Dead hard got a huge buff and i still don't know why

i always find it funny how the devs said it was so overused so they buffed it ?? anyone who thinks its a nerf is either new or huffing copium as a survivor and killer player who will get pegged as a killer player because i have a actual grasp on the game with 2k hrs played roughly on both sides and see that playing survivor is so much easier than killer. yes bad teammates ruin game sure some killers are really good also true but they are manageable with a good team. the problem is people in this game are parrots people use nurse and blight as their scape goat for why DH is essential to survival (its not) but imagine being any one else besides nurse and blight and having to deal with an average of 3 DHs a game where the chase time is on average 1-2 minutes if not playing good chase killers. you lose as killer without certain builds or tunneling and camping. gonna be alot of survivor players who see this and tell me to get good that's fine they are the parrots. they give youtuber ######### and say they are killer sided as well for stating facts since they play the game for a living and know DH is terrible for the game. Deadhard needs a huge nerf 3 health states is stupid every counter arguement ive heard for it was terrible and/or they go off topic and go "NeRf ErUpTioN ThAts MoRe BRoKen" sure but whats that have to do with deadhard. I ve said it in previous posts the value is insane its the equivilant of doing a random skill check in chase and getting a second life there isnt any skill involved either its just calling each others bluff and seeing who presses a button first except the survivor holds all the cards they determine where the chase goes they can greed literally everything which is readable but in fighting game terms your just getting 50/50ed after 50/50ed the killer has to play all these mind games to down one person when time is precious and they have 3 other people to deal with. god forbid you get it right and actually down them congrats 11 more to go. and of course survivors love it to them its a fun little game ive played it ive been the one DHing to me if i mess up the amount of distance made by just bluffing with it is about half a sprint burst already and now i get the killer holding back all the scared to hit me out of fear of wasting an extra minute while i run to another loop. i doubt DH defenders have played killer against 4 survivors with DH themselves to see how strong it is to them its just fun. I could go on for hours about how much value DH gets by its base function but not only that you can tank hits for teammates as well before it got buffed it was just a dodge it was fine ignoring damage getting alittle distance it was easier to deal with by a mile now the timings tighter but if they get it right they get 8x the amount of distance than a little dash and waste an extra 1minute instead of 10 seconds.
Wanna know why tunneling and camping is so in style rn DH i tunnel all the time it works its effective why? because i can hit them off the hook pop endurance now i can have a regular non dead hard chase no insta healing no extra health states just like it was meant to be. why would i go after some one else who is healthy who i got to hit twice and do abunch of mental gymnastics for to figure out if they are going to dh or not. anyway im done ranting DH needs a huge nerf make it tank a hit or a speed boost not both its nuts
OP thinks DH got buffed and is malding a bit
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glad you stop by to tell me you didnt read it lol
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If the survivor sets the direction of the chase then you are doing something wrong.
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I hate DH as much as the next Killer, but the new dead hard is certainly easier to deal with than the old one.
- old DH let you just straight up ignore a grave mistake, while the new one can only correct smaller errors.
- some killers got destroyed by old DH, like trapper or slinger.
- the distance it buys you to and in loops is nowhere near as often uncounterable. (goes back to 1.)
- the only situations where it gets you far more value than previously is a successful DH in dead zones, the only place where you can actually solidly wait it out.
- the only killers where the new DH is a lot more annoying is blight, nurse, huntress, and some other, already more powerful killers.
For the record, i still dislike the perks core design, because im forced to sniff the tail of every survivor that hasnt shown me a different exhaustion perk, but i would rather have to put up with old DS (with the 5 sec stun) than old DH with "nice Mindgame, E"
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??? lol wat so if im on the game and find a survivor doing a gen with a pallet in every direction besides the way im coming from can they not choose where to go XD guess i ll let them know next time
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Who the hell is gonna read all that.
Press enter sometimes and space things out to make it legible.
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guess i should have prefaced that i play knight and Phead so deadhard is basically a free speed boost against my powers
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It's not so much a buff but moreso just a rework.
The perk requires the Killer to hit you to get the distance, so it increases the risk, but the distance you gain is more than before, so it has a higher reward. Basically the risk and reward shifted.
Also before DH being strong or weak versus certain Killers has also shifted, Trickster could still down someone who uses Dead Hard because laceration does not reset. But now DH resets the laceration since it takes a health state and puts them into Deep Wound. Meanwhile Killers like Legion and Deathslinger can ignore Dead Hard entirely by putting people into Deep Wounds to begin with whereas before it was insanely problematic.
DH also did *kind of* get nerfed since you cannot avoid certain Killer powers, such as Doctor's Shock Therapy and Static Blast whereas before you could completely avoid it, but this was a much needed change. DH still makes you lose collision with the Killer so you can still window-tech or use it for better flashlight positioning, etc, but it's not as absurd as before since you do not gain distance from DH's immediate activation.
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If you put 0 effort in writing your senseless rant, dont expect other people to put effort in reading this.
And whatever you have written - DH did not get buffed.
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Doesn't change the fact that Dead Hard did NOT get buffed.
Anybody who thinks that is either huffing some massive copium because they can't deal with half-decent players or just fell for DH.
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i mean it was a senseless rant was just bored at work just thought it was funny he stopped by to tell me he didnt read it :)
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ya youre right i just play all the killers it sucks against ie. phead, wraith, knight, artist, nemi guess its more of match up thing. thanks for actual feedback instead of spellchecking me or telling me ur not going to read it tbh didnt put the much thought into the post just played before work and got tilted before work so i made some rant post but ya i suppose old dh was alot worse than i remember used to play clown alot when he had exhaust addon so i guess i didnt see it as much as others did
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so don't read it lol
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That was a lot of words... Please try to split up and provide a more readable argument as to why DH is OP
Also if you want to prove your point don't use whataboutism... it makes your whole point crumble
But yes DH is still a problem but we don't have to deal with DH'ing for distance which was one thing players were complaining about... would you like that back???
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Recency bias is one hell of a drug lol
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"DH got buffed"
- distance is cut in 3 so you cant DH for distance to windows and pallets
- survivors that have deepwounds dont benefit from DH
- survivors get deepwounds from DH when before they did not
- time is reduced from 1 second to 0.5
What exactly got buffed here? Please? You never explained what the buff was.
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Honestly, DH isnt that big of an issue. Its in a nice state right now. Deepwounds negating DH is a huge nerf. Slinger, Legion, any killer with Deepwound addons, survivors being hit during the BT duration.
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So just Legion and Deathslinger.... 2/30 Killers
Deepwound addons? Who and how many??
And Camping... The game shouldn't rely on Camping in order to deal with stuff
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formatting too hard on phone rather just type thoughts also what was the whataboutism for context cause i prob used it but dont know what it is
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Fair enough... Then put 3 dots when you want to bring up something else... (Like that<<<)
Whataboutism is a term (Deadhard needs a huge nerf 3 health states is stupid every counter arguement ive heard for it was terrible and/or they go off topic and go "NeRf ErUpTioN ThAts MoRe BRoKen" sure but whats that have to do with deadhard) to describe this
Glad you calmed down enough to explain yourself and ask questions though....
But anyway.... maybe try to articulate what you want to say rather then just typing off the top of your head... It'll help a lot
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tbh no thought went into this i was typing this on and off at work to pass time there was probs a good argument to be made but to much thinking. even now just responding alittle to pass time
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aight simple solution
lets revert it!
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I sure seemed like you weren't thinking... just ranting... just saying
But anyway... So you say that DH got a buff... but would you rather want DH for distance or DH for deep wounds
This will help
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I tried to read it but point seems to have been buried in rambles. Maybe start with what was change and why it's bad.
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You're forgetting Wesker and Knight.
The addons belong to Trapper, Cenobite and Pig.
As for camping, I didnt mention camping at all. The BT can easily trigger if you see a survivor running for the rescue(or the crows/scratchmarks they leave behind while b-lining to a hooked teammate), then go after that survivor and hit the unhooked survivor ASAP too. Thats not camping, it's not even proxy camping, thats just keeping an eye out.
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Something has gotta happen to it.
Having 3 health states in the current game is too much to ask for killers. You are too safe next to windows and pallets. Maybe make those not useable for... 30 seconds? after you use the perk ?
Id just kill switch the perk entirely at this point, but something has to happen to it. Im just gonna keep camping and tunneling whenever I see it. No reason to stay in chase for 2minutes+ and get a down while 4 gens are now done.
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I haven't played those Killers
Oh right... thanks
That does happen...
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Honestly, while I really hate the overall design behind the killer, Cenobite with the pin addon is honestly one of the best, most fun killers you can play right now to circumvent DH, reduce chase, and not rely on generator slowdown too much.
You dont even need to abuse the chainhunt mechanics too much, nor do you need to rely on tunneling to compensate much either, the fact that 1 survivor has to go to the box while 1 is in chase(without being able to use the most common exhaustion perk) and soon to be hooked leaves realistically only 1 survivor on a gen. For some bonus fun, Chatterers Tooth allows you to consistently find survivors, while also being undetectable and having basically no footsteps. Causing a quick injure, a big enough frame to hit the chain to prevent DH later on and then simply chase that survivor into a deadzone.
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Dead hard was actually nerfed, seems like a skill issue to me.
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A wall of text is extremely hard to read or to keep reading without wanting to smash ones head into a wall.
The DH was a Nerf and now takes good timing to use effectively. Now I'm not including the hackers that use auto DH.....DH no longer feel like a big middle finger when it's used.
But back to your all seems more like a venting frustration post than one to make much sense tbh.
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Let's be honest with ourselves for like 5 seconds. You're adding nothing new to the DeAd HaRd v ErUpTiOn salt threads that haven't been mentioned already. This post is basically a drop of water in an ocean of complaints with this game. Nothing new or different. Simply echos
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You are aware perks don't get kill switched simply because they're too good right? Perks only get kill switched because it actually messes up the game like that infinite killer aura bug or the wake up crashing killer lobbies. Simply because you don't like something isn't grounds for the perk to be kill switched if it's working as intended
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All we need is a perk that gives deep wound on basic attacks
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Obviously, dont be purposefully obtuse.
Im just saying my ideal DBD world you should not have a third health state, and if you do then you need to balance the game for having access to it. Currently survivors complain about camping/tunneling and eruption/cob aka kicking gens (kinda funny that one huh?). But nah dead hard is fair.
Too much power is provided with it. Which is why most survivors run it. Its laughable what you can do to extend mistakes you make or even just extend already too long chases with safe T/L walls or pallet gyms.
Just something needs to happen with it. Make it a lunge only but not an endurance effect. Or make it so you cant interact with objects within X meters.
Give us a reason to chase anyone for an extended duration. Currently there is no reason to bother. Ill just wait for you guys to come to me.
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Old DH would erase your hit box for the duration and give distance.
New DH is endurance on command, which allows the user to nullify virtually any caliber of mindgame in exchange for a half second of timing.
Both versions turn the killer experience into a form of electronic hell chamber where all kinds of mental effort can be exerted to defeat and finally catch the survivor just for it all to be dispelled through a single button press + a fraction of the effort.
I was a 6500+ hour killer player maining Ghostface, I was in the Top 10 in the world for the killer. I quit yesterday and until further notice because of DH, gen speeds and this stupid eruption meta.
Did DH get buffed? For high mmr, yes. For novice to intermediate, no.
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well, i was for deleting the perk all together so
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i've a perfect solution... make dead hard like before, but without the short burst of speed and after using it the survivor won't be able to use pallets and windows for 5 seconds (this perk was made with the purpose of dodging an attack, not to have 2nd health states or to obtain more distance from the killer). In that way you'll still keep the nature of the perk intact
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btw, only people that will play at low mmr will think that this perk is nerfed... it can easily considered buffed in high mmr where people will use it without troubles (otherwise why the pick rate of that perk is literally unchanged? Now i'm speaking from a personal experience since that perk is ALWAYS present in all my matches)
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I dont agree with OP. As killer I don't have too much issue countering DH, it's quite easy to bait out if you wait like 1 second after getting in comfortable lunge range and it's often very obvious when a survivor tries to force a hit for the DH trigger. If you're too thirsty for the hit then you'll probably get DH'd.
I think it comes from just running into too many high mmr survs. Some players seem to have refined it to a fine art. And there will obviously be a certain few players who cheat and run scripts to always perfectly trigger DH.
It's not an easy perk to use even if some players make it look so.
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First post best post.
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And just like that in typical complaining fashion, you've added nothing important other than salt and pettiness. A lot of things shouldn't exist in this game and since we want to bring up CoB Eruption, you guys started bringing up DH as a whataboutism for Eruption. Let's not.
All you did was reinforce my point about saying nothing new and parroting salt and entitlement.
Respectfull don't be obtuse acting like you actually have something valid to say.
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And with your suggested changes, you basically are asking for old Dead Hard which is weird because y'all complained about it until it got nerfed. Now you want it back?
Also really too much power that gets rid of a mistake when most of the time you can literally wait it out? But if we want to talk about mistake removing, let's bring up the bloodlust mechanic and how easy it is to bloodlust around tiles.
Let's not sit here and whine about how perks remove mistakes acting as if a majority of the meta perks and perks in general are intended to remedy a misplay.
And since we're bringing up irrelevant talking points in the argument, I find it fitting a person with a Nurse PFP is complaining about DH. It's almost as ironic as a person with a Feng PFP saying killers need to be nerfed
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I preferred the old dead hard as it doesn't negate my killers power in such a harsh way. Knight is weak enough as it is becuase as his guards are unreliable in chase, so when one triggers dead hard, you gain nothing. As for Oni, nothing more annoying than landing a well placed demon strike and the survivor presses a button to ignore it completely. This wastes my killers power gauge and momentum I had. Distance has now become a 3rd health state + extended chase time. Distance loss is negated as killers now have to choose between taking the DH or eating a pallet/vault.
Its not buffed imo, its just moved sideways.
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You can’t say DH was a buff and not a nerf when old DH worked against Trapper’s, Nurse’s, Huntress’ and Deathslinger’s power and then try to counter those facts by saying you play X killers. That’s basically backpedaling on the fact that you know deep down it’s a nerf to some killers but not the ones you play. Basically it is a nerf but just not a strong enough nerf. By you saying it was a buff you’re losing your argument on why DH needs to be nerfed again or reworked.
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I agree lets bring the old one back.
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DH is not hard to counter, it's just obnoxious.
Just because DH exists, you have to preemptively wait and bait it out even when the survivor doesn't have it. I hate the way DH "infects" the game this way, the same way I hate that you have to preemptively let go when you are on a kicked gen just because Eruption exists.
Both are super-unhealthy perks in the sense that they drastically change the way the game is played (at least for the first few minutes) even when nobody has them equipped.
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Im pretty sure some of your posts are about to be edited or removed lets not be combative or insulting to each other. The nurse thing you brought up... yea I main it not sure what that has anything to do with DH. Lets not focus on the character I play in game rather the perk DH ok? If anything DHing a nurse is easier than every other killer... And she was just massively nerfed as well.
But thats neither here nor there lets focus on DH alright?
Im not asking for old DH at all the massive lunge or, "dash" as they worded, it had was too much. Just keep its base lunge it has currently and then work from there if needed. Either remove its endurance effect, or make it so you cant use pallets windows after using it for X seconds. Or cannot use DH when you are within X meters of pallets/windows.
Something along those lines.
Currently survivors are just TOO safe when they are near windows or pallets that they should not beable to deadhard into and laugh. We all can agree on that one.
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Paragraphs, PLEASE
Also, even if it did get "buffed" it requires skill on both ends, instead of neither like before.
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