Unpopular opinion: Dead Hard is not that bad

Desteriaa Member Posts: 118
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

As a person who enjoys killer a little more than survivor I find it ridiculous that other killer mains are complaining about a perk that was already nerfed. I’ve seen a lot of controversial discourse about this perk

from really big content creators such as otzdarva saying that they shouldn’t have to waste ten seconds waiting it out and that it shouldn’t give a second health state. I just find that to be very hypocritical considering we have so many killer perks that give the exposed status effect aka takes away an health state. Ex: Noed, Starstruck, make your choice, Rancor, and hubris. Eruption stops survivors from doing anything for 25 seconds. Dead hard is one of the only second chance perks survivors have and killers have so many. As a killer who frequently uses noed it is a second chance perk that has saved me many times in public matches and no survivor perk compares to that.

Post edited by Desteriaa on


  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,299
    edited February 2023

    It can be cringe when you're playing stuff like huntress, but otherwise the perk itself is fine imo, if a little annoying.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Dead hards feel still bit too powerful it is counterable but eruption is lot worser though. Only nerf I could imagine for dh is to lessen how many times you can use it or make the sprint burst shorter without killing the perk.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Hear hear. I also don't really have a problem with it.

    Sometimes it does something. Sometimes it doesn't. It's fine.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    The main issue with DH is that it hard counters insta down powers (especially hurts Billy). Like how is it fair when a survivor decides to stay injured for the rest of the match so they can't get instadowned against my saw? It's the biggest punch in the face whenever I get an insane flick only for the survivor to press E and still being good to go. It just shouldn't work against insta down powers. Other than that it is in a fine state.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    Dead Hard is only really a problem against people who know how to use it and certain killers like Blight where it can be troublesome but other than that, the perk is so damn ping-reliant. Most of the time people waste it prematurely, even then it's just easy to bait.

    I promise as playing both survivor and killer, and playing killer more recently, I have only gone against a literal cheater using auto-DH once and they still died. Most of my games, everyone either DH's prematurely or I'll just bait it.

    If you have this mindset where you have to 'act' like every survivor has it and let it get to you, you've obviously already lost. While it's smart to predict, you shouldn't let that idea determine the outcome of the match.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    It's a perk that counters too much, an exhaustion perk that's beneficial even when you don't use it (having to bait it out and then pallets etc.), or don't have it equipped, can be the most subtle cheating, and it's the most used perk in the game, which is just annoying.

    It eats ranged powers, it eats slow powers, it eats lunges, timed well (and about the only actually skilled use if you're not in a loop) it can eat a normal M1, it can give you two health states against exposed or instadowns if you don't care about being injured, it can theoretically be used to get three health states off hook (OTR or BT, DS, then DH) without healing, it can be used to get an unhook in a Killer's face no matter how stupid it was to go for it otherwise...

    All it doesn't stop any more are traps and plague's ability to vomit constantly. Hell, the nerf helped it against something like Demo's shred or Nemesis' tentacle, since now it can't run out and get you tagged because distance doesn't matter. A huge number of Killer powers have a big, obvious windup and slow recovery to offset being better than an M1 in some way, and DH totally negates them.

    To put it bluntly, the perk's loaded with things it can counter and has no business neutralising. It being a crapshoot in an open field does not make it balanced, people are just too used to the thing sometimes.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    I play each side about equally and I don’t think it’s as bad as old DH. The only thing I hate it when survivors are suspiciously accurate with their timing every single time you hit them and it’s pretty clear they are using auto DH. Unfortunately no way to prove it so no point in wasting time trying to report.

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    Dh is comparable exposed perks because dh gives extra health and the exposed perks takes one away. Its the same thing if you’re gonna complain about one complain about them all.

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    So what you’re saying is dh is not the problem cheaters are…

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    This seems like a skill issue on your end if you really let a survivor be in the hurt stage the whole game.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    So is it a dead hard issue or a cheating issue? Because not everyone is cheating

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2023

    They are common perks on both sides.. Eruption, call of brine, pain resonance, Noed are very common for killers. Its just hypocritical to only complain about one and not the others.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    What has this to do with my comment? So I'm not allowed to tell you what annoys me about DH if I don't simultaniously complain about Eruption as well? Yes Eruption is overkill and needs a rework ASAP but that still has not anything to do with my comment. DH should not negate insta-down powers period.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2023

    You seem upset buddy. Lol

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2023

    Saying that dh shouldn’t work against m2 is like saying noed shouldn’t work if you have adrenaline that sounds ridiculous…

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    It's always nice when people hide behind empty statements when they know they have no counter argument. But hey, why even bother giving an explanation if the other side won't even properly respond to it. Either give me reasons why DH against insta down powers has to do with skill issues or perhaps just don't say anything if you don't have anything to say. And to answer your pointless comment: I'm not upset just confused about how people countering my power with DH by staying injured the whole match is apparently a skill issue.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    I will admit, being able to DH against special attacks shouldn't be a thing. Super silly.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Oh really? So in your opinion it's okay that Billys power can be hard countered by staying injured even though pulling it off is pretty hard on certain tiles? So we should just punish skillful plays like curving by allowing survivors to tank it? Also you just compared two perks together as a counterargument to me saying that DH should not negate insta down powers. And no DH should still work against M2 attacks like Nurse's blink attacks, just not Billy's chainsaw sprint or Bubba's chainsaw sweep since those powers are meant to insta down you. Both powers are also easy to counter so it's kinda ridiculous to make a perk to be able to entirely negate these powers.

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Tbf I'm not advocating to make DH useless against every M2 just the insta down powers since they already have plenty of counterplay and if you get hit by those you shouldn't be able to extend the chase.

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118
  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    First off you're the one who cursed me out over me saying you probably dont have skills. I dont get why cry baby killers like you want it to be nerfed into the ground. Why can killers have good perks and survivors cant. If they can make the timing why cant they use dh against your power? Also they have to be already injured to even be able to use dh against you. And in your original post i thought that you were saying that youve gone against people using dh all game while injured. Like i said you seem upset over nothing

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691
    edited February 2023

    Dh is literally bad game design full stop. The perk straight up can be totally dead vs some killers and a free 3rd health state for others. If you want to balance killers in this game you literally need to assume everyone has DH for some killers because of how common and strong the perk can be vs them.

    Also, Dh wasn't nerfed across the board. Lets go over some killers where I feel the perk is roughly the same in power level or buffed


















    Post edited by Trollinmon on
  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    I didn't curse that is just BHVR censoring. I said "what the f-word" and it got censored. It's not getting nerfed into the ground if it wouldn't work against his chainsaw anymore. It could still counter Nurse's blink attack, Blights lethal rushes, Huntress hatchets and so on but the insta down powers which are meant to insta down you anyway. It's especially annoying if not borderline unfair against Billys power since you can tank through his power. A power that has already strong limitations, is hard to control and easy to counter. Successful curving is one of the most skillful plays in DBD so why should the effort be punished like that? I'm literally fine against it working against most powers, it requires timing and reading of when killers are going to attack you. But against Billy's chainsaw? No way! And yes they have to be injured to use DH but you forget something. If I insta down them with my power and hook them they are injured when being unhooked and good survivors are going to stay injured against the chainsaw killers since they want to be able to tank a hit against their powers. If my post read like I was insulting you I'm sorry about that but I still disagree with what you said. And I'm definitely not crying about your comments all I'm doing is giving my opinion.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited February 2023

    Wesker too (though he came after, like Knight), same as Demo. He's another case of his power being shut down by DH despite already being highly telegraphed and easily dodged.

    And Endurance effects not only tank the hit, it skips the yeeting.

    Also, anyone else find it weird that there's two people who have all their posts in this one thread and backing each other up?

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I thought it was only if you were behind a wall since the yeet would deal damage after the buff expired. If I'm correct then I feel the telegraph attack is worse off with old DH since you would be able to always dodge it compared to now where it doesn't work in more open spaces since you are throwing the survivor.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    It's exactly the same boat as Demo, though. Wesker has a fast, high-speed lunge, old DH you'd have to get absolutely perfect timing to get it to go through you entirely and not make all that much ground if you did, get it wrong and you'd get tagged. New DH gives you the pretty generous window and the 'I got hit' speed boost.

    And no, if you tag someone with endurance, they don't get grabbed. On the plus side, this automatically means that it takes the hit (doesn't need a handy wall). On the other, you don't get the post-grab extension or benefit of putting the Survivor out of position. The Survivor gets a speed boost that Wesker's M2 doesn't normally hand out.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited February 2023

    Dead Hard should be a Perk where you need to guess that the Killer will swing, or use it during an animation Lock to tank a Lunge.

    While I am unsure of it at the moment, apparently you can use the Killers Quick Attack swing animation as a cue to successfully Dead Hard.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Hm that's interesting. I know for players having bt it would work like that but I remember times where I would correctly use dh and it would go on cd but I get hit after the endurance ended. I wonder if that's just desync or maybe a bug. I know DH is real weird with Wesker power though. I don't know if you seen survivors DH his power and it makes them look like they're driving an invisible car. ######### is pretty hilarious.

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    Are you trying to say we're the same people cause we agree with each other

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I never see all 4 survivors running it atleast, much better than 4 spirtburst. so i agree mostly

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    so it’s weird that someone agrees with me? What are you implying

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I do not mind the perk purely because 99% of the players that use DH are not good at using DH. DH is only strong for the 1% of survivor that use it correctly and tank hits reliably every single match. It is way harder to win as killer if you get 4 survivors using the perk correctly but luckily that is not too common in my experience. Killer are mostly complaining about DH as defence to survivor's complaining about Eruption.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667

    you forgot a little but crucial detail: all those perks that will give exposed status have valid (and easy) counterplay or are too much situational/gimmick (Noed? Do bones or just wait out for the totem's aura being visible. Starstruck? 30 seconds aren't much time, plus it has cooldown, add the fact that during that time you can easily hide because the killer is busy to carry someone to the hook or you can just went outside from the killer's TR and you will be fine. Make your choice? Decent but you must find the exposed survivor 1st and considering that you must be at 32 meters away in order to activate this perk well... Pretty much is self explanatory why it's an average perk, add also the fact that can be used only on a single survivor for the entire duration of the perk. Rancor will work ONLY in the endgame and ONLY for a single survivor, once all gens are powered: it's literally a meme perk or used to get a mori daily done, outside of those 2 cases you won't see this perk in any normal killer's build. Hubris is just pathetically weak since the exposed effect will last only 20 seconds and require to be stunned by a pallet, meaning that the survivor will also have the possibility to increase the distance gained from the killer. I want remember to you that also those perks will activate ONLY with a basic attack, so good luck to hit someone capable of looping without using your power and being a pure m1). I'm sorry, but dead hard is a lot worse than those perks, especially considering the fact that all 4 survivors could have it in their builds (i would gladly sacrifice ALL those perks if that would help to erase DEFINITELY dead hard from the game)

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    What? We both agree that dh is okay it makes us the same person or a couple? where is the logic in that?

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    Theres also so many people disagreeing with me and backing each other up does that make them the same person as well?

    DEADMAN5TOAST Member Posts: 4

    Well for starters yall seem to have each others back like yall butt buddies or something

  • K_Nottie16
    K_Nottie16 Member Posts: 72

    Lol im not a lesbian. I will admit i have played with her before