Let Killers opt in to SWF matchmaking

Zaydin Member Posts: 275
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am sick and tired of being matched up against toxic SWF groups. If I wanted that kind of pain I'd indulge in self-flagellation.

I can already hear the survivor mains objection now: "If you do that no Killer would opt in to SWF matchmaking!" which isn't the argument they think it is. If no Killer would opt into SWF matchmaking it should be rather obvious just how unfun it is for Killers to play against the borderline sanctioned cheating that is SWF.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619


    Also there is always people who sweat or stream, they will have no shortage of killers.

  • MarKrTheDemigod
    MarKrTheDemigod Member Posts: 39

    I know that frustration but I think they will never add such an option for the reason you said - almost no killers would opt in for this. I agree that it clearly shows how unfun this is for the killers.

    What they could do, however, is applying some nerfs to survivors in swf, or buffs to killers who play against swf. The game knows who is grouped up. So, it could be that SWF players have their buffs last shorter time, or that nerf effects last on them longer, or have their perk levels down to 1, or cooperative actions are slower by X%...

    Or the killer could get buffs - bloodlust kicks in faster, stuns are shorter, kicking gens regresses them faster than normal...

    It could be even scaled with the size of the group, so two groupped people would have smaller nerfs than four groupped people.

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 471

    Currently feels like the +100% BP which is mostly on killer for me is a compensation payment for suffering and not a means to balance the lobby.

    6 Months ago I didn't mind SWF I had some hard games I still won and ones I didn't I would say there wasn't much I could do.

    Lately I say the latter more often than not. I could play with stronger killers but some of them I just don't find fun.

  • MarKrTheDemigod
    MarKrTheDemigod Member Posts: 39

    The thing is that it IS fun for survivors but it IS frustrating for the killers. Even more so when you have those types who T-bag you once they jump through any window or drop any pallet, once you finally down one of them, the others go immediately for a flashlight save or start sabotaging hooks so you cannot hook anyone. It way easier to coordinate these things when you're on voicecoms.

    Saying that "not all SWF are tryhards" might be true but it feels like there are more tryhard swf groups.

    If the situation gets so bad that out of frustration even more people will rather play survivors than killers and wait times for a game get stretched to 10+ minutes, do you think it will be healthy for the state of the game?

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    Well toxicity is obviously a problem but most of them are toxic even in SoloQ so what can you do about it. And I find matches where survivors are saboing and flashlight saving more engaging since they are not sitting on gens 24/7. A genrushing squad is more boring to face.

    And soloQ is still the worse experience in comparison to killers so I don'T believe that no one is going to play killer anymore

  • MarKrTheDemigod
    MarKrTheDemigod Member Posts: 39

    I'm not saying noone will play killers. There will always be people who will play killers, the numbers might just drop a lot. I usually get to play at around 9pm (GMT+1) and I always have the +100% BP bonus active on killers. I enjoy playing killers more than survivors, so it is OK for me, but I also want to complete tome challanges and daily quests from time to time and the waiting times for games a survivor are sometimes already several minutes for me, while as a Killer I rarely wait more than 15 seconds.

    It is true that I feel the game is matching me with either very weak teams, or very strong teams, which I suspect is simply because there are not enough killer players, so the game needs to start matching people of different skill levels. And when I get several of those games against stronger teams in a row, it really makes wanna quit for the day, even more so with those toxic t-baggers.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    I am also GMT+1 and you are right. At 9pm, the incentives are on killer. Even +100% most of the time. Pick any other time of day and you get +100% on survivor. That's a rule with very few exceptions. There are many more killers then survivors - because soloQ is still nightmare and if you want to have at least a little bit of fun, you have to play at prime time with your friends. Otherwise there's no shot.

    Also when can survivors opt out of playing against say 10 strongest killers? Just to make queue times absolutely horrendous on both sides...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    The problem with this suggestion is that it assumes SWF is a guaranteed awful game, which simply isn't true. You, personally, have had easy games against SWF, and more importantly you've also had really difficult games against solo queue; SWF is only an intensifier of skill, it's not a replacement for it. Considering that the whole idea of SWF being automatically harder all the time is incorrect, the fact that no killers would opt into being matched with them becomes kind of a problem, right? It messes with the matchmaking, all for the placebo of killers thinking they're dodging a bullet that doesn't exist.

    SWF really isn't the boogeyman a lot of players think it is. If you're having a really tough game, and it's not just people attempting to troll you with constant flashlights and bodyblocking, there really isn't any guarantee it's a SWF. It could, legitimately and possibly, just be a group of skilled solos who got a good map spawn and are all in the zone, and in a lot of cases it will be.

  • MarKrTheDemigod
    MarKrTheDemigod Member Posts: 39

    I mean, sure, but I have an 8-months old baby so I don't get to play sooner than she goes sleep. So "pick any other time of the day" is not an option for me. Although, your comment makes me realize that my point of view has been skewed.

    The option for survivors to opt out of playing against certain killers is, in my point of view, not the same as the killer opting out from swf games. Killer is always alone and cannot coordinate with anybody to get advantage they would otherwise not have. Apart from their specific power and addons, Killers are more skill-based. Sure, some Killers have just stronger powers and addons than others, but a well coordinated team still has a good chance against them.

    Survivors in swf groups, on the other hand, gain an advantage that they would otherwise not have. They can use builds that don't use certain perks because those perks can be to a large degree (or sometimes completely) substituted by voicecoms. This goes for many killer-revealing perks and actually many aura-reading perks in general. Coordinating certain maneuvers and actions (repairing gens, taking protection hits, unhooking, healing, body blocking...) is much easier with swf. Some killer perks lose a lot of their value when playing against swf groups - e.g. Fearmonger, because the blindness effect is sort of useless when the survivors can call out the things that you can normally see with auras while repairing gens. The first survivor to come into contact with the killer can call out whatever perks they noticed the killer has, so others can be adjust their tactics during chases.

    But as I said in the beginning - I don't think we can expect any "opt in/out" options. So some measures to counterbalance the mentioned advantages would be nice.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    This whole idea of one side being able to opt out from some aspect (SWF/specific killers) is absurd. It would destroy Q times.

    People say SWF and immediately think it’s a sweatlord team. An actual super sweat team is not THAT common. Majority of SWF’s are just casually buddies playing a game together, just as effective as a common solo q lobby with a little more coordination.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited February 2023

    Well all I can say is, that I disagree. God nurse against god survivors means she will always have short chase (and you counter it by going for macro play only). God blight and spirit works very much the same even if they can be slowed down a little via pallets (but only with good pallets). So no. Most survivors would definitely opt out from play against at least this top 3 killers.

    For other killers it's a bit more even, but survivors still have to take most meta stuff against them to be in advantage (meaning no sabotages, flashlights are not used for actual flash saves in vast majority of cases, etc). The stuff starts to turn at killers like nemesis - still a very strong killer, but he will have very hard time against equally skilled survivors bringing pure meta stuff (so they actually are able to take some more fun things then just, DH, OTR, UB, adrenaline, etc) - ofcourse we are talking about skill level that comes from 5K hours or above for each player.

    So no. Survivors will want to ban certain killers as much as killers want to ban SWF. It's the same strongest stuff vs strongest stuff reason. It's the same thing of I want to have fun and bring things that are more fun then just [specific survivor build and genrush]/[specific killer with build and camp+tunnel]

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    If the majority of the Killerbase opts out of playing against swf, then BHVR needs to look at why so many players dislike going against swf instead of waiting for so long to acknowledge that swf has an easier time and buff solo queue as a bandaid option.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    You cannot nerf / punish people for playing with friends. That’s a bad look.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I never said SWF should be nerfed but sure, it’s fine if they don’t want to nerf SWF, they can either choose to buff Killer to SWF level or let Killer players see the which players are SWF in the lobby.

    Allowing Killers to see who are SWF in lobby and monitoring the lobby dodge rates for a period of time would give BHVR actual statistics on whether your average Killer player wants to play against SWF instead of reading forum threads complaining about them. If the majority of the Killer Base dislikes going against swf although the escape rate of swf is quite close to solo queue, then BHVR could next look at changing this biased view of SWF. Acknowledging the problem is not much, but it is the first step to solving it.