Dead by BHVR

It’s very sad to see this game dying. Within the past 6 months all BHVR has focused on is making DBD very easy for killers while making surviving basically impossible for survivors. The excuses I hear for this 4v1 pvp game is astounding. F13 is a 1v7, with weapons, stunners, multiple escape options and even a kill the killer choice. Yet there are so many crybabies about a 4v1 with no weapons, kill the killer choice, very few stun or escape options. Maps are smaller and always buffed to please the killer, flashlights dead (no longer possible to blind even at pallets) and I guarantee that soon we won’t be able to blind killers while they’re picking up a teammate!

im constantly hearing killers STILL cry about DH, even though it takes skill to use now, after it being nerfed to the ground, yet these same cry baby killers that BHVR is listening to, are running every aura reading perk, eruption, CoB, Pain Resonance, etc. killers crying they have to wait 10 seconds to outlast Bt/DH, but survivors have to wait 30 seconds+ while the gen regression builds are in play.

killer speeds and cooldowns increased while survivors speed and cooldowns decreased. ie, killer will recover faster from a missed swing before a survivor can even unhook a teammate and get away. Killers are faster but they give us crappy pallets to play.

and speaking of pallet/vaulting play: they are useless in game now. It’s so cute that when a killer is breaking a pallet now, no more blinding bc boohoo! And when a killer has begun the hooking process, no saving! Bc booohooo! But when survivors start the vault or window process, guess who’s getting a down?!?! The killer, even if you’re across the pallet! If they started the swing animation, it’s a wrap. And it’s BS!!!!!

“iTs a SKiLl IsSUe” - please! It takes ZERO skill to play killer now. With the OP perks and speed boost and “server” being favored towards killer, all survivors mentality is now is to get as many points in a match before dying.

“BUt KiLLerS POiNt Is tO KiLl” okayyyy????? And what do you think survivors point is?!?! You can get an escape 1 out of 10 matches. Pathetic. But killers can get a guaranteed 10/10 match victories.

BHVR allows killers or now slug, camp, tunnel survivors now that killer emblems are now based on kills ie 1 kill-bronze 2- silver etc. yet there is still not built in unbreakable for the slugging????

BHVR is sneaky with all their shadow buffs and needs that that leave out of their patch notes.

and don’t even get me started on the crappy hot boxes they made bigger for killers ie mastermind and his special power. This also plays into the crappy servers! Servers have gone down the toilet over the past year.

andnthe favoritism towards killers and their maps is insane! Every time I get a huntress, it’s always in a wide open map! Ie coldwind.

but everyone looks the other way bc OOOHH COSMETICS! Which have also become very cheep since the ghost face rift. This current rift (vitorrio) is so cheap and basic. Not worth the $10 anymore.

if BHVR wants their game dead then they should just say that!

I’ve been playing this game since 2018, over 3k hours in the game and I’m so disappointed in where the game is headed. Game is trash now, I’d rather have 2018 DBD back again at this point.

milk return when they actually TRY to balance the game for survivors and killers, not one side over the other.

hate it or like it, this is the state of DBD.


  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Is it dying? I didn't realise.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839


    lmao even

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,367
    edited February 2023

    I love F13, but c'mon Shift + Grab x 7 vs. having 12 total hook states???

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,002

    I'd just like to point out that unless you find a Cork screw in F13, you're dead as soon as Jason finds you. There are no hook states, no perks, and no endless sprint stamina. If Jason grabs you, you're dead. It's not comparable.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155
    edited February 2023

    And another one for the ban hammer. Let's see if it even takes 24h.

  • moraleking
    moraleking Member Posts: 5

    Y’all so mad. Imagine threatening me with a ban bc you’re mad about the truth I put out. 🤭 and this is what DBD and BHVR supports. 🤍

  • moraleking
    moraleking Member Posts: 5

    Bc steam and pc players have it made. 🤭 I don’t care what you fellow “killer” players have to say. I said what I said for BHVR to see. Bc people going to twitter to voice their concerns isn’t enough apparently. Y’all bully on tho, the player base is good at that. 🫶🏻

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    HUD icons was a nice touch, but game is still killer-sided by a lot. Probably that's it for survivors for next 3 years. Even such a general complaints like camping, tunneling, slugging for 4k/to bleed out aren't properly addressed and most likely won't be.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528


    Your a survivor main?

    And your bashing on Wesker's hitboxes being 5mm larger than before?

    And you think Dead Hard was nerfed into the ground, although it requires skill on both ends and grants 4x as much distance than before if executed correctly?

    You also think that maps are killer sided?

    Have you even played garden of joy/springwood/fractured cowshed?

    I don't get you main point here, it looks like your trying to say that your a whinny survivor main and belive that "Killer OP, Need nerf, Survivor hard, unfair", and the game will die if survivors need to have skill to win, but I'm not 100% sure, please clarify.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    Seems like someone had bad games recently

    No worries, you will be back playing this game when BHVR nerfs the current 3 eruption meta and adds what they planned this year.

    Then after a couple of months or years there will be another post saying this game duying, something never seen before -_-

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 653
    edited February 2023

    At this moment, I think the ONLY BIG problem are the cheater ... Killer or survivor sides, in the two camps, it's a problem

    When you can't catch a survivor when he just run in straight line or just around a rock and you can't be closer and the gen who are just done in 10 secondes after the match begun, or when a killer can see you without problem, with no scratchmark or whatever(without aura perks indeed) with some super speed

    Yeah, not sure if blinding a killer or getting some map are the worst thing there...

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80
    edited February 2023

    I can only imagine how god awful and insanely short sighted you must be at survivor to say the ######### you say, either that or you're giga baiting/trolling and/or playing a different game thinking its DBD.

    Nice b8 m8.

    Btw, "like it or hate it", its 250% a skill issue, I know the garbage you're writing to make yourself feel better instead of taking a good, hard look at how bad you are at the game, is much better, but you're living in an imaginary bubble, you're part of the "casual/bad survivors".

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,476

    It could simply be that you need a break. Nothing wrong with that. I'm a solo survivor and I'm fine with the game in general. Between the perk overhaul, the killer buffs and subsequent solo buffs (when it became clear we were disproportionately affected by aforementioned killer buffs), plus more frequent upcoming perk changes in future, I do feel the devs are trying to create some sort of balance. Things undoubtedly still need tweaking all around but it's clear they're trying. I think a big problem is how impatient alot of players are. Things take time.

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    Since we're talking about accesibility, are we ever going to have an FOV slider for killers? Instead of either becoming motion sick because of the god awful current FOV or wasting a perk slot for Shadowborn (dear BHVR, its 2023, cmon, a perk for FOV? That didnt exist 10 years ago when it came to industry standards for First Person View games, let alone now).

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,916

    Can say for one... dh does NOT take much skill to use. Its literally a gamble when a killer rides your back and the only "timing" is maybe a hatchet or lunge,

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,489

    cool story bro

  • KMainEZ
    KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

    It's okay friend, I'm also TERRIBLE at survivor. 7 second chases, die first... Heck, yesterday i played survivor all day and died EVERY SINGLE GAME. But i can with great confidence put that down to a skill issue. I main killer, heavily, and the level of skill the survivors i face have, i will never achieve. I hate us vs them arguments, and this could be my bias showing but the game feels survivor sided in most aspects, even if only slightly. Sounds like you need to do something else for a while, Goodluck