Am I The Only One Worried About The Next Perk Update?

I can live with Eruption getting nerfed, although what I don’t like is that it’s probably gonna be nuked into oblivion and be left completely worthless. But what I’m worried about is the other perks that might get hit too. Call of Brine’s got a big target on its back and could also get nuked to worthlessness, or even more perk’s could get nerfed like Pain Res, Overcharge, or Deadlock, with the former two already being fairly weak. BHVR wants to do these nerfs here and there to shake things up and force more creativity and different load outs, but I think doing things like this is just gonna leave even less room for creativity and make the game very stale or even borderline unplayable. Killer needs strong regression much more than survivor needs strong 2nd chances, so if they nuke Call of Brine and nerf more perks than just those two, we’re gonna be in huge trouble as there’ll literally be no good perks for killer to run.
Yeah it could be interesting. The meta could do with a shake up. But if they get it wrong it could unbalance the game entirely. Particularly at higher mmrs.
If regression perks get nerfed too hard killers will have a very tough time.
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A bit worried they'll do a 6.1. and nerf popular perks into the ground whether they're OP or not, only for the sake of change, without understanding that if there are only 20 good perks, then they're the only ones that'll come into play.
If there were more good perks, they'd be played more.
Perk changes should come through buffing unused perks rather than overnerfing the most used ones...
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I don't know if it's going to be some kind of 'meta shakeup', I think Eruption's just gonna get a change to make it not pause survivors' games for 25 seconds. I don't know if they're going to hit CoB, they might do something about its synergy with perks that damage multiple gens at once. They maybe might knock Pain Res down a little bit? I can't see them doing anything to Overcharge and certainly not to Deadlock, as, IMO, that is Pinhead's weakest perk.
Killer needs strong regression much more than survivor needs strong 2nd chances
Hard disagree. The term 'second chance' has been tossed around a lot but really only applies to DH and maaaaaybe Unbreakable. OTR, DS, BT and the like are all counterperks meant to ensure that a survivor's gameplay doesn't end at first hook, which is how the game was originally designed.
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We need less nerfing of popular perks and more buffing of all the bad perks.
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Well the good news is we know they're also deleting Circle of Healing (or should be, anyway)
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Circle of Healing for Eruption is a trade I will make every time.
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I want the midchapter perk balance patch to be more about them toning down some of the meta on both sides, and reverting some of the harsh nerfs of the meta shake up patch.
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I mean, it's all window dressing at a certain point unless they address the core issue regarding the meta: gen speeds are too variable. Killers can slow them down way too much and survivors can speed them up way too much. Trading this slowdown for that slowdown doesn't really improve things, other than changing the way the symptoms present themselves. I'm not a developer, so I can't sit here and say "the math should work X way", but killers should never be capable of the amount of slowdown that a build like CoB/Eruption/Pain Res/Thana on Legion gives (just to give one example).
I think it's a bit misguided to fight against an established meta just because it's an established meta in and of itself. There's not a multiplayer game I can think of in the last 20 years that didn't have a more or less set in stone meta at the top levels of play. Players aren't going to stop optimizing. The fun factor should be addressed, but 6.1 tried to change things for the sake of change in some regards, and we ended up worse for wear. I'd rather play against old PGTW than current Eruption 100 times out of 100.
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This right here. Both sides have about a half dozen perks that are really good, and another half dozen that are decent, while the rest are trash.
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I hope they make perk overhauling a regular thing tbh. Like every few months regular. Even if it makes certain perks OP for a brief time. This way both survivors and killers can't get carried by perks for too long before they have to adapt.
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all perks should be as strong as the meta ones
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Honestly with how many bad perks there are on both sides we need to see like 20 perks (10 per side) getting buffs/reworks on every mid chapter patch, so that’s every 3 months. This is like a bare minimum too, it honestly needs an even faster rate than that. With how many awful perks there are we have a lot of catching up to do. Map reworks and perk changes need to be up there in terms of top priorities.
Getting lots of regular perk updates makes the game feel fresh and prevents it from getting as stale.
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Maybe this is exactly what need, though. Regression perks to be so freaking weak that no one will run them anyway. This might show the devs how out of control both regression and gen speed are at the moment.
There should never be a time when survivors can easily win a game in 4 minutes with barely any interaction with the killer or the killer is able to drag out the game for an hour. Both of these extremes just force people to run meta. Because otherwise how do you compete against that?
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The real problem is that they will destroy every gen regression perks that make killer still be playable at top mmr to the point that everyone will only play nurse, blight and spirit. At the same time, devs will not change shits like prove thyself that actually break the game. Prove thyself is the most unbalanced thing in the game, I win games at top mmr because of this, also with medium chases. Last night I repaired a gen with another surv and with only prove thyself (no toolboxes, no hyperfocus, no other perks to speed up gens) we managed to repair a gen from like 0 to 100% faster than another surv who had a gen at like 50% when we started repairing (no missed skill checks). Maybe on low mmr this is balanced because survivor really last 2 seconds in chase, and this can prevent ending up games with 5 gens remaining, but at top mmr is really broken. Devs should stop balancing dbdaround noobs and start to balance the game around top players.
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I'm pretty sure I want nothing to do with the original topic but "...Nurse, Blight, and Spirit..."
Nurse and Blight I get, they have mobility or the ability to ignore structures. But Spirit, doesn't feel like she's in the same place.
I get that she was broken for a bit, but she's slowish normally without mother daughter ring, which means BNP and so on really hurt when trying to go gen to gen. And without the scratch marks, finding by sound does work, but its not super accurate.
Am I missing something in how to employ this killer? Is there a person who does videos a lot, that has these issues resolved?
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Perks that are problem perks (eruption/CoH) I'm happy for them to adjust. My main concern is they'll do ridiculous nerfs to perks that are in a good spot just because they consider them to be high use and not because they are a problematic perk in need of a nerf. They did that in the first perk overhaul, perks that were in a good spot but just popular were made useless to make them be picked less not because they needed a nerf - I'm worried that will happen again.
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Neither role will ever be unplayable no matter how strong ceretain perks get nerfed. What's interesting though is the fact that they also mentioned CoH in the original german version which is something that I don't understand. It's not really problematic anymore and if they nerf this perk even more Boons will not be used frequently anymore meaning that one gameplay mechanic will become extremely rare. Also killers like Leatherface massively profit from survivors healing so this might be an indirect nerf to them. I just hope that they will adress the elefants in the room Which are gen progression and gen regression perks.
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Yeah, I have a feeling that the next "meta shakeup" update is gonna be a disaster. They already ruined a boatload of perks last time, not counting on this time being better.
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eruption holds the game hostage
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I’ve literally never had a single game held hostage by eruption and I play way, way more than the average player. If it’s getting held hostage it’s a player skill issue going on.
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I'm always worried when it comes to BHVR's balance team.
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that's cuz you play killer.
stop acting brand new, i've seen your posts on these forums.
i remember when you had a freddy kreuger pfp
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What are you talking about? I play both sides basically equally.
When did I ever act like I was new? I've never acted as such or said anything to elude to that whatsoever.
You also are confusing me with someone else as I've never had my profile picture as Freddy bub.
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Thing is - I'm not really sad to see Eruption go (I just hope they actually make it into a decent perk).
I'm sad that we're already looking at a regression meta less varied than it was pre 6.1.0. And that sucks.
In now creeping up on 1,100 games that I've played and/or watched on stream, I've never seen this happen.
Not once.
I've seen Eruption win games and I've seen Eruption do nothing - and everything in between.
An actual hostage situation? No. Because that's actually bannable when killers do it.
Are you sure this isn't a conspiracy by BHVR to actually secretly nerf Unbreakable, make killer regression triple the current effectiveness, assassinate the director of Valve and replace us all with a master race of robotic penguins??
CoB is in no way a 'problem perk'.
The only reason it sees all that much usage now is synergy with Eruption.
Once Eruption gets gutted, PR will be all you see.
EDIT: I'm a derp. You actually said 'CoH'.
Yeah, that perk needs to go away.
Post edited by StarLost on5 -
No that seems too weak of a trade were going to need something else
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I'd take this trade any day.
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I'm worried we will get another lopsided perk update. New dead hard is more obnoxious than old dead hard on certain killers, and there's not even a hint that the perk would be touched. Even if BHVR said they were looking into the perk, why should killers get their hopes up? They could just nerf dead hard, and give it an obnoxious new ability, just like they did by attaching a sprint burst to a successful new dead hard.
In return, we might get another nerf to circle of healing, which has already gotten multiple nerfs, and isn't complained about anywhere near as much as dead hard.
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I didn't say CoB I said CoH, a survivor perk.
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Pfft, haha this is me tired.
So you did.
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Well i sure hope they do this for both teams.
On the character balancing theyre only doing that for survivors.
But lets stay positive.
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The main worry will be what meta we will arrive at a month or two after when the dust settles? It could turn out even worse. If you take away all gen regression, what we be the strongest killer tactic then? Everyone doing the Sadako condemned build or a variation of it on different killers? Then instead of being useless for 25 seconds, you spend minutes at a time out the game? Could easily become a careful what you wish for scenario.
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BVHR does not do that for killer. I imagine that if they do touch killer meta perks, they will do same thing as they did in 6.1. kill current meta perks, replace them with something similar. you can expect to see another perk get buffed. Like I don't know, they might buff oppression where it gives 5%(7.5%) gen kick to 3 gens and reduce it cooldown to 30 second while eruption getting gutted in some particular way.
If they weaken cob to 125% where it becomes not worth using, they might buff like overcharge to be 300% regression for first 30 seconds. so now instead of cob+eruption being meta, it becomes overcharge+oppression. survivor now complain that new OC+Oppression is imbalanced instead of cob+eruption.
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I want old Pop back BHVR Sadge
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I just hope they buff some lesser used perks too.
Nerfing perks that are too strong is important but i do want some new toys to play with.
Especially perks like Grim Embrace that promote less frustrating playstyles or chase perks in general or fun perks like dark devotion
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I don't think meta perks or builds are the problem as good players will always find new ones. The problem with MMR is, more players feel they NEED to use them. I called this advantages over skill (meta perks, map offerings etc.), a problem what DBD has for years. Ofc there will be always a meta, even without MMR. But you won't see it as frequently. DBD is the only "party game" i know what has MMR (or ranks before). And as long each MMR is used within the same foundation (general game balance), it will be never be balanced.
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Honestly no. I feel like Bhvr has been making good decisions as of late.
So i believe things will be ok. Honestly i even think it's exciting. Also, aren't people always asking for a meta shake up.
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Honestly, if it means Eruption is gone y'all can have it. I'd rather run Self care than hear that thing exist in my presence
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You can have Hyperfocus, Prove Thy Self, and BNP
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Deleting Eruption in order to delete COH is a trade I'd be perfectly happy making.
I'll still use Shadow Step anyway
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I hate boon perks anyway. The visual issues, annoying audio, and massive thrown games for boon value. No. Not again. I cannot and will not cope with it
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I meant spirit with top equipment. Same Nurse and blight. Since everyone want to win, everyone will bring the top add on and top perks. On spirit I use mother daughter and blossom, so I don't see scratch but I see the instinct.
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We already have that
I want pain res or call of Brine gone. It's not overpowered but overused which according to the community should be gone
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But how do you know your top MMR? It's an invisible number...bruh
Are you sure it has nothing to do with a psychological sense of well being and acceptance?
Post edited by Snowflake_Syndrome on0 -
That would make my survivor games less fun.
That would make my killer games more win.
Can't pick one. So I'll vote to just leave all stuff as it is. No trade.
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No gen regress should be nerfed except Eruption,,i don't even know why some were in the previous big meta shake up thing but w/e ...I'M also curious about circle cuz it's already tough to nerf without making it bad,,,can't nerf boons in general cuz the other ones are really situational ,can't nerf the healing speed cuz why not bring self care at that point,,,probably lower its range ? give it a token kinda system?
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I can't wait for the changes. I expect DH, CoH, CoB, and Eruption to all see nerfs with OTR seeing a mini rework to allow it to actually work as a true anti-tunnel perk.
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So many games lost wasting time putting up boons for survivors to sneak to the end of the map to get killed mid heal.
Shadow step shouldn't make as much noise as it just begs to be snuffed.
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You know, escaping like 80% of my matches, and as killer like 70% of matches 3/4 or 4/4, and I play at least 7 hours a day. Do you have any other questions?
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Unpopular opinion but I feel like they need nerfed in order to undo the bandaid fix they threw on gen speeds so they can find a different way to take up time like giving those secondary objectives we all want, increasing the time you hold m1 in one space should've never been an answer in a video game where engagement is what you want, I argue that doing this opens the door to more changes that currently can't be done because of those perks and in the long run youll more than likely end up benefitting from a new change more than feeling like you need those things to win when in reality you really don't need them and they're a crutch