Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Remove Green Keys (at least from chests)

Green keys are almost entirely useless in the game now, except to break collision. Finding one in game in a chest is basically just wasting a chest. This item has to have addons on it to see auras, its only intended function in the game, and unless you're running specific perks, it can't spawn with addons in chests. NO OTHER item functions this way (useless without addons).

I personally believe green keys should be removed from the game, but I know some people use them for the aura reveal. That being said, finding one in a blood web that I have to take means I'm instantly equipping it and dropping it the moment the match spawns me in. Even if you don't remove it from the game entirely, I personally don't feel they should be allowed to spawn in chests in-match at all.


  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    I think that the green key should be removed from the game altogether or recycled.

    At the moment, the key is the most useless item in the game and I don't want it to come across to me in the bloody web.

    You need to make it so that he opens chests instantly or opens locked doors that the killer breaks.

    Can make it so that an aura showing everything in 8/16/24 meters will already be built into it.

    Developers please remove the keys

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    green key has better aura reading duration than purple key

    you can keep items you pick up in chests, i know you often want to use the items you pick up within the same game but you get to keep them after the trial and use them in more trials as well

    i think keys in general (and yes, green keys in particular) should be buffed but there are several advantages to green keys

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Agree, even the skeleton key is better at seeing auras since it lasts twice as long AND can open the hatch

    Pretty sure they just added it and made it purposefully useless because they can't make a chest empty for some reason so they went with that

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    And the skeleton key has better aura reading than the green AND can open hatch

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    the green key is useless and you need to make sure that the keys are already with improvements. What's the point of having it in the chest if it doesn't give anything at all!!!!!!

    It is possible to make it so that all items from the chests initially had one improvement according to the standard

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659
    edited January 2023

    the point of having it in the chest is that you can take items from chests out of the trial, as i already said

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    then let him open the hatch but longer. Why an object that gives nothing at all !! How could this even be allowed?

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    can you please explain to me how "an item you can use to enable aura reading" gives you "nothing at all"

    i understand the frustration of not finding a purple medkit or a green toolbox and not being able to use it immediately, right that second, but that's still not "nothing at all"

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    W thread, remove green keys.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273

    Ok. Tell me any single (intended) use of a green key when you find it in locker. And just to not be smart ass, you are not allowed to equip ace in the hole.

    Now tell me ANY situation on ANY map where you get ANY - even marginal benefit from the item in that game. Finding green key in a chest is much worse then finding empty chest - at least in case of empty chest you don't waste time opening it. Any other item provides at least some value - that's true also for brown toolbox or green map. But not green key. Devs should 100% remove the item from game or change it

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    i already did, so feel free to reread the thread and familiarize yourself with what i said

    i am begging on my hands and knees for you to obtain the patience to wait the ten minutes between finding the key in one game and equipping aura reading addons in the next game. you're already playing a game where the most important core mechanic is waiting for a progress bar to fill, certainly you can wait for the next game to come around. the BP you obtain throughout the game are also not usable until after the game finishes; do you think we should remove BP? because I don't

    the ultimate irony of this is that I do think that green keys should be reworked, because right now the aura reading provided by keys in general is almost always not powerful enough to justify bringing them. it's just that "i can't use it the second i get it" isn't a valid reason for keys to be removed from the game in general or chests specifically

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Actually... you're talking about a let's suppose. What if I don't escape the trail? Then I'd be forced to be with a key that does nothing at all.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273
    edited January 2023

    Ah. So I should only take advantage outside of that game. So no. There's NOT A SINGLE ADVANTAGE that item will give me in that game. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Not found. Nonexistent. But there's a real negative the item will give me in that case (namely time spend finding it in chest, possibly picking it up and having one less chest and not getting anything useful)

    And you still say it's "ok" to have it in a chest. Are you perhaps exclusively killer main?

    Also next game it will give me also 0 advantage, because the item is THE WORST item I could use in the game. So I am bound to equip ANYTHING else but this item. Even when taking addons - even green map on it's own will give you arguably more value. And I also have another surprise for you - bloodweb exists - so I will 100% have some item - and any item giving more advantage then this one - I will not take green key in my next game (and I can't take key from last game + my item I get from bloodweb). So even in this case green key is 100% waste

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659
    edited January 2023

    If you don't escape the trial then it wouldn't matter what item you find, because you still don't get to keep it. Unless you brought a white ward, in which case your hypothetical is again redundant.

    as fun as it is to laugh at your horribly misdirected and over-the-top ridiculousness, i do implore you to carefully read all of the things i have to say, and to think about all of the things i am saying, because it currently appears you are only writing responses to select parts of my post.

    feel free to judge for yourself which i play more of (most of those killer p3's are from the switch over to the new prestige system and were P1 at that time, most of the p1's were just outside of the prestige range at that time, i did not prestige any survivors in order to preserve the multitude of anniversary items I had on them)

    as far as the no net value in that game, you're right. Correct. Bingo. Hole in one, aced the test, passed with flying colors. However, if you're judging things by "how useful are they in the round I am currently playing" then you cannot use the Bloodweb as an example, because as I have already said, you can't access the bloodweb and get anything during your current game, so by the standard you yourself laid out, the bloodweb is as useless as a green key in a chest. if we're admitting that we use things from previous games in next games (such as the bloodpoints earned from one match to buy items for another match) then certainly you can admit that "i don't get value in the round i earn it, therefore it shouldn't exist" is a poorly thought out and childishly shortsighted chain of logic.

    if you're talking about time wasted, let me give you a little perspective - a chest takes 10 seconds to open, and the item takes 1 second to pick up for a total of 11 seconds. Finding a commodious toolbox, the fastest repair box, saves you 10.7 seconds on a generator, or 13.3 seconds if you happen to be running Streetwise. Even in the best case scenario, you need to dedicate an extra perk slot, get ridiculously lucky, and notice a chest that's literally less than 2 seconds out of the way to a gen in order to just barely break even on your time investment. If I was a tryhard sweaty killer main I would absolutely want the number of boxes out there increased and I'd want green keys removed from chests so survivors like you would waste more time trying to find "useful" items that would actually waste your time.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    and I want to clarify - I think green keys should be reworked, I think they should be able to open the hatch at a slower speed, I just think the arguments you are currently presenting for your case are full of inconsistencies and do not work for improving the game

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If I can rework Green Keys, instead of removing them from the games... here's what I will do instead....

    Green Keys can now open the black lock (Hatch) but has has 5 second long opening, and has RNG mechanic in which the keys could break and make hatch escapes not possible or could not break and succeed in opening the hatch. It's a 50/50 percent chance of working and not working. If the key break on you, you will be unable to escape through the hatch and the killer will be notified by a sound cue of the key breaking. If it didn't break, the key will consume and the hatch is unlocked and free escape. You can also increase the aura reading duration as well as make it better tracking things; but at least the key can be somewhat useful for those whom open chest and want to stealthy take a chance at opening the hatch when found.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Ooooh no. No, don't give Survivors a way to remove breakable walls. Some things are only not infinites or near to it because there are breakable walls there (for who knows what reason, breakable walls in general are kind of stupid).

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Alternative solution: make the survivor aura addon basekit

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273

    So long as it's the worst item in game (it is, green map with addons is by far better then even green key with blood ember + something) - it's worse then finding empty chest (after the rework you proposed, this would not be true). Even taking into account your argument of "you can use it next game". No you "can't use it next game" if you don't want to troll. As we are talking about THE worst item in the game, you would do better for your team if you brought literally anything else but green key.

    As for your toolbox example - still not true. Even brown toolbox has some limited value over key (not a negative value as green key. It has very situational, but positive value). The reason being, a, that opening a chest is generally safer then doing gen b, you can't sabotage hook without toolbox (or saboteur perk) - so even brown toolbox will in some cases provide you with positive value. Green key is exclusively negative value.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    but i'm not talking about value over key, i'm talking about value over not having opened the chest in the first place.

    yes, some items have a net benefit once you get them from the chest, but you're forgetting that "not opening the chest" is a choice you're allowed to make, and 99.9% of the time, the time saved from choosing to do that is a greater net benefit than whatever you end up getting from the chest. the benefit from opening a chest comes not in the current game, but in the subsequent games where you have the item you looted from the chest - it's an investment across multiple games

    the aura reading on keys is underrated. yes, they should buff it because it's not on the same level as some other items, but it's still good. to say it's "trolling" to bring in an item that can help you win every mind game at a jungle gym, give you literal constant vision on one survivor, or help you find/avoid teammates is an extreme exaggeration.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273

    Have you even tried to play with it? You can bring skeleton key with extra duration and blood amber and it will still not really help you. Aura read has delay. You can't do anything while holding them. For these 2 reasons you need to hold it for whole interaction time (baring time you move from one loop to another) or you don't need to use it at all. Even given this any decent killer will not even see the difference.

    As said. The item is by far most useless item in game. Not opening the chest if it turns out to be green key is always preferable. Even if you can open the chest without risking anything. The only exception is open-chest challenge (but for this one opening a chest to find it empty would be as valuable). Until the item has any niche usage where it shines (no matter how rare), so long will the item be worse then empty chest by a huge margin.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659

    you can just anticipate when you're going to approach a part of the loop that's mindgameable and pre-activate the key, you only need the occasional flicker to take advantage of it, but that's hardly relevant.

    the point is, once again, that you can absolutely still make use of a green key you find in a chest - not in the game you find it, but you can still use it. not being able to use it in the game you find it is not sufficient reason for them to be removed from chests.

    looking forward for you to once again respond by saying "but i can't use it in the game i find it :(" ignoring the 9000 times i've already said that's not a good argument

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Because you can't use it at all without addons, and that's pretty dumb

    It's like having a killer power that does absolutely nothing until you put addons on it

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,273

    As stated before. The item does not make sense even when you carry it out of lobby. As it's hands-down THE worst item in the game, you will NEVER EVER equip it right after the game when you looted it. The only exception is when you want to meme, or if your bloodweb bugs out to the point you can't use it (still it will probably take very long time before you start to use broken keys).

    How many times did you brought to your game green key? If your argument is real, then the number should represent at least 1% of all of your games. Heck I would say that it still has some value even if it represented 0.1% of your (not just trying what this item does) games

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659
    edited January 2023

    and that's fair, and a very good reason to rework it - I think that all keys should open the hatch, but do so at different speeds, and notify the killer when the opening action starts. the green key should take something like 10 seconds so there's actually a decent chance of the killer interrupting the action.

    see, now we're actually talking about good reworks to underused items that would actually make them more viable. saying "get rid of it because i can't use it right this second :(" blocks that kind of discussion

    i currently have zero green keys on the survivors I regularly play. this is because I regularly use green keys when I have them, and used them frequently enough where I eventually failed to escape and lost the keys. However, I feel the need to once again remind you that I do think green keys should be buffed, that they need more power. I just think what you're arguing for (removing them from chests) is not the right thing to do, and that the reason you give (they don't give immediate value in the round you find them) is a bit shortsighted

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    all keys need a buff so that they give at least something throughout the game, and it is best to do so that they can open the chest 1 time without searching. In general, make charges on the keys. add brown for 1 charge, green for 2, yellow for 3, red for 5 and each charge opens a chest - a hatch immediately.

    Now you can safely combine key upgrades with the map

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,659
    edited February 2023

    that sounds like a great idea, but I want to preserve the aura reading of keys and i'm worried about what having two separate charges would do. the instant unlocking, particularly of hatch, also does seem a bit too good.

    Maybe if they allowed you to use a key on a chest the same way you use a toolbox on generators, it used charges the same way aura reading did, and keys had their own unlocking speed bonuses and unlocking speed addons.

    Overall though I love the idea and energy.

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    yes, the instant hatch is too agreeable, but in general, I think the developers should hear our request

  • Dalvichan
    Dalvichan Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2023

    Haven't visited this post in a while, thanks for all the support and great ideas! I already wrote out this message once and it disappeared, bummer. Regardless, here are some responses/thoughts to the general discussion that has happened and what sparked this post:

    Responding directly to @ratcoffee , I can appreciate what you're saying and that you can use it in the next game if you escape with it. That being said, DbD is about time management, and your most valuable resource in a game is that - time. When you're taking time to open a chest (as you said, 11 seconds) and it yields a key, that resource in that match was wasted. Survivors must balance their time against the killers to achieve their goals before the killer does. Even brown items out of a chest are more useful than a green key, as a brown medkit provides a full heal and a brown toolbox provides 1-2 sabos depending on how efficient you are.

    The base problem with the green key is that it is unusable at its core. When spawned without addons, it does not provide even the base benefit of aura reading, as all other keys do. Having an item in the game that requires addons to function spawn in a chest without addons isn't feasible. I'm not on the side of needing to make it open hatch - I think there's plenty of options that do that already. Green keys are actually a hold over from before the hatch change. Previously, they actually had value, even without addons. But since the changes to the hatch only spawning on the last person, the key was rendered useless in relation to hatch. They should have been reworked when the hatch change was rolled out, but it was an oversight.

    Personally, I believe the best solution to them is to prevent them from spawning in chests for this simple reason: people who like playing with them, can get them in their webs, and can put addons on them. People who don't like them can avoid them. Every other item in the game has in-game and immediate value versus cost of resource to collect it. Green keys don't, which as someone else has stated, is like giving a killer an ability they can't use unless they pick addons outside of a match first.

    My final proposal would be between two things: either give its base aura reading, or remove the code that allows it to spawn in chests.