs indeed I am grateful to them for having created DBD, a game that I adore, which has also helped me a lot not to think about the bad things that I have recently experienced BUT I don't appreciate their total absenteeism towards cheaters, I don't appreciate their total lack of interest in the structure of the maps, I don't agree with them on how the game is maintained ( do we want to talk about the Twins ? ) and I don't approve of their vision of the game which, after seven years, is essentially unchanged in terms of mechanics

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,396

    Certainly don't hate the Devs or BHVR. They're a business at the end of the day. As a consumer, I can disagree with certain things, like time-limited cosmetics, etc. but that doesn't mean that I dislike or hate them to any degree.

    Most people here are adults and can definitely make the decision for themselves to either buy or not what BHVR and their Devs are selling. I for one can't name all too many games that are from 2016 and have been receiving this much attention, devotion, time, and love from their Devs (every 3 months no less).

  • th3syst3m
    th3syst3m Member Posts: 394

    "They made SoloQ much better" I mean I guess but it has been an absolute nightmare since 6.1 and was pretty awful before that. Even with the new hud it's still going to be pretty pointless to play imo. They use to have a rank based matchmaking system that rewards you for playing the game. Now it's pretty much pointless to play survivor unless you SWF or you're just a god at the game.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,115
    edited February 2023

    Don't really hate them but there's just so much to critique that it gets under my skin. Take baby teeth as an example... the addon wasn't used because of the timer. It wasn't used because of the CONDITION where they get blindness. Not like they stay blind if they hold victor hostage for 45 seconds its after they take victor OFF of their own back and doesn't even count if they went down to your m1 or pulled them from a locker. Not to mention twins being unplayable for 2 months.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    The sad part is with the NFT we don't know if BHVR had prior knowledge that thier model was going to be used in that way since technically it's up to the license owner what they do with it. Now don't get me wrong I hate the idea behind NFTs and what they stand for, just in this situation therapy more to consider than it's could be all on BHVR

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

     Absenteeism towards cheaters? Once upon a time I would have understood your sentiment but BHVR have been doing a great job on that front over the last half year.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,549

    Played as Twins lately? Or any of the other things with long term bugs?

  • Hi_Im_Chucky
    Hi_Im_Chucky Member Posts: 366

    Why do I hate them? The soul reason I joined this community was to play Freddy. I loved him. I worked hard to master his mechanics and took the time to learn the game and research every survivor and Killer perk and spent hours and hours practicing to ‘git gud’…only to have Freddy replaced completely and ruined. Painstakingly I finally moved on and managed to find a new love.

    Plague. I found great pleasure in her sickness mechanic and I would absolutely play her without once using her condemned power. I got them sick and broken and if they healed at fountain, I’d get them sick and broken again and I’d continue until all fountains were locked and I could try and reward myself with a strong end-game after repeatedly fighting to keep everyone sick. THEN, after spending hours and hours mastering Plague but enjoying her ‘the way I want’ they decided to FORCE her corruption on me and NEVER be able to EVER lock fountains again. You can no longer enjoy her sickness or make a build around it. No matter what, the fountains will reset and you are Condemned. I didn’t fall in love with her one-shot, I WANT to make them sick and (despite the early game disadvantage) I want to try and keep them sick and snow-ball. They ruined my second love.

    Lastly, I couldn’t help but fall for … The Twins. The story, the sound design, the idea of having a “partner” was appealing and even the perks she brought into the game. I played and played Twins, always hoping and waiting for the fixes, the patches or at least the new costumes to waste $$$ on but….you get my point.

    When they stop ruining my fun, I’ll stop hating BHVR. Now I just vaguely lurk around in-case they revert one of the first two Killers, Fix Twins, or somehow introduce another Killer who I want to play. Like a Killer Doll or a Killer Klown from outer-space or something lol

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    This is still the game I play the most and there’s no competitor that comes close. My complaints about the game and the devs are minor relative to the enjoyment I get from playing.

    My biggest complaint is the amount of time and resources that get spent on things that don’t seem to be aligned with what the community are asking for and taking forever to implement. Man it would have been nice to have the dead hard nerf and the solo queue info buffs years ago when people started asking for these changes.

    Lack of transparency is annoying at times too. I wish the devs would just admit that the SBMM system really doesn’t work at all because we all know from experience that this is the case.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    Why? Because they added time limits to seasonal cosmetics, even after the community said no, multiple times, in surveys.

    How can you trust someone or something after that?

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited February 2023

    Why do you ever trust anyone or anything is the better question. Let alone a company

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,907

    I think GBK put it best. The developers are without fail all lovable people, it's the higher-ups that make the very questionable decisions. That said, it's ultimately just a game, so hating on anyone for providing me with over 3k hours of entertainment seems silly. Besides, I cannot possibly hate a company that treats its employees as well as BHVR does.

    So yeah, I stand with the idea that people are far too quick to jump on the dev hate train. That's not to say I'll never be critical of them, though. (Something that I really do think should go without saying.)

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,561

    I don't hate BHVR at all. I disagree with some of their stances on the game's direction and matchmaking, but I can't think of a game where I ever agreed with everything the devs did. Content creators make a big deal out of everything and create controversy out of nothing because generating clicks is their job and each one has to out clickbait the next.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Do you have the survey results?

    I don't think the vast mayority of the community cares about this. A loud minority does.

    If the entire community was against it the people wouldn't have bought the skins and it would have send the message.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I still dont understand why cosmetic designers not get to fix Twin bugs.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    BHVR should adapt what most arena mmo's are doing: identify the 5 most popular perks on both side and nerf them by mostly tweaking the numbers and buff the 5 least played perks. Monitor for gross gamebreaking stuff, but otherwise let everything stick. Rinse and repeat every month, while ignoring last month changed perks in the process which perks to buff/nerf next.

    Then you get a fluid and changing meta with the player base constantly evaluating what's strong now and finding new and interesting ways to use what they got.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    laughs in Dredge

    Even the recolors of the base skin give proper texture changes to not be super bland

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    where and how exactly other than claiming they have done something ? Because i see a huge number of cheaters every day, i don't see a friendly report system, i don't see an update on the cheating issue. Yes they have said they have banned 10.000 people in few months but without a proof of that i'll not beleive that. When in three games in a row i see two people teleporting and one able to insta repairing gen they are not doing anything at all to stop or limit cheaters

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,469

    If I hated bHVR I would not play their games.

    nah, they are Canadian homies. luv them all.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    did you just come to this game this year? if so it makes sense why some of their recent changes to the game made you like them so much.

    but people who have long experience with this game and how bhvr handled it throughout the years will realize that bhvr is one of the most incompetent game developing companies there is.

    however they've been doing great changes for the last 2 years it's unfortunate tho that for every couple good changes a random horrible decision/s comes out to kill the mood and reduces the players base's trust.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    I would like to see the promised 60 FPS on Xbox One, PS4 and low-end PC's.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Many reasons to dislike them. Probably due to a lack of good updates. I could care less about the cosmetics if the updates aren't good. Sure, some good ones I'll give them that, but...the bad stuff definitely outnumbers the good.

  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    I just want my Twins rework and then me and BHVR will be cool.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,938
    edited February 2023

    For me it starts with getting frustrated at the players over balancing disputes and then BHVR steps in with their changes or input and sometimes they share their view of things which makes it look like they don't understand the problems that people are having with their game which causes people to lose faith in them and get frustrated.

    But, taking a step back, i think BHVR deserves appreciation. They do support this game a lot and some of the devs that appear on streams and on the forums do seem like nice people. When looking at this game casually, it is amazing. There is an enormous amount of content and possibilities, it is a fun horror game.

    This game is just very frustrating at a competitive level is all.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Because they dont actually address issues and while they can do some nice changes they also do stupid ones or take years to put stuff in...

    Some of the stuff they're adding in have been spoke about years prior and they can just be quality of life changes and not balance so they should be quick and easy.

    My main hate towards them is how they lack understanding of their own game, huge maps, stupid tile setups and the SBMM which doesn't track skill at all for survivors.

    When they make changes that actually benefit me and reward me then sure I'll be happy. But it's hard to have Hope's when they say stuff like "if you do a 5gen chase but you didnt escape was you really skillful?" Or keep making huge maps or maps filled with safe pallets so half the roster can do anything against a player with understanding...

    These "solo Q buffs" haven't done anything, I win the games I'd normally win and I lose the games I normally would. Matchmaking is the issue not the HUD, no matter the HUD changes being paired with people who dont do anything or loop worse than a bot will always be a bad match. SBMM and matchmaking needs the change.

  • KrissPLAY
    KrissPLAY Member Posts: 30

    Not fixing Twins for 2 months 💀😭

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I thought my joke was obvious, people complaining about they posting Maurice meme, create new cosmetic while not fixing bugs.

    Its not like Media managers & Designers can fix bugs. Its up to the coders, but with tight deadline, between mid chapter & new chapter is only 6 weeks apart, its hard to get things done, though I really think they should hire more coders, well but Im not sure if it works either, its not simple to look at someone's code and you understand what it means.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,435

    I don't hate BHVR as a whole. Just the bean counters who pressure the devs to make a much money as they can at the cost of making the game healthier.

    Rather than pumping out a new chapter every three months, they could reduce it to every 4 months and focus on things like making maps more fair for weaker killers (While adjusting stronger ones to be more fair), improved optimization (especially for console), new game mode to spice up the monotony of the grind and to come up with ideas to make the game fresh.

    Instead, it's pump out subpar chapter after subpar chapter that usually have game breaking bugs but plenty of cosmetics to sell.

  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    P2W and hitbox issues

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2023

    1st of all HATE is a big word... I don't hate, I'm just tired of the double standards that they have and their changes to things that were fine (Selfcare, deathslinger, hillbilly, etc etc), not to mention that they went into politics/NFT and did things that utterly worsened their situation (for example giving for free dbd on epic games store, essentially giving free accounts for cheaters) just to name few things...

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    These kinds of threads and not helpful and are frankly in poor taste.

    Game devs already face general animosity no matter what they do and I am not sure what you intended by inciting hateful comments.

    I am not saying BHVR can do no wrong, but as someone who has played the game and participated in these forums for years now, I can say that they listen. They take their sweet time, but they listen.

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    Well, they made a game in which you use a perk to change the FOV for the first person view, and without it you're stuck with that god awful, vomit inducing default FOV, havent seen anything THAT stupid in any game ever.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    i don't see an update on the cheating issue. Yes they have said they have banned 10.000 people in few months but without a proof of that i'll not beleive that

    Two things:

    a) what update do you want? The nature of cheats prevent them from ever going into detail on things other than vague 'we are doing x to prevent cheats' in the patchnotes - and if they go into too much detail the general public wouldn't even understand it on a technical level and give more information to the cheaters. Vague = good when it comes to cheaters. You DON'T want the cheaters to get more information.

    b) What proof would you even accept?

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426
    edited February 2023

    I'll just reply with their own words here

    Beyond in-game improvements, we will be communicating on our progress against cheats more regularly as part of our Developer Updates and beyond. We want to keep you in the loop and share as much information as we safely can

    And more there is a roadmap with several improvement.Now tell me, since that post and those promises have you have seen less cheating ?Because i do not, to be honest ( and many other have said the same ) the number of cheating is increasing. Have uou have been "in the loop" ? How many people have reported autodeadhard , killer bot and more ?Do you have seen any communication from BHVR after this post ? You know even just one simple "we are working on it" in the end of every patch note would be great.

    To be honest they have come up with this post and promises ONLY because there was a public outbrust of several content creators, once they went silent, this question was put under the rug.

    Even in their "seven years road map" there are no mention of this issue and yeah i was expecting at least a note on that roadmap. But no, nothing, zero at all

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,065

    They literally gave us zero news on whether or not killers will ever get quality of life improvements, even though there has been so much discussion and implementation of quality of life changes for survivors. We haven’t even been told it’s something they might consider, and it’s not in the roadmap at all.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612

    This, quite frankly, didn't answer either one of my questions. I asked you for _what proof you would accept_, and _what kind of update do you want_? It kind of seems like you don't even take bhvr at their word, so it kind of seems you will accept nothing bar you actually seeing their banned list in person yourself.

    I haven't personally ran into OBVIOUS cheaters - teleporting across the map, insta-gens, etc in so very long. I have had suspected subtle cheats, obvious speedhackers and hacked cosmetics (like when the halloween tome happened and there was a piece of kate's outfit that hadn't been released yet in the second part of the event tome on the first week). I have gotten many cheaters banned, including my last few reports, but it's really not at a significant increase at all since the initial huge ban wave. Have YOU even actually seen the 'killer bots' since like, last april or may?

    "I don't know if you're in the loop or not" but all that being said there is no way to fully stop cheaters. It's a constant battle between devs and the cheaters. One thing gets patched, the cheaters find another thing to exploit. This isn't a bhvr issue, btw, if you ever worked in any security job in software it's something that will always be a truth. *THIS IS WHY THEY CAN'T BE MORE DETAILED WHEN TALKING ABOUT CHEATERS*. You literally can't go into a lot of detail other than just vague stuff like this.

This discussion has been closed.