6.5.2 patch brought no knight buffs

there are no addons buffs, power buffs but 1 bugfix that stop knight from grabbing survivors from gens and vaults.
Let's keep knight players blind in their power.
Let's keep handholding survivors so that their power goes away after unhooking
Let's keep using the same addons because all the other addons are 🐕💩🚮
It infuriates me honestly. How many weeks do we have to wait for REAL knight buffs instead of teeny tiny buffs that are not doing him any favors whatsoever? Step up your game devs!
bugfixes aren't really meant for balancing
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More disappointing is that Terminus is still overridden by Adrenaline.
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Well yeah it's a bug fix patch, of course there's not gonna be balance changes in it.
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Bugfix patches rarely (if ever) contain any buffs/nerfs, only if something was scheduled to go in a release and somehow got delayed. But it's not intended that these hoftixes are for balance, they are 99% for fixing bugs that have appeared early in the release process.
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I know this is out of topic (sorry about that), but Thank you guys for fixing Twins (at least their core issue)! Finaly can play them :3
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Hopefully this fixed worked for the major issues that were with them, am keeping my eye out on these ones in particular with Twins.
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Thank you so much! The only major one remaining is that you still can't see aura of Victor when he is sitting on a Survivor (even after 30 seconds when you can recall him).
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I'm more disappointed that this didn't also fix the issues with his Guards in chase.
They seem to get stuck frequently now and they have difficulty pathing when a pallet is dropped.
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I dont what more u were expecting. No way i would like knights guards to continue patroling towards the unhooker. Ppl camp enough with him and i rather bubba be the king of camping.
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Oh so this is okay then?
they heavily buff survivors by giving them gen progression indicator but no buffs to killers right?
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They just don't care anymore but lets fix that ONE bug that helped the killer.
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Knight is already too powerful and most boring killer no need to handhold killer players. He is easiest killer to play place quard and try to zone survivor and you get free hits without any effort or mindgaming. I won 80 prestige survivor squad because of that and it proves how broken his design is. If anything he should be nerfed or reworked.
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Which was initially scheduled in an earlier update - which is why it was on Known Issues prior to that.
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this was a bugfix
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Until he is on a map the size of Jupiter and can’t lay down his guards in good locations. And OP is right, his add-ons are not that good compared to what they should be. But that’s the story on most killers nowadays. Just useless add-ons and overly complicated mechanics. Yet survivors get super easy things like Information HUDs and endless pallet loops. I think the OP just wants the same level of care to go to both.
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Just an FYI
Your "evidence" of them "heavily buffing survivors" in a bugfix patch by including generator progress to survivor HUD is not a survivor buff in a hotfix patch and is a bugfix.
6.5.0 patch notes found here: 6.5.0 | Mid-Chapter - BHVR
At the bottom under "Known Issues".
It's okay to be frustrated with the current state of the Knight or any killer. But a community manager with BHVR took the time to explain why it was not addressed here. Rather than appreciate the feedback, you attack them by calling them out falsely for hypocrisy.
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Yes that was a Bugfix in a Bugfix Patch thank you for proving yourself wrong.
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The real question is where the bug fix for knights guards going around loops instead of threw pallets when thrown right in front of them is. Happens multiple times every game. Hurts him a lot.
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Speaking as a killer main, yes actually.
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There are killers that are in greater need of a buff than knight.