Remove or rework the nurse



  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272

    If "shes essy once you get the blinks down" is your argument then billy is even easier because getting his saw down is easier. And he can just resort to walking if he cant use the saw.

    If people boil her down to "just blink next to them and hit them", then bill is "walk up to them and saw them", which is essier to execute.

    I like this post, it atleast explains what might be asier or not. Most people handily ignore the third part tho.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    Its always like that. When I ask to proof of, if someone is claiming he is TOP MMR, killer is easy in his case and how he never loose. How super easy it is, then he make statements like "I don´t have to proof anything to random guy on the internet" or "Its just a fact... I´m destroying Otz and another elite players but I didn´t upload them, because I don´t like to flex on streamers. :D :D :D That last sentence is true. If you want screenshots of that conversation what he wrote no problem. With name with exact video... its really funny. :D

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    nope. I don't record my games ever. But I used to main nurse until patch 5.5. The killer has hard learning curve (meaning he feels bad until you know how to blink) and has quite a few frustrating parts (autoaim turning you to obstacles and so). But compared to any other killer - once you are behind the basic learning curve, the killer IS in fact easy (still frustrating sometimes as it's hard to blink to some places - old haddonfield top floor houses were excelent example). I implore you to play nurse and right after it play say - clown. Compare your results and compare what kind of survivors you get.

    Also once you get really good with nurse, there are very few and very limited options survivors get. This is the thing that most survivors complain about. And if you really want to know what I am talking about - then check any supaalf's streams where he plays nurse instead of survivor (funny thing is - that he himself will say how broken OP nurse is).

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    You´re not recording games, but when you claim something you have to prove it. I can claim that I´m supervisor in Mosad but because evidence it would be just my word. And most of the time its debunked in a moment when these people start to talk about the killer. Its obvious that they touched him only for daily challange. Most fo the time when people claim something its just wish that people will believe them. When I will be making statements about being unbeatable with a killer it would be better to prove it. Its not about recording of games, but about being credible for making statements. If you want to have credibility then you (not specifically you before you start) have to prove it your knowladge about the game are from practicing or just parroting.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    If you want footage, go watch alf's streams. There is enough footage in there. If you want more opinions - ask people like Hens. He will have more "balanced" words - he will acknowledge, that it is possible to win against really good nurse - but he will also say you need perfect coordination, perfect plays and have very narrow window for ANY mistakes. They spoke about it on their streams so it is recorded. But I will have to add that both of these opinions are about pre-nerf nurse (so before patch 6.5).

    My own experience is even older, because I used to main her (and play her a lot) before patch 5.5 (meaning just before she got killswitched and then reworked/buffed). I refused to play her after, because I got out of loop and started enjoying different killers AND because she felt too easy from that point on (removed stun+fatigue, she can hit before blink finishes and it felt like her autoaim got stronger. Now if you remmeber she also got quite a buff from general killer's buff in patch 6.1 which made her impossible good in my eyes). But even in that time the killer felt super-duper strong once you play her often. Does that mean I won every game or that there were no survivors that could do anything against me? Of course not. However I won majority of my matches (still sometimes with quite a hefty frustration from bad blinks in some areas and from hitting objects I was clearly not aiming at).

    But after patch 6.5 - at least in my eyes, the killer is MUCH better then it was. She is still super strong. S-tier without a doubt. But at least there is a game to be played. It's not "let's hope she is baby or we are doomed no matter what" any more.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Thanks for quoting Hens, I wasn't sure what he had said; I trust you on that.

    What you're talking about, and what Hens is talking about is something very interesting, and that a lot of haters tend to forget, as if by magic.

    Nurse requires MUCH MORE coordination, speed, efficiency, and knowledge of the game from her opponents than other killers.

    So effectively, an uncoordinated SoloQ team, whose members don't know how to do anything against her, will have a very, very slim chance of getting through.

    Likewise, even a vocal team will have a very hard time against the nurse if the survivors who make up the team are not good against her.

    And many survivors just don't want to accept that.

    They refuse to accept that the Nurse might ask them to be better against her than against the other killers.

    Even if I don't agree with the fact of having deprived the nurse of her recharge and range addons, I have to admit that now, in 6.5, she has become less oppressive than in 6.4.

    At least it might be easier for the survivors who were struggling.

    Except for those who are only good at crying all the time instead of trying to improve (I'm not talking about you, Gandor) and it's them that I'm thinking of when I talk about showing what you're worth to the nurse.

  • Evocto
    Evocto Member Posts: 11

    I said he has a higher skill ceiling obv if you just play Billy to back rev people all day then he's easier.I was mainly referring to learning curving which is def more difficult than getting blinks down.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Generally agree. Just to fill small tidbits. Hens outright said, that if it's god-tier nurse and you are soloQ, then there is nothing you can do - no matter how good your fellow survivors are (and I share the opinion).

    But now in 6.5, she feels much better to go against (not counting a bug here and there).

  • mr_Beast_Artist
    mr_Beast_Artist Member Posts: 327

    Why does anyone have to record evidence. Enter the game and play against the nurse! After all of you are killed within 5 minutes, then return and say that you no longer need proof and that the nurse is unbalanced strong.

  • JPTrady
    JPTrady Member Posts: 4

    "mind game survivors" brother shes the only killer where u dont need to mind game at all and shes as shes not hard took me 4 games to get usd to her blinks, wanna know how many it took me for billy? idk i can tell u more than 10 and i still suck at him, nurse is not hard

  • JPTrady
    JPTrady Member Posts: 4

    like it matters brother everyone can tell u nurse doesnt belong in this game, they literlaly balance the game around her and u really are here defending her like if she wasnt that hard to learn and completely broken xD

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Honestly I had hoped that the lightburn mechanic would be buffed eventually.. not straight up removed