4 DH's are back every game

Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226
edited February 2023 in General Discussions

SEA Server.

Top MMR Blight main.

Every game it's 3-4 dead hards guaranteed.

Since that MMR, Obviously all of them know how to use it correctly, especially against a telegraphed hit like blight(I bait it when I can, as blight you can't do that always and u have to commit for a swing, since I play against very skilled survivors it's not easy to bait it out from them too.)

I had a streak of 6 games with all 4 survivors using DH, the other ones have at least 3 survivors and 1 with SB/Lithe.

Idk what u guys should do with this info tbh lol, just saying.


  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,472
    edited February 2023

    What's your build, if you dont mind OP.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    Idk if I actually complain about it, since sometimes it's useless when I bait it out.

    It's just that the point of the meta shake up was to make people to use dh less, while the stats show they did, they're relavent for all MMRS and in top mmr against very skilled survivors its basically 95% usage rate for me.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    Don't worry I'm not an Eruption user.

    My build is BBQ/Lethal/Scourage hook/DMS.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Yeah it's typically 3-4 a game but I'd say I can bait it more often than not. It really depends on the collision you have to be able to bait it or not, so kinda depends on the map.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    It was buffed from just giving you distance to now giving you an extra health state you can use numerous times per match. You're borderline trolling if you don't run DH IMO.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,647

    This has nothing to do with MMR. I was worried that DH wouldn't stay down for long. At this point there is only one solution. Kill it!

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    You overestimate dh vs blight a lot. He bait's dh better than any other killer in the game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    They nerfed Nurse.

    They nerfed Spirit.

    Blight is the only outlier.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,485

    They also nerfed Dead Hard

    At the end of the day, doesn't really matter considering they're still at the top. I personally don't have an issue with any of them other than Nurse. Only way I see her being balanced is giving her a complete rework.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yes, but barely. DH is, now that survivors have a feel for it, near-as-dammit as annoying as it was before 6.1.0, and straight up more powerful against some of the weakest killers in the game (Demo immediately comes to mind).

    Top of...what exactly?

    Gross kill rates? Nurse sucks. Blight and Spirit are fine.

    Tip top MMR? Then sure, nerf them. But then we're looking at a lot of stuff that needs a nerf.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited February 2023

    Because it's necessary. Especially against a top tier blight because distance means nothing in that match up, ypu can only really extend the change by forcing out another hit. Survs certainly need a counter against good blight/nurse players.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Man I really need to find my how to deal with DH blight post so people stop thinking it's amazing vs blight. Yeah it's good if you can force a flick, but a flick is predictable and easy to dodge. But SB is honestly better if used well. Although I guess that's too much to ask from over 99% of players.

    The counter to blight is to actually learn the character and all of the collision of every map to an extensive degree. Go on, I'll wait.

    Found it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    Dead Hard needs to get hard nerfed. It's by far the most complained about survivor perk. When I first heard of the meta shakeup, I thought it was going to be exciting and refreshing, but it's clearly not, because I'm still constantly stuck with dead hard.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,485

    DH really ain't stronger in any scenario against some killers since it lost the whole DH for distance which basically guaranteed value with enough practice, now its turned into a mind game in almost every single scenario. I guarantee you the moment DH is nerfed, people will cry about Sprint Burst since it turns any single part of the map into a safe zone. Just broke 3 pallets in this one area and all thats left is a T-L? Too bad, mr Sprint Burst can make it to Asylum main building. The only reason why people use DH more is because its more fun and actually has to make you think about who you're going against. Every single use is a mind game, and adds depth to what is normally a 1 and done kind of thing to multiple scenarios. DH received the perfect rework.

    Top of what? Tierlists. Nurse and Spirit are still very much at the top despite being nerfed. Spirit how ever I think is in a much healthier place, its just her add ons that need a looksie since MDR and the DCM are a little dumb. Nurse had one of her issues looked at, which was her synergy with perks despite having the strongest power in the game. Her other issue is unlike other killers, she remains at the same strength chase wise throughout the game. Even Spirit and Blight still have to deal with pallets, and the longer the game goes on the faster they're able to get downs thanks to the number of them decreasing. Nurse on the other hand doesn't care how many resources are left on the map, she'll down you just as fast with or without them. My solution? Make her play in reverse compared to other killers. Make her strongest at the early game, and make her weaker towards the end game. This way there's a more interesting back and forth and both sides will have to think more about making plays that could benefit you more late game, other than just benefiting you at the current moment.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2023
    • It's way stronger against Demo. You cannot mindgame with shred, as an example, because it's really telegraphed. You may as well not have an ability at a certain level of play.
    • That 'almost'...this is why I'm not a fan of weasel words. Because 'almost' is important.
    • Yes, just like when Eruption is nerfed people will complain about Pain Resonance. That's...not the masterstroke you think it is. There are tens of thousands of posters on this forum.
    • Sprint Burst is substantially weaker than DH. Are you going to contest that? Because I can prove it with a simple image.
    • Bull. Crap. People don't pick perks because they are 'fun'. People pick perks because they are either A. the easiest path to victory or B. massive QOL improvements (Shadowborn, WoO etc.).
    • I still don't get why Spirit is considered top tier. She has one addon combination that's strong, and outside of that she's...okay. It's like saying Myers is top tier because TSP. Plague is stronger, Artist is way stronger.
    • Blossom has been bugged for months now.
    • Nurse's power comes at a drawback. There's a reason her gross kill rates are so low. I...actually really don't mind facing Nurse now, because it's a really enjoyable skill versus skill showdown. Hell, nerf Alch ring and a few other addons and Blight will be okay too.

    Says who, and what numbers?

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,485

    -At max distance its reactable, other than that its unreactable. What a Survivor is reacting to at that moment is movement, cancelling Shred will more than likely make them use Dead Hard, unless they make the correct read that youre cancelling Shred.

    -The "almost" is because there are some killers where it is a lose lose. Such as Huntress with some distance between her and a Survivor, or Demo at max distance.

    -People will quite literally complain about anything, the complaints that should be listened to are the loudest and most common. Yes that includes Dead Hard. This game is meant to be different and fun every time you play it, and a perk with a pickrate thats WAY above the rest that a majority of people have an issue with should have a look at.

    -Sprint Burst is not weaker, its just not as fun to use and doesnt feel nearly as rewarding. Dead Hard is just more fun and adds an extra variable to the game that can only be achieved through an interaction with the killer itself. Does the mean the perk is bad? No of course not, but the fun factor is definitely a big reason why its being used, it being viable is just the cherry on top. Think of it like Nurse and Blight. Nurse beats Blight in almost everything, but for some Blight is much more fun to play.

    -See my previous point

    -The only thing thats changed about Spirit is her add ons, in competitive she still has the same counterplay which is predrop a pallet and attempt to win the 50/50 (which is still heavily in Spirits favor since she still has more information on you than you have on her). The only time this doesnt work is at a REALLY strong pallet, such as the ones by bathroom on Gideon, or the god pallet on Lery's

    -How is it bugged?

    -Nurse has a drawback which means almost nothing with just a little bit of experience, her power more than makes up for it. You may not mind versing her, just like how I dont mind Dead Hard, doesnt mean they should remain the same. As for Blight, Alch Ring needs a downside. Id make it take 50% longer for token regen while also keeping its current effect. This way youre still rewarded the same way, but punished MUCH more for missing.

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    i get eruption meta build every game... whats your point?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • No, it's pretty amazingly telegraphed. If I can DH it without issue, with my crappy old man reflexes and mediocre ping, most people should.
    • My point is that the 'almost' you're brushing off is quite important.
    • So...nerf Windows? Nah. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's OP. It might just be a comfy perk (WoO) or a straight up accessibility issue (Shadowborn).
    • SB is absolutely weaker. It is a lot more fiddly to use, requires you to take some risks and is much simpler to counter on most killers. Nurse and Blight...not a good analogy. Killers are not perks and don't really work the same balance wise.
    • Here's the big flaw though. Fun is subjective. Most people are willing to sacrifice a lot of 'fun' to win, because to them, winning is fun. It's why there is a meta.
    • How on earth is it a 50/50? You have directional audio now - which, to me, is the biggie.
    • Go give it a try. KI doesn't activate properly after the first time.
    • Yeah, we can go back and forth on 'Nurse is more OP than Blight is more OP than Nurse is more OP than' all day, but it's a bit pointless. Let's see how the balance changes work out numbers wise. I can already say that not having to deal with Starstruck is a massive help.
  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    To add something to this conversation that I can help with. Blight is probably stronger than nurse now but only c33+adren and iri tag+ alch-ring/green speed. Base-kit is obviously better for nurse.

    Sprint burst is honestly better if used correctly vs blight over DH. If not used to just hold straight w it's likely you can make the blight fatigue or miss into a fatigue.

  • Rookie1978
    Rookie1978 Member Posts: 75

    on-button demand of negating a hit should be just that. giving them invulnerability and distance alongside it was a bad idea, and the more recent version is technically more powerful than the old one. that and old DH didn't let you double-hit bodyblock with the first hit and then the on demand endurance hit, which is so annoying and mood-ruining that it makes me want to DC every time it happens. defending DH's current design state because some killers are strong is also a very, very bad take; powercreep is not the answer, trying to bring everything down to the same level is, especially in a game like DBD. nerf the nurse and blight, nerf DH, make the game a little more bearable for everybody.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Well same goes for Erutpion then, it is necessary to counter the hyperfast gen progess

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited February 2023

    Yup. The meta atm is all about gen speed and regression perks. Wish they'd shift it a little bit, nerf the gen rush and regression perks. Because genrushing makes for short, bad scoring games and hard regression just isn't any fun to play against. Means most games are either 3/4ks or 0ks. Very few actual even games.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    youre playing blight, tbh you have no right to complain

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    I still lose with him against really strong teams, he's not an insta win killer like nurse.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893
    edited February 2023

    And are just going to ignore Decisive strike, Iron Will, object of obsession, Insta heals, keys, boil over, reassurance?

    Stop trying to shape this into a killer vs survivor argument. Op survivor perks get nerfed too it’s not just killers.

    Also new DH isn’t the same you can’t counter trapper and slinger anymore with DH, you can’t just press E to undo a mistake and you can’t get distance to a window or pallet anymore. I hate the perk more than anyone else but it’s not the same.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Actually I prefer to use Sprint Burst

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    It's not the same but I thought the purpose of nerfing it was to lower it's usage rate, in high mmr + the usage rate is the same as before.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    my guess is they wanted to change the perk to make it so it’s not that strong without reworking it completely while still keeping the theme of dodging hits.

    I bet it will get another change. They mentioned they will do another perk update so maybe they will look at it again cause of high usage rates.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    If you have to rely on DH to the point it's seen as trolling then that's a whole thing that should be looked at