The Knight Rework!!

Getting into the meat and potatoes of the killer, his power is a good idea with TERRIBLE execution!!!!
The Assassin, Jailer, and Carnifex are all laughably weak! Stupid! Slow! And feel like a dumbed down survivor..
So I am going to propose a rework, using not only game mechanics, but some of the history that inspired these characters as well!
Core Power changes:
The Knight will be able to cycle through which ally he wishes to call fourth first.. {So let's say you are on the Assassin, but you wish to have the Carnifex guard a hook. Pressing the CTRL button will allow you to cycle through your allies..}
(I believe this should have been a give, Killers need CONTROL over their power,, and not a, RNG simulator)
{Second change will be Each member of the Compangia. Once summoned will patrol a designated area infinitely, as in no cool down..}
(You can send out an ally to patrol an area, they’ll mostly stand still, unless a survivor triggers a chase with them)
Now I will get into detailed changes I would make to each member of the guardia Compangia..
Sander Rault The Carnifex:
A remorseless executioner, noted for his size and strength being comparable to Tarhros himself..
Once Sent out the Carnifex will be sent out to stand in a spot and guard it, waiting for a survivor, once he sees a victim he will initiate a chase.
In chase he has a base run speed of 4.0 m/s so a survivor running.
No escape:
After in chase for 10 seconds, an audio queue will be heard by the running survivor, the sound would be chain links sliding against each other.
The Carnifex would then hurl out his chain in a direct path in front of him, (the same range as Artist’s crows), if successfully catching the survivor it’ll function very similarly to the cenobites chain slow down, allowing the Carnifex to close the distance..
{The aura of the chained survivor is revealed to the Knight}
If the chain misses the Carnifex will relent and disappear allowing the Knight to summon him again.
Executioner (Iridescent add on):
The carnifex instantly puts survivors in the dying state, when he hits them.
Durkos Malecek The Assassin:
A blade in the crowd, or an obscure specter. The Assassin is one of the Knight’s most crucial allies.
The Assassin probably had the most potential out of the Compangia, I initially came up with 3 different tasks he could perform, so i made him change depending on add on {RARE or IRI}
Blade in the crowd {Iridescent add on}:
Being a natural socialite, and having a way with people makes The assassin an expert information gatherer.
Once sent out the Assassin will take the appearance of one of the Survivors present in the match.
{Example: you have David, Meg, Feng, and Dwight in the match, The Assassin will take the form of one of them}
He will then proceed to seek out other survivors, emulating their behavior, only when he is near one or multiple of them.
Repairing gens, The gen being repaired is marked {Like discordance}, and the assassin will on purpose fail skill checks alerting the knight to their presence.
Purposely dropping pallets in the survivors faces {In other words sandbagging}.
If a Survivor is injured the Assassin in disguise will approach them to {Heal} only to shove his blade in their back, downing them. {This will End the Assassin’s patrol and send him back to the Knight to be re summoned}
{To counter! the survivors may figure out about the mole in their team. Once next to the Assassin, they can press the action button revealing his disguise and sending him back to the Kight}
Spectre {Rare add on}:
Being a shadow in the darkness, rarely he is seen coming until it is too late..
Once summoned the Assassin will guard an area, whilst guarding he is completely invisible to survivors, once the survivors are in his radius, {3 meters}. He will begin to pursue them gradually becoming visible.
If he wounds a survivor they will suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect, killer instinct, and is sent back to the Knight to be re summoned.
Alejandro Santiago The Jailer:
Sadistic, and Fanatic, The Jailer is The Knights most frightening ally.
Once summoned The Jailer will patrol the entire map permanently, moving at 2.0 m/s seeking out survivors and Totems.
Once the Jailer finds a survivor he will begin a low pitched chant in Latin, {That can be heard by the knight}
If the Jailer catches the Survivor he will BRAND them.
Once branded the Survivor will be permanently marked {Until the Jailer is off the map}
Branded survivors have reduced movement speed, suffer from the blindness, and exhausted status effect, they cannot heal, and let out higher toned suffering noises. {Iron will counter}
Inquisitorious {Iridescent add on}:
Lawlessness, and treachery is rife in the world of the entity..
The Jailer seeks out Totems.. If a dull totem is lit by a survivor into a boon totem. The Jailer will extinguish it permanently. Blocking that totem for the remainder of the match.
If the survivor’s break an active hex totem, the jailer will find an unlit dull totem, and light it reactivating the hex perk..
Branded Survivor’s have their aura’s revealed to the knight permanently until the Jailer is off the map..
Witch Hunter {Iridescent add on}
Witchcraft, and The Occult are an abomination that must be extinguished by any means..
Any Survivor with a Boon perk, Key, map, flashlight, or magical ability, is actively hunted by the Jailer.
In this state the Jailer moves at 3.5 m/s when chasing a survivor, If he catches the Survivor, Branding them, they lose access to their magical ability (Boon perk, key, map, flashlight ect..) {Until the Jailer is removed from the map}.
Once Branded the offender’s aura is revealed to the Knight for 60 seconds.
Burn the witch {Rare Add on}
When downed, the Survivor (Mikaela Reid) can be killed by the Knight permanently, regardless of how many times she’s been hooked.
As for perks I am mostly satisfied with how they are.. But i am going to propose a rework anyway.
Nowhere to hide:
The pity of the weak and craven draw your ire
Your anger forces Survivor’s to reveal themselves..
Injuring, downing, or hooking a survivor will trigger Nowhere to hide:
- The auras of all survivors within 160 meters of your position are revealed for 10/30/60 seconds.
“Out with you cowards! show yourselves!” - Tarhos Kovacs
Hex: Mors Tua Vita Mea:
Representing inspiration and courage on a battlefield, you hurt your enemies whilst aiding yourself.
A dull totem is lit at the beginning of the match.. Everytime you injure a survivor all generators on the map suffer a repair slowdown 6/12/20% and have increased regression 50/100/150%
The more survivors are injured the greater the effect on the generators, 4 stacks equates to 35% Repair slowdown, 200% Regression.
“Si quis te melius instructus.. Fortuna Finem” - Tarhos Kovac
You show no mercy especially when those foolish enough try to resist.
Whenever you are stunned by a survivor all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 30/50/60 Seconds.
“Putida caro ambulans es!” - Tarhos Kovac
I like these ideas but I think it would be too complicated overall. Each guard should be different but having 3 separate powers on top of his AI would be an absolute nightmare to design and balance
being able to choose your guard would be amazing though and should definitely be implemented
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The perk changes are ridulous... Map wide aura reading for 60 seconds each time you hit down or hook someone?? This is one of the most broken things I've seen in awhile... This makes any other aura reading perk completely obsolete...
60 seconds exposed for each pallet stun is also waaaay too much...
As for the killer changes I think they are too complicated... The movement speeds are mostly too slow so they will never catch up but disable survivors for the match...i mean they jailor can never catch u but since he is there all game long you are almost playing a 3v1.. I like the idea of carnifexs chains but since he does not catch up to survivors I don't know what it would do...
The burn the witch thing is hilarious, completely unbalanced, but I find it funny that just Mikaela gets f*d for no reason other than being a red head xD Come on man... Disney production already delete all red heads, do you want them to also disappear from this game? Imagine that thing taking hair colour into account for seeing them as witch and everybody with red hairs just gets moried xD
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I just want to see the guards buffed but make it so the knight can't hit the survivor during a hunt. It'll curbstomp the whole anti-choice thing while also giving extra pressure.
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Hello, i made a small rework for the knight, you can check it in my profile, i guess the main problem of the knight is his inability to play strategically, he usually is used to close loops or just help the knight catch a survivor (if the guard find him), but what if the knight could play in trapper or hag style...(check my rework discussion)