Wesker/Mastermind seem too fair.

I know, it weird.
But For me, a casual - mediocre killer, Wesker/Mastermind feels either garbage or god tier.
Survivors can run me like any basic m1 killer and interact with tiles in same, generic way. I feel like i have no power at all sometimes.
Isn't that good?
Having killer that can be countered, but does incredibly good when played well? Shouldn't all killers be like that?
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nope. If my opponent pre-drop pallets, I cannot outplay survivor because I cannot get an angle to land his ability. If I vault a pallet, I am kicked out of his virulent bound and turned into an m1 killer where the survivor can loop the pallet indefinitely because pallet is safe when dropped.
The only way to currently use his ability to use his ability between loops but survivor has counter-play there as well where they hide behind obstacles where I do not have an angle to hit them. If I miss, then I am put into a cooldown where survivor is able to route to another pallet.
TL:DR I rely on my opponent to make positional errors in order to be able to have an opportunity to hit my opponent. One dimensional gameplay. Its up to survivor to mess up. Luckily, most survivor are not remarkable in their positioning and movement such that you can capitalize off their mistakes. so bad killer right?
That is until you look at his infection mechanic and add-on associated with it. Video conference device and red herb are add-on that increase infection meter rate and how much charge you build when you hit a survivor. these two add-on allow him to tunnel survivors off hook because base-kit BT. On first hit, you will get 30 charges of his infection with red herb. When you down survivor and hook them, they will drop down to 50% infection. If you camp and tunnel survivor off hook by hitting base-kit BT, the 50% infection will rise to 80%(+30 charges) and within 20 seconds, the video conference device add-on will make survivor fully infected applying negative debuff of 8% hindered. Now you cannot loop him and the chase is killer sided.
so base-kit, worthless. Abuse infection mechanic with add-on's with a tunnel playstyle and now he is tunnel 1vs1 machine. Base-kit, his chase is survivor sided. tunnel-wise and infection wise, his chase is killer-sided. The infection is meant to be side objective, like gen-defence type mechanic and his power should be viable to get hits without requiring the survivor to be fully infected. The irony is that once you are fully infected, you do not need his power to begin with due to permanent 8% hindered bonus. Just m1 wesker wins at that point.
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I main wesker. I have to disagree with you on many accounts. Lots of loops (shack being best example) are actually mainly about you as a killer and survivor can make it only harder (with shack being on reaction so if you happen to be precise, survivor has no counterplay). But sure some loops you are basic M1 killer (I probably paradoxically struggle the most on shelter woods).
I do win most (not all) of my games - I guess my kill rate is somewhere around 70%. My build is corrupt, darkness revealed, overcharge and pain res + uroboros tendrils (brown movement between bounds addon) and lion medalion (yellow throw distance addon - partial counter to open field maps like every corn map + reward if you can throw someone at map corner). I don't camp (endgame does not count and I don't go out of my way to not camp if patrolling gens) and I don't tunnel (meaning I try to prefer unhooker - but if I can't find unhooker or unhooked bodyblocks or I happen to later (not next to hook, already healthy) find unhooked person or he starts doing gens, then he's fair game for me) - meaning infection rarely helps me in chase even if it's huge help as slowdown. Under all these conditions, I am pretty sure my kill rate is still around 70%. Maybe a little more.
The killer is very well designed. If only they fixed tunnel-after-unhook infection mechanics + some funky bugs here and there, I would consider him perfect.
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I play wesker a lot as well. I am just saying that there are weaknesses that survivor can utilize against his power and there is very little that he can do against it at base-kit. if you just pre-dropping pallet vs him, the pallet loops are shaped in such a way that you can nearly perfect line of sight him constantly. At least that is how I play against Wesker when I am survivor. I do not let him hit me with his ability. I just use line of sight against him and he has no windows of opportunity, pardon the pun on the perk.
I play him as well, but every time I hit a survivor with his ability, I can easily spot a routing play in survivor's gameplay that they could have utilized against me to make the hit harder or avoid hit entirely. He is a killer that relies on survivor to make poor positional plays for him to capitalize on. I do not think he is bad but its up to survivor to make mistakes for me to hit them at base-kit.
Edit: I am not saying the killer is bad. I just think he could be better and less focused on infection against efficient gen teams.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
Wesker has a LOT he can do at loops, and his built-in slowdown and mobility are great to have too.
Even at loops where your power will struggle to get you a hit, they usually have to throw the pallet against you much quicker than they do against basic killers, which is still good.
He's definitely a killer that doesn't play himself though
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Well that means you go only the "predictable" way. Like sure. There's nothing you can do at 2 rocks loop (but you can bruteforce it quickly forcing survivor to some other loop you can play around). And if the survivor is hell of a good, even 2-cars loop is impossible (think badham around main). But this is not true at most loops - long wall gym being one example of a loop that is normally super strong for survivors - but wesker CAN outplay it. And I do get my hits there - via outplay. It's not guaranteed win for me and it's not guaranteed win for survivors (no matter their pathing). And many loops are like this. It's just that I can't just mindlessly chase and hope for the best.
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Use him more, i suppose it just takes practice and time to get comfortable with him and his timings. There's also rebounds and mind games that are sort of unique to him. Im not a weskin main by any means and arguably pretty trash with him, but ive seen what some people can do with him and it is amazing. All in all i think hes a very well balanced killer and very fun to play.