Anyway to make it impossible for people to acess my account through the lobby/end game screen?

Without going in a bunch of detail is there a way as a console player to stop people being able to click on my tag?
I was hoping anonymous mode would do this but people on the same platform can just click me and it leads them straight to my profile and I'd like to stop that I'd possible?
I'm just getting abit fed up and drained getting harassed, attacked, false reported etc. Please dont say turn off all messaging on my console settings as that shouldn't be the only solution to play DBD...
I just wanna play the game and enjoy myself without constant stabs, insults and issues.
(Before anyone asks, no I'm not doing anything, I legit just play the game. I dont BM in any way on either side, I dont message hateful stuff etc. I just play the game, gens and chases as survivor, chases and hooks as killer. And not that it should matter but I rarely use strong items/addons and never pick maps)
Would be nice, I dont see why it isnt tbh but DBD is the only multiplayer game where I have to deal with these issues consistently so other multiplayer games dont have it. Not sure the point of anonymous mode if they can just click on you anyway..
Took a break for awhile to enjoy the deadspace remake but the first 2 days back just constant messages and more false reports
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Sadly no. But, you can turn friend requests to approve only and turn off the messaging option for friends only. This is what I’ve done on my PlayStation.
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Sounds you're very unlucky to face toxic people like that. I mostly just get gg:s or thank's etc. Sometimes I do get complain but not often.
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You can stop any communication but no can't prevent them from opening your profile up. I too want anonymous mode for Xbox, but apparently they can't make it work with whatever privacy settings that are messed with that mode being on. I did enjoy the week or two it worked though.
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On DBD its so common, other Multiplayer games I get maybe 1 hate message over months but for whatever reason DBD is different. I legit got false reports for playing blight... (perkless and addonless)
While I usually ignore them it gets kinda hard when it's so common and not every day I'm up for being harassed at just for playing a game ya know?
I rarely get a gg, been months since my last 2 ggs. One because I let a survivor go and another because I met and old vet player (we end up on the same team or versing each other every few months)
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Yeah but all BHVR has to do is make it so you cant be clicked on in lobbies etc. They can do that as they dont even need you tag/name their at all and even in the endgame they have had it before where you couldn't.
I do miss those days
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I'm not going to lay this one on the devs here. I think Microsoft (and maybe Sony too) has it in their agreements we all blindly accept that games cannot mess with clicking on profiles and such. Just like games cannot mess with chat parties either.
Just my opinion though.
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I disabled messages bc of that a long time ago. But after a year i enabled them again.
Now i just report them when they say something awful. Sony is really quick and i had even people ask me on their second account why they got banned, so they really suffer consequences.
There are messages like a simple ez, where you can do nothing. Well, sometimes people slip up later if you answer them, but you shouldnt make it a game, where you trick people into saying things, which get them banned.
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As much as I would love to not receive hate mail, being able to check profiles must remain a thing for one reason only: Reporting blatant and subtle cheaters
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I got called an inbred **** by a salty survivor last week. He'd have seen Norfolk on my profile page bless him. Thanked him for showing an interest 🙃
Sometimes I try and send a message to say well played or to thank them for moronic behaviour, and it says that there profile is private and cannot be messaged. So within the confiines of the console there is a way to keep your profile locked down.
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idk just ignore them?
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Sadly xbox report system is rather lame ever since they changed it years ago, people use to get banned for breaking any of the rules but now it seems only the mega extreme ones do and even then it's not always. Things like racist, threats etc. Can be gotten away with at times so simple harassment and insults dont stand a chance.
They also have stupid sub categories now so even in the "unsporting" report which I dont use has sub categories like sexual assault etc. Like... why is that in unsporting..
Yeah but if you do that it affects all games and socials, it's only on DBD I get this sort of problem and I shouldn't have to stop everything because of a single game.
I just need the devs to make anonymous mode make it so they cant click on me, game actions that are banable should be solved through DBD report system, they dont need access to my profile which gives the ability to harass