Unpopular Opinions...

Throw at me some unpopular opinions you may have. And really make sure they are unpopular since half the time people comment on these type of threads they rarely even both to check if their opinion is actually unpopular or not.
Here are some of mine:
- End-Game Collapse should start when the last Generator is completed, not when the Exit Gates are opened. Extra time can be added to EGC to compensate for the Exit Gate opening. Exit Gates should never regress in progress though, that is just overall a horrible idea. Basekit BT should not exist during EGC, and BT or No One Left Behind should be required to get Unhook Endurance during the EGC.
- A lot of the community's "bad perks" arent even bad, even if they are niche or situational they still provide a decent enough benefit to use regardless of their strength.
- Tunneling and camping are fine when it comes to gameplay, the only issue I have with them is that they can handicap a player's progress at improving at the game since they start to heavily rely on them. People can play however the want regardless of such, and my opinions on such should have no merits upon other's gameplay.
- The community is not as toxic as people make it out to be, yes there are going to be bad apples within the bunch, and just because a few are really rotten does not ruin the rest in this instance. Like some of DBD's community has really, really toxic individuals, but most are few and far between, and I typically have more positive and great experiences with players than I do negative.
- Most DBD content creators are boring and rely on the same type of content over and over, and most contribute to what community discourse exists. Since "salty content" is fueled by negativity bias and "us vs them" narratives.
- The game is not sided towards any particular side; yes there are problematic things in the game, but they exist for Survivors and Killers. Most people who complain about "DBD is ___ sided" are just whinging and dont consider the fact that BHVR is trying to improve the game for everyone as a whole.
- And while we are at it, BHVR themselves is not some evil corporation like people make them out to be, BHVR is not actively trying to ruin people's fun with changes, since realistically driving players away would not be good for profits to begin with, BHVR is trying to improve the game based on their own vision, remember that.
Mine are:
I personally find knight is quite a fun killer to play as and against.
Dead hard is just fine.
Dedicated killer and survior mains should try playing the other side for a change. So maybe they'll both stop whining about bias against their chosen roll.
Hook suiciding on first hook in the first 5 minutes of the game should be reportable and bannable just like DCing.
Prove thyself should be nerfed into the ground.
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The reason the game seems so much more frustrating recently is because we now have too many perks with too many possible combinations.
A constant stream of DLC has made this game bloated, and thus created too many things for people to be frustrated by/have to keep in mind to counter or play against.
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• Blight is one of the most balanced killers in the game. He’s got the perfect basekit and addon spread. Only thing to be looked at is alch ring and c33. Many people on here just don’t like killers that put up a challenge.
• Dead hard as it is is completely fair. It does not need anymore nerfs.
• The game should not be completely balanced across all killers. I think it’s important to have S tier killers and C/D tier killers. I believe it would be boring if each killer had the same potential to kill a survivor, and each game, survivors have the same possible ratio to winning or losing regardless of the killer. Achieving a 4k with Freddy or trapper is much more rewarding than getting a 4k with nurse. And vice versa, you get a much better feeling of escaping vs a nurse or blight vs escaping pretty easily against a trapper. Hot take, but I hope that makes sense.
• BHVR is a really solid game developing company, compared to many that we’ve seen.
if I think of more, I’ll edit.
• camping and tunneling are legit ways to play, and should not be nerfed because one side doesn’t like it. Same for gen rush squads and heal squads.
Edit again:
• I don’t get the hype about otz and his opinions. There’s nothing special about his gameplay or what he says about the game.
Post edited by HugTechLover on4 -
okay 😊
The top of the game is survivor sided. This makes it a waste of time to invest in the skill building required to be competitive at that top edge. For both sides. Killer because its pointless outside of bight and Nurse. And survivor because ultimately, it'll be boring knowing you hold all the cards at match start.
Eruption is fine. You can counter play. People don't want to counter play because its such an annoying perk to get caught out by.
Dead hard is fine, even when perfectly timed at the pallet, and its fun to use.
BnP/potential energy/and stakeout+hyperfocus are not fine together. To much potential to take down gens at start and late game to allow for a killer to chase and still feel like they can play a safe game.
BHVR like most western corporations, is short sighted. By refusing to moderate their ambassadors for view count, they lay a vile bed for tomorrow.
Camping is fine, tunneling is not so fine, it really makes things unfun for the target, they should put some meeting/brainstorm time into making it fun or rewarding to be tunneled(lots of workable ideas around the forums from people who play both roles often.)
The negative parts of this community are borderline criminal. They are criminal in some parts of the world. I can't understand how BHVR doesn't feel a compulsion to get it under control.
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Circle of Healing is not nearly as strong as people seem to think it is.
DS should be basekit.
Both sides need nerfs to their sweatiest aspects in order to increase average game length. BNPs are the same problem as camping/tunnelling and both need out.
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-FNAF coming to DBD would be a good thing. Bring a huge community to the game to help growth and could bring an interesting killer and map. The reputation of the FNAF community is way overblown and not terribly worse than the one DBD already has.
-I don't think it would be a bad idea for DBD to create a business model similar to Dead or Alive where they focus less on new characters and focus more on balance and absolutely overwhelm the community in cosmetics. To this point I think a lot of outfits only available with auric cells would be fine.
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- Prove thyself is a pretty bad perk
- Eruption is balanced (against swf)
- Nurse is fine
- If someone gets tunneled out really early that is their and their team's fault
- 4 Bnp is stronger than 4 medkits
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Nurse is not hard to learn and it's not the killer that requieres the most skill, it's Hillbilly with curve addons.
Noed is justified, you have dead hard.If you gave no ######### to the totems during the game then Killer should give zero ######### to your whining in the post game chat.
Any time a killer finds a good perk build sinergy, that is skillfull to both sides, survivors will complain to Bhvr to nerf it, old ruin undying, pre nerf pop, corrupt intervention.
Ds is a good change since now you don't have recently unhooked survivors in killer face to force him to tunnel.
Off the record is a bad change, endurance useless if the killer hits you when you are unhooked, and when he don't and you are fully healed you are useless to the team, so you go to look for the killer to force the endurance proc.
You can't say that if bhvr adds a game mode to dbd that after a couple of weeks nobody would play it, you don't know that since there is no data of that happening in the past since there is no game modes in live dbd only in custom matches.
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Adding ranks or skill ratings would add another dimension to the game and give a clearer picture of game balance than we currently have. There's no real reason to be good at the game currently. No sense of progress as a player. My MMR may or may not be increasing behind the scenes. There's no buzz after 7 straight escapes because I have zero feedback about it. I think I'm at 20 something straight wins on Nurse. Cool. My Nurse win rate has been north of 90% for years. Games aren't getting harder or more exciting.
Point being, it gets stale. And I'm probably not the only one who finds the fun in competition. There are ~4000 people in the DbDLeague discord server alone. The notion that there wouldn't be a playerbase for a ranked mode is laughable. It would pull players out of the regular queue and turn it into...the circus it already is? People would sweat in quickplay? Literally every other game right now is one side playing like a Subway giftcard is on the line. People literally describe the current situation when they bring up potential downsides of a separate queue. I'm not sure much would change.
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- COH isn't a problem, the way boons work as a whole is.
- Survivors need a second objective in the beginning of the game.
- Artist is just as good as Nurse
- Despite their flaws and questionable decisions, BHVR is a pretty decent gaming company and better than most ones out there.
- Camping, slugging, and tunnelling are legit strategies, however in certain scenarios they're annoying and plain unfair.
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-A Ranked Mode should be added
-VC should be in the game with the option to disable it and block other players.
-Prove Thyself really isnt that great of a perk
-Circle of Healing is not an issue. What it does is shine light on the actual problem which is healing in general.
-The Knight is one of the strongest killers in the game and is being heavily slept on
-The Blight needs a few basekit and add on adjustments. Having that much mobility on a max 15 second cooldown is ridiculous.
-Devs should post stats on the average hook rate instead of kill rate.
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Old spirit was fine.
The game would be better balanced from the top down instead of being balanced for bad players as it currently is.
Eruption has an unfun component with Incapacitated that could use fixing, but as far as power level it isn’t too strong.
Exhaustion perks in general, bar like Head On or BL, are way overtuned and have been for years but people are so used to that overtuned level that they don’t realize how too good they are. There’s no reason you would ever not run an exhaustion perk if you wanted to win, that’s overtuned.
A lot of really good Iri addons that are considered overpowered to many are the golden standard for what other killers Iri addons should be. The majority of the killer rosters Iri addons are trash when they should be their best addons.
At the top end of the game tunneling is necessary to win unless the survivors are playing very badly because of how unbalanced the game is at that level. You can win a lot of games at the high end without tunneling but that’s because survivors do make a lot of mistakes, killer relies on survivor mistakes to win. The only exception to this is the few high tier killers.
CoH is extremely overtuned and boons as a concept we’re unhealthy for the game.
Generally speaking gen regression and slow down perks are not an issue, the issue is most all the other perks being way, way undertuned and not worth running.
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DBD should only do one chapter per license.
Shattered Square makes for a more interesting map than a Castle map ever would.
I hope Stranger Things never return, i never wanna play on Hawkins Labs again
I hope we never get The Shining as a chapter, the overlook hotel would be really awful as a map given how narrow and tight the corridors would be, not to mention the sheer size of the hotel itself and how large it would be to play on.
Vittorio is a better lore character than Haddie is.
I like that Forge in Fog wasn't a completely medieval theme'd chapter to the degree that most people expected it to be, makes it more interesting.
The Big Sister would fit better as a killer for a Bioshock chapter than a Big Daddy ever would and unlike a Big Daddy, a Big Sister would actually be able to fit through windows when vaulting.
Roots of Dread should have featured one of the Tome Haddies instead of the Haddie we got.
Blight should have his own map that includes the Pustula flowers and the lab from the hallowed blight cinematic cutscenes included, however it would only be playable during halloween.
People who don't read the game lore yet blindly swallows up and repeats the words and opinions of lore content creators on youtube at every given turn should have no say in any matters when it comes to any discussions regarding dbd lore.
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Although there are a lot of bad perks on both sides that could use some improvements, there are several more perks on both sides that need to be nerfed. 6.1.0 covered a lot of perks, but it didn't hit all of the ones it needed to.
There aren't enough mechanics in the game to dissuade against camping and tunneling and more needs to be done in this regard, including restricting certain killer's powers near hooks or when survivors were recently unhooked. The basement is unhealthy and only encourages these strategies, it doesn't add anything else to the game and should be removed. Move the chest somewhere else on the map so there's still 3 total.
Base regression is still a bit too weak and too much generator progress gets done in the early game. On the other hand, stacked slowdowns are too strong, but playing without them is often just asking to lose. The best slowdowns need to be nerfed and base regression should be one-third of survivor repair speed, not one-fourth. Increase the instant regression when kicking a generator a little bit as well, and things that speed up generators (toolboxes and survivor perks) need to be looked at too. Hyperfocus and Stakeout should not be compatible with each other, and the strongest toolboxes and addons should be weakened (although the weaker toolboxes are not really a problem).
Medkits should be nerfed.
Keys and maps should be combined into one item.
OTR having Endurance doesn't fit the perk's theme, it should be removed and OTR should get a different buff.
Decisive Strike's stun duration should change depending on how close the survivors are to completing their objective. It should be a 2.5 second stun, plus an additional half second for every generator left to be repaired. So at 5 gens, 5 second stun. At 1 gen, 3 second stun. It would still be disabled once the exits are powered.
When there are only 2 survivors left and one of them is downed, after 45-60 seconds they should have the option to bleed out prematurely, forcing the hatch to spawn. The killer shouldn't be allowed to drag out the game for 4 minutes. To this end, a 3k with generators remaining should also be considered Merciless Killer, regardless of whether the 4th survivor escapes or not, further reinforcing that a 3k is a killer win. The mori finisher and basekit UB system was a complete disaster and should never see the light of day.
This one isn't as unpopular I don't think, but boons need to have more counterplay. Since there's no permanent way to remove them without wasting a perk slot on Shattered Hope, the strength level of the perks is severely limited as a result (and Circle of Healing is too strong). Circle needs a nerf, totems need to be able to be destroyed by the killer basekit and then the other boons should be buffed to be worth using with that in mind.
Distortion shouldn't recharge while in chase.
Deathslinger's old instascope didn't belong in this game and it deserved to be taken away.
NOED is mostly fine now, the only remaining issue with it is the scenario where a survivor is hooked near the totem.
Nowhere to Hide's range should be centered on the generator, not the killer's current position.
Lithe is overused.
STBFL is too strong after 6.1.0 and is too effective for camping and while carrying survivors. It should be a chase perk, not a camping perk.
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exaustion perks as a whole are poorly designed, getting free distance for doing simple tasks is bad design and overall unfun to face (this excludes head on and smash hit.) imo a meta with SB, lithe, and overcome would be 10x more boring than a DH meta.
slowdown perks are also badly designed, and imo are part of the problem in skewing kill rates and hurting balance. there should be a hardcap for slowdown OR rework the perk system limit the use of slowdown, going against a quad slowdown sadako vs a basekit sadako is vastly different.
CoH is fine by itself, the problem comes from it stacking with medkits and having no hard cap for progression speed. medkits are also a problem as well but thats not an unpopular opinion.
nurse is not a hard killer to learn, she only really takes muscle memory and a small bit of game sense- which just comes from playtime. i think huntress is the hardest killer to learn and master in the game.
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Ooooh I cannot wait to get into this one. Where should I start? I know...
"An overwhelming amount of content creators for this game are problematic for the game's health. Look at content from salt farm videos, to camping Bubba videos in every basement, high mmr blah blah nonsense, etc... You start to see a pattern with how negative their tones leak into gameplay choices."
"Sloppy Butcher as a perk shouldn't have gotten the buff it did with healing regression (how fast the healing regresses) since it makes niche perks like Resurgence, Solidarity, etc. And those perks are already weak in practice "
"Boon perks are hard to really argue because putting a token or limit on boons nerfs 3 others and makes them even less valuable just to counter 1."
"Endgame perks are very poorly designed. No one will be able to convince me that perks like Rancor, Terminus, Hope are actually fair and balanced ".
"Bubba camping strat should've been nerfed a long time ago before nerfing killers like Deathslinger ".
And this one is my hottest take. The perk nerfs update should've never happened if we really wanted healthy playstyles. Notice how defending gens wasn't actually that big a thing to patrol cause Ruin/Undying existed and Prove wasn't even an issue cause it wasn't used nearly as much. If we wanted to actually reduce the perk strength, DH and DS needed the nerf (not the 3 second stun) as well as Pain Res and DMS.
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I think the Exhaustion Perks opinion is pretty 50/50, I agree with it to an extent.
Since you obviously have the meta Exhaustion Perks like Dead Hard, Lithe, and Sprint Burst. But most other Exhaustion perks are situational and/or have a weird activation condition that makes playing with the perks awkward; Balanced Landing and Smash Hit.
CoH being fine I do kind of agree with. My main issue is that nobody brings any other Boon Totems into a match, I just wish B: Shadow Step, B: Dark Theory, and B: Exponential has more going on with them. They are slept on and really need that extra "umph" to keep up with B: Circle of Healing.
And Nurse not being hard I heavily agree... but also to an extent... I personally find Nurse easy and I play her on Console which is suppose to be "incredibly difficult" and "damn near impossible". However I feel like I cant speak for others on this topic, since something I may find easy, others might not. Not everyone is the same. (Also I do think Huntress and Hillbilly are the two hardest Killers in the game to master, both are equally difficult and there is no "clear hardest" between the two.)
Normally I dont comment through these threads, but your comment was really interesting and I just wanted to give my thoughts on it.
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Nurse's skill floor, being actually learning her mechanics and timing blinks, really isn't too difficult. Billy has the highest skill floor in the game, by miles.
Eruption is the only perk in the game I think is actually a real problem. I think some perks are slightly overturned, but I think eruption is the only one truly a problem.
I think the majority of people in this game are kinda not great players and their opinions on their skill are vastly boosted from where they think they are at.
My idea for solo queue and basekit survivor is quite radical and I bet a lot of people disagree with me - solo queue needs bond, empathy basekit and either a ping system that includes auras (ie 'the final gen is here btw'), alert and a sort of windows of opportunity type situation where if a pallet is thrown, a aura appears until broken. DS needs to be basekit, work twice, and the perk increases stun charge and work in endgame. Borrowed time completely basekit - the full 20 seconds, but collision removed, and the perk reworked into something else. OTR reworked into hiding only aura and scratch marks. After these things are done, killers are massively buffed accordingly, and anything that incentives tunneling or making that play efficient completely decimated. This also includes room for adding things to slow down the game. Maps will need to be completely reworked accordingly as well
Billy and slinger and spirit are completely fine after their respective nerfs and not even remotely close to being 'ruined". People are just bitter.
I'm glad Hawkins and demo are gone and new people can't play on that map or play demo.
People vastly overestimate how chill survivor is or can be.
People underrate looping as a skill that killers need or should have and it gets harder for a lot of people because of antiloop powers and zoning powers of new killers.
All killers are viable in their own way. Antiloop as we know it or not. At least in pubs. You can and will destroy most of your teams in pubs.
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I'm not 100% sure of this but I feel that it's probably true.
Unbalanced maps influence kill rates more than anything else in the game including the killer being used and their perks.
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●All the top tier killers are fun to go against beside the artist.
●Strong Perks need more downsides to them instead of instant vaule.
●Tombstone and infinite T3 should be banish to the shadow realm.
●Knight perfectly fine and behavior did a great job.
●claudette sound like her tummy hurt when injure instead of actual agony.
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lmao with PT you save like what? 7 seconds LMAO that is NOT op
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PT is less efficient than people splitting Generators, however whenever there are less Generators remaining, meaning Generators cannot be split as much (nor is it as effective), PT can be valuable tool.
TLDR; early game PT is useless/harmful, late game PT is insanely valuable.
Not saying that it is OP or that it isnt OP, just explaining it since people seem to not really understand this.
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Coup de Grace is easily top 15 in the game. Unless you are an m2 only killer like nurse it can be a life saver on a crapton of loops. There has been so many situations where I have completely turned the game around because coup allowed me to end a chase that otherwise would have gone for ages.
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Coup de Grace on Demo was something I ran a lot. Everyone ran STBFL, I ran Coup. 😎
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decisive strike shouldn't require anything other than pressing interact while carried.
deadhard should disable after a successful use.
letting survivors bleed out should be considered a successful kill and count towards devout.
killers should be able to destroy lockers.
killers should be able to destroy totems without a perk.
killer shacks need more complexity - instead of a pallet, window, and door there should only be a breakable door and window.
chris, carlos, and claire should have been their own survivors. hunk should have been a survivor.
flashlights shouldn't back to back stun.
hatch shouldn't automatically open.
the battlepass is lame. i would rather get free skins from completing tome challenges.
swf should be removed.
beartraps should spawn automatically placed on pallets and gates.
totems should be protected by the entity until first generator activates.
pigs reverse bear traps shouldn't require a generator to activate and should require being taken off before leaving the trial.
the game should have a "create your own realm" mode for killers.
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- Tier lists are boring and useless, especially when it's about killers that haven't yet been released.
- Competitiveness ruins the fun of the game.
- Most content creators, even famous "wholesome" ones, often do promote unhealthy mindsets and goals.
- On that note, content creators with thousands and thousands of hours shouldn't be consulted for balance. They don't know how it's like being a beginner or a casual in this time and age of the game. They would balance at the top and make the game miserable for a lot of players.
- If you go for winstreaks, you don't get to complain about matchmaking or your opponents being too strong. Even after you're done with your winstreak and back to casual. That's the game trying to balance your past winrate. It's normal and intended.
- Tunneling and going full meta to keep your winrate in front of increasingly good teams just takes you further away from your comfort zone and is ultimately making things worse for your experience.
- It's not that hard being nice in chat, even in defeat.
- It's also not that hard not taking out frustrations on future opponents that did nothing to you.
- Twitch streamers shouldn't encourage toxic behavior through redeem goals (paying channel points to make the streamer be as toxic as can be in a game). If you have this kind of redeems, it's not a humorous, ironic stance, it's still making people miserable for funsies.
- Going out of your way to comment something rude on a player's steam page is petty and childish. Just move on.
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The MMR cap is too low for tunnelling and camping to be necessary. It's a choice; not a necessity. If you feel it's a necessity it's because your chase skills are underdeveloped for your MMR bracket because you either camped and tunneled and/or don't feel a 60% win rate is enough.
Due to how efficient it is though tunneling will always be a part of DbD (or any asymmetrical game). The only way to change it in DbD without overhauling mechanics significantly would be to make current DS basekit, buff DS as a perk, and then give Killers chase buffs and/or a gen slowdown basekit that disappears as each survivor is killed.
As well, tunnelling and camping effectively does require skill on a macrostrategy level. It's not a healthy strategy for the game but it's a misnomer to say it doesn't require any skill. It's just harder to counter than it is to do.
Players in both roles often lose games because they overemphasize the micro nature of the game (eg chases) instead of the macro strategy (eg Killers overcommit to chases and Survivors focus on just doing gens instead of doing gens in an order that makes the last couple of gens really hard for the Killer to defend)
A lot of the hate against Nurse comes from people focusing on if it's possible to clown on Nurse in a chase instead of focusing on if they can escape the trial.
Similarly, if you escape the trial you can't use that game to argue Nurse is op. You won. Take the win with grace.
Also, if more Killers had Nurse's chase mechanics so survivors practiced more there would be far less complaints about Nurse
Even if you die but three other survivors get out that's still a win
Anyone that puts enough of their ego in a video game that they need to insult others or takes excessive pride in their ability in a video game needs to perspective check. Also, anyone who crouches repeatedly in an exit gate should get a 10 second block on leaving. Don't be a sore winner.
DbD would be better if there were a mechanic that slowed gens down if they were done super quickly but also sped them up if a survivor was killed. That way the optimal play would be to 12 hook and both sides would have more fun.
BHVR has a good grasp on what they're doing and produces an overall high quality product while doing their best to be objective in handling issues.
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Demogorgon and Hillbilly are fine in theory but too weak in practice.
Nurse isn't that hard. It takes a few hours but once you get the basic muscle memory down you're good to go.
Eruption would be fine, if it wasn't so disgusting to go against.
Wesker is one of the most balanced killers we have. Some of his addons are a bit overtuned but he's fine otherwise.
Perks, items and addons matter more than skill.
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Hahaha your third point hits me straight in the face (have an upvote) because of my personal maybe unpopular opinion:
- If swf (skilled survivor with good use of comms) is what basekit survivor should be, then nurse's powerlevel (as played by skilled players) is what all killers should be at.
Imo tier lists will always exist regardless how strong characters are, but the gap between killer tiers should be lessened by buffing the weaker killers.
- Comnunity is survivor sided. Solobuff to swf level good, nerf top killers.
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Sneaky is more fun then Looping
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You know, I used to think that same thing! I thought the best thing to do was bring all killers up to the level of blight and nurse. But I realized how boring that could become. I definitely think the weaker killers could receive buffs… but not to the level of our strongest killers.
I think the best way to do it, is leave the weaker killers easy to use, and keep the strong killers harder to learn and get good with.
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It's cumulative. More players you have the faster it goes. It's not broken on it's own but it synergises so hard with toolboxes, deja vu, hyperfocus.
When I play killer and I'm getting genrushed insanely fast theres usually at least one surv running prove. As surv if my team is on point and so much as one person can run a good chase it makes it so easy to do gens.