A Question For Killer Mains

I always play survivor so therefore I have no idea how it is to play killer so I wanted y'all's perspective on tunneling. If you do tunnel, why do you do it? I am not asking out of saltyness, I'm genuinely curious if it is such a needed game strategy. Do you always tunnel, or is there something a survivor does to influence it? If you do not tunnel, why don't you? What do you do instead of tunneling to still have a productive game? I want to understand what's going on inside killer mains minds so it will help me get less frustrated by getting tunneled out some games. I also want your perspective on this type of stuff since I never play killer, i have no idea how it feels to be on the other side so I don't think it's fair to judge until I get some knowledge from the other end.



  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    okay, by tunneling i mean going after someone right after they get unhooked. dropping chase with another survivor to go to the unhook, and go right after the unhooked survior. ive had a point where they downed whoever saved me, left them on the ground to go directly for me. i wonder for people like that, what's exactly going on their minds and why they decide to do plays like that. i understand instances where you don't keep track who you hook, or you run into the same survivor. i can usually tell whenever that happens and i don't get annoyed. i just wonder what is the strategy behind dropping everything your doing to tunnel out one survivor.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I don’t need to tunnel most of the time. The only time I will, is if I’m playing for the win and don’t have somebody dead by 2 gens. Then I will focus somebody out.

    Only other reason is if somebody decides to be overly BM’d. I.E starts teabagging and pointing at the first pallet of the game, then I match that energy and kill them off 3 hooks in a row.

    Depends on how the survivors play. I go into every game chill, but I’ll meet toxic with toxic.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 104

    Most of the time it’s because the survivors are sweating like crazy and genrushing, but I honestly think tunneling is fun. I get to see the other survivors panic and try to stop me from tunneling their teammate out (usually to no avail), I get to take my time and toy with the remaining survivors (if there are 3 or more gens left), I like winning my matches (3K or 4K), and I find it hilarious because it’s such evil/mean spirited thing to do.

    If there was a more evil strategy I could use to secure wins and maximize survivor rage, I would do it in a heartbeat. Do you expect the person who’s playing as a serial killer in a horror game to play nice? Lmao.

  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    I'm not asking you to be nice, just wondering what makes you guys want to do it. It's interesting to me! I don't particularly mind most of the time, it helped me learn how to loop better. As a survivor main, I see what happens to killers and most of the time it's brutal, so I can't blame you, lol. Survivors don't care about using head on, flashlights , flashbangs, etc to bully you so you aren't obligated to baby us.

    I am curious though, do you get a lot of ragequitters ? I've seen so many survivors DC due to being tunneling out so early. Does the DC even effect you that much?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,623

    I typically don't tunnel but I know that I lose a lot of matches because of that. With all the items and my lack of gen regression I lose a lot. Tunneling would maybe help me compete but I'm not in the mood to even try at this point.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Because it's easy. Sometimes, sure, it's necessary but most of the time it's just the easiest way to win.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 104

    I get plenty of DCs. I find it hilarious most of the time but I can also get really annoyed if I have multiple matches in a row where survivors DC. Ideally, no survivors DC during the match, and the remaining survivors still have hope of winning against me and play their absolute best. I do want them to be demoralized though, it makes the victory that much sweeter.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    What you described creates good pressure, as you now have two survivors not doing generators. So, what went through the killer's head is likely a cost vs benefit analyses.

    Some people tunnel right away, most don't. The higher up in survivor MMR I go, the less opening of match tunneling I see, and the more it shifts toward the final gen.

  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    ah, okay. it makes sense. i do suppose tunneling adds great pressure, especially against swfs. i guess it burned a little bit watching them give my friend hatch after all that effort to get me out the game lol. i was also wearing the princess heart cheryl cosmetic, and whenever i wear that cosmetic, i always feel like im asking for it anyways lmao

  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    i figured as much. which is unfortunate, even when i get tunneled out i still like getting my BP worth of the match. plus what's a better way to shout "im mad!" then dcing lol. thank you for your input though, i genuinely just find this stuff interesting since i don't play killer

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    There is no other way to win against good survivor teams, barring huge mistakes by them. As killer, you pretty much have to play like that from the start since you can’t know how strong the team is until you get into the match.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"I'm genuinely curious if it is such a needed game strategy. Do you always tunnel, or is there something a survivor does to influence it? If you do not tunnel, why don't you?"

    It's very simple : as the skill level/efficiency of the survivors you play against increases the need for the killer to tunnel one player out of the game for a win also increases. Due to being massively better killers both Nurse and Blight need to tunnel less than every other killer in the game. If you are playing those killers and still tunnel one player out then you are just going for easy games.

    I start every game with the intention of tunneling. I can always "go easy" if the survivors are super chill but I can't regain momentum if I play nice and the survivors are trying to finish the generators in ~4 minutes.

    You didn't ask but what makes me play mean? If survivors prioritize finishing a generator over getting a hook rescue then I will usually punish the team by making that player stay on the hook for a second stage. And then when they get off the hook I will hit them immediately with the intent to tunnel them out of the game.

    When survivors play efficiently the killer must do the same thing as a reaction. Once one person is dead the game dynamic massively changes; It makes slugging extremely rewarding.

    What makes Blight and Nurse Different? These killers have massive speed advantages and can defend almost any generator setup on almost any map. Overall they have the shortest and most successful chases against survivors and are not very much affected by pallets compared to the majority of the killer cast.

  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    ah, i think you are misunderstanding my post lol. personally, i don't have a problem with it. i just want to understand what's going on in your mind whenever it happens. tunneling has considerbly helped me learn how to loop especially in rough situations. plus if i ever decide to pick up killer i am curious to go about it , and peoples opinions just interest me.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 104
    edited February 2023

    I’m just playing in a way that maximizes how much fun I have. Plus, it’s fun to play as a serial killer and be “the bad guy” who uses under-handed tactics and “any means necessary” to kill the survivors and win. I also use tunneling as a way to guarantee wins too.

    Also, no matter how many matches I get rage comments in the endgame chat, I also always get TONS of endgame comments about how intense or nerve-racking it was to play against me. The survivors I face are still having lots of fun, trust me.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    For me, I try not to tunnel, but at the same time won't go out of my way not to tunnel. What I mean by that is I don't keep track of who was last hooked; if I happen to see you and I can get you down, I will get you down. The only times I consciously tunnel are if I am down to 2 gens and I have yet to get someone out of the game OR if they prevent me from hooking another player. So, if you make a flashlight save or similar, I will likely work hard to get you out of the game.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I like to chase people when they can show me their full potential in chase, so I rarely tunnel. I actually tunneled one person and camped 2 others out of the match after they hid on midwich after taking me there. Literally the first time I have camped before egc in probably 6 months, by extension first time reassurance got any value vs me.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Tunneling is effective but lazy. I tend not to do it too hard early game when I play killer. I'll sometimes do it mid/late game to secure a kill and slow gen progression. Or occasionally if someone unhooks and I can only see the unhooked surv, often I'll abandon chase with them but not everytime. And I'll hard tunnel anyone who BMs, nothing wrong with playing well but if you teabag/torch click me you can bet I'm taking you down lol.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    If there are one or two gens left I might start being more ruthless than normal. Doing it right from the start guarantees fewer blood points.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2023

    I intentionally don't pay attention to who's been hooked normally in an attempt to play nice. However at high mmr against good swf groups you are required to tunnel if you want to win with how fast gens go. The only way you're winning against these types of groups without doing that is if they are making a ton of mistakes, goofing around, or you're on one of the higher tier killers.

    Sometimes people also tunnel because sometimes intentionally being obnoxious or abusing the "anti-tunnel" built in BT to body block. You had a free chance to live, the killer tried to ignore you, but now you're forcing it. If people do that I make sure they die, they know what they signed up for by doing that.

    If I also see survivors refusing to heal and just greeding out gens in my face that's fine, but it just tells me what kind of game we're having. If they're gonna rush their objective then I'll rush mine. If they're chill, I'll be chill.

    It's strange how it's acceptable for survivors to rush their objective, but not killers. If killers expected survivors to do what they expect of killers we would be telling survivors to only do 1/3 of a gen, then switch to another, do another 1/3, then switch to another or they're "tunneling/gen rushing". See how silly that would sound?

    One last note is that survivors tend to vastly over exaggerate what "tunneling" is. Tunneling is intentionally ignoring other survivors to only go for that guy consecutively. However, most survivors tend to call it tunneling if you just happen to down the same survivor twice in a row, which is not tunneling. Like I said, I don't pay attention to who's been hooked normally and sometimes it just happens to be that same person I run into. I'm not gonna just ignore them and go start wondering around for someone else. There's also when someone rescues but then hides so that's the only person I see, that's not my fault.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Off hook? Well, I'm probably not running much or any slowdown, and if we exclude "I don't know where the unhooker vanished to", either it's because my position in the game is bad enough that going for the vulnerable target is necessary to improve it, it's probably because the unhooked Survivor got in the way and took a hit. After all, now I need to hit them once, so why would I go for the other person?

    I'd rather just use BBQ to go from hook to chase, but sometimes that doesn't work. Can't waste time finding the 'right' Survivor.

  • FengShuiExe
    FengShuiExe Member Posts: 84

    I usually try to avoid tunneling unless I'm really spoiling for a win. Tunneling is just a fast way to make a match easier on me, knocking a survivor out of the match quickly can really help lighten the load on a killer. Gens can and will fly with four people but three are easier to manage. There are few times I do it because survivors are really gunning for those flashlight saves, or really want to be chased.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,884

    For that specific definition, we'll only do that if your on death hook and already close by (or running Object). If we can get someone out (or kill the object) we see no reason not to do so except out of mercy, which will usually get spit on at endgame.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    If it's just for you fun that's fine. People will have different opinions what is fun I was just interested why you did find it so. For me it's just strat to win as camping is in some situations. But majority of playerbase find these strats unfun as are gen rushing or bully squads as well.

    Dbd does feel more personal than most games so people do take it more seriously. It's game but I think it should be fun for everyone that's all but that's really developers job so just play how you want. Some form of tunneling is pretty neccesary for most games as those gens get done quickly you need someone out rather sooner than later.

    Ghostface is weaker killer so tunneling is pretty much needed strat for him to win at some point in the game. I still don't enjoy tunneling right at the start at 5-4 gens as it makes games more sweaty for both sides and that 3vs1 early feels too easy for me or it can even go wrong and all gens get done while you try to get that one survivor out.

  • shogoaluni
    shogoaluni Applicant Posts: 7

    ah okay! first off, thank you for such a good response! i guess you can say im new-ish to DBD so I haven't (obviously) taken these things into consideration. ive also been wanting to dip my toes into trying to play killer but i have absolutely no idea where to even *start* strategy wise. i did notice when i got into iri, tunneling became more common. i just couldn't not figure out the fine line between the killer being toxic, or doing it because it's strategic. when it first started happening to me, it was beyond frustrating, but the more i play the more i noticed how common it is. me being the ignorant little survivor main i am, i never thought about how annoying gen rushing could be. at the end of the day, we are both getting our objectives done. thank you for your input!

  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    I'm a old school 1.0.0 veteran killer main and so I have the very old playstyle and so don't tunnel, I go for 12 hooks as much as I can leaving the unhooked 80% of the time, I get the same survivor if they try too hard to bodyblock or run straight at me, that speed boost and endurance is to get away, not waste my time, if you want to waste my time, i'll get a free hook, for me a real win is 12 hooks 4 kills, a win is 4K and a draw is 3, from 2 to 0 is a lost, I don't tunnel because (no bragging) i'm good enough to know how to play and it's not the best way to play the game and for sure not the most fun one.

    End game tunneling is fine but during the match no it's not, most killers we have now are most likely from year 3-4 or younger while old old killers are way more rare and they are most likely those that won't tunnel because they have the confidence and the skills to win without requiring such cowardice tactics, this is what I feel about myself, some killers check what the survivors looks like to then change their perks, I have my build I press ready and alt tab. idc what I face, new killers are insecure and want to win 100% and go mega try hard when having fun could be better.

    so well, to answer your question, they are insecure and most likely want the salt tears of survivors, but again some survivors are still salty or call the game boring when you get 12 hooks without using eruption so, you can't please everyone.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,389
    edited February 2023

    Yea, I used to not tunnel but with how many DCs Iv'e been getting lately while trying to do Adepts, I just can't be bothered to care anymore. I am trying to get my 4K for adept as efficiently as possible, so... oh look Jill DCed and her two friends followed immediately. So yeah, even when I play survivor, if I get tunneled I move on to the next game, I don't DC.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"i just couldn't not figure out the fine line between the killer being toxic, or doing it because it's strategic."

    Consider for a moment what I get if I hook three different survivors one time vs if I hook one player three times. I get nothing for three individual hooks. Survivors asking killers not to tunnel one player with three hooks in a row is like killers asking for survivors to get all 7 generators to 33% before they get a single generator to 66% - which would be completely ridiculous.

    -"i never thought about how annoying gen rushing could be. at the end of the day, we are both getting our objectives done."

    The killer's objective is to defend the generators. If you defend a "three gen" (I assume you know what that is) it's a huge boon to the killer.

    Breaking the killer's three gen is roughly equal to removing one survivor from the game. The difference with Nurse and Blight is that because they can move around so well AND chase so effectively they can more or less turn the game around regardless of how far apart the generators are from one another. An extreme example is Nurse on Midwich as she can go up/down instantly. Some killers literally might have to move ~20+ seconds to go from the bottom to the top. And imagine if they had to break a pallet and then pick up a survivor and carry them to a hook. That could be 45 seconds of downtime which is insane.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,304
    edited February 2023

    I think its more that nurse and blight can win the game by kill-rushing. i.e killing faster then their opponent can rush generators. the other killers kill slower then their opponent can finish generators. the result is that for other killer to compete, they must make the game slower to compete. Trapper for example is ineffective at kill-rushing his opponent. Most of the killer suck at kill-rushing their opponent(getting hook-states quickly) because bvhr likes to make killer powers very weak/very one dimensional to limit killer's potencial to express skill with said ability. As a result, the killer has to cheat by tunneling and cheat by 3 gening to make up deficits if their opponent is as good as they are at killer due to bvhr's poor balance on powers and whole looping/map chase balance.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    i suggest you to try to play killer for at least 2/3 months and you'll start to understand it by yourself, trust me. As for me usually i won't tunnel unless certain circumstances happened:

    1 toxic survivors (no need to explain here since everyone will probably agreed)

    2 gens are too fast (the classic 1 chase = 3 gens done)

    3 unhooked survivors that will bodyblock on purpose (especially with the basekit bt)

    4 survivors who will finish generators while i'm REALLY close (for instance here i won't be annoyed if they'll complete gens while they are in my TR, i'll be annoyed only if they finish generators while i'm essencially at 4 meter from them). Wanna rush your goal? I can do the same ya know? (just like the killer that will impose to himself a fair gameplay, aka not focusing on killing but rather on chasing everyone equally and giving a fun time for everyone, the survivors should do the same regarding generators... they are free to do whatever they want, but then they shouldn't complain afterwards if the killer will adapt to their gameplay)

    5 i see more than 3 items in lobby (usually they'll also bring map offering and broken stuff like styptic agents, anti hemorrage syringe, bnp, etc etc)

    6 if they'll bring Circle of Healing and/or Dead hard (heals will be too much fast in the 1st case and survivor that will literally have a 3rd health state)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2023

    Tunneling is like eating a puppy.

    If you're going to starve, then pass the ketchup.

    If your first thought when entering a restaurant is 'I wonder what the puppy menu looks like' then you're the problem.

    It depends on the game I'm going to play, or more likely - on the game I predict the survivors will put me in. If you're an SWF, or I suspect you are - no holds are barred as you aren't going to show me mercy either. If you seem a bit more chill, I'll probably ease up.

    Sometimes getting rid of one player early is the only way not to get 4o'd. An organized team can do all the gens in sub 5 minutes while also having someone run the killer.

    Eh...you've already confused the issue.

    • Yes, going after the freshly unhooked dude is annoying, but unless you're one of the killers that can completely ignore BT (that needs to be fixed) at least they get to play and aren't being camped.
    • Dropping chase with survivor to go back to the hook - that's fine. For example, I'm playing Ghostface on Garden of Joy. I hook the Zarina, but the teabagging Dwight I chase next immediately runs to the main structure and I see that the infinite has spawned. So I head back to the hook. There's no way I'm catching that Dwight in a reasonable amount of time, so I'll try to force a trade.
    • What's generally going through their minds? Probably a game like this one. I go out of my way to build something fun and bring a flan on Christmas on Demo. I run into a comp team with about 26,000 hours between them. I can't do *anything, I get destroyed and mocked in postgame. Yeah, you'd better believe that I'm not playing nice for a while.
    • Generally the idea is to get rid of one player as soon as possible. At the highest levels of play (comp, generally) this is essential.
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2023

    (duplicate, bug?)

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    that's your opinion, but not how the game really works sadly... IF you want play to win there isn't much to do: you have to tunnel because 4 survivors are too much to deal with (killer is 1, survivors are 4, while the killer can chase and hook one of them, by that time survivors will likely have done 3 generators... 1/12 for the killer's goal vs 3/5 for the survivor's goal... pure and simple math). you can't call weak or insecure a killer who do those tactics because they know that those tactics are the most efficient ways of getting results (another thing if you'll limit yourself to say that those tactics are boring and unfun as hell since i doubt that people here will argue that, myself included)

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295

    I hate tunnelling and camping. I don't do either, under any circumstances. If I see the most recently unhooked survivor, even if they're my only target, I ignore them and find someone else. I'll even ignore folks that I feel where unhooked too recently, even if they weren't the most recent.

    I like giving survivors a more fun match, and letting them get better BP hauls.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Why shouldn't I? It is currently the best possible tactic, works well with all or most killers, exploits weaknesses and creates pressure

  • Desteriaa
    Desteriaa Member Posts: 118

    as someone who plays killer pretty frequently I don’t necessarily tunnel but if I don’t have someone dead by three gens I am gonna kill someone who’s on death hook. I don’t drop whatever just to tunnel someone out because thats not fun and its not fun being on the receiving end.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,659

    Why do survivors try to do gens fast as possible?

    Because they want to minimise the risk of losing. I have the same reason for tunnelling.

    I don't even care about the pips. It's the social humiliation that players in this community will do to you if you lose a match as killer.

  • Vagab0ndCat
    Vagab0ndCat Member Posts: 80

    Im playing to win, if tunneling a survivor is what wins me the game, I do it without a second thought, its also giga fun for me and the added rage is icing on the cake!

    Nothing personal though, if you dont like it, get better at looping, unistall or deal with it, like there are some godlike loopers that I can tell from 10 seconds into a chase, and I instantly detach, 9 times of 10 there is always a weak link in the team to get out of the game quick.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Psychopaths exist and walk among us, and if they can get it out of their system this way, more power to them.

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    i only tunnel when i feel like its the only way to win the game and the survivors make it really easy

    or when i just didnt pay attention and do it on accident

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited February 2023

    Ill give u an example:

    A survivor runs Boil over and picks a map like Crotus, where u are unable to hook him, because he forces the down at the top of the main building. There is still no hook, so u need to jump down. So he is unhookable.

    What is my solution? I throw the entire match to let him bleed out.

    Tunneling = Someone teabagges me at the pallet or is toxic in a different way (Head up and down for example).

    By the way: if u play against a decent (not good, just decent) SWF, you need to tunnel, if u dont play Nurse, Blight or Spirit. Thats how the game is. The devs give survivors buffs with no end since 6.1.0 (and even in this "Killer-Patch", you can see various survivor-holding-hand-stuff like Base-BT or Off the Record). Since 6.1.0 however, everything was pro survivor.

    Post edited by Marik1987 on
  • kill4escape4win
    kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135

    they are too much to deal with for new killers. not to me, experience matters, if they tunnel like this they won't get any better.

    But I think we can agree to disagree for that matter, i'm a very old school killer, I know how the game works, if they think tunneling is how you win, they will never get better.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 420

    Killers who apologise after killing a survivor when three of their teammates DC'ed aggravate me, if you're sorry give them hatch, the round is just as miserable for them... Don't apologise after you've just made it worse...

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,389

    Who apologized? I don't apologize. The one who should apologize are the three who DCed.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2023

    the only surefire way to put yourself in a winning position in the game is to tunnel out 1 survivor. it's the ONLY strategy that makes the game feel manageable as a killer. 3 survivors are manageable, some may even say balanced. 4 survivors are not manageable unless you have a 3 gen strategy or are playing nurse/blight and can just instadown anyone you see. that's the reality of the game.

    anyone who doesn't understand this doesn't understand the game.

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Let me ask you a survivor question OP. When you have a gen at 95% progress do you get off it to give the killer a chance to apply his regression perks? Or worry about if the killer is having fun? If the answer is no that would be dumb and inefficient and risk losing the game, that is exactly why killers tunnel/don't play 12 hook/don't keep all survivors alive until hook 9.

  • KMainEZ
    KMainEZ Member Posts: 129

    I tunnel for 3 reasons:

    1) The surv is unfortunately the only one i see time and time again. I feel bad in this situation but I'm past the point of giving chances after i keep catching people out.

    2) The surv "challenges" me. This i consider friendly competition and also an opportunity to practice against a usually decent survivor on usually unfavorable tile/s. I don't always partake but if I'm in the mood, sure, I'll 1v1 them right out of the game.

    3) Necessity. I run chase oriented builds. Nearly always, only breaking it up with meme builds but very rarely do i run any slow down/gen perks. This makes getting 3+k in a game quite challenging in several circumstances. If ive been playing well and am getting absolutely slapped, i will tunnel to try and secure at least a 1-2k match if possible; in this situation i will camp/proxy also. I don't think its unfair to try and secure a singular kill so they can miss me with the salt.

    Hope that helps

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I think it's hard to pick a reason. I don't always tunnel, but I will. And it varies as to why..

    Are they an aggressive SWF who brought me to their map and immediately start with the bs? I'll tunnel, they need a -1 to bring them back to reality. Is there one gen left and it's easier at this point to tunnel? Yes.

    If someone unhooks and i'm close by, and they disappear and the only person left is the one who just got unhooked, I will down and re hook them. I feel their teammate should have done better than just unhooking and dipping.

    At the same time...if I feel a survivor is a "baby," the only one doing work, or that i've just been too hard on them for no real reason..i'll often let them go or give them a break.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Every person you ask is gonna have their own different answer as you can see, so I will share mine with you.

    I am a 50/50 player, I play survivor and killer pretty evenly, my skill level as a killer is probably pretty average/ slightly below average. My playstyle favors aggression over slowdown/3gen tactics.

    I typically dont tunnel outside of certain conditions.

    1. If you do something to piss me off. I'm generally pretty chill so this is pretty rare because I've learned to identify the really cocky strong loopers and just refuse to chase them most of the time.

    2. If you deliberately use anti-tunnel perks against me when I am trying not to tunnel. If you bodyblock for the person who unhooks you with your BT or get involved with my chase just to hit me with DS, to me this means you want to be tunnelled and I will gladly oblige your request.

    3. If the game is moving too fast and I need to catch up, because I dont run heavy slowdown it is the only option to slowdown the game to a managable level. To be fair I actually balance this out in games I am winning with multiple hooks at 5 gens by slugging people on death hook once or twice instead of killing them until at least 1 or 2 gens get done.